Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 2 - Part 7 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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20 10. 310 Diss. K Ctarke, 48 Barkers Road East fawthoon. Nona Aushralia aon 2 39154
Written 23.6.41 Received. 15.7.41 No. 20 $200610 NSNEN Ma
Vx38483 Fnt H. fellings No. 2 E Sechon, 2 Aust. A. A. Bugh. 5th Bathry A. T.T. Abroad 29 641 Davling Bay jay and jubrlation. Tuess what yes. The parce has arrived and althaugh the Iin had colluded a few hearty dents the contints apened up in good ar dit & condition and Sweet were a ray of sunthine in an otherwise possarc existence. The cake suffered a rapid ectipse and was mast toithsome. I am commanded by my adhesents, Tnos wiluamt Christic Cohen, Andrew, H. Willan, Smith Thiemeyet and Suitton to convey congratulations on your culmary afforts and thanks for the apportunity to boy it out Aub Smith, by the way, also alibrati his birthday on the 24th and as his gift had not yet arrived was pleased he had a home grow cake to link hit fangt into The contents wrst mry aptly chasen and can be pretly well prissed into Slovice fronts. The chacolate has neadly all gone and the bikkeet will be lucky to snowe the night, in fact its delivery was very timely as my once fat puose is almost imply conrequent upon a days leave ye esterday and a week to go
unhil nust pay day. Thanks a heap honey you know, that if the parce had not been sent Im cnrot to some other nuit, I do believe it would have reached me right on the 24th For good meature yout letters vc 36 137t one from Syd have amvie in the past few days so this week was quite a bumpet show & fot the lad. I case I forgot to tell you I have received to date thou bundled of papers from you I hape that you are being as will treated as regards mail although to my sorrow there are no parcilt in trannt ito you and from out new hansout cannot send any more Paraded. Sihll, The letters are what count, arent they? I did not tell you that I had a letter from Jack Bllis in which he divated a good deal of & space to detcribing his rapid vise in the Choccos culmuating in his expectation of getting a commission why do these people have to hand us that sort of toie, they castainly don't sum to ralise that in other parts of the globe, there fellow countryman are fighting not fot their lives and don't feel like hdingt of pronation manalwart. - With us the milited is rathet like waving a red rag to a bull. A fellow aught tto really write him a lnatly reply but lt it would be a bit tough to min but compasure, I suppose
3 2yd in his littd told me about gont. night aut and it seems the occation was a goodly one for all partent. His letter was a champn effort, chapt like him having some understanding of what sort of dape to put in a litted. Yes, Sweetheart, you must take care of that s chool give compleno and those goaceful cnrves beause when I come home I diman that you look like a typucal Aushe beauty beaving not the lighbest resumblance to He Seraggy Arab aor buson fewrits who are Hhe only reparsent atwed of He gentled Tex to gaye upon soi here futween you td. Te Tul Avw wenches have the largest posteoiors under the sun and I trust, pantles Thanks for your detaiss of the makes health as in hut litters the mimmurid Shels bould. I don't think the cintorship forbrdd you to ditends the intimational situation but please don't you start that too. I have to letter to doyes of amatens diplomatiot here for a big part of the day so be a good give and continue to wate as you do at any rate. Im convinced after more of lett being in the battle gone for i onths that the sore cloy is somewhat at variance to that doled out by the 3.B.C. and Hhe danty Priss Howeit In Halking about the same sulget Sm asking you to lay off so leps can a halt
y Apte Tea Having dined wel returned to my action station as it were and broached you in of Westoves Squares, let us to and muttond. The only particle of news for your dilictation this week is the announcement of my bit of leave once again at the Jewish cintre, & el Avr and after keeping the nose to the gundetone so long thoroughly enyoyed the break although I had a quiet day where happed off the bud. Havry Andrew & I took a strall through faffa, the hat avab y sint and it was fun. While perhaps not ad wicked as Post said, the attactions of vice at bargain poices have given it a smelly reputation I should imagine that it containd at choie a collection of thags and dimi-mondained as you would find in Palistine. Winding and way back to Lel Anw. we papped in at the Autt Solduers Club and had a few jugh. The place has been improved gieatly since my last visit. He beat feature being the new but & adin right on the beach front very good surroundings fot a quit nogget Had a surm then, the beach is or the Ldo fatteos, dik charst for hire and so on. The sea bottom is very coook and ginerally the plan cannot be compased with our beaches. Thim repaired to the Allenby Theatre and saw Destry order Again a bit ancient lent quite a lively shnow.
5 The Sheate is gule comportable. the best seats only 43 mild about 1 Also saw a very recint was neerice of arled Kicks in the pants for adolf. Went back afhd to a cape had a huge steak eggt et itc several more jugs met a blake I met at Nathalia, a couple more jugt and back to He bus in route for shall o cay home Had enough dough for the day but stout econony writ be the oull until next pay day. By the way, I crave yout indulgence regarding the pubty writing but at hav to write on a sanaay standing up, you can hardly expect cappit-plate wel Curly. Thatch (How Sd like to oun my finges through that warm sweet smelting wearth) That Luims to be that and I must now away to make my bed as having to do a patrol from midnight until 3. needs must tuon in early. The sun is well or is way to the cat too setting me a good example So chunky one goodnight. Swent dreams (of me and hevewith ors of loveBut wished ito dead mathed, Holl and the sugges youe Bless youd sweet heart other folks. Evet. Thime. 16.
10.310 2 Miss. K. Clarke. 548 Parkers Road. East Hawthomn. 1cteria Australia
wnitten 21. 6. 41 Received 234. 41 00610 Abstrallan Te Benrt
✓x 38483 Ent M Bellings, No23 G. Sector. 5th Gathery L aust Heavy A. A. Regs. A F.F. Abroad. 7 741 io y Swirtheast, The sun having lost a little of its potiney and the flies attacking only in scoves apted in hundreds, I have seyed a few in aments to kep faith with you as rgards correspondence and set the ball rolling with my usual toust that you ad werl and staggesing along as blithely as one can expect. Things being what they are Thislad it will and injoying the joys of a soldies life immurely (P.st Dunns why, because on active Seovie, you find everything in the way of sickness & discale right on the doorstep to so speak to say nowt of the chance of getting an egg or two planted on Hop of you, yet. a fellow looks and fueld wee although pwhaps he shinks a bit. It Seems to me that man despite his civilised veneed is not fat removed from the ammal kingdom masmuch that if he gets his belly filed and can crawl into a holl when danget thoeatens, he does not physually detenorate. Iwile the philosophed amnt S. Anyhow in Tel Aviv I scaled 12 stone flbs so you can see Im beginning to goow up


