Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 2 - Part 5 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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Whitten 30.5. 41 middle East Pecied 14.6.41 PRDDEN Asstratan War Mamerial
VX38483 Gnt. i Bellings N18 5th Rathery 2 Audt A. A. Regt. A.L.F. Abroad 26.41 Ay Davln Well I hardly know what to begin with today as a visitable avalanche of litters has been depasitia on my bunk in the past few days to rert. yonr Serial No. 25, 29.30, 31 & one unnumbered (careless blighter) three from t um, two from Dorcas & one from Syd & some of the above were that batch that came up from Iudia but it alto appears from your No. 31 that the aid maie deliveried have resumed their schedule to all is will. To begin at the beginning you obedient? is fit and well,a and not unduly appressed by the slings & arrows of the Fuchoed. The was having been hotty debated in all its aspects and at great length through out the length & breadth of the camp, the pulject in my letters is stority & abov Anyway. the gncy bits that would intered you are contorable so you will have to rely on the 3.B.c & the Hurald for yourt dispatched. I see by t un's labist that the Walvion Council are giving recognition.
2 to their native fors what a swet cap and for Petes sake, Iill me the ittent of such cure munificence. I must say that accounts of the apathy of the gareant youth to foin up are coming in in increading number and I leave it to your imagination to guess some of the expletives being hurled at their heads. Some of the remarks in your letters and particularly in S M.Rs were hardly complimentary to the ligion of In Austoalia I aveved An other thing, don't refet to me as a soldies of your forture because I m vey broke at the moment and thats rubbing salt in the wound sorry that you have slpped on my letters recently but as I'ue now come good in that direction I feel cave youve made up the arrears also Bett prentence in all yours was in N031 to the effect that you were fighting fit and I pray you not to be Such a guts in future and thus help to Sustain you at hap speed at work and play. One thing that Im not aforied of is a beliant attack becaute there and no leave about to at which to indulge the flithpots and army have although
3 wholesome, mind you are hardly conducive to bilians attacks. A braw laddie, am I now, with hard tack, sunshine, few clothes and a modicum of work physical and mmental. Only the absence of the pale ambed flud mass an otherwise haleyon enitence Wels peshaps inot that good certain depoivations accoung to the homeland are feet keenly but until the hay homewase becomes listed it shelps little to think much about that Compace? You don't have to dell me you booked beautions at the wedding dartingI can easily visualise you I m glas for Raths sake that the cerimony took place at last, but when eligible fighting men take on such commitments in the middle of a reconting dowe. you can hardly expect me to inthude otherwise shill, over here where the man consideration are life and death the social which of Millbansne does not matted much. You Iits damn hat here at night and we have agreed only to write letters only every couple of nights because at sundet the doors of the fints have to be and windows
blacked out and the aid gets purtly foul. A plea of tur happing about the place dsssnt imptovere things into the bargain One thing I m pleased about is a chance to do a good job on the gun caew as a layed after more at less being at a looke and To it may be my powilege to actiuvrely athit or knocking down a Joche or two one of thete days Postie you Parade today but no more papess from Auttalia have been delivined Aes are luity to getspace for ther scanty and panty ans the darly H paper here is foud to six small pages and only t5 mild (4) a pop. The few on his native healh lased nothing in business acuimen, believe you me, but if they do me down. They have a stouggle before they succeed. Hope the further snaps & sent reach you O.k. theyse betted than the one youve already received L it me know if anyon I know has the mulfastine to appeat in catualty lists I had vague news about one of te Selvry lads i other day but cannot confirn if they are about nearly Dont get i hot unded the collad about the kids weanryg my duds. they have my full promission to make fore among my wait wardrobe To Sm afraid youll have to do youd sereaming without it doing anyone much good. at all
events, he is my brothed and its t athet hard on the las to charge him with sacrilige without knowing the facts Although a long way away, now. I find up all those kind of things being. as it were that difficult kind of person who liked to be imasted of his destiny Hhill, we digness. Gead Chas is looking apted you to well and I feel very goatiful to anyore who maket thing & easud for you. That Tay Lochineat Sutton has ot writhen you yet but promited to do so forthwith he is in good shape and you will agree, a five saldened to boot. Very appreciative of your prayess, darling and by to reiprocate as opter as pottible. Ment to t all & the Sacoaments Sunday week and felt grently bolsbered up as a rsuet Father oByone, ond local padse is a great chap and hands out no tope in his tacks. Syd's letter was delayed nwerthiless wery welcome as he detailed all his histary from the time we parted and I was kun to hear of the ircichtudes he Expetienced. It was a typual Augget effort and made me realide how much I would have liked to have had him here Well, Kathlen Anne ete ete, my pleatant vitth of the future, Hhe sme had come when all gove Soldied boye get tucked in by the s y Majot So depart with all my love and thank your folks you ther Nobbatie good wishes Wick
Joblefurs 18 412. 4/14 K. Clarke Hiss 18 China Department Hutual Store Lth Flinders St. Celbouone Australia
WRITTEN. 2.6. 41 middle East Received 17.6.41 20040 Rsstrallan Mar Mamorial
Wx 38483 M. Ziling End. G Section, 5th Gatlery 2 aust a a begt a &. F. Abroad 13 6 41 Dasting Kay apted an lapee of a couple of weeks. I am glad to have a cance of wrting to you again Certam wents have taken place snce I east wrote you and con ditions for writing are now liss favorable than formdly. Thats about all I can bell you now but of cousse you can draw the obvious conclusion Creahur comports an art than recently was the case and work carrispondingly has did im fout I can S apely day that its t- havd just now. Siae, the life of ack. Ack is notohantly lonely one, to hadd work and other accusones to anny life an just normal for such it alwarks. The weathed is thet very hot and expotl fot long honos to the & ayt of Ahe sun ane in aking my dial very wathed bedten and my back assume the hue of a fan boot Surpoisingly, the hard work and iutra simple life agae with me amagin very well arthough I fead me that my but lave is in the fad futue, so I guisst life un be a hatch matory fotch of exatiment, action an
3 The cinsurship is anawful nunt ane as I cauld but you senroal intirerting things but sublice it to say that I have hrard a the certainly makes a heply whud to change the subject. I received a minill ago your littes N. 34 and was intranced with the widdn yhoto After to long I was almost beginning to forget what you looked like and you looken charactatually sweet and so kinlable Ichanks anhully for such a present. Despitte youd gloomy prosuastication. I am not terbly suspoind at you decition to swap ovet fobs and let me I tel you darling, I love you more than wet for daing it and back you to the lumt. Over hyere. The was us the only thing and we cant have too much mabinial and reguupment, hence when focks ilt to told in the eaty yous at home and go to toughtt Gols to do was work we like in a whole lot. so you can Sel. Swert, that when a fellowes own gual lines up with that crowd, it mut give him a ruddy glow. S. into it boots all and may you prospet exceedingly. Ats a pity some of the young sume at home don't get the same spirt into the watery weind

