Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 1 - Part 7 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORER PASGFD BY CENSOR 13 Dus. K. Clarke. 12-24/39 6/0 China Separtment Ctnal Store (4t Flinders St. Helbanone. Mustratia Stempton
Dent ondsy. PROb10 Asstratian fer tenortst
AUSTRALLAN COMFORTS FUND Nictorian Division) With which is affitiated the R.S.L. War Service Fund 202.41 At Sea Darling Hires another billit dout that a foume of mine on MX3 is taking back to i Wonone and which wrie reach you through Grothet 6 hartes. At this is under the lap I can be a but o lets Secretive than usual Tutbly we are shll bowling along at a good. Iwhthrough Hhe Indian Octan and at the Mauritania great goet and the guib stul is a good, quite injaying the voyage. You Yorks in Aushie don't know what heat is. I have nurt pirthired to much in my life and by the time, La quesre from will be a bel lean lantion Ifawed Digget. We crossd the dine yesterday and will rnk a port Sprobably Iombay in a few days. Thind have dot the Goggust idea. Anyhout we get any have at Bombay were
AUSTRALLAN COMFORTS FUND Nictorian Division) With which is affitiated the R.S.L. War Service Fund scont around for a gift to send you at a Louened As I write, black out 6.20 now approached and the two-up Schools on the appo diek are going hot and strong, quite an animalid Scine. Althongh I sweat profucity and Naturally fuel uncomfortable, I feel extra fit and as there are plenty of sea water showest, some rituf can be obtainie how Somithing about you. Every night when I tnow in my thoughts hitn you to you. Ong to heat. I Sleep undraped and at I get drowsit and drowtiet, I can atmost feel your Soft Covelinets clasped in my arms with your drifting yinglt carlssing me It is a bittrr Sewet Sontation as Syearn firribly for you but feel soothed as I can
AUSTRALLAN COMFORTS FUND Nictorian Division With which is affiliated the R.S.L. War Service Fund Atmost recapture your presence. Treat will be the day when my dolamt become a reality and I wrue once again bask in the Sunshine of your lave so Puss, take a little bcomfort and keep up the Good work so that when I riturn, This cruel Separation will fade away like a nightmare, I really nevit knew how much I loved you until I had to face this and this at least will cement out love for wit appt Will. Swortheart, good-leye for a little while and before you sleep lonight Smile fult once for me and say a libtle for dyld to god to keep me fit for you. With are my love, pay Mick
153. -48 3 ast 20.241 C47R&C arkers foar Hawthoon CTOR
Bomle 4 800610 Assrallan Mar Mamerial
AUSTRALLAN COMFORTS FUND (Victorian Division) With which is affiliated the R.S.L. War Service Fund Bombay Harbor 23.2.41 Daving At time of writing I am not foo will pleased with life. We have been anchored 3 miled out from the city for 3 days now awaiting Ar anshipment to and ultimate destination and to fad have not been allowed ashore. very Fantaling I can fell you because the Cauntana good ship though she be, will forwit have black mimories for me I dont. know what you have teamed from Dot 17idge but since we left Furnantle, syd has been in the shipt hospital with one of his dreaded attacks of gont. Anyhow. The hospital people dont sum to have had the dope to fix him up so the pain and Sweeling have persiched, aithough we did not dream of what was to follow. Syd was getting more fed up as each day ipasted and two days ago. Hluntly asked the Doctor what was to be
AUSTRALLAN COMFORTS FUND Nictorian Division] With which is affiliated the R.S.L. War Service Fund the Out come of it all. The reply was that he was to be boarded and judging by the way e medical people view gent a strong poshibility of being returnee to Anstralia and discharged as unfit. to make matters worse, I was rouded from imy Hoilet yetterday by a a hospital orderly with a millage to pop up and see Syd, When I arrived he told me he was going to be landed at Bombay to some hospital at other for his ordeal. Wathm an houd, he was put aboard a small steamed and where he is now, I have not The famteet idea. I undirst and that there are military hospitals at Bombay, Poona and Dalaoh so if I get ashore it wire be as hunt to find him. To sweet. It looks like that we are both sumk and I can fell you I feel very blue about it and poot Syd was fust about heartbrokin about the pootpect of being dumped back in Australia
AUSIRALLAN COMFORTS FUND Nictorian Division) With which is affiliated the R.S.L. War Service Fund under such circumstances. Not that I would not give a lot to be going back to you as this Separation us hill, but you can understand, that after are this time yours feelings to be tipped out with the job Stil undone and at the Jame time. brandi as a flop. There is, of course, a chance that he wire get part the Goard so I'm still hoping that Od Nugget will come back. Will I suppose you are anxout to hear about out first taste of the 6 act. The harbod here is magnificent (aithough the water is muddy) and is, dothed with hundreds of Smail ative boats. Shows fussy ldunches and Ingl with The Acquitana, Mauritania & [ieurit Amstiodan dominating the Scine. One On are side. He city is yibe out right at the waters idge, a muture of gorgeous mosques and moder buildings



