Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 2 - Part 1 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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V138413 Jn. Sto Bellings 354 5th. Battery 2. Audt A. A. Regt. W.S.F. Abroad Sweetheart your favor 1o 31 herly acknowledged and in reponte to its contents, I have pleasure in responding handing you the latert exclutive dope from the theat of wad ahem. So Puls here goed Vey glad to have wit youl litl, one reard from Krun and had and at you can imagine was very delighted to get a letter at last you culogute remarkd concerning my descriptive powed in a houss of feousation ane subrisls flathes me but of cousse the manke of Jas. A Fispatrick mutt fau uon sone worthy peatot Having yult completee a two day gaunt of Iel Aow I wile thorty imbark on a ball to bal description of my wanderings omitting one at two incidents that sapty for my welfare Timfuel me to so treat Cve a paragon like me kickd and the brand occationally and my secret wi keep until imparted to you by word of month just lit a smake berwved in Palictine. Authre fags have been alsent for months in the cantiens to locae stinkst have appeared with many complaints from the abstainers) Anghow the st. bit was my imecting a wounded boother officed of Aothut Newtons and we had a champion yap He was in action along with Auts and told me He locad lad acquitied himbelf
2 with great distinction which didings Mary will be pleased to head When we parted after a mutteplicity of lagess, I was fortunate enaugh to meet up with two Authe nustes and apted the re was broken they were charming givls Aftert hea a parly accompanied us to a cabant show and dinkum, it was the best night I have spent in Palistine Out mote put up at a goint called the King Solomon Hote but the only grand thing about the place was the name acthaugh it was a sum to sleep in a bed again. The night previoutly we danced at a dive wherein foregatherd nory soldieny from a doyen countries and it also was a good night particularly the senditions of borgs peculias to eaid nation repreented That me gal, was about all that transpired on that gaunt, that is told in broad oubline, and the junry bits I will keep untie me get togitled again So back to camp flat broke and carribly in the head, but quite contented withal A good nights His sleep and today Sm on dick whistling blithely (Oh year?) to be guuted with an invitation to yoir the guard at whole hedquasterd I am inditing this screed by the din light of a huricane lamp. Latiwal now while I go or patrol for two delightful hand. Hune for the intermistion Brom Brom Fron The following day. The clauns of Hoophens having put and end to further working last night. Have weathen
the Facting demandes of guare and feel quite fit to cary on, I hope when this eached you the herloons I mailed recently have reached you and made your lust and onls glisten Whin leave and fi aned permit. I shall ship off something fuother for youd glory box Papers from home having blowing in in a steady trickle lately but to my horrow, I have to far drawn a blank Law Smith wukly dated early t arch on sale in Tel Avr at 9 a time but principle forbade me to condore such pospituring by purchating Anyhow I get a scow at the papers the other chapt get and some of the items in the dailed make strange reading I muct say that some peaple home have a funny perspective on the wad putuation and need a bit of a fright to eatch on that it unt intinly a Joke. Five my congratulations to Caly for his golfing toumph and remine him I am in on the Shout and will collect lated I meant to attend the Palistine Tock Opeta performance of Du Fludeomans last Conday but the funetion I told you of easled took its place. Ie Aow is oathed arty due no doubt to the influr of refugeed from Euoope. One of the chapt book a swap of me last week and I am incedting it now hast night I met another coony last night. to wit Jack OBryan Kwns brathe, who is Hationed
i at an adjacent came enjoying a will camd nt I brought him oved to meet some of the lads and oved a glass we enjoyed a chinwag about old sums and liatened to some he de tales concerning his expenences If you contait the Sulvey you might fell them that he is fit and will although natudally a shade gaitic i ie fwuthesd thats about are for that stivong epioode to shall toddle now kending anathed contignment of lave until I pen anotherd letted in a few days ime. All the best to you Bother and vansud rlations WR Bealing
LARR ANH DEPGA TMEST L. M. 1316 6 5 L1NDE MELBOURVE. C 91571 41 13
38 483 End. H. Gellings. Battery 2 Aust. A.A. Regt. No 14 A. T. F Abroad 9.5.41 Dasling This epittle opens with the author worting a line in between making vicious surped at of flus The surned. Tom the you can infer that the not math ? is now unded way bringing with it as chorce a collection of pists as could be wiond for, Hhe varity comporting flies, sand flil, thoy flying butles and wasps so at all housd you wage in unceasing was upon some wanged frnd I get on with the washing, your letters 5o 23 & 32 ast i my hands, unexpnogated for which, Pues a Shantane salaams and now lets see what you have to say. Harm said in het letter that you were looking were and by the tone of you letter you still sem to be fighting the govd fight. am keeping my ears skinned for news of John but have not heard further newt of his movem ts. I guess his mote will blow in around here one of these days and I'll let you know how he is and looks you can tell Noll Hle same about his boothest
Bob. Suutton Hold me yout letter hav reached him but I think the boot will be on the other foot beraute I am leading a very staid withne and that old coot is up to an the tnicks about He plane. Yotked Comforts as the fund is caul avrr here confinu to do a good job at a clothng ablie was made a while back and I got a baladlava muttend and a pair of soiks. At the monent, I am away from camp on a line prequet but retur home this affernoon when Im told sayor bladed are smake an to be dold sut is the A.c.T. do not overlook the troaps Iwe just remmbered that the bg cerimony comed H on the 15th ane I can see t up to you muk with preparations Wish them luck for me The fact of Jack glting maroia and berying a house can hardly be reconciled ath a sincive impeurtion of coming aved here and in out eyes. those binds are ank poiton as buh like that culs no ill in a spot such at Palistine, I got a parcu of Austracanans room home east week whem
3 head im very inteariedly. it one from you to far but the gob of dilivening papees to the broaps it a hell of byg gob and they buckle in a few at a time. I think you could stop sinding me the aciled and concentrate on the Bnton and Smithd as Hhe A F. I News an Palishne Post have the man news from Australia. I see that my letter s I has rached you and that heaved full or He way an, I anue yea are gems of sative and literahue. Your delight at receiving my letters is equalled only by my eaguoneds to get you frnty Scaeds. Fey plased that out new shack it so nice and I hope the time is neat when I can sample it. From what you say Sya has been discharged now and He prospect of sitting in a collind H. office would naturally make the old las dispondent particularly as his foot is sher giving trouble It must have been worke than I imagined and he is bether back home than hobbling aveune sor here. Yeing cood here makel life portly unbearable
4 you are an apnctt if you expect ciganeths from ne as hie and been siene iganded the canblent for over a month. It would Hate you tto know that we have a radis the few boys from the Now were soon avound Hhe samet noing thind and wne now. Hear Kickelgonber deliver his Spek & other day and had a good chuckle at his imperions uplivances. Went to Ill Avw a few nights ago to head the Palishne Lymphony. Orchestra in Elyah and thoroughly enjoyed the good music provided. The Solvisk were medivere but the or chestra and choond were was hop notch well, darling can't think of any more nows just now, the hot day and other contributing cauns militate against Hhe poasst funchoning of my literary and discriptive powers Io for a few days, adiew, little pal and all my love and prayers to your lavely chunky person. awig