Middle East



N°18   VX38483 Gnr. M. Billings
5th Battery 2 Aust. A.A. Regt
A. I. F. Abroad 2.6.41

My Darling,
Well I hardly know what to begin with 
today as a veritable avalanche of letters has been 
deposited on my bunk in the past few days to wit:- 
your Serial No 25, 29. 30, 31 & one unnumbered (careless 
blighter) three from Mum, two from Dorcas & one 
from Syd. s Some of the above were that batch 
that came up from India but it also appears from 
your No 31 that the air mail deliveries have 
resumed their schedule so all is well.  To begin at the 
beginning your obedient ? is fit and well, and 
and not unduly oppressed by the slings & arrows of 
the Fuehrer.  The war having been hotly debated 
in all its aspects and at great length throughout 
the length & breadth of the camp, the Subject in 
my letters is Strictly taboo.  Anyway, the juicy bits 
that would interest you are censorable so you will 
have to rely on the B.B.C & the Herald for your 
dispatches.  I see by Mum's latest that the 
Malvern Council are giving recognition


to their native sons.  What a sweet cap and for
Pete's Sake, tell me the intent of Such civic
munificence.  I must say that accounts of the
apathy of the gallant youth to join up are coming
in in increasing numbers and I leave it to your 
imagination to guess some of the expletives being 
hurled at their heads.  Some of the remarks in your 
letters and particularly in S. M. R's were hardly 
complimentary to the legion of In Australia 
Forever.  Another thing, don't refer to me as a soldier 
of four fortune, because I'm very broke at the 
moment and that's rubbing Salt in the wound. 
Sorry that you have Slipped on my letters recently 
but as I've now come good in that direction, 
I feel sure you've made up the arrears also.  Best 
Sentence in all yours was in No 31 to the effect that 
you were fighting fit and I pray you not to be 
Such a guts in future and thus help to Sustain 
you at top Speed at work and play.  One 
thing that I'm not afraid of is a bilious attack
because there ain't no leave about to at which 
to indulge the fleshpots and Army fare although 


wholesome, mind you are is hardly conducive to 
bilious attacks.  A braw laddie, am I now, with 
hard tack, Sunshine, few clothes and a modicum 
of work physical and mental.  Only the absence of 
the pale amber fluid mars anot an otherwise 
halcyon existence.  Well, perhaps not that good, 
certain deprivations accruing to the homeland 
are felt keenly but until the trip homeward 
becomes listed, it helps little to think much about 
that Compree?  You don't have to tell me you 
looked beautious at the wedding, darling.  I 
can easily visualise you.  I'm glad for Kath's sake 
that the ceremony took place at last, but when 
eligible fighting men take on such commitments 
in the middle of a recruiting drive, you can hardly 
expect me to enthuse otherwise.  Still, over here, 
where the main considerations are life and 
death, the social whirl of Melbourne does not 
matter much. Your It's damn hot here at 
night and we have agreed only to write letters only 
every couple of nights because at sunset the doors 
and windows of the tents have to be