Miss. K. Clarke, 
548 Barkers Road, 
East Hawthorn, 


23. 6. 41 
15 . 7. 41 
No 20


No.21 VX 38483 Gnr M. Billings 
G Section, 2 Aust . A.A Regt 
5th Battery . A. I. F Abroad 
29. 6. 41 

Darling Kay, 
Joy and jubilation! Guess What?
Yes, the parcel has arrived and although
the tin has collected a few hearty dents
the contents opened up in good order & condition
and sweet, were a ray of sunshine in an otherwise
prosaic existence. The cake suffered a rapid
eclipse and was most toothsome. I am
commanded by my adherents, Gnrs. Williams,
Christie, Cohen, Andrew, McMillan, Smith,
Thaimayer and Sutton to convey congratulations
on your culinary efforts and thanks for the
opportunity to try it out. Aub Smith, by the
way, also celebrated his birthday on the 24th
and as his gift has not yet arrived was pleased
he had a home-grown cake to sink his fangs into.
The contents were very aptly chosen and can be
pretty well pressed into service pronto. The
chocolate has nearly all gone and the bikkies
will be lucky to survive the night, in fact its
delivery was very timely as my once fat purse
is almost empty consequent upon a days
leave yesterday and a week to go


until next pay day. Thanks a heap honey
you know that if the parcel had not been sent
in error to some other unit, I do believe it would
have reached me right on the 24th. For good
measure, your letters No. 36 & 37 & one from Syd
have arrived in the past few days so this week
was quite a bumper show for the lad. In case
I forgot to tell you I have received to date three
bundles of papers from you. I hope that you are
being as well treated as regards mail although
to my sorrow there are no parcels in transit to you
and from our new hangout cannot send any
more Parades. Still, the letters are what
count, aren't they? I did not tell you that I had a
letter from Jack Ellis in which he devoted a good deal
of space to describing his rapid rise in the Choccos
culminating in his expectation of getting a commission.
Why do these people have to hand us that sort of
tripe, they certainly don't seem to realise that in
other parts of the globe, their fellow countrymen
are fighting not for their lives and don't feel like
tidings of promotion manouvres. - With us
the militia is rather like waving a red rag to a
bull. A fellow ought to really write him a snotty
reply, but but it would be a bit tough to ruin
his composure I suppose.