VX38483 Gnr. M. Billings
5th Battery. 2.Aust.A.A.Regt
A.I.F Abroad

No 13     3.5.41

Your favor No 21 hereby acknowledged and in
response to its contents, I have pleasure in responding
handing you the latest exclusive dope from the
theatre of war - ahem! So Puss here goes. Very glad
to have with your letter, one each from Mum and Dad
and as you can imagine was very delighted to get a letter
at last. Your eulogistic remarks concerning my descriptive
powers in re tours of Jerusalem and suburbs flatter me
but of course the mantle of Jas. A Fitzpatrick must fall
upon some worthy person. Having just completed
a two day jaunt of Tel Aviv.  I will shortly embark on
a ball to ball description of my wanderings omitting
one or two incidents that safety for my welfare
impel me to so treat. Even a paragon like me
kicks over the traces occasionally and my secret will
keep until imparted to you by word of mouth (Just lit
a smoke brewed in Palestine. Aussie fags have been absent
for months in the canteens so local stinkos have appeared
with many complaints from the abstainers) Anyhow the tit-bit
was my meeting a wounded brother officer of Arthur Newton's
and we had a champion yap. He was in action along
with [[Suts?]] and told me the local lad acquitted himself


with great distinction which tidings Mary will be pleased to
hear. When we parted after a multiplicity of lagers. I
was fortunate enough to meet up with two Aussie nurses
and after the ice was broken, they were charming girls.
After tea a party accompanied us to a cabaret show and
dinkum, it was the best night I have spent in Palestine.
Our mob put up at a joint called the King Solomon
Hotel but the only grand thing about the place was
the name although it was a turn to sleep in a
bed again. The night previously we danced at a
dive wherein foregathered noisy soldiery from a dozen
countries and it also was a good night particularly
the renditions of songs peculiar to each nation represented.
That, me gal, was about all that transpired on that
jaunt, that is told in broad outline, and the juicy bits
I will keep until we get together again.  So back to camp
flat broke and cobwebby in the head, but quite
contented withal. A good night's sleo sleep and today
I'm on deck whistling blithely (Oh yeah?) to be greeted
with an invitation to join the guard at whose headquarters
I am writing this screed by the dim light of a hurricane
lamp.  Interval now while I go on patrol for two
delightful hours -  Music for the intermission '-Brrm-Brrm-Brrm''.
The following day. The claims of Morpheus having put an
end to further writing last night. Have weathered


