Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 3 - Part 5 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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Afted considerable commation and din, we toudged back to bed after an houd of 50 seemingly without incident I magine and delight to leavn a conpla days lated that the aronmangery we harshd up had capped one of the cows 50 we are now definitily in the wat. Am stree in lurks way regarding church, as have ben the last her sundays and went to the Sacraments as well. One concession we have aved here is that we do not have to fast from midnight. That nightdoest wherge of yours pounds pasitivily brilliant and I gean for the time when I may see it in the flesh at have I said the wrong thing. Anyhow, I were mind the time when you daygled the eye with some Aably efforts in the bed weat fashious and yont latest lerds fair to outdo its paedicistors. I vory about the Hable cloth, I have it in my possistion but cant lay my hands on it just at present. if you can sunderstand what I mean I would like you to have got it by xmas but if not. I suppose it wl keep. Perhaps. The Wog handbag has reached you are this hape so and that it is of some use Pleased Chas huns on a game of golf now and then, wen if you are fatigued before you start. the xererle and fush ait would stavpen the appetite and insure a good knooge. Thanks fot John's address, I shal doop him a line within a few days. Can only fit in one a day just now
Eaoled in the prece, I sent off anathed G.E. letter to you which should beat this home by a whisked. Just before getting stuck into this, I haed into the washing (with hat wated too) and now the gaoments are hanging out in the sun and I m a clean kid one mon. Only wead Anhals now, underwead being one of thote lnxuis to look forward to in placitime days and so that Leemns to coved my lendget for this chapted and wine pooced to do a spot of work as part of the cased a day contract with HY. Forees Chusis, Swertheadt and ar my love and prayess an the best to yout dead iathed, Ada. Iill & Ba not to mention Nole and Jack when next you see them. Alto thanks to N0S. Seabrook pd hit contubution. To tto Ht. Kay mine. W6. ck
3 m Miss. L. Clarke. 548 Barkers Road East Hawthorn Victoria. Austoalia
written. 20.10.41 Received 11 11.41 200610 Restralian Tet Renors
No. 40 Vx38483 End. M. Zillings. C. Section 5th Aust Hy. A/a Bathey 2. Aust a/a Regr. A. S. T. Abroad 26. 10. 41 Davling Kay. The sop of the more to you, blithe spint and the customary enquiry as to youd good health. The answer to which, I trust is entirely satisfactory. You will probably receive this with No 39 which has repased in my disk until ttoday owing to a dearth of Htamps. As I like to write you at least once pet week, the slip- up is a damned pest and so that I'll have some stamps in future Im cnclosing a cheque and big of yeou to procuse from the procedd 200 9 and 20 c 3d fotal 11 and mail say a half a dojen by each letter. I know you won't mind carrying out that request. To proceed. Three letters No 70. 714 7I have been doled out to me and the censors had apened No.71, the letter that should have remainis incrolate. Howeved, can't be helped and darling, it was a beautifue and moving scrua and could only make me love you the more. Anyhow it most certainly calls for something much more intimate than my weekly budget, so in a day of two, I shall compose the G.E. chart.
2 I had letters from Mum, Aunt Lil and Arthut with yours so news from Sunday angles comes along to yours truly. I'm still hale and hearty, very much so which I dareday reads will to you. I suspect that you have guessed that I'm not where I was and since I last wrote have gone to a new din and here we are all snng and homey, with the beat of the sur lutting one to sleep and the wind playing a ghorly Symphony through the night Had been living in a truck unde recently but am once more a bent dwelled and a modicum of wood being available, we have lined the waies and put down a flood. Quasters just now are the cosuet Ire enjoyed for quite a spece but with and show, one is likely to remain put for gute a fime so we scoounge industriously tto og up a good lusk. Am now enjoying a daily surm and the lads are publing together fishing Hackle and some wen building boats. Frish watd had to be casted so the dip in the boing is necessary fod the body. Had a puke yesterday a few milis on a Special job and qurke enjayed the break sum though bruly beg and a bottle of wated had to do for 24 houst.
ent to als & the sacrament ctoday which you wie agaee pleased me hugely. at a church woo and touly when ore passes through the ort als, the cases and travail of the stonry world drop from the shoulders as a cloak and the calm atmalphen of the interrod is like balm to a ristlets houl. The padie is an Irish man with a debcious brogue and does not hand out any heft wap eithed you apprecate a peaceful haven too as on the side there and back. you get the guls staken out of you Have not been on leave lately but may make it tomarow aftencon although the leave town Smells even worke than usual and theres not much to do ounde the 6p i pictured commence The Eguphan National Anthem is a card of a Aune, like a baon dance number and already the wits are coming paroded on it with King Farank at the certral Sheme Lese Hajeste, what! I hope Sweetheast, youd snooge dificuncies have now been wifed out and once more, you are enjoying a full meed of plumbed. Only too well, I know the forture of fighting against what ovrwhelming denae to sleep just when the gob in hand calls for $1000/0 alersnels- Had a Haste of it recently
or tap of a mountain with an early morning beat, at troed as hell climbing uyp to the pinnacle and a fieoc wind howling like a thousand furies. Ugh! Oh bay. I we guat tasted the first piece of foith furh since leaving Authe, fred in marganine and it was heavenly. One Ahing, if you desrae h armony in and home neved, neved, seove chiring as apted eating them about foud timed a week. I hake them with a venomous hate. Thanku, pet. for the graveels already received and to come, I new not repear how acceptable they are. Stell managngto umbule a battle of bud pet day and neved was the nut drown grog to glosians Poon to youd gun, ore of those confections and here at tthe local Havior, Suts you back about 3/. The local beed it quate good here and only 9 a bottle in the camp. Sorry Ate & mas Shapping was a plop. I m still hoping to Send Something Althaugh it will blow in late now. Vuy pleasu unde oue got a break aphed such a shif toot, Sewaged the atmasphere at 545 is now partty cheery. All te best ito the suggies. The damp is now. funny thing; getting low so must frnish off and, The custam faus for this act with and ero feelng. The ethed with waves of love to you, precious MICK.
Cuss. K. Clarke 543 Barkers Road East. Hawtham ctona Australia m
Written 26. N 41 Received. 18.11.41 Bgypt. PR0060 Asstralian D Mane £

