Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 1 - Part 6 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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yo rang up home today and I booked a cau for you at work but as this time is a hours behine Wewousse, I had to caneel it. I thought you might be at my place lonight 30 bookel I can there but could not get through as the line wat fully booked. Stiff Lurk but wile foy again if opportunity occuss. So my tweit, we say an owort for now, sending you hons of love and pray it that soon Smay find that haven of peace and jays that reside in your anms. Sa Ta Wick
Perth 18.2 41
AUSTRALLAN COMFORTS FUND Nictorian Division) With which is affiliated the R.S.L. War Service Fund 13 D. 41 At Sea Sweetheart. After a lapte of a day of two. I again take up the pen to let you know that you hape and pride it feeling very fit and enjoying the pea voyage excuedingly. The lapse is due to the benow benevolent Army in granting its warriors some leave in the particularly Sunny West. It was a violent change from the attitude adopted toward the I19gers in the Eathon States. The people were very hospitable and wined + dined us to the full, Lothing too much trouble Syd. & I cavorte all around the place and visited practcally every convivial pubrist. so, darting, out fatte of active srovice to date has been excellent. we are will out to Sea again now and there is great conjecture as to out destination. But I have long ceased to worry about that as Tathet Army has no doubt arranged an that. Yesterday, I had a
AUSTRALLAN COMFORTS FUND Nictorian Division] With which is affiliated the R.S.L. War Service Fund spot of guard poshed werl below dick and bling accautrie in Life bett, Rispirator, water bottle and In hat just about Steweds- Howwed that is over howr and I am now entconsed on the prominade deck pad on knee and riplete with food and drink. The weather is mild and the Salty Long of the bring duep filling ones lungl. To things might be worse. By gove, an occan tay in our ship with you would be Snfted and when I oikuon I think we shall save ond pennies for a long voyage. Food Nugget is off clot today his foot causing him some pain, the digits are quite pupfed up and Ithin think he will have to be up for a while. I hope it want be long as we underst and one another to well and both of ut would be like lost sheep separated for long. I was to glad to have your letter which came abourd at first port of cace
AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND Nictorian Division] With which is affiliated the R.S.L. War Service Fund and I need hardly say wire eagerly read. I can hardly contain myself undr the next arrive - I hope there wire be a shoal for me. W ell Sweet, ar thing come to an end to wirl day good-leye for the once sinding you all my love and a large Slu of admitation for youd Spivk. Chuns Mick P.T. Hope you receive my felegand G impton
A 8 Sera PR00610 Rustrallan Ter tenoral
AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND NVictorian Division] With which is affiliated the R.S.L. War Service Fund MT. SEA. 17.2.41 Dasling Im Sorry out preaorangeds idea of checking whither oud letters reach their destination is a bit amus at this end because we do not know how and letters will be sent at out next port of call is stul unknown you may rely on me to try and keep track so will cal this leitter NS. I was very pleaser to get your tuo at D. Firth. They made me feel lest cut off from youI I now eagely awart your Spicy lndget. There is nothing in the way of news from here as we are doing inactly each day what we have been doing since imbarkation and life such as we spend it becomes a bit Mnatonos when one is confined to the end of a Ship, where were going and wwhen we shall get there is stue as Myttery and knowing the army ladd, a rredst field for speculation
AUSTRALLAN COMFORTS FUND NVictorian Division) With which is affiliated the R.S.L. War Service Fund Forgue me, Sweethast if my letters Sum a bit Stilted but at they have to be consored by ond officers, some natural constraint is inivitable. You will frobably reciive this at the same time as No.2 so I imagine two letters in one day will give you a kick and help relieve the bedium of the Cutual. In passirg. Gwe Now a kist from me and alk het to remumber ome to Tubby Casey and to tell him Bill Henly from Mathalia sends him grueting. I will not have to cadge on any of you in Australia just yet as I sum to have adiquate supphy to go on with -There it iplenty of shiff on board in the Canteen quite cheep and we have bent ad 30/- Since imbarkation. Well Puss that inds this chapter and I now refire kinding you all my love MICR

