Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 3 - Part 1 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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AUSTRAUAN SEKVICES CLUS. ALEKANDRIA. (Sponsored by Austration comjorts rund) 149.1941 V&38483 Gnd. H. Zellings. C. sechos 5th Aurt Hy afa. Regt. 2 aust afa R egt. A. J. T. abroad. Davling Kay By the time, a chap daches off all the rignarate of this humble soldiess addrett hid got writeds cramp. Do not assume from the heading that I am wintering in Egypt the A.C I have given us a few sheets of paper today as paper supplies are a tryfle light. No lady. I'm still backing in the Sunthme if not tthe favors of La syne and have settled down here to make things as comfortable as the Nature and the Army will permit. In point of fact, out present quarters are quite sumptious in a manner of speaking, the food is luscious, the air is pun. The sun shinis, the sea is blue so what more could you want. I m not sure that Syne isnt preperable to gept as the fa has a nasty habit of
AUSTRALIAN SERVICES CLUB, ALEXANDRIA. (Sponsored by Austration Comforts rund) 181 drapping eggs around that region. They never seem to but many people but it a damned musance getting dug out of bed at the most ungodly hours. Last mai day proved very bassin for me. only a lone letter from yout sweet paws saving the situation. Twas yout &c 59 and as usual unopined by the lug bad wolf. So shall humn it up and see what caus for comment. I vrry tthe postman has been so neglectful to you, Swetheast but have send one every week so probably a few more have got to you by this. Truess what No. I havent ivon the Vc, your cake reached me today but showing admitable restraint I havent broached it yet as I feel that the product of yout own sweet hands demands a propet occasion before being dwound shall give you the low down next letter of its condition and flaved. Thanks muchly, Puss and a lug Riss. Thats mighty brg of you
AUSTRALAN SERVICES CLUE, ALEXANDRIA. (Sponsored by Austration comforts rund) 194 vowing neved to quarre with me. Im chacking all those declarations up and they shall be used in evidence against you. you doit have to bell me what a pair of chumps the two you mention are, They we made me feel uncomfortable on many occasions with their luickering. Gee. I wish I could have seen you in the bridal vistments - Is it unlucky tor to see your bride at dressed for the sacrament win if its only a nheassal you dont have to fell me how good your chastis is. Mitty. I lay claim to knowing more about that than any living person and my cntical faculty is not of soft acceptance eithit I think you wwill agaee. Im waiting to head how you are progressing with your bloody back in making the munitiont. I wish you'd few the heads to make the sheels a bit lighter. Have got a letter cane already written to send John Casy but am holding it for a while until it ceases to be a dark secut. yes, darling when youre sherling out for a ving it seemed
AUSTRALIAN SERVICES CLUB, ALEKANDRIA. (Sponsored by Austration Comforis Fund) 181 a lot of peef but its honed out a sweel inveatment, hasnt it? As usual, there not much news from here. I fee very were just now and with the summit ipalling by. the climate is a bit more talerable. Had a leave in 1 eront yesterday and set off with a few crackess determined to procued with the Xmad. shopping. Yought a cushion cover and after epending the shop paid a deposit on the supper cloth and napkins refersed to in my powrous litte. To my way of thinking its wey me, Hhe work doe in Damascus and I hope will be an acquisition to your oaken chest Let me know if Ive bun diddled, if so, I'll head the joket who sold it to me in half. To proceed, I then feet the new for liguid reforshment so postponea the expedition while I imbibed coffee, cakes and later but and bad not either
AUSTRALIAN SERVICES CLUB, ALEXANDRIA. (Sponsored by Austration Comforts Fund) 194 Partaking of a beaked of the malhy brun I ran acrols Ry Swipt, a chappie who works with Syd and alas no further shoppin took place that day. Well, we were jained by another surzzled and boy. went to town. To cut a long story short, we did this & that and I m afraid I returned to billets somewhat the work for fo wear Up at 6 am and under a cold, showed. and could have started off afrish. But the claims of duty made that out of the question Latis Sunday today and got off to go to 1 ass said at the C.C.S by Father Knny I intend to doop around and have a chat with him on my next leave. The chapet at the C.C.S. which is a convisted Stalian giols school is very nice and the community of nuns stell in residence. Have just been issued with new mosg nats and
AUSTRALIAN SERVICES CLUB, ALEXANDRIA. (Sponsered by dustraion Comforts Fund) 184 believe me. You need im as the sandflid around these parts are famous for the number and stregth of their bites. Pending the arowal of you'd must favors it would seem that there is nothing more to be said just now so off we beible to the canteen for some good cheet perhaps and then to bed ios after the guard last night, ah feels weary To goodnight chiout and are my love and mly you and you folhs engo the best of hearth and luck. An athed kils for you for Sweetheast. Ja- Ia MIck
0.31 Miss. K. Clarke. 548 Barkers Road oast Hawthern eteria. Australia
Writen 1. 9. 4. 1 Recuved. 30. 10.4 Seyria 8800010 Anstratan Der Wenorsl
V738483 Sn. L. Zillings. C. Sector No. 33 5th. Aust. Hy. Afa. Gastry. 2 Aust. a/a Regt. A. S. F. Abread. 24 9 41 D adling La To begin with, let me apologice for the lengthy feom that has elapsed since I last wrote, and a week but the reason is one you will understand All I can till you is that I've been a trifle buty but am now ready & willing to hae into the correspondence. Today was a goodly one. being both pay and incil days and five letters were my portion, two from you, Sweetnets, one a each from um. Tom and Syd. Ouite a mixed bag, ih? Well, having read and inwardly digested the contents, let me say I m delighted to know you are plysically fit and mentally stable and linding a hand turring out the amus. to such good effet I'm sorry the hours are so irregulad apart from the Hravel problem and the rough handling you get in transit. Ony wish I was alongside you when that Scum stastie shoving you about happing on to the bus Id admire to do a few of that gentry over. One thing darling, I want you to promise me is this, that if the gob shows any sign's of imposing too great a strain on yout hearth of nervld, your chuck it up. I know what youd inferrors would say if you had to take such a drathi step but take as little notice of thet chatpe as you did when you thoew in your
2 cuthy gob at the Mintual. I have been sustaining on many occasions to leam from you of your intintion to keep fit and well so that when I return we can inter upon and real life without undue delay. In my humble opinion you have made a great samper n going as fad as you have so dont be be quirate about throwing it up as youd find apted the was that broken health was the pooust of rwards and I know fun well that the prospect of having to put off and union Stul further would knock you as much as it would to me. You & I have sanificed as much already as anybody canea demand to despite your sentiments of wanting to be of use do please Ray, think of yout will being first ana last and remumbed that theres always somone who can take yout place at the munitiont factory but no one to take it with me. Anyhow darling, I hape and ptay you'll be able to cape with the gob O.K and to disful my perhaps unnecessary pears God forbed that I chim into a fustpot but I love you to much and when I return to you I want to have you at least just the sweet little person I knew not so long ago and then this peparation will seem to have been worth while. you know kay you accupy a unique position in my heart, to you Sition for calm and to you I tunn fot exhilaration and if either were missing from you make up, I m much afoaid s'd lapte into those fitt of brooding & bithowess that have left me since

