Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 2 - Part 13 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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written 22.8. 41 Received 13.9.41 Syna PROObO Asstralian Mar Mamorial
Vx38483 Snt. M. Bellings. No.31 C. Section 5th Andt. Hy. A/a. Zathery 2. Aust. afa. Regt. A. J. F. Abroad. 30 8 41 Kay Sweetheast How now, little one and all that kind of rot. Dashed flippant ch ? In more seorsied ven I trust you are in the pink, with sparkling eye and roty checks etc. itc Yout Lard and master (ahem) is simply bushting with the yoie- de vrose whateet that may mean, anyhow thats how it is. I think I told you of the attack of one of aut best brands of fivet That scuppered me a week or so back. I elt quite hat and bothered for a coupla days but it went away as fast as it came and to went back to work and now feel richt bonny once more for which the Lood be thanked. Having wastes some paped oe my culments let us now proceed in search of some news and I wasn you that She's plumb hard to find But as you so kindly wrote in one of yout misswes some time ago. Tis the regular letted that gladdens the eye not the tinde and gripping epitodes it is my wont to recount. So apted I give you the latest. I'll just meanded about the fountain.
OK. Sistet? I iith Iwe had two more letters from thee, my lavely pippon fot which accept my cordial more thanks. They were Nos 54 & 55 once jundiathed by the centors eagle eye and first must say. Im versa glad youre keeping yout darling wre peston in good arder & condition despite the rigors of good old Helanone. Every letter of yours I scan annr anxiously in search of yout asbut ances of poime health and buoyant spirit but thers no doubt about you, youre doing a great gob. I bought a wallet yesterday with a compartment fot a phste and have hopped that map of you perched on your verandah parapet giving yout swan that begunting smile and to every time I dig in fot a paste at two, I get a faee look at you. Smart Rid, amut I. Alto I buyed you a small bag which I'll be pasting in a day or two. Its not a bad little thing, and as its such a matter of majot importantce, I hope &it can be worn with something you possess. Had I been more financial, I could have got a bigget & better sumn, but be it eved so humble. along it goes with my profound respects. I saw a beaut dinnet cloth and half a doge napkins made in Damascus which I am strongly timphed to buy oo don't be iuspossed if a litter soon fells you
As going into the mail bag. Anyhaw. I'll see how the pusse stands up to the strain. Since I east wrote I had leave in Sysia and went to Reiout but did not go fat any high ginks If appostunity occurs will send you some move Spaps of Sysian views and one of my homely pan also I hope Last mail I had a letter from Mum & Dorcat both residing at Hartin Road so was quite a good mail day. Yourl be pleased to know two digests and The Argus & Buulletin from you came along to have not felt neglected ty any miand. Forcas in hid usual oper handed way should canleen orders for aof- a fiddley so am set for a few dumtced. The beet and smakes iposition is getting Serious, Aussie but has been off the menn for a week and againths are a memory. Now tobacco is just about exhansted so short commons appears imminent. However Wog. aganttes from Irag were have to do in the interim. I must send you a sample packet to bitivate yout palate, I hope they don't make you perk. I hope youve had some more letters from John & me to give a fillip to yout marale, not that its sums to need it
4 Thanks a heap fot the forthcoming parcel. Iin sure the contents will make the old licket leap when it lands in my lap. Iancy you remumbering the blimished on my carease, one thing theas been no additions to add to your collection. The weather is still plenty hat with plies and other fanna playfully disposting on out half nude bodies by day & by night. The local inhabitants opine that cooled tines are coming, maybe it will get colded than we want. Howbeit we can't be wornid Iitermission due to a rude interruption Latit Damn it. the break has spoiled the orderly tind of my thoughts. Now that Doseas has got amongst you, I am iot suropossed that things are brighted around the homestead I possume the dough I sent you fot cantun arders has cut out seeing your letters were beseft of the arders. Fot the time being I'll do without im and leave the next ef alone of will have to set up house without the wherewithal for a suite. W um I guess has told you of my request for a few avhiles, youll underst and why I ask her to get them and not you as I recall yaut lamunt ovet yout meagoe puttance from the M.S.
Anyhow, Kidd, between you & the maked, send along a few cakes of Lifibruoy, and a dintal plate brush your deduction r sandbagh I think was on the right plane and the bage ane like radiabrs. The suve is hat in im Smoking Spnds ch gee. I'm notcadying but tell Hum I could ule a half a doyn packets of those if theses any left. Ill kint at it in my letter to het I wish that vivid driam you wallowed in would shake it up and become a reality. It sounds like a good wherge. Well darling, The time has come to play continued in out next issue stnt so cease five sending you a ton of love and a huge kids Moy regards to the Engdent, your mother. Pay, Gesrge & Norl and I others. Bob sends his best wished So. Long, Suls. Mick
N0. 3100 3 M.ss. K. C. Lalke 548 Barkers Road East. Hawthorn Victoria Australia
written 30.8. 41 Received 16.9.41 Syna PR006l0 Rostralian War Memorial
V&38483 Gn. M. Zullings. C. Section, No. 31 5th Aut Hy a/A. Bathiy 2 aust afa probably Beg. A. F. F. Abroad 5. 9. 41 Daring Kay The pound of that magu word conjures up the many endeasments and similat offering I would paess upon you had I yout sweet person reclining on my arms just now. Learning of the safe receipt of my G.E. letter, reading with evident pleasure of yout &apperous delight at gitting it, it had been my hope this few days that the mood necessary to wrte such letters would manble my broad stoulders to that another could soon be winging its way southward Hy unspoken prayed has been answered and tomight the feeling that I am Halk in out neved to be forgotten intimate fachion has come and me with the added satisfaction that I have a Hable and chaid inshad of the usual makeshift and an room emply of acr but my thoughts of you. I suspect you flathed me when you attribute a state approaching perfection to my powrous epittle as the first approach to this sesued ulndes me and perchance the urge to write will not be balanced by the facilly. To estay the first hurdle, darling, my loving wraked are with you now you have ent the pamber and have gone to work for the Government and my
heantest apprecation and indussement of youd action if such be a help to you at all. Being more or less disectly concerned with the prosecution of the wad, I can till you a hell of a lot of the bays and here are somewhat disguntled about some of the fublities and practices appaintly pewalet back in Austratia & you can quelt and share in my tholl of pleasure when I lear that my own porecions twetheast throus avest oase hit gob in refuned surroundings a gob carned out annd the beautiful Aecorahe exahmnt of this wose for on exsing for the gaushie of to many of the things you have become muned to, for long travilling, monotorous and yet exacting work and other things that readily come to mind. That the monetary sidnet is a trifle more in you favod is beside the point as I wene know that you conscience would have impelled you along the lined you have chosen, as long as you could have supportid yourself Althaugh I have always been more than glad to tack ouet thing you fet you needed advice upon in a way. Im pleaser you worked the whole thing aut fot your sweet self because I could easily sense from youd letters your restlestneds and uoge to led a hand and so to avelles along the road. the only road you could have taken to eare the inware stouggle. I know that at limes the physical toll yout new avocation wrll demand will cause you to care yourself a fool, but neved have I been so sure that you are on the right track and an I can say, God cheaich & prospet your