After considerable commotion and din, we trudged back
to bed after an hour or so seemingly without incident
Imagine our delight to learn a couple days later that the
ironmongery we hoisted up had capped one of the cows
So we are now definitely in the war. Our spree in lucks
way regarding church, as have been the last two Sundays
and went to the Sacraments as well. One concession we
have have here is that we do not have to fast from
midnight. That nightdress wheeze of yours pounds positively
brilliant and I yearn for the time when I may see it in the
flesh or have I said the wrong thing. Anyhow, I well
mind the time when you dazled the eye with some
tasty efforts in the bed wear fashions and your latest
bids fair to outdo its predeccors. Sorry about the table
cloth, I have it in my possession but cant lay my hands on
it just at present. If you can understand what I mean I
would like you to have got it by xmas but if not, I suppose
it will keep. Perhaps. The Wog handbag has reached
you with this hope so and that it is of some use. Pleased
Chas turns on a game of golf now and then, even if you are
fatigued before you start. The exercise and fresh air would
sharpen the appetite and ensure a good snooze. Thanks
for John's address, I shall drop him a line within a
few days. Can only fit in one a day just now


Earlier in the piece, I sent off another G.E. letter to you
which should beat this home by a whisker. Just before
getting stuck into this, I hoed into the washing (with
hot water too) and now the garments are hanging out in
the sun and I'm a clean kid once more. Only wear
essentials now, underwear being one of those luxuries
to look forward to in peacetime days and so that
seems to cover my budget  for this chapter and will
proceed to do a spot of work as part of the cases a
day contract with HM. Forces.  Cheerio, Sweetheart and
all my love and prayers and the best to your dear
mother, Ada. Bill & Rea not to mention Nole and
Jack when next you see them. Also thanks to Mrs
Seabrook for her contribution. Go to it, Kay mine.



