Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 2 - Part 6 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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3 Catid Have Hoday taken into thek your 33 to letters on succeeding days are posstiely ad letter days. Am injaying and Suesta break to can now finst this letters I only hope that I can continue to write iigularly but if then a paude in letters I know you wrll didnee the reason. Anyway I in pleased you have got is two from me as I know what a kick you get after not heading from your sweethead for a few wieks when the gead Inding arrive. Had a litter from aothus last week and he is having a heetie time with bomld, s and and heat but shll the same old Duts withat About Jack O’Bryan In a bit in the daok myself I met a fellow from Jacks unit before meeting fack and the formed told me I was knocked in Greice but thy were not beeling tack for The parsent So I did not mention my information to fack and uidily too as many who were thought left behard tuoned up laked. Nest litter give me the dope about it so I can doop a note Pause while I gaze upon the photo 1. Sorry the papet is cotting you so much, to my sorrow, this bhuff is 2/ a pad to can sympathise. Ilan to know yan have been in contact with the Ridge minage and ane you give lyd Dot my very best and tell dyd glad to hear alely from him
Till, have spent a week naviying and am just about burine black my clothes have been unchanger for that time and are filthy apted working and sleping in them too teptrs dunking in your beauty and daintiness from the photo the companitor betwen us is somewhat wide Bugat the flus sorry. Dinkum, apted having. sand and goit pousee into youd boots and navel under a hot cin, a fellow should but touble but hang it are, I ful as fit as a liddle, no lyoes around the paunch now. ttarting I did not mut fem Situy, only heardt a chap of he name was about are thus don't know inhelked it was Lin or Kwvin I did send you a love litter a while ago and though the parent setting is hardly conducive to such compositions will bry and give you a mighly affort on thee lind soon. Did you wit gures what an gn or amus I was about the sindet sex before swet? Well living with so many married blokes, here unfillured by convintion I am fast repairing my deficuncy in that at werl as other directions Fals go. I am not capable of photogoaphy of the cilittatio Sandin except for that i Idest effort which pishaps you pt to. The old blut sweated has now
deparoted as I have dumper my ket bag and said sweater rposes theren we now cary and pack like the Wootdlaggers and in mine is you matherpiec As knowd out a beduty for the chilty eadly morning thints Dort be worried about the papers, Swret, there is a constant trukle of newsp apert at and they get pasted around so we see some home news. Your qulty about the standand of your littes is a warke of paped are you by any chance fishing for compliments because of to yount hosked fist, your scods are first clars Itrinng t you on the making just now we cant git tobacco but plenty of English in caniths are available, 13 for 20 Co avens and now my love for the cstation as the afternee stand to draws nead (no parades hardly now) and when the sign al good we have to go at the gallop so ned a margin of time Kep or keeping on. Puss dead and all my poagess and love to you until next wilk Bless yand sweet heart I caued lat you up and will latid Rye Dye
4 .3100 MAIL A11 CLARKE MISS. BARKERS ROA) 548 W& H0 RX AST f05rR7211 1C7OR14
weitten 13.6.41 Received 7.7.41 PROObD Anstralian Mer Memoils
No.20 V & 38483. Snd. H. Gilling E. Dection, 3th 3 altery 2 Auct A. A R 29t 19 1 Abroad 23.641 by daring Hay ust where to begin thit litted. I really don'’t know as on account & an actual dearth of news not to mention Mother. 6 ented little can be told of my exploits in the Mengus urdeeos as the Heooble Rache froms us. Vey pleased to be able to repart my continued good health and Spirits, surporting to me as when I change my whenabouts I usually cap Palistine Tut. sand Fby Feved at some athed charce complaint. Out new indiant has now ceased its growing paind and ihaugh haurs of doety are long and the work anduans, the time flus when a chap is occupied and the nastalgu pains are thus liss kenly felt Also have had a change of johs which was welcome and acthough and little nook we are but than and more or less Segargated from the other lads. She got is one that appears amust to my peenhad timpeta so ans will. The advantages accoung to this Spot ane untimbed Sunshine, a constant bouge and adiquate watt & danking. Weighed against these are the