Miss K Clarke
C/o China Department
Mutual Store Ltd 
Flinders St.
Melbourne Australia

S M Kimpton 


At Sea
Between Perth & 
22 3 41 

Australian War Memorial


A.C.F.   AUSTRALLAN COMFORTS FUND [Victorian Division)
With which is affitiated the R.S.L. War Service Fund

At Sea. 20.2.41
Here's another billet doux that a
Friend of mine on MX3 is taking back
to Melbourne and which will
reach you through Brother Charles.
As this is under the cap. I can be a
bit mor less Secretive than usual.
Firstly we are still bowling
along at a good ship clip through the
Indian Ocean and as the Mauritania
is a great goer and the grub still
good, quite enjoying the voyage. You
folks in Aussie don't know what heat
is. I have never perspired so much
in my life and by the time, La guerre
fini will be a real lean lantern
jawed Digger. We crossed the line
yesterday and will reach a port
probably Bombay in a few days. Thence
have not the foggiest idea. Anyhow
if we get any leave at Bombay will


A.C.F.   AUSTRALLAN COMFORTS FUND [Victorian Division]
With which is affitiated the R.S.L. War Service Fund

scout around for a gift to send you
as a souvenir.
As I write, black out 6.30
now approaches and the two-up
Schools on the upper deck are
going hot and strong, quite an animated
Scene. Although I sweat profusely and
naturally feel uncomfortable, I feel
extra fit and as there are plenty of
sea water showers, some relief can
be obtained
Now Something about you. Every
night when I turn in, my thoughts
turn you to you. Owing to heat.
I sleep undraped and as I
get drowsier and drowsier, I can
almost feel your Soft loveliness clasped
in my arms with your drifting fingers
caressing me .  It is a bitter Sweet
Sensation as I yearn terribly for you
but feel soothed as I can


With which is affiliated the R.S.L. War Service Fund


almost recapture your presence. Great
will be the day when my dreams
become a reality and I will once
again bask in the Sunshine of
your love. So. Puss, take a little
comfort and keep up the good
work so that when I return,
This cruel separation will fade
away like a nightmare. I really
never knew how much I loved
you until I had to face this and
this at least will cement our
love for ever after.
Well. Sweetheart, good-bye for
a little while and before you
sleep tonight smile just once for me
and say a little prayer to God to
keep me fit for you. With all
my love, Kay


20.2 41

Miss K. Clarke
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn


per Mr White
21.3. '41

Mar Memorial


A.C.F.   AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND [Victorian Division]
With which is affiliated the R.S.L. War Service Fund

Bombay Harbor 23.2.41
At time of writing I am not too
well pleased with life. We have been
anchored 3 miles out from the city for
3 days now awaiting transhipment to our
ultimate destination and so far have not
been allowed ashore. very tantalising
I can tell you because the Mauritania
good ship though she be, will forever
have black memories for me. I don't
know what you have learned from Dot Ridge
but since we left Fremantle, Syd has been
in the ships hospital with one of his dreaded
attacks of gout. Anyhow, the hospital people
dont seem to have had the dope to fix him
up so the pain and swelling have
persisted although we did not dream of what
was to follow. Syd was getting more
fed up as each day passed and two days
ago bluntly asked the Doctor what was to be


A.C.F.   AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND [Victorian Division]
With which is affiliated the R.S.L. War Service Fund

the outcome of it all. The reply was that
he was to be boarded and judging by
the way the medical people view gout,
a strong possibility of being returned to
Australia and discharged as unfit.
To make matters worse, I was roused from
my toilet yesterday by an a hospital
orderly with a message to pop up and see
Syd.  When I arrived he told me he was
going to be landed at Bombay to some
hospital at other for his ordeal. Within
an hour, he was put aboard a small
steamer and where he is now, I have not
the faintest idea. I understand and that there
are military hospitals at Bombay, Poona
and Dalarli so if I get ashore it will be a
hunt to find him. So. sweet. it looks like
that we are both sunk and I can tell you
I feel very blue about it and poor Syd
was just about heartbroken about the
prospect of being dumped back in Australia


A.C.F.   AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND [Victorian Division]
With which is affiliated the R.S.L. War Service Fund

under such circumstances. Not that I would
not give a lot to be going back to you
as this separation is hell, but you
can understand, that after all this time
one's feelings to be ripped out with the job
still undone and at the same time.
branded as a flop. There is, of course, a
chance that he will get past the Board
so I'm still hoping that Old Nugget
will come back.
Well I suppose you are anxious to
hear about our first taste of the East.
The harbor here is magnificent (although
the water is muddy) and is dotted
with hundreds of small native boats.
Dhows, fussy launches and tugs with
The Acquitana, Mauritania & Lieuw
Amsterdam dominating the Scene. One On
one side. the city is spread out right at
the waters edge, a mixture of gorgeous
mosques and modern buildings 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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