No. 31  VX38483 Gnr M Billings 
C.Section, 5th Aust. Hy. A/A Battery 
2 Aust. A/A Regt. A.I.F. Abroad. 
Kay Sweetheart 
How now, little one and all that kind  
of rot. Dashed flippant, eh? In more serious vein, 
I trust you are in the pink, with sparkling eye and  
rosy cheeks etc. etc. Your Lord and master(ahem) is  
simply bursting with the joie-de-vivre, whatever that  
may mean, anyhow that's how it is.  I think I told  
you of the attack of one of our best brands of fever  
that scuppered me a week or so back. Felt quite hot  
and bothered for a coupla days but it went away as  
fast as it came and so went back to work and  
now feel "richt bonny"once more for which the  
Lord be thanked. Having wasted some paper re  
my ailment let us now proceed in search of some  
news and let me warn you that she's plumb hard to find.  
But as you so kindly wrote in one of your missives some  
time ago, tis the regular letter that gladdens the eye  
not the tense and gripping episodes it is my wont  
to recount. so after I give you the latest, I'll  
just meander about the fountain. 


OK. Sister ? First I've had two more letters from  
thee, my lovely pippin for which accept my cordial 
thanks. They were No:s 54 & 55 once more unscathed by 
the censors eagle eye and first must say, I'm verra 
glad you're keeping your darling wee person in good 
order & condition despite the rigors of good old  
Melbourne. Every letter of yours I scan amor 
anxiously in search of your assurances of prime 
health and buoyant spirit but there's no doubt about 
you, you're doing a great job. I bought a wallet 
yesterday with a compartment for a photo and have 
popped that snap of you perched on your verandah 
parapet, giving your swain that beguiling smile 
and so every time I dig in for a piastre or two, I 
get a free look at you. Smart kid, are'nt I ? Also 
I buyed you a small bag which I'll be posting in 
a day or two. It's not a bad little thing, and  
as its such a matter of major importantce, I hope 
t it can be worn with something you possess. Had 
I been more financial, I could have got a bigger 
& better turn, but be it ever so humble. Along it 
goes with my profound respects. I saw a beaut 
dinner cloth and half a dozen napkins made in 
Damascus which I am strongly tempted to buy 
so don't be surprised if a letter soon tells you


its going in the mail bag.  Anyhow, I'll see how 
the purse stands up to the strain.  Since I last  
wrote I had leave in Syria and went to Beirut 
but did not go for any high jinks.  If opportunity 
occurs will send you some more snaps of Syrian 
views and one of my homely pan also I hope. 
Last mail I had a letter from Mum & Dorcas  
both residing at Martin Road so was quite a good 
mail day.  You'll be pleased to know two digests and 
the Argus & Bulletin from you came along so 
have not felt neglected by any means.  Dorcas 
in her usual open handed way shoved canteen 
orders for 'arf - a - fiddly so am set for a few 
luxuries.  The beer and smokes position is getting 
serious, Aussie beer has been off the menu for a 
week and cigarettes are a memory.  Now tobacco 
is just about exhausted so short commons appears 
imminent.  However Wog cigarettes from Iraq will 
have to do in the interim.  I must send you a  
sample packet to titivate your palate, I hope they 
dont make you perk.  I hope you've had some more 
letters from  John & me to give a fillip to your 
morale, not that its seems to need it.


