Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 2 - Part 3 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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AUSTRALIAN VOUE MENS CARISTIAN ASSOCIATION Cmon ms Mascer ME KinC. 8A WI10 H0m 1 194 WIIHI AUSTRALIAN Man C will, darting. I fead me I am Shimped for further bit- bits fit for a ladys cast at athed heyes so as the sun now descends stouly to gathet some days for the morrow. I take my leave on lnded knew Dendinging imocticamt lose and the bust to yout dead mother, Ada, Zue, Alpoids hav and others I cant reumbed know nothing of Noils brother, hard as I don't know thei cumts. Swent dreamd, Bet Joblape Mrck
Gobbefore AAIL 28 AIR.1 N0. 277 Hiss. K. Clarke, China Department Cutual Store L4d linders St Hibourne. Australia 4 67
written 16.5.41 MIDDLE. EASI. Recuied 14.6. 41 PRoobW Rustrallan Mar Mamorial
VX38483. Int . Bellings 5th Battery 2 Aust. A. A R egt. A. J. F. Abroad 23541 by darling Having yetterday send you my fust gren envelope in a serious vern of, I now commence to hind you my weeky imellage couched in more foculat fathion to as to umon the nasty Haske that the latte formed may leave in you palate. Well to cut out the cackle, I have now received you favor 837 Numbers 25 & 26 being Somewhere between here and Australia it being announced that home manl had to be lander on the way somewhere. I hape the nuphall of the O'Dea. Ellis comtination went off were and you did not get too shinks during the aftermath Very pleased that my modect Inbrites reached you and the maked and met with you approval Nat having had any leave lately and alto needing my modett pittance to admage my thist perncipally no further purchans have been partible but live in hoped
2 Sm very pleasuer that you have got tome sample of Easheon workmanship to as a keeptake because it is unque from and home st and point t abed Today's byg event is the arrwval of youd wc 28 choonicle and I can fell you that some some was needed as the meventy soaned well oved the century though to my relief ns violent physical efforts were required. I m a bit annoyed with my focks because it sums to me they could write a bit more frequently without great unconvenience. I ve had 24 out of 28 fom you and allowing for a few going annues only 9 from the whole shebang at home borry to labod that point but leave is very scarce and entertainment consequently me to the anterpation for mail the bag thing i any a marl day would have been barsn but for your constancy. The time is 6p in and the solad ort has lat a little of its patincy not to mention the hot southerly. We, the forwheen occupants are are all prrsent & carrect and at least 10 of Walking to Ive paned ito request less norse
to remume although I m thimped for news too, we can gett resignes to planty of heat as summed is now definihly here and my Palmolive skin is showing evidence of the strength of Oed Sol. The art mae has appaiently got into its stide again as the dates of your letters can Sectify. H ape your ailment has now subsided as news of such import is not good reading to yours touly but to compentate, Sue given you some news lately of the same kidney One of boys had a letter from lydney today in which it was represented that the Qui City of the South asent letting the was norry them, that neved in its history had the paraces of pleasure and wice known such crowds and gaiety. gue, you cant vestramn a sigh because a few minutis ago. the wate was cut off But is available but the puste is a trifle stender. I'm sending you a cheque and would obliged if you would cut it out in canbeen orders fot 2 and 3/.80 that between pay days, the wherewithal to bry a few comforts wire upose in my pocket. We are promitted again to send home the Caws Parade so will
it send you a capy henceforth Glad to know the midding pooduced a few good mights but please don't aorment me with such graphic gastronomical discriptions it husts deep down. This is without a winter my second summet here, and I would love to experience one of those Scharp wwintet days just for varity That with fot a one night of love I echo with lond and prolorged cresandss. you'll cestainly get killed in the rush one of those days. You can were hope that John well get your. letters as, if he is where I think he is, the manl service is on there and anyhow the mar blokes chase you every where you go. I m quite aptimittic about you parcel as a laddie from Hilduoa in and fent got a gorgeous cake today were like little boys about such thingt here but the biyg tapie of discussion is Crete. The news of Pat o Dea amused Vic Brown. Phils eostwhile astocrate Well, K.A. that will be all for the name io toddle along sending to thee love and kisled Wick Nebhatmor
Jbbeswes 6B X HIR. MAIL 76 MISS. K.CLARKE China Department Cutual Store Ad. linders St. Celbourne Australia H. 2
Written 23.5. 41 Received. 20.6. 41 Paliskine. aonbere 1800610 Asstralian War Mamorial
VXx38483 Int H Billings 54 Battery 2 Auct A a Kegt. A. J. F. Abroad 22 5 41 Davling Will, Kathlen Ann and so on at long last guen invelaped have become- available and as a natural consequence I have seized one, I am sutting down to indite a letted cauched in more intinate froms than I have been able to so fad. So with that preamble let us begin by saying that I have and am always on the gun wive fot the home maie as on every occasion there is that chatactensho square envilope with your darling name inscribed on the back and naturally your ideas, hoped, pears, and general demeanond during what I know must be an ordial are constantly haunting me and I must confels that a wave of relief pasted through me when the contents reveal that despite the dice that has been loaded against jou gaud bradition of consage and defermination is standing you in good shead as I it haped and knew you would (Very long. windea

Y.M.C.A . Write Home First

Well, darling. I fear me I am
Stumped for further tit- bits
fit for a lady's ears or rather
eyes so as the sun now
descends slowly to gather some
rays for the morrow. I take
my leave on bended knee
Sending my most earnest love
and the best to your dear,
mother, Ada, Bill, Alfredo
Lou and others I cant
remember. Know nothing of Noel's
brothers, hard as I dont know
their units. Sweet dreams, Pet. 