blacked out and the air gets pretty foul.  A flea or two 
hopping about the place doesn't improveme things into the 
bargain.  One thing I'm pleased about is a chance 
to do a good job on the gun crew as a layer after 
more or less being at a loose end.  So it may be my 
privilege to actively assist on knocking down a Boche 
or two one of these days.  Posted you Parade today 
but no more papers from Australia have been delivered. 
Myers are lucky to get space for their scanty and panty ads.
The daily Pa paper here is four to Six small pages and 
only 15 mils (4 1/2'} a pop.  The Jew on his native heath 
loses nothing in business acumen, believe you me, but 
if they do me down, they have a struggle before they 
succeed.  Hope the further snaps I Sent reach you O.K., 
they're better than the one you've already received. 
Let me know if anyone I know has the misfortune to 
appear in casualty lists.  I have vague news about one 
of the [[Salvey?]] lads t'other day but cannot confirm if they
are about nearby.  Don't get u hot under the collar 
about the kids wearing my duds - they have my full 
permission to make free among my vast wardrobe 
So I'm afraid you'll have to do your Screaming 
without it doing anyone much good.  At all 


events, he is my brother and it's rather hard on the lad 
to charge him with Sacrilege without knowing the facts. 
Although a long way away, now, I fixed up all 
those kind of things being, as it were that difficult kind 
of person who likes to be master of his destiny.  Still, 
we digress.  Glad Chas. is looking after you so well 
and I feel very grateful to anyone who makes things 
easier for you.  That Gay Lochinvar Sutton has 
not written you yet but promised to do so forthwith 
- he is in good shape and you will agree, a fine Soldier 
to boot.  Very appreciative of your prayers, darling and 
try to reciprocate as often as possible.  Went to Mass 
& the Sacraments Sunday week and felt greatly bolstered 
up as a result.  Father O'Byrne, our local padre is 
a great chap and hands out no tripe in his talks. 
Syd's letter was delayed nevertheless very welcome as he 
detailed all his history from the time we parted 
and I was keen to hear of the vicissitudes he 
experienced.  It was a typical Nugget effort and made 
me realise how much I would have liked to have had 
him here.  Well, Kathleen Anne etc. etc.; my pleasant 
vista of the future, the time has come when all good 
Soldier boys get tucked in by the Sgt. Major so depart 
with all my love and thank your folks for their 
good wishes. Mick.


Miss. K. Clarke,
China Department        18
Mutual Store Ltd.
Flinders St.
Melbourne Australia 



Middle East


No. 19

VX38483 M. Billings. Gnr
G Section, 5th Battery,
2 Aust A. A. Regt. A.I.F.
Abroad. 13.6.41 

Darling Kay, 
After a lapse of a couple of weeks, I
am glad to have a chance of writing to you again.
Certain events have taken place since I last wrote 
you and firstly conditions for writing are now
less favourable than formerly.  Thats about all I 
can tell you now but of course you can draw 
the obvious conclusion.  Creature comforts are 
rarer than recently was the case and work 
correspondingly harder in fact.  I can Safely 
Say that its b--- hard just now.  Still, the life 
of Ack - Ack is a notoriously lonely one, so hard 
work and other accessories to Army life are just 
normal for such stalwarts.  The weather is still 
very hot and exposure for long hours to the 
rays of the sun are making my dial very weather 
beaten and my back assume the hue of a tan 
boot.  Surprisingly, the hard work and ultra 
simple life agree with me amazin very well
although I fear me that my next leave is in 
the far future, so I guess life will be a 
hotch potch of excitement, action and monotony 


The censorship is an awful nuisance as I could 
tell you several interesting things but Suffice it 
to say that I have heard a ----------------
She certainly makes a hefty thud.  To change 
the subject, I received a minute ago your letter 
No 34 and was entranced with the wedding 
photo.  After so long, I was almost beginning to 
forget what you looked like and you looked 
characteristically Sweet and so kissable.
Thanks awfully for such a present.  Despitte  your 
gloomy prognostications, I am not terribly 
surprised at your decision to swap over jobs and 
let me tell you, darling, I love you more than 
ever for doing it and back you to the limit.  Over 
here, the war is the only thing and we can't have 
too much material, and equipment, hence when 
folks elect to toss in their easy ? jobs at home and go 
to tougher spots to do war work, we like em a 
whole lot.  So you can See, Sweet, that when a 
fellows own girl lines up with that crowd, it 
must give him a ruddy glow.  So into it boots & 
all and may you prosper exceedingly.  It's a pity
some of the young swine at home don't get the 
same spirit into their watery veins. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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