pesence of pedts inmmnet able anging from makes Clickly few scorpions, cuntifedes o nches long bull ands and the dead little lause. The contipded like to hap wit bed with the bays and sevral have been bithen by in the watt imbarraling places yours touly has escapid their mutrations so fad to mmy palpable yay and whe daing my night beat desie Satame pleasure when averloaking the camp, I discion lights going on; Tharthing blankets and Thump of bookd on the intanded Another nuns feash, and new dunny (vurgad beast was atined today with great cirimony and record trade and apter the ald makishift, had acquisa quite a cubly abnasphire with all the faithul recrining in thes plush seats and discussing the League Hootban, the lark of bud and Rushas chances. Apted 8 weeks abshmence, have is again on and I expect to click for a day this week which my Sweet, will be fame as I haven't subbied shouldres with few and wag fot that time. That is why my interests have become to limited and Samtary which eminds me that when the Arab kids by to sell you Somithing, ther saled back ount fomithing like thit Orangee, very ince, very Swent, mry bygane very Sanitary. you aught to head that ripestonse of Ansoie curses
3 and now to go to goud s, de of the inwerale Before hawend, I am writing this out on my sandbagh in the coot of the svining the sun is desending and my nut brown body, Iuthoutled in As path Boy, what a eight for the 300. The sumeels oved here are magnificent a glonous away of colors and rightly the glowing oob disappears burath a line of hells. Your letters up to N.35 are to hand and the next maie it aveodie and expectie any day. Vary delighted to know you are setull going well and easly and probably when you receive this you wire be imsber in fulls at cartudged To make plenty at I than bee charmet to pump a few unto the fol and of causse give him his quieteed as a mather of cousse. He work, I ishe A miltion thanks for youd cable which heat the bg day by a slight magin Hope I thall be in a potition to recprocate one day Octobed Had a packet of hespapiss today Sent by Sitter Sherla and Hhe navelly almost book my break away. The postal peaple must have a prejudice against He Baulitin as your offering of papess are stil in smake I loomy, am I as your paral had not amomn and it feund that stew will be my partion on the morrow. A bundle came in yesterday and I hav hopet, soon dathed though
4 I think I shall write a poin on stoo. an expest authority I claim to be having had, I am it shire, that daity for lunck for 80 contecntive days Situe, is good shew and washed down by copious draughts of tha fills and fattend. The grit here is are things consideres top hall and the canteen setts plerty of sume shuff if your appetite is I am Farganman as I just new away from my lean to are can't have here to get your littrrs will not finish that right now. By the way, did you wid receive a phote of me taken in Sel Avev. I sent one tto you, one to Doreas and one to Lyd and from neither of you have I heard that they amued. If not on my leave comitine I shall have another taken also hope soo to have a pound to with which to ly you somethink else. Had the mnof an mare paved got home O.K. and are concerned likee the contints. The Mother & Peast work is very good iont it? will look out for more when off the chain unupectedly had a chance to go to the Sacraments and ad such appartunitie will lake be save, was gratiful for the chance the Ladse was an English R.H chaptain and such a different style of saying it ass and preaching to out chapt. Pause now unhe I can get to goud letters 14
5 246 41 A any happy returns of the day to meself begonsa. Whacks. I got a partent from you that moon, the Gullitin of 9.4.71 and elegantly glanced through the contints at my biothday banguit. Twess what was on the menu. Rregarding John. if you have not had word from him labery, I heard a whilped that his mat have maved from where they were and are in a certain other place. Only bush Helegraph news as maybe I'm wrong but if you don't get a letter for a while maybe seats the reason. Tel Now is something like St. Kilda masmuch as i all feals. its much quited though and wurth the black out you can't see much of the night doings. Attenty Road Dew Ychnda It are nce bry clan stouts. You peaple at home don't know how lurky you are not being lelacked out. I magine yourself in a strange city pite black and not knowing a y. ddish word Bah! There are one of two things in yout recent letters I wanted to comment on but as the Editos would say space wil not promit to nest shat will have to do. Go, as meat and uigh. time is hovening about and my comradet in armo have have to be awakened I bid you adieu and all my love to you darling. remember me to you in athed and falks, bact and Fothers. N 1ck Behrens