the exacting demands of guard and feel quite fit
to carry on, I hope when this reaches you a the
heirlooms I mailed recently have reached you and
made your lustrous orbs glisten When leave and
finances permit, I shall ship off something further for
your glory box. Papers from home having blowing in
in a steady trickle lately but to my sorrow , I have so
far drawn a blank.  Saw Smiths Weekly, dated early
March on Sale in Tel Aviv at 9' a time but principle
forbade me to condone such profiteering by purchasing.
Anyhow I get a screw at the papers the other chaps get
and some of the items in the dailies make strange
reading.  I must say that some people home have a
funny perspective on the war situation and need
a bit of a fright to catch on that it isnt entirely a
joke. Give my congratulations to Garry for his
golfing triumph and remind him I am in on the
shout and will collect later.  I meant to attend
the Palestine Folk Opera performance of "Die Fludermaus"
last Monday but the functions I told you of earlier took
its place. Tel Aviv is rather "arty" due no doubt to
the influx of refugees from Europe. One of the chaps
took a snap of me last week and I am enclosing 
it now.  Last night I met another crony last night.
to wit Jack O' Bryan, Kevin's brother, who is stationed


at an adjacent camp enjoying a well earned rest.
I brought him over to meet some of the lads and over
a glass. we enjoyed a chinwag about old times and
listened to some hectic tales concerning his experiences.
If you contact the Silveys, you might tell them that
he is fit and well although naturally a shade
jaded. Well, sweetheart, thats about all for this

stirring episode so shall toddle now. Sending 
another consignment of love until I pen another
letter in a few days time. All the best to your
Mother and various relations. 



...NO. 2176

CLARKE,   13




VX38483 Gnr M. Billings,
5th Battery. 2. Aust. A.A.Regt.
A.I.F. Abroad.    9.5.41

No 14
This epistle opens with the author writing
a line in between making vicious swipes at
the swarms of flies.  From this you can infer that the
hot weather is now under way bringing with
it as choice a collection of pests as could be
wished for, the variety comprising flies. Sandflies, 
thrip, flying beetles and wasps. So at
all hours, you wage an unceasing war upon
some winged fiend. I get on with the washing,
your letters No 23 & 22 are in my hands, unexpurgated,
for which, Puss a thousand salaams and now
lets see what you have to say. Mum said in her
letter that you were looking well and by the
tone of you letter you still seem to be fighting the
good fight. Am keeping my ears skinned for
news of John but have not heard further news
of his movements. I guess his mob will blow in
around here one of these days and I'll let you
know how he is and looks. You can tell
Noel the same about his brothers. 


Bob Sutton told me your letters have reached ss
him but I think the boot will be on the other
foot because I am leading a very staid existence
and that old coot is up to all the tricks about
the place . Mother Comforts as the fund is
called over here continues to do a good job as
a clothing issue was made a while back and I
got a balaclava mittens and a pair of socks.
At the moment, I am away from camp on a
line picquet but return home this afternoon when
I'm told razor blades and smokes are to be doled
out so the A.c.F . do not overlook the troops.
I've just remembered that the big ceremony comes
off on the 15th and I can see ^you up to your neck
with preparations. Wish them luck for me.
The fact of Jack getting married and buying a
house can hardly be reconciled with a sincere
intention of coming over here and in our eyes,
those birds are rank poison as brush like
that cuts no ice in a spot such as
Palestine. I got a parcel of Australasians
from home last week and rscf  them


read 'em very interestedly.  None from you so
far but the job of delivering papers to the troops
it a hell of big job and they trickle in a few
at a time. I think you could stop sending me
the dailies and concentrate on the Bulletin 
and Smiths as the A J. F News and Palestine
Post have the main news from Australia.
I see that my letter No 8 has reached you
and that leaves five on the way, all I assure 
you are gems of satire and litirature.  Your
delight at receiving my letters is equalled only
by my eagerness to get your fruity screeds . Very pleased
that out new shack is so nice and I hope the
time is near when I can sample it. From what
you say, Syd. has been discharged now and
the prospect of sitting in a Collins St. office would
naturally make the old lad despondent
particularly as his foot is still giving trouble.
It must have been worse than I imagined
and he is better back home than hobbling
around over here. Being crook here makes
life pretty unbearable


you are an optimist if you expect cigarettes
from us as there ain’t been Aussie cigarettes
in the canteen for over a month. It would
rotate you to know that we have a radio,
the few boys from Tel Aviv were soon around
the camps hiring them and we’ve got one
now. Heard Schicklgruber deliver his speech
t'other day and had a good chuckle at his
imperious utterances. Went to Tel Aviv a few
nights ago to hear the Palestine Symphony.
Orchestra in "Elijah" and thoroughly enjoyed
the good music provided. The Soloists were
mediocre but the orchestra and chorus
was were top-notch.  Well, darling, can't think
of any more news just now, the hot day
and other contributing causes militate against
the proper functioning of my literary and
descriptive powers.  So for a few days, adieu, little
pal and all my love and prayers
to your lovely chunky person.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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