(Sponsored by Australian Comforts Fund)
VX38483 Gnr M. Billings. C. Section
5th Aust Hy A/A. Regt. 2 Aust A/A
Regt. A.I.F. Abroad.
Darling Kay
By the time, a chap dashes off
all the rigmarole of this humble Soldiers address
he's got writers cramp. Do not assume from
the heading that I am wintering in Egypt,
the A.C.F. have given us a few sheets of paper
today as paper supplies are a trifle light.
No lady. I'm still basking in the Sunshine
if not the favors of La Syrie and have settled
down here to make things as comfortable as
the Nature and the Army will permit. In
point of fact, our present quarters are quite
sumptuous in a manner of speaking, the food
is luscious, the air is pure, the sun shines,
the sea is blue so what more could you want.
I'm not sure that Syria isn't preferable to
Egypt as the foe has a nasty habit of


dropping eggs around that region. They never
seem to hit many people but its a damned
nuisance getting dug out of bed at the most
ungodly hours. Last mail day proved very
barren for me. only a lone letter from your sweet
paws saving the situation. T'was your No
59 and as usual unopened by the big
bad wolf. So shall turn it up and see
what calls for comment. Sorry the postman
has been so neglectful to you, Sweetheart but
have send one every week so probably a few
more have got to you by this. Guess what?
No. I haven't won the VC, your cake reached
me today but showing admirable restraint I
haven't broached it yet as I feel that the
product of your own sweet hands demands a
proper occasion before being devoured. Shall
give you the low down next letter of its
condition and flavor. Thanks muchly, Puss
and a big kiss. That's mighty big of you


vowing never to quarrel with me. I'm chalking
all those declarations up and they shall be
used in evidence against you. You don't have
to tell me what a pair of chumps the two you
mention are. They've made me feel uncomfortable
on many occasions with their bickering. Gee,
I wish I could have seen you in the bridal
vestments - Is it unlucky tou to see your bride as
dressed for the Sacrament even if its only a rehearsal?
You don't have to tell me how good your chassis
is. Missy. I lay claim to knowing more about
that than any living person and my critical
faculty is not of soft acceptance either I think
you will agree. I'm waiting to hear how you
are progressing with your bloody task in making
the munitions. I wish you'd tell the heads to
make the shells a bit lighter. Have got a
letter card already written to send John
Carey but am holding it for a while until
it ceases to be a dark secret. Yes, darling
when you're shelling out
for a ring it seemed


