Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 2 - Part 8 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
Accession number:

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Lts pooving very beneficial your tranning me to do without much sleep because I m not getting much just now and yet don't fel fatigned only bond sliff. The Ack Ack show is run like a businett with shifts and suchlike except that a trade union would have a baly oved the working hous by poesent lot it vise at 4.30, man at 3 stay put then until & 2p.n only 15 hours a day. The not of the day is my own, you understand Another old elicke Patunce is a wistue can well be applied as the buck of the time consists of watching and waiting. Its plenty hot here at the momtl and the filed are magnificent. They fight fot your gont and when they knock off (they work the same honos as and The skeiters take up the iudgels arded and abelted by other cobbert, Ive told you about. The best luk now is a day off once pet week from noon until 9p in and you then go on leave. The break is very welcome and is very timely after a week while I m on the subject. I bought you a gen gaw last leave contisting of a Peasian Ivory Comlet with handpainte panils to add to your collection from the Iunocent Abroad. Hope ya like it. with it Im sending for lishr Doreas an oliverwood powdet box and byg of you to mail it or to het unfortunately ut a bit expentive to
armart it and as the powrand sufac parce got home OK. Ill vish it also I bought a packet of ciins of Fel Avw which are also inclosed. In case you are doubtful, I didnt take Them. Anyhow, davding I m glad to have has the chance to get you something be it wis so humble. And now. I we got yout letters 38 & 39 un expuogatie and thank you (Really should say something move poofuse but the right phrane refuses to spoing to the (eracked) lipd. Anyhow yyou compall, dont you. I hold you I hope, I got yout lable followed some time lated by smulds glstuaed from Dorcat and t hat sorrowfully I say he pared is no more and satently respect he fallen. Am exfecting mose mail, any time and am smacking ile chops in anticipation. Since coming here, the deliverry is rathed erratic but it gets here, He main thing Awfully pleased you got t swag of letters, but sorry fot the foight aved my indisposition, put it too bluntly I quest. You sel when you get croak at an. aved te hospital is the only place they can send you too. yout nt can't have you about the place if youse net fit. Anyhow. The sto & 9 693s gave me a good pleaning out and I ve blassomed like a gorgeand sunflowed wed since. Fee, I wish you could see me writing thist, you would get a laugh. If you nowt have occasion to
send a cable over there, got the calle peaple to show you the standard texts of phraded. That way you cam sind more words for Hhe same poice, I hope Though gout slendes puose is not called upon very often By the prophet, if I get home before my next birthday, there wirl be a cilibration and all you mob can fork out for it too stile of He Redd can put a spoke in Adalfs whicl, we should have a good show of getting back sooned. Keep praning my love. I sometimed think that piot apd. This taket conflut is providentian. The Lord Suttry there two Ank. Christ nations at each others throaks for their mutual distruction and the dilivirance of persecuted Chrishand bould haraly say that here but you understand and apprenate sulh a viewpoint to my hope can find a sympathits outlet Glad te Taylat lads are OH but cant inquire of them until you tell me thet unit. I will mind the Income Tax menace, I'll have you know my lady I'm mulched at the office t 3/4 a week- ys- wouldn't it? Slad to know the old woaks at home are quite recovered again- Dorcas in thet litter was a bit annayed at them not belling but earled about the erysipilas. I did not know it but she says it can whil be very dangeous. Shes keen as mustand to get home
5 and so say all of ut I quitt is the werdit at iastin Road boo. She sent me a quids worth of canteen orders and coming on top of you paral kept me in the lap of lunnny for a while N.39 where did you get Hhe dea that you get no dubies in the hrospital at toon as you get up. you act as a ward orderly and can that sheet and bed no flut orhe Aomy is there? I suppose the new 3 lettercard systim has been announced at home lut I astuse you I wont fuse them for your letters untess I have to. Talkng about Mingils, it was funnyg one night at the picks. He n was on his ont. of the M. Adle Past and Gpoke giving out the usual high falulm hoaddle The andlinc nearly all 6. Divoy lads boord, hisded and roared with laughted to an accompaniment of approporate odths Sorry I. lood on your coond about "the social which, by all means Aell me all the news I must have had a bad day when I wrote that bit. At The job I wanted hs now a thing of the past and my hew contribution just a job to do Tomorrow I get fist command, a may small one true but for my the frost time in the domy, I m in charge yftomething and listin, lengfan. the gals over her can't afford Amenian check coats( you rceuint at your top
