Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 2 - Part 9 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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Dery lovyg at the newt of Frant O Boyan & Les B ay. both poste as metting I have a bit of auns of Hhem which I can' dibclole gunt now Beten yen I, a fellow forom Frankscuunt hold me that he was killed in Goece but they exaggetate Somitimes, and pechaps he managed to Survive his wounds. Frny a woment wekly was arnd the plan. the othit day and I daw Swances phato taken nr Malay a He froor chap loked prtty gloory. Ham handed to o i i wht te npt He is were and has just p adse me Were at I have its do my torlt, cat a sumptund breakfatt and wark about a will to another port at I oclork, I must hoddle along ane cose for a day ot twr pending you all my clove were work again at first opposrtunty but tleve may be a gap behuen this and my net arthough not of losg duvation Goot right little one, W.i Behrens
2 No. 3100 Mss. K. Clarke 548 Jarkers Road. East Hawthwn Aona. Australig Shina, Department Mutual Stare linders St
Written 127.41 Received 30.7.41 PR00610 Rustralian t Menort
No. 24 x 38483 G.. H. Buings G Section 3th Audt. Hy. a a Zathin 2nd Andt Hy A a Begt a S.& Abroad 16 7 41 Davling Way and to onward with this weeks choanscle let me fisst inquire solicitontly for the good reach and Spivk of you my love and tount that youd answed will be as put youd lettros Do 42 & 43 That it that you are well. You picture beard out you assuranced and I did your the tnap inclosed with D43 which in my humble apinor ectipled the pourous ones. I must confirs that I have bludied it dognt of timned today. There must be some exparinon at characterishe about it that has been misted by the others as a timpi wane of longing & concliness passed through when I gaye upon you, a feeling I try to keep in check undie we are clasped together again. Howwved the warrot look about you to gethed with yout gaunty and braces me up to now fuel quite my debonan self again, thanks be. as when I indite my weekly epiable to my hearts denre. I like to bry and bee churful and glost oved the pawnful part. Your Lachmwas is very well at the moment except fed a few smanl sont which are
2 wife amongst us gust now. This disty country with its hordes of this causes any cut to fested weay quickly and getting them healed up is somewhat difficult. The compulsory daily shave had to be ixcented may girgesly as the flied are poised in the arr waiting for blood to flow and let them make meny. My dial has been expeane to the solad rays, fot 6o days on and from 6 ain until 8pin each daysnd fell for me when you think of my urgorous shibble getting havvound ead day. I had a hay days have in sal avw yesterday and kept indoors all the time. I have long since passed the Sountan stage and am now well advances unto the regoord now with several months yet to go Iam received a nice little wallet from the R.S.S.S.L. a and can new pattoul those sufter in apt in good condition. we have just been paid and if I get leave again will have a picture book to send you. Alto The parcel I refersue to recently is now on its way to I hope you get it before Christnas of sum perhaps a certain day in Octobed Furthed, two packets of papres blew in today so you generosity is not actogethed fourtlett Tharks wwellheast for the letters, In apt.0 and papres (youse the laviluet thing Iwe wis known) Beiy a trifte umfirancial yesterday. Havry & I had a quiet time, wont to the Ophrs Theate and Saw the Great D. Nated and injayed it too. Punk theate as leave is precious I don't lok brook though.
attempts to sfore my frm ane when a fore fuwt parent promitled his apppring to dambed avid my head. I blew him up considerable. The humble Ierailite stands in awe if not in admiration, at the rude soldury of the a S.T, I can bell you. By now, I guils. Tom & Kath have been yound together medlock and I hope my cable busthing with feliartahons and what not avowed beforehand. You well soon inform that and, athet aspects of the do, I dansay I was saddence by your newt that you dead mathed has gone down the hill a bit and hope by now the has had some good chawd from John. Have been out of touch with his mob lately but from what I can gathed, they were on the same gob as ins to lrrything indicated he will be going along strongly Do you know, I have been nicknawed Claske Gable and born of the lads are giving me hell. Pehaps I shome feel plastne but I look more like Pane Robeton just now. I smen sarcasm somewhen Gead that syds brathed is stul on hora froma as a matter of fast information I had from a blake in his unit was that he had been bumped off. That wh at I omittee to bell you last letter to let the Hall die. I hope that the marl a smiling on you once more and
you have got many part 2.18. with this that maket li for you to receive so eunly bome have got home Ours has been quite regular lately. That G.E letter seems to have made a hit with you, and my own, youd letters make me fe are my sole tome as I look at your sweet fac crowned by that mar of cuols, I throw back the shouldrrs and give thanks that the beautiful woman there partr aged is mine, body and sone. when I awew what thingd you have writhen to i since I went away can you worded inly I loue you youve proved yourself by beang at your best when the road has been rough and as one who admired people who can take it and give it, why I love you needs no further explanation. The first night I in home I'll love you with some andod, so much So that somitimed I in afraid I shall hust you but knowing your love for me. I in not and that the boat wont be or the other foot. Itill. I think it would be as ia to provnded to you as to captuve you Pray Fod will shall doon be together again. Your inhirtion is I think sometimed influence yo by your supplications and now, dading, Lend perfora a taple abmiptly but feeling and sending you all my love and admisation Love to al gont tolks. Bye. Bye, Wick PBehrens
2 Cn HIR. MHIL or 104 Mrs. K. Clarke 2 548 Rarkers Road Oast Hawthorn hn V. cteria s No.3100 Rustralia
written 16.7.41 middle East. Received 15.8. 41 200610 Rostrahan War Memorial
Vx38483 G.. H Balling No 25 E Section 5th Hy Aust. a. a Battiry 2 Andt. Hy A. A. Regt. A F. F. Abroad 41 25 Ay dasling I am very gead that afted a lapte of reasly a fortnight, opportunity has presented itself to promit your dwate swain to let you know he is very will and for a change fre of sickness of discase Also for a change I in pleasue to be able to report that Ive seemn a bit mare of the Hddle East after the monatenous Palestine reflite with few & Asat. It other words the had a feow at Sysia and the prish fields & pastuns now were very weecome. Have not been into the interrot as yet but went up the coast as fad as Lerent which Scinically is every picturisque. Its surraunded by rigged hills towing onrd the Weditioranian are and they mighty leng thiles ttoo, i ount Lebanon being 11000 feet. The place that mast took my eye at Geiont was the American university to which come students from all over the world. Its a storking place built on the stoped ovrolooking