Syd rang up home today and I  
booked a call for you at work 
but as this time is 2 hours behind 
Melbourne I had to cancel it. I  
thought you might be at my place 
tonight so booked a call there but  
could not get through as the line was 
fully booked. Stiff luck but will 
try again if opportunity occurs. 
So my Sweet, we say au revoir 
for now. Sending you tons of  
love and praying that soon 
I may find that haven of peace 
and joy that reside in your 
Ta Ta 




Perth 18.2.41


OM2 A.C.F.   AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND [Victorian Division]
With which is affiliated the R.S.L. War Service Fund
At Sea. 13.2.41 
After a lapse of a day or two I again 
take up the pen to let you know that your 
hope and pride is feeling very fit and  
enjoying the sea voyage exceedingly. The lapse  
is due to the benevolent Army in  
granting its warriors some leave in the 
particularly Sunny West. It was a  
violent change from the attitude adopted 
toward the Diggers in the Eastern States. The 
people were very hospitable and wined & 
dined us to the full, nothing too much trouble. 
Syd & I cavorted all around the place  
and visited practically every convivial suburb. 
So, darling, our taste of active Service to 
date has been excellent. 
We are well out to sea again  
now and there is great conjecture as to our  
destination.  But I have long ceased to worry 
about that as Father Army has no doubt 
arranged all that. Yesterday, I had a


A.C.F.   AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND [Victorian Division]
With which is affiliated the R.S.L. War Service Fund
spot of guard position well below deck and 
being accoutred in Life Vest, Respirator, 
Water bottle and Tin hat just about 
stewed.  However that is over now and I 
am now ensconced on the promenade deck  
hand on knee and replete with food and 
drink. The weather is mild and the salty  
tang of the briny deep filling one's lungs. So  
things might be worse. By Jove, an ocean 
trip in our ship with you would be  
[[Snifter?]] and when I return I think we shall 
save our pennies for a long voyage. 
Poor Nugget is off color today, 
his foot causing him some pain, the digits 
are quite puffed up and I think he 
will have to lie up for a while. I hope 
it won't be long as we understand one 
another so well and both of us would be 
like lost sheep separated for long. 
I was so glad to have your letters  
which came aboard at first port of call


A.C.F.   AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND [Victorian Division]
With which is affiliated the R.S.L. War Service Fund
and I need hardly say were eagerly read. 
I can hardly contain myself until the  
next arrive. I hope there will be a  
shoal for me. Well Sweet, all things 
come to an end so will say good-bye for  
the [[hance?]] Sending you all my love and 
a large slice of admiration for your 
Cheerio Mick 
P.S. Hope you received my telegrams 


c/o China Dept. 
Mutual Store Ltd 
Flinders St 


At Sea 
& Bombay 
War Memorial


A.C.F.   AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND [Victorian Division]
With which is affiliated the R.S.L. War Service Fund
At Sea 17.2.41 
I'm sorry our prearranged idea of 
checking whether our letters reach their destination 
is a bit amiss at this end because we do 
not know how our letters will be sent as  
our next port of call is still unknown. 
You may rely on me to try and keep track  
so will call this letter No 3. I was very  
pleased to get your two at F Perth.  They 
made me feel less cut off from you & 
I now eagerly await your spicy budget. 
There is nothing in the  
way of news from here as we are doing 
exactly each day what we have been  
doing since embarkation and life 
such as we spend it becomes a bit 
monotonous when one is confined to the 
end of a ship. Where we're going and  
when we shall get there is still a 
mystery and knowing the army lads,  
a vast field for speculation.


A.C.F.   AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND [Victorian Division]
With which is affiliated the R.S.L. War Service Fund
Forgive me, Sweetheart if my letters seem 
a bit stilted but as they have to be  
censored by our officers, some natural 
constraint is inevitable. You will 
probably receive this at the same time 
as No 2 so I imagine two letters in 
one day will give you a kick and help 
relieve the tedium of the Mutual. In 
passing, give Noel a kiss from me  
and ask her to remember me to Tubby 
Casey and to tell him Bill Henley from  
Nathalia sends him greetings. 
I will not have to cadge on any of you 
in Australia just yet as I seem to  
have adequate supplies to go on with  
-there is plenty of stuff on board in the 
canteen quite cheap and we have been  
paid 30/- since embarkation. Well Puss 
that ends this chapter and I now retire  
Sending you all my love, 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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