on that page. I'll fell you a little stoy a true one The ather day in Tel. Aver a little ald lady about ums age of almost patrician countenance, dignifed, obviously at one time a lady of consequence I came up to me and spoke in rifina tones very apolocitualy Do you know what the said to me? will you lrny a bot of matches Si. and now, I must stand down as theri's hardly any light left and I re got to bugs aff fron here So for a little white my darting I must leave you ane until I altune, sind you a ton of love and wrsh you all the luck until we mut again. Ta Ja, Puls. Love to gout mates, the Eugdens, Hacl and it others Behrens Mi
33 MMom No. 3100 Mess. K Clarke, 548 Garkers Boad, East Hawthorn Ohina Department V.ctona Mutual Store Flinders. St Australia Melbourne
written 7.7.41 Arred 30. 7.41 No 23 SRDO Restrallan Mar Mem
✓ & 38483 End. i. Zellings G. Section 3h Aust Havy a. a. Betty 5 2 Andt. Heavy A a Regr. A St. Abroas W 12 7. 41 Ay Darling hay Salaans to the gay Spaike and with them spirits my sincere wished of govd health & brayant I am feeling quik passable dispite an argy of hat sun and a & alhed flyblown appearance. You time be ashamed I hope to read that this letter is being penme at 5.30 am that hond and about 7 p.w being the only time dupies and the flis promit a chap to put a fewt lould togethet. you will be glad to know man from you and the falks continued to srickle in, last night I received one from Man along with your cheopy No 42. No gapt in youd letters and all sparn the honod of the consors serstors. Of couste. The stad him of the week had been the news of goung. Toms marriage, which I confess book me by suopoite and thats paying fomithing as apped this time. I ie ceased to esnot myhelf muntally, the ald mind mouldering in a vacuum. The Aomy does yout thinking for you Judging from Mas lested, the lads announcement cannd some beildesment lent after yaud recent expeounce, I suppose or uddings (ather than yout own) are just an everyday occuorinc
2 Anyhaw, I had a litter from Som & it was approporate that the first news I had of it came from the poun moved in the plot I cestainly can't imagiie that marrage will do the young blade any ham althaugh from his statement of his enjoy intention it join up he'll have to defed the injayment of it humfits for a while (I can head you whicped that he havnt got that on his own t anaged to get a cable away and hape it arrwed in hime as I feel that if out position's were reviled. A mistage from a boothed on the other side of the glabe would give me a grlat kick. Murh at I would have like to distrade him from coming avid here, such a decision spoings from the corscrence and I ursely I hope, said neither yea at nay and contenue myself with a buif picture of What he may expect to find avid hed its are you in a prayed that this lndineds will and toon and fou we poor durld from the necessity of going through these unnatural partings and let us live in an atmapphine if feare & happened Thanks a mullon fot the maps and carlen arders & knaps. The one in yent of amand chick coat is jally good but borry and all that. He ather one far from dold you justice, tacking what I may from Spontaniity &Its not you at an if you get what I mean.
3 I know you poobably went booke getting the snaps pointed but sorry old magget. I'm not cut aut fot the rate of flattering coustred so must give you ttought dape impergn it whato list you can cut the arderd down to 13/ huon a mail, that is if you get this before the funds are exhanstir. Pleased you got the G.t litter and liked the contints Practuary All I kind now are Actui Seure wanity to the majarity shauld beach undeathed by He contod. The Rea Cross certainly like gent gove, unfartunatly the Only onld I give a tranpinon to an the flut Skeeters. Tchanks for the cake which on arrwal wrie meet a very Speedy death. The paret I thold you of in my dast is on its way so in a coupla months, I should neat Anst shared Have had another few houss at Tell now and just playe croound lke Gentleman of luluse. Had a Holster. Pchnitzgel for dea and it cost 80/ (what a fig). Its companie of about lerything in the cooking bosk, thats about an I know of what was in it yealwaay the Zulliton of 23. 7 & sached me and youre le gled to know that as I was to get it