Later Have today taken into stock your No.33 so 
letters on succeeding days are positively red letter 
days. Am enjoying our siesta break so can now 
finish this letters. I only hope that I can 
continue to write regularly but if theres a pause in 
letters I know you will deduce the reason. Anyway 
I'm pleased you have got s two from me as I know 
what a kick you get after not hearing from your 
sweetheart for a few weeks when the glad tidings 
arrive. Had a letter from Arthur last week and he 
is having a hectic time with bombs, sand 
and heat but still the same old [[Nuts?]] withal 
About Jack O'Bryan, I'm a bit in the dark myself. 
- I met a fellow from Jacks unit before meeting 
Jack and the former told me [[redacted]]was knocked 
in Greece but they were not telling Jack for 
the present. So I did not mention my information to 
Jack and wisely too as many who were thought 
left behind turned up later. Next letter give me 
the dope about it so I can drop [[redacted]] a note. 
(Pause while I gaze upon the photo). Sorry the paper 
is costing you so much, to my sorrow, this stuff is 
2/- a pad so I can sympathise. Glad to know you 
have been in contact with the Ridge [[menage?]] and 
will you give Syd & Dot my very best and tell Syd. 
I'm always glad to hear from him.


Gee, have spent a week navvying and am just
about [[burner]] black, my clothes have been
unchanged for that time and are filthy after
working and sleeping in them too. After drinking
in your beauty and daintiness from the photo
the comparison between us is somewhat wide.
(Bugar the flies) Sorry! Dinkum, after having
sand and grit poured into your boots and
navel under a hot sun, a fellow should feel
terrible but hang it all, I feel as fit as a 
fiddle, no tyres around the paunch now, 
darling. I did not meet Len Silvey, only heard 
a chap of the name was about and thus don't 
know whether it was Len or Kevin. I did send 
you a love letter a while ago and though the 
present setting is hardly conducive to such 
compositions will try and give you a mighty 
effort on those lines soon. Did you ever guess 
what an ignoramus I was about the tender 
sex before, sweet? Well living with so many 
married blokes here unfettered by convention. 
I am fast repairing my deficiency in that as well 
as other directions. Fair go - I am not capable of 
photography of the celebrated Garden except 
for that modest effort which perhaps you 
refer to. The old blue sweater has now


departed as I have dumped my kit bag and 
said sweater reposes therein. We now carry 
our pack like the footsloggers and in mine 
is your masterpiece - it turned out a 
beauty for the chilly early morning stunts. 
Don't be worried about the papers, sweet, there 
is a constant trickle of newspapers etc. and they 
get passed around so we see some home 
news. Your query about the standard of your letters 
is a waste of paper - are you by any chance 
fishing for compliments because if so you've hooked 
a fish, your screeds are first class. Its funny 
you on the makings - just now we can't get 
tobacco but plenty of English sm cigarettes are 
available 1/3 for 20 Cravens. And now, 
my love for the cessation as the afternoon 
stand-to draws near. (No parades hardly 
now) and when the Signal goes we have to 
go at the gallop so need a margin of 
time. Keep on keeping on Puss dear and 
all my prayers and love to you until 
next week. Bless your sweet heart. I could 
eat you up and will later. Bye-Bye 


No. 3100 



written 13.6.41
Received 7.7.41



VX38483. Gnr M. Billings
G.Section 5th Battery
2. Aust.A.A. Regt A.I.F.
Abroad 23.6.41 

My darling Kay, 
Just where to begin this letter. I 
really don't know as on account of an actual dearth 
of news not to mention Mother. [[Centur]] little can 
be told of my exploits in the Menzies Murderers 
as the terrible Roche terms us. Very pleased to be 
able to report my continued good health and 
spirits. Surprising to me as when I change my 
whereabouts I usually cop Palestine Gut, 
Sand Fly Fever or some other choice complaint. 
Our new hideout has now ceased its growing pains 
and though hours of dooty are long and the 
work arduous, the time flies when a chap is 
occupied and the nostalgic pains are thus 
less keenly felt. Also have had a change of jobs 
which was welcome and although in our little nook 
we are but three and more or less Segregated 
from the other lads, the job is one that appeals 
to my peculiar temperament.tred so all's well. The 
advantages accruing to this spot are unlimited 
sunshine, a constant breeze and adequate water 
for drinking. Weighed against these are is the