Thanks a heap for the forthcoming parcel.  I'm sure 
the contents will make the old ticker leap when 
it lands in my lap.  Fancy you remembering the 
blemishes on my carcase, one thing there's been no 
additions to add to your collection.  The weather is  
still plenty hot with flies and other fauna playfully 
disporting on our half nude bodies by day & by 
night.  The local inhabitants opine that cooler times 
are coming, maybe it will get colder than we want. 
Howbeit, we can't be worried. 
Intermission due to a rude interruption 
Later  Damn it. the break has spoiled 
the orderly trend of my thoughts. Now that Dorcas 
has got amongst you, I am not surprised that things
are brighter around the homestead  I presume the
dough I sent you for canteen orders has cut out seeing 
your letters were bereft of the orders. For the time 
being I'll do without 'em and leave the nest-egg 
alone or we'll have to send set up house without 
the wherewithal for a suite. Mum I guess has told 
you of my request for a few articles, you'll understand 
why I ask he's to get them and not you as I recall 
your lament over your meagre pittance from the M.S, 


Anyhow, kiddo , between you & the mater, send along  
a few cakes of Lifebuoy, and a dental plate brush. 
Your deduction re sandbags I think was on the right 
plane and the bags are like radiators. She sure is 
hot in 'em Smoking Spuds eh?. gee, I'm not cadging 
but tell Mum I could use a half a dozen packets of 
those if there's any left. I'll hint at it in my letter to her. 
I wish that vivid dream you wallowed in would 
shake it up and become a reality. It sounds like 
a good wheeze. Well, darling, the time has come 
to play ' continued in our next issue' stunt so cease 
fire sending you a ton of love and a huge kiss. 
My regards to the Sugdens, your mother, Fay, George & 
Noel'. and t'others. Bob sends his best wishes. 
So - Long, Puss. 


Miss K Clarke 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 




No. 31 probably
VX38483 Gnr M Billings C Section, 
5th Aust Hy A/A Battery. 2 Aust A/A 
Regt. A.I.F. abroad      5.9.41 
Darling Kay, 
The sound of that magic word conjured  
up the many endearments and similar offerings I  
would press upon you, had I your sweet person 
reclining in my arms  just now.  Learning of the safe receipt 
of my G.E. letter, reading with evident pleasure of your 
rapturous delight at getting it, it has been my hope this few 
days that the mood necessary to write such letters would 
mantle my broad shoulders so that another could soon 
be winging its way southward.  My unspoken prayer has  
been answered and tonight the feeling that I can 
talk in our never to be forgotten intimate fashion has  
come over me with the added satisfaction that I have a 
table and chair instead of the usual makeshift and an empt 
room empty of all but my thoughts of you.  I suspect you flatter  
me when you attribute a state approaching perfection to my 
previous epistle as the first approach to this screed eludes  
me and perchance the urge to write will not be balanced  
by the facility.  To essay the first hurdle, darling, my  
loving wishes are with you now you have cut the painter and 
have gone to work for the Government and my 


heartfelt appreciation and endorsement of your action if such 
be a help to you at all.  Being more or less directly concerned  
with the prosecution of the war, I can tell you a hell of a lot of 
the boys over here were somewhat disgruntled about some of the  
futilities and practices apparently prevalent back in Australia & 
you can guess and share in my thrill of pleasure when I learn  
that my own precious sweetheart throws overboard her job in  
refined surroundings, a job carried out amid the beautiful & 
decorative creations of this world for one calling for the sacrifice  
of so many of the things you have become inured to, for long 
travelling, monotonous and yet exacting work and other 
things that readily come to mind. That the monetary result is 
a trifle more in your favor is beside the point as I well know  
that your conscience would have impelled you along the lines 
you have chosen as long as you could have supported yourself. 
Although I have always been more than glad to talk over 
things you feel you needed advice upon, in a way, I'm pleased 
you worked the whole thing out for your sweet self because I  
could easily sense from your letters your restlessness and urge 
to lend a hand and so travelled along the road, the only 
road you could have taken to ease the inward struggle. 
I know that a times the physical toll your new avocation 
will demand will cause you to call yourself a fool,  but 
never have I been so sure that you are on the right track  
and all I can say, God cherish and prosper you.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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