Its proving very beneficial your training me to do without
much sleep because I'm not getting much just now
and yet don't feel fatigued only bored stiff. The
Ack Ack show is run like a business with shifts and
suchlike except that a trade union would have
a baby over the working hours. My present lot is
rise at 4.30, man at 5, stay put then until 8.30 p.m
only 15 hours a day. The rest of the day is my own,
you understand. Another old cliche "Patience is a
virtue" can well be applied as the bulk of the
time consists of watching and waiting. Its plenty
hot here at the moment and the flies are
magnificent, they fight for your grub and when
they knock off (they work the same hours as us)
the skeeters take up the cudgels aided and
abetted by other cobbers, I've told you about. The best
lurk now is a day off once per week from noon until
9 p.m and you then go on leave. The break is
very welcome and is very timely after a week
While I'm on the subject. I bought you a gew. gaw
last leave consisting of a Persian Ivory Armlet
with hand painted panels to add to your collection
from the Innocent Abroad. Hope ya like it.
With it I'm sending for Sister Dorcas an olivewood
powder box and beg of you to mail it on to
her. Unfortunately its a bit expensive to


airmail it and as the previous surface parcel
got home O.K. I'll risk it also. I bought a
packet of views of Tel Aviv which are also
enclosed. In case you are doubtful, I didnt take
them. Anyhow, darling I'm glad to have had the
chance to get you something be it ever so humble.
And now, I've got your letters 38 & 39 unexpurgated
and thank you (Really should say something more
profuse but the right phrase refuses to spring to
the (cracked) lips. Anyhow, you compree, don't you?
I told you, I hope, I got your cable followed some
time later by similar gestures from Dorcas and
Chas. Sorrowfully I say the parcel is no more
and silently respect the fallen. Am expecting more
mail any time and am smacking the chops in
anticipation. Since coming here, the delivery is
rather erratic but it gets here, the main thing.
Awfully pleased you got a swag of letters but sorry
for the fright over my indisposition, put it too
bluntly I guess. You See, when you get crook at all
over here, the hospital is the only place they can send you
too, your unit can't have you about the place if you're
not fit. Anyhow, the M & B 693's gave me a good cleaning
out and I've blossomed like a gorgeous sunflower ever
since. Gee, I wish you could see me writing this, you
would get a laugh. If you ever have occasion to


Send a cable over here, get the cable people to show
you the standard texts of phrases - that way you
can send more words for the same price, I hope
though your slender purse is not called upon very often.
By the prophet, if I get home before my next
birthday, there will be a celebration and all you
mob can fork out for it too. Still, if the Reds
can put a spoke in Adolfs wheel, we should have
a good show of getting back sooner. Keep praying
my love. I sometimes think that perhaps this
latest conflict is providential, the Lord Setting these
two Anti Christ nations at each others throats
for their mutual destruction and the deliverance
of persecuted Christians. Could hardly say that
here but you understand and appreciate such a
viewpoint so my hope can find a sympathetic outlet.
Glad the Taylor lads are O.K but can't enquire of
them until you tell me their unit. I will mind
the Income Tax menace, I'll have you know
my lady I'm mulcted at the office for 3/4 a
week - yes - wouldn't it? Glad to know the
old soaks at home are quite recovered again:
Dorcas in her letter was a bit annoyed at them
not telling her earlier about the erysipelas. I did
not know it but she says it can well be very
dangerous. She's keen as mustard to get home.


and so say all of us I guess is the verdict at Martin
Road too. She sent me a quids worth of canteen
orders and coming on top of your parcel kept me
in the lap of luxury for a while. No.39. Where
did you get the idea that you get no duties in the hospital
as soon as you get up, you act as a ward orderly
and earn that sheet and bed. No fleas on the
Army is there? I suppose the new 3' lettercard
system has been announced at home but I assure
you I wont use them for your letters unless I
have to. Talking about Menzies, it was funny
one night at the flicks. the PM was on his tour
of the Middle East and spoke giving out the usual
high falutin twaddle. The audience nearly all 6th
Divvy lads booed, hissed and roared with laughter
to an accompaniment of appropriate oaths. Sorry I
trod on your corns about "the social whirl", by all
means tell me all the news. I must have had
a bad day when I wrote that bit. As The job
I wanted is now a thing of the past and my
new contribution just a job to do. Tomorrow I get
my first command, a very small one true but for
the first time in the Army, I'm in charge of something.
And listen, longface, the gals over here can't
afford American check coats ( you weren't at your top