Syd in his letter told me about your night out and
it seems the occasion was a goodly one for all
present. His letter was a champion effort, chaps like
him having some understanding of what sort of
dope to put in a letter. Yes, sweetheart, you must
take care of that school-girl complexion and those
graceful curves because when I come home I demand
that you look like a typical Aussie beauty
bearing not the slightest resemblance to the
scraggy Arab or buxom Jewess who are the only
representations of the gentler sex to gaze upon over
here. Between you and I, the Tel Aviv wenches
have the largest posteriors under the sun and
I trust, panties. Thanks for your details of the
mater's health as in her letters she minimises
these bouts. I don't think the censorship forbids you
to discuss the informational situation but please
don't you start that too. I have to listen to
dozens of amateur diplomats here for a big
part of the day so be a good girl and continue
to write as you do. At any rate, I'm convinced
after more or less being in battle zone for months
that the true story is somewhat at variance to
that doled out by the B.B.C. and the daily Press. 
However I am talking about the same subject I'm
asking you to lay off so lets call a halt.


After tea Having dined well, returned to my
action station as it were, and broached your tin
of Westons Squares, let us to our muttons. The only
particle of news for your delectation this week is
the announcement of my bit of leave once again
at the Jewish Centre, Tel Aviv and after keeping the
nose to the grindstone so long thoroughly enjoyed
the break although I had a quiet day. When we
hopped off the bus, Harry Andrew and I took a
stroll through Jaffa, the hot Arab joint and
it was fun. While perhaps not as wicked as
Port Said, the attractions of vice at bargain
prices have given it a smelly reputation. I should
imagine that it contains as choice a collection of
thugs and demi-mondaines as you would find in
Palestine. Winding our way back to Tel Aviv we
popped in to the Aust. Soldiers Club and had a
few jugs. The place has been improved greatly since
my last visit, the best feature being the new beer garden
right on the beach front, very good surroundings for
a quiet noggin. Had a swim then, the beach is
on the Lido pattern, deck chairs for hire and so on.
The sea bottom is very crook and generally the place
cannot be compared with our beaches. Then reparid
to the Allenby Theatre and saw "Destry Rides
Again" a bit ancient but quite a lively show.


The theatre is quite comfortable, the best seats
about 43 mils about 1/1 - Also saw a very recent
war newsreel of Allied kicks in the pants for
Adolf. Went back after to a cafe had a
huge steak, eggs, etc. etc. Several more jugs
met a bloke I met at Nathalia, a couple
more jugs and back to the bus en route for,
shall I say home. Had enough dough
for the day, but strict economy will be the rule
until next pay day. By the way, I crave your
indulgence, regarding the prissy writing, but as
I have to write on a sandbag standing up,
you can hardly expect copper-plate. Well
Curly-Thatch (How I'd like to run my fingers
through that warm sweet - smelling wealth) that
seems to be that and I must now away to
make my bed as having to do a patrol from
midnight until 3, needs must turn in
early. The sun is well on its way to the
cot too setting me a good example. So,
chunky one, goodnight, sweet dreams (of me)
and herewith tons of love. Best wishes to
Suggers, your dear mother, Noel and the
other folks. Bless your Sweet heart. 
Ever Thine 


Miss. K. Clarke, 
548 Barkers Road, 
East Hawthorn, 


21. 6. 41
23. 7. 41


No.22 VX 38483 Gnr . M. Billings, 
G Section. 5th Battery, 2 Aust 
Heavy A. A. Regt. A. I. F Abroad 
7. 7. 41 

My Sweetheart, 
The Sun having lost a little of its
potency and the flies attacking only in scores
after in hundreds, I have seized a few
moments to keep faith with you as regards
correspondence and set the ball rolling with my
usual trust that you are well and staggering
along as blithely as one can expect things being
what they are. This lad is well and enjoying
the joys of a Soldiers life immensely (Pigs ----------)
Dunno why, because on active Service, you find
everything in the way of sickness and disease right
on the doorstep so to speak to say nowt of the
chance of getting an egg or two planted on top
of you, yet, a fellow looks and feels well although
perhaps he stinks a bit. It seems to me that
man despite his civilised veneer is not far removed
from the animal kingdom inasmuch that if he
gets his belly filled and can crawl into a hole
when danger threatens, he does not physically
deteriorate. Quite the philosopher aren't I? Anyhow
in Tel Aviv I scaled 12 stone 7 lbs so you can see
I'm beginning to grow up.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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