Miss. K. Clarke.
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn
Victoria. Australia


11 .11.41

War Memorial 


No. 40
Vx38483 End. M. Billings. C. Section
5th Aust Hy. A/A Battery 2. Aust A/A
Regt. A. I. F. Abroad 26. 10. 41

Darling Kay,
The top of the morn to you, blithe spirit
and the customary enquiry as to your good health. The answer
to which, I trust is entirely satisfactory. You will probably
receive this with No 39 which has reposed in my desk
until today owing to a dearth of stamps. As I like to
write you at least once pet week, the slip- up is a
damned pest and so that I'll have some stamps in
future I'm enclosing a cheque and beg of you to procure
from the proceeds 20 @ 9' and 20 @ 3' total £1
and mail say a half a dozen by each letter. I know
you won't mind carrying out that request. To proceed,
three letters No s70,  71 & 72 have been doled out to me
and the censors had opened No.71, the letter that
should have remained inviolate. However, can't be helped
and darling, it was a beautiful and moving screed
and could only make me love you the more. Anyhow
it most certainly calls for something much more
intimate than my weekly budget, so in a day or
two, I shall compose the G.E. chat. 


I had letters from Mum, Aunt Lil and Arthur with
yours so news from Sunday angles comes along to
yours truly. I'm still hale and hearty, very much so
which I daresay reads well to you. I suspect that you
have guessed that I'm not where I was and since I
last wrote have gone to a new den and here we
are all snug and homey, with the beat of the surf
lulling one to sleep and the wind playing a ghostly
Symphony through the night.  Had been living in a
truck until recently but am once more a tent dweller
and a modicum of wood being available, we have
lined the walls and put down a floor. Quarters
just now are the cosiest I've enjoyed for quite a spree
but with and show, one is likely to remain put for quite
a time so we scrounge industriously to rig up a good
lurk. Am now enjoying a daily swim and the lads
are putting together fishing tackle and some even
building boats. Fresh water has to be carted so the
dip in the brinny is necessary for the body. Had a
hike yesterday a few miles on a Special job and
quite enjoyed the break even though bully beef and a
bottle of water had to do for 24 hours. 


Went to Mass & the Sacrament today which you will
agree pleased me hugely. - at a church too and truly
when one passes through the portals, the cares and
travail of the stormy world drop from the shoulders as
a cloak and the calm atmosphere of the interior is
like balm to a restless soul. The padre is an Irish
man with a delicious brogue and does not hand out
any soft soap either.  You appreciate a peaceful haven
too as on the side there and back. you get the guts
shaken out of you. Have not been on leave lately
but may make it tomorrow afternoon although the
leave town smells even worse than usual and there's
not much to do until the 6pm [[m..ficturis)commence
The Egyptian National Anthem is a card of a tune,
like a barn dance number and already the wits
are coming parodies on it with King Farouk as
the central theme Lese Majeste, what! I hope
sweetheart, your snooze deficiencies have now been wiped
out and once more, you are enjoying a full meed of slumber.
Only too well, I know the torture of fighting against that
overwhelming desire to sleep just when the job in hand
calls for 100% alertness - Had a taste of it recently


on top of a mountain with an early morning beat, as
tired as hell climbing up to the pinnacle and a fierce wind
howling like a thousand furies. Ugh! Oh boy. I 've
just tasted the first piece of fresh fruit since leaving
Aussie, fried in margarine and it was heavenly. One
thing, if you desire harmony in our home never, never, serve
herrings as after eating them about four times a week.
I hate them with a venomous hate. Thanku, pet,
for the parcels already received and to come, I need
not repeat how acceptable they are. Still managing to
imbue a bottle of bud per day and never was the nut
brown grog so glorious. Pooh to your gin, one of
those confections over here at the local tavern, sets
you back about 3/- The local beer is quite good here
and only 9' a bottle in the camp. Sorry the Xmas
shopping was a flop. I'm still hoping to send
something although it will blow in late now. Very
pleased uncle Bill got a break after such a such a stiff
trot, I wager  the atmosphere at 548 is now fairly
cheery. All the best to the Suggies. The lamp is now,
funny thing; getting low so must finish off and,  so the
curtain falls for this act with out 'ero feeling the
ether with waves of love to you, precious


Miss. K. Clarke
543 Barkers Road
East. Hawtham



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