on that page. I'll tell you a little story, a true one
The other day in Tel Aviv a little old lady about
Mum's age, of almost patrician countenance, dignifed,
obviously at one time a lady of consequence I came
up to me and spoke in refined tones very apologetically.
Do you know what the said to me? - Will you buy a
box of matches, Sir?
And now, I must stand down as
there's hardly any light left and I've got to buzz
off from here. So for a little while, my darling
I must leave you and until I resume, send you
a ton of love and wish you all the luck until
we meet again. Ta Ta, Puss. Love to your
mates, the Sugdens, Noel and t' others


No. 3100
Miss. K Clarke,
548 Barkers Road,
East Hawthorn
"China Department
Mutual Store
Flinders. St


written 7.7.41
Arrived 30. 7.41
No 23


PS Now
addressing your
letters to
Barkers Road

VX38483 Gnr. M. Billings
G. Section 5th Aust Heavy A. A. Btty
2 Aust. Heavy A A Regt AIF. Abroad
12 7. 41

My Darling Kay
Salaans to thee, gay sprite and with them
my sincere wishes of good health & buoyant spirits. I am feeling
quite passable despite an orgy of hot sun and a
rather flyblown appearance. You will be ashamed I hope,
to read that this letter is being penned at 5.30 am
that hour and about 7 p.m being the only time duties
and the flies permit a chap to put a few lines together.
You will be glad to know mail from you and the
folks continues to trickle in, last night I received one
from Mum along with your chirpy No 42. No gaps in
your letters and all spared the horror of the censor's
scissors. Of course, the start turn of the week had been
the news of young Tom's marriage, which I confess took me
by surprise and thats saying something as after this
time. I've ceased to exert myself mentally, the old
mind mouldering in a vacuum. The Army does your
thinking for you. Judging from Ma's letter, the lads
announcement caused some bewilderment but after your
recent experience, I suppose or weddings (other than your
own) are just an everyday occurrence.


Anyhow, I had a letter from Tom & it was appropriate
that the first news I had of it came from the prime
mover in the plot. I certainly can't imagine that
marriage will do the young blade any harm although
from his statement of his enjoy intention to join up
he'll have to defer the enjoyment of its benefits for a while.
(I can hear you whisper that he hasn't got that on his own).
Managed to get a cable away and hope it arrived in time
as I feel that if our position's were reversed, a message
from a brother on the other side of the globe would give me
a great kick. Much as I would have like to dissuade
him from coming over here, such a decision springs
from the conscience and I surely I hope, said neither 'yea'
or 'nay' and contented myself with a brief picture of
what he may expect to find over here. Lets all join in
a prayer that this business will end soon and free
we poor devils from the necessity of going through these
unnatural partings and let us live in an atmosphere
if peace & happiness.
Thanks a million for the snaps and canteen
orders & snaps. The one in your famous check coat is
jolly good but sorry and all that. the other one far from
does you justice, lacking what I may term Spontaneity
- Its not you at all if you get what I mean.


I know you probably went broke getting the snaps
printed but sorry old maggot, I'm not cut out for
the role of flattering courtier so must give you thought
dope "impergn it who so list". You can cut the
orders down to 1  3/- turn a mail, that is if you get
this before the funds are exhausted. Pleased you
got the G.E. letter and liked the contents. Practically
all I send now are Active Service variety to the
majority should reach unscathed by the censor. The
Red Cross certainly like your gore, unfortunately the
only ones I give a transfusion to are the fleas &
skeeters. Thanks for the cake which on arrival will
meet a very speedy death. The parcel I told you of
in my last is on its way so in a coupla months, it
should near Aust shores. Have had another few
hours at Tel Aviv and just played around like a
gentleman of leisure. Had a Holstein Schnitzel for tea
and it cost 6/- (what a pig). Its composed of about
everything in the cookery book, thats about all I know
of what was in it. Yesterday the Bulletin of 23.4.41
reached me and you'll be glad to know that as I
was to get it. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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