Very sorry at the news of Frank O'Bryan & Les Ridge
both posted as missing. I have a bit of news of
them which I can't disclose just now.  Between you &
I, a fellow from Frank's unit told me that he was
killed in Greece but they exaggerate sometimes and
perhaps he managed to survive his wounds.  Funny,
a Women's Weekly was around the place the other
day and I saw Swanees photo taken in Malaya -
the poor chap looked pretty gloomy. Have handed
to Bob your fond sentiments which he reciprocated. 
He is well and has just passed me. Well as
I have to do my toilet, eat a sumptuous breakfast
and walk about a mile to another post at 8
o'clock. I must toddle along and close for a day or
two sending you all my love.  Will write
again at first opportunity but there may be a gap
between this and my next although not of long
duration.  Good night, little one.


By Air Mail
Par Avon

Passed By Censor
No. 3100 

Miss. K. Clarke
548 Barkers Road.
East Hawthorn
MBrehens Victoria. Australia
China Department
Mutual Store
Flinders. St


Received 30.7.41 


No. 24
VX 38483 Gnr M. Billings
C. Section. 5th Aust. Hy. A.A. Battery
2nd Aust Hy A.A. Regt A.I.F.
Abroad.  16. 7. 41

Darling Kay,
And to onward with this week's chronicle
- let me first inquire Solicitously for the good heath
and Spirits of you, my love and trust that your
answered will be as per your letters Nos 42 & 43,
that is that you are well. Your picture beams out
your assurances and I did love the snap inclosed
with No 43 which in my humble opinion eclipsed
the previous ones. I must confess that I have
studied it dozens of times today.  and  There must
be some expression at characteristic about it that
has been missed by the others as a terrific wave
of longing & loneliness passes through when I gaze
upon you, a feeling I try to keep in check until
we are clasped together again.  However the "worried"
look about you together with your family and braces me
up to now for quite my debonair self again, thanks
be as when I [indite?] my weekly [epostle?] to my heart's
desire. I like to try and be cheerful and gloss over the
painful part. Your Lochnivas is very well at the
moment except for a few small sores which are