Pass   Censor   No. 2176 

Miss. K. Clarke,
China Department,
Mutual Store Ltd,
Flinders St.
Melbourne. Australia


Received 14.6. 41


VX38483. Gnr M. Billings
5th Battery 2. Aust. A. A. Regt.
A. I. F. Abroad 23.5.41

My darling,
Having yesterday sent you my first green 
envelope in a serious vein of, I now commence  
to send you my weekly message couched in more  
jocular fashion so as to remove the nasty 
task that the latter former may leave in your 
palate. Well to cut out the cackle, I have now 
received your favor No 27, Numbers 25 & 26 being  
somewhere between here and Australia it being 
announced that some mail had to be landed  
on the way somewhere. I hope the nuptials of 
the O'Dea. Ellis combination went off well and  
you did not get too stinko during the aftermath.
Very pleased that my modest tributes reached you 
and the mates and met with your approval.
Not having had any leave lately and also needing 
my modest pittance to assuage my thirst principally 
no further purchases have been possible but live  
in hopes.


I'm very pleased that you have got some sample
of Eastern workmanship to as a keepsake because
it is unique from our home stand point
Today's big event is the arrival of your No 28 chronicle
and I can tell you that some tonic was needed
as the mercury soared well over the century
though to my relief, no violent physical efforts were
required. I'm a bit annoyed with my folks
because it seems to me they could write a bit
more frequently without great inconvenience. I've
had 24 out of 28 from you and allowing for a few
going amiss only 9 from the whole shebang at
home. Sorry to labor that point but leave is
very scarce and entertainment consequently nil
so the anticipation for mail is the big thing.
Many a mail day would have been barren but for
your constancy. The time is 6p.m. and the solar
orb has lost a little of its potency, not to mention
the hot southerly. We, the fourteen occupants are
all present & correct and at least 10 of are talking
to I've paused to request less noise.


to resume although I'm stumped for news too, we
can get resigned to plenty of heat as summer is now
definitely here and my Palmolive skin is showing
evidence of the strength of Old Sol. The air mail
has apparently got into its stride again as the
dates of your letters can testify. Hope your ailment
has now subsided as news of such import is not
good reading to yours truly but to compensate, I've
given you some news lately of the same kidney
One of boys had a letter from Sydney today in
which it was represented that the Queen City of
the South wasn't letting the war worry them, that
never in its history had the palaces of pleasure
and vice known such crowds and gaiety. Gee,
you can't restrain a sigh because a few minutes ago.
the water was cut off  Beer is available but the
purse is a trifle slender. I'm sending you a
cheque and would obliged if you would cut it out
in canteen orders for 2/- and 3/- so that between
pay days, the wherewithal to buy a few comforts
will repose in my pocket. We are permitted again
to send home the Cairo Parade so will


send you a copy henceforth Glad to know the
wedding produced a few good nights but please
don't torment me with such graphic gastronomical
descriptions - it hurts deep down. This is
my second summer without a winter here, and I would love to
experience one of those Sharp winter days just for
variety. That wish for a one night of love I
echo with loud and prolonged crescendos.
You'll certainly get killed in the rush one of those
days. You can well hope that John will get your
letters as, if he is where I think he is, the mail
service is 'on' there and anyhow the mail blokes
chase you everywhere you go. I'm quite optimistic
about your parcel as a laddie from Mildura in our
tent got a gorgeous cake today. We're like
little boys about such things here but the big
topic of discussion is Crete. The news of Pat O'Dea
amused Vic Brown. Phils erstwhile associate
Well, K.A, that will be all for the nonce so
toddle along sending to thee love and kisses



Miss. K. CLARKE.
China Department, 
Mutual Store Ltd.
Flinders St.
Melbourne Australia


Written 23.5. 41
Received. 20.6. 41


No 17/ 
VX 38483 Gnr M. Billings
5th Battery 2. Aust. A. A. Regt.
A. I. F. Abroad 22. 5. 41

Well, Kathleen Ann and so on. on at
long last green envelopes have become available,
and as a natural consequence I have seized
one. I am sitting down to indite a letter
couched in more intimate terms than I have been
able to so far. So with that preamble, let us
begin by saying that I have and am always on
the qui vive for the home mail as on every
occasion there is that characteristic square envelope
with your darling name inscribed on the back
and naturally your ideas, hopes, fears, and general
demeanour during what I know must be an ordeal
are constantly haunting me and I must confess that
a wave of relief passes through me when the
contents reveal that despite the dice that has been
loaded against you, your tradition of courage and
determination is standing you in good stead as I
hoped and knew you it would (Very long- winded )

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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