presence of pests insurmountable ranging from snakes 
(luckily few), scorpions, centipedes (6 inches long) 
bull ants and the dear little louse. The centipedes 
like to hop into bed with the boys and several have 
been bitten by in the most embarrassing places. Yours 
truly has escaped their ministrations so far to my 
palpable joy and when doing my night beat 
derive Satanic pleasure when overlooking the 
camp, I discern lights going on, thrashing of 
blankets and the thump of boots on the intruder. 
Another news flash, and new dunny (vulgar beast) was 
opened today with ceremony and record trade 
and after the old makeshift, has acquired quite a 
clubby atmosphere with all the faithful reclining 
in their plush seats and discussing the League 
football, the lack of beer and Russia's chances. 
After 8 weeks abstinence, leave is again on and 
I expect to click for a day this week which my 
Sweet, will be [[foine]] as I havent rubbed shoulders 
with Jew and Wog for that time. That is why 
my interests have become so limited and 
sanitary. Which reminds me that when the Arab 
kids try to sell you something, their sales lark 
runs something like this :- Orangee, very nice, very 
sweet, very hygiene, very sanitary. You ought to 
hear their repertoire of Aussie curses.


And now to go to your side of the universe. Before 
however, I am writing this out on my sandbags 
in the cover of the evening, the sun is descending 
and my nut brown body silhouetted in its path 
-Boy, what a sight for the zoo. The sunsets over 
here are magnificent, a glorious array of colours 
and nightly the glowing orb disappears beneath a line 
of hills. Your letters up to No.35 are to hand and 
the next mail is overdue and expected any day. Very 
delighted to know you are still going well and 
hearty and probably when you receive this, you will 
be immersed in fuses or cartridges. So make plenty 
as I shall be charmed to pump a few into the foe 
and of course give him his [[quintus?]] as a matter 
of course. Nice work, Sister. A million thanks 
for your cable which beat the big day by a 
slight margin. Hope I shall be in a position to 
reciprocate one day in October. Had a packet 
of newspapers today sent by Sister Sheila and 
the novelty almost took my breath away. The 
postal people must have a prejudice against 
the Bulletin as your offerings of papers are still 
in smoke. Gloomy, am I as your parcel has 
not arrived and it seems that stew will be my 
portion on the morrow. A bundle came in 
yesterday and I had hopes, soon dashed though


I think I shall write a poem on stoo. An expert 
Authority I claim to be having had, rain or 
shine, that dainty for lunch for 80 consecutive days. 
Still, its good stew and washed down by copious 
draughts of tea, fills and fattens. The grub 
here is all things considered top hole and the 
canteen sells plenty of tinned stuff if your appetite is 
Gargantuan. As I am just now away from my 
lean-to, and can't leave here to get your letters 
will not finish this right now. By the way, did you 
ever receive a photo of me taken in Tel Aviv - I 
sent one to you, one to Dorcas and one to Syd 
and from neither of you have I heard that they 
arrived. If not on my leave sometime I shall have 
another taken. Also hope soon to have a pound 
to with which to buy you somethink else. Glad 
the surface mail parcel got home O.K. and 
all concerned liked the contents. The Mother of Pearl 
work is very good isnt it? Will look out for 
more when off the chain. Unexpectedly had a 
chance to go to the Sacraments and as such 
opportunities will later be rare, was grateful 
for the chance. The Padre was an English R.A.F 
chaplain and such a different style of saying 
mass and preaching to our chaps. Pause now 
until I can get to your letters.


24.6.41 Many happy returns of the day to meself 
begorra. Whacko: I got a present from you this 
morn, the Bulletin of 9.4.41 and elegantly glanced 
through the contents at my birthday banquet. Guess 
what was on the menu. Regarding John. if you have 
not had word from him lately, I heard a whisper 
that his mob have moved from where they were 
and are in a certain other place. Only bush 
telegraph news so maybe I'm wrong but if you dont 
get a letter for a while maybe thats the reason. Tel 
Aviv is something like St Kilda inasmuch as its all 
flats, its much quieter though and under the black-out 
you can't see much of the nights doings. Allenby Road 
& Ben-Yehuda St. are nice big clean streets. You 
people at home don't know how lucky you are not 
being blacked out. Imagine yourself in a strange city 
pitch black and not knowing a Yiddish word 
-Bah! There are one or two things in your 
recent letters I wanted to comment on but as the 
Editor would say, space will not permit, so next shot 
will have to do. So, as meat and vegs. time 
is hovering about and my comrades-in-arms 
have have to be awakened I bid you adieu 
and all my love to you, darling - remember me 
to your mother and folks, Noel and t'others. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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