rife amongst us just now. This dirty country with its
hordes of this causes any cut to fester very quickly and
getting them healed up is somewhat difficult. The
compulsory daily shave has to be executed very
gingerly as the flies are poised in the air waiting for
blood to flow and let them make merry.  My dial has
been exposed to the solar rays, for 6 days on and from
6 am until 8 pm each days and so feel for me when
you think of my vigorous stubble getting narrowed each
day. I had a half day's leave in Tel Aviv yesterday
and kept indoors all the time. I have long since
passed the suntan stage and am now well advanced
into the [[negroid]] now with several months yet to go.
I am received a nice little wallet from the R.S.S.S.L. a
and can now [[pattoul]] those [[Smifer]] snaps in good
condition.  We have just been paid and if I get leave
again will have a picture took to send you.  Also
the parcel I referred to recently is now on its way to
I hope you get it before Christmas or even perhaps a
certain day in October.  Further, two packets of
papers blew in today so your generosity is not altogether
fruitless. Thanks sweetheart for the letters, snaps, c os
and papers (you're the loveliest thing I've ever known)
Being a trifle unfinancial yesterday Harry & I had a
quiet time, went to the Ophid Theatre and saw the
Great Dictator and enjoyed it too. Pink theatre
though. As leave is precious, I don't look book


attempts to store my fun and when a fond few parent
permitted his offspring to [[dambed?]] over my head. I
blew him up considerable. The humble I [[terailite?]]
stands in awe if not in admiration, at the rude
soldiery of the A.I.F, I can tell you.  By now, I
guess Tom & Kath have been joined together in
wedlock and I hope my cable bursting with
frustrations and what not arrived beforehand. You
will soon inform me on that and other aspects of the
"do", I daresay. I was saddened by your news that
your dear mother has gone down the hill a bit and
hope by now she has had some good cheer from John.
Have been out of touch with his mob lately but from
what I can gather, they were on the same job as us
so everything indicates he will be going along strongly.
Do you know, I have been nicknamed Clarke Gable
and some of the lads are giving me hell - Perhaps I
should feel flattered but I look more like Paul Roberson
just now. I smell sarcasm somewhere. Glad that
Syds brother is still on terra firma - as a matter of
fact information I had from a bloke in his unit
was that he had been bumped off.  That's what I
omitted to tell you last letter so let the fall die. I hope
that the mail is smiling on you once more and


you have got many past No 18. With this that
makes this for you to receive so surely some have
got home.  Ours has been quite regular lately. That
G.E letter seems to have made a hit with you, and
my own.  Your letters make me feel are my sole time.
As I look at your sweet face crowned by that
mass of curls. I throw back the shoulders and give
thanks that the beautiful woman there portrayed
is mine, body and soul. When I review what
things you have written to me since I went away.
can you wonder why I love you.  You've proved
yourself by being at your best when the road has
been rough and as one who admires people who
can take it and give it, why I love you
needs no further explanation. The first night
I'm home I'll love you with some ardor, so much
so that sometimes I'm afraid I shall hurt you
but knowing your love for me. I'm not sure that the
boot won't be on the other foot.  Still, I think it
would be as nice to surrender to you as to capture you.
Pray God we shall soon be together again. Your intuition
is, I think sometimes influenced yo by your supplications
and now, darling, send [perforce?] a trifle abruptly but
feeling and sending you all my love and admiration
Love to all your folks. Bye. Bye, Mick 



Mrs. K. Clarke
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn


Passed By Censor


Middle East.
Received 15.8.41 


No 25.    VX38X83 Gnr. M Billings
C Section 5th y Aust. A. A Battery
2 Aust. Hy A. A. Regt. A.I.F. Abroad
25. 7. 41

My Darling,
I am very glad that after a lapse of nearly
a fortnight, opportunity has presented itself to
permit your devoted swain to let you know he is
very well and for a change free of sickness or disease.
Also for a change I'm pleased to be able to report
that I've seen a bit more of the Middle East,
after the monotonous Palestine [[relife?]] with Jew
& Arab. In other words I've had a screw at
Syria and the fresh fields & pastures now were very
welcome. Have not been into the interior as yet
but went up the coast as far as Beirut which
Scenically is very picturesque. Its surrounded by
rugged hills towering over the Mediterranean
and they are mighty big hills too, Mount Lebanon being
11000 feet. The place that most took my eye at
Beirut was the American university to which
come students from all over the World. Its a
striking place built on the slopes overlooking 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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