a lot of [[pelf?]] but its turned out a
swell investment, hasn't it? As usual, there's
not much news from here. I feel very
well just now and with the summer passing
by, the climate is a bit more tolerable.
Had a leave in Beirut yesterday and set off
with a few crackers determined to proceed
with the Xmas. shopping. Bought a cushion
cover and after upending the shop paid a
deposit on the supper cloth and napkins
referred to in my previous letter. To my way
of thinking its very nice, the work done in
Damascus and I hope will be an
acquisition to your oaken chest. Let me
know if I've been diddled, if so I've
I'll tear the joker who sold it to me in
half. To proceed, I then felt the need for
liquid refreshment so postponed the expedition
while I imbibed coffee, cakes and later
beer and not bad either


Partaking of a beaker of the malty brew,
I ran across Reg Swift, a chappie who
works with Syd. and alas no further shopping
took place that day. Well, we were
joined by another swizzler and boy. went
to town. To cut a long story short, we
did this & that and I'm afraid I returned
to billets somewhat the worse for fr wear.
Up at 6 am and under a cold shower.
and could have started off afresh. But the
claims of duty made that out of the question
Later: Sunday today and got off to go to
Mass said at the C.C.S by Father Kenny.
I intend to drop around and have a
chat with him on my next leave. The chapel
at the C.C.S. which is a converted Italian
girls school is very nice and the community
of nuns still in residence. Have just been
issued with new mosquito nets and


believe me, you need 'em as the sandflies
around these parts are famous for the
number and strength of their bites.
Pending the arrival of your next favors
it would seem that there is nothing
more to be said just now so off we
[[beetle?]] to the canteen for some good cheer
perhaps and then to bed [[as?]] after
the guard last night, ah feels weary.
So goodnight cherub and all my love
and may you and your folks enjoy
the best of health and luck. Another
kiss for you too, Sweetheart. Ta - Ta


No. 3100

Miss. K. Clarke.
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn


14. 9. 41
30. 10.41


No. 33 VX38483 Gnr. M. Billings. C. Section
5th. Aust. Hy. A/A. Battery. 2 Aust. A/A
Regt. A.I.F. Abroad. 24-9-41

Darling Kay
To begin with, let me apologise for the
lengthy time that has elapsed since I last wrote, over
a week but the reason is one you will understand.
All I can tell you is that I've been a trifle busy but am
now ready & willing to hoe into the correspondence. Today
was a goodly one. being both pay and mail days and five
letters were my portion, two from you, Sweetness, one a each
from Mum. Tom and Syd. Quite a mixed bag, eh?
Well, having read and inwardly digested the contents, let
me say I'm delighted to know you are physically fit and
mentally stable and lending a hand turning out the
ammo. to such good effect. I'm sorry the hours are so
irregular apart from the travel problem and the rough
handling you get in transit. Only wish I was alongside
you when that Scum started shoving you about hopping
on to the bus.  I'd [[admire?]] to do a few of that gentry
over. One thing darling, I want you to promise me
is this, that if the job shows any signs of imposing too
great a strain on your health or nerves, you'll chuck it
up. I know what your inferiors would say if you had
to take such a drastic step but take as little notice
of that chatter as you did when you threw in your


cushy job at the Mutual. I have been sustaininged on
many occasions to learn from you of your intention to keep
fit and well so that when I return we can [[enter?]] upon
our real life without undue delay. In my humble opinion,
you have made a great sacrifice in going as far as you have
so don't bee be quixotic about throwing it up as you'd find after
the war that broken health was the poorest of rewards and I
know full well that the prospect of having to put off our union
still further would knock you as much as it would to me.
You & I have sacrificed as much already as anybody could
demand so despite your sentiments of wanting to be of use,
do please Kay, think of your well-being first and last and
remember that there's always someone who can take your place
at the munitions factory but no one to take it with me.
Anyhow darling, I hope and pray you'll be able to cope
with the job O.K and to dispel my perhaps unnecessary fears.
God forbid that I turn into a fusspot but I love you so
much and when I return to you I want to have you at
least just the sweet little person I knew not so long ago
and then this separation will seem to have been worth
while. You know Kay you occupy a unique position
in my heart, to you I turn for calm and to you I turn
for exhilaration and if either were missing from your
make-up, I'm much afraid I'd lapse into those fits
of brooding & bitterness that have left me since I 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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