Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 1 - Part 5 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
Accession number:

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To continue, we anhouse intide the Heads the first night and sailed again at about 540, went along Acl day alone and at 1 p m nve wwere freated to a great eight for them we jound up with the convay imagine full sped ahead a warshyp darting along in front and four occan grants following Jequitama. Quen Mary. Vicuu Amsherdan & Hauretama two abreast it was a thoee when they formed up. All day the RAA have been racing over the boat in a Combet right up till me came to the undegvous. The I uean is a bearty and is sailing only half a mile away wc git a let of dashing to boat station and as life fackets must always be wor, she is Somewhat cumbers ome we sleep on the Man Deck and our station in or the prominade deck one above Otherwise we doul do a thing except submanne guard and boat picket and to on well pit Clark ant approaches so must close for today All my love swutheart and may we soor meet again 7 2 4 Today has passed very quikly and uneventfully and I am hand put to find, s omething to write about. Aughow we had a practice emergency. someI
3 Syd has been appointed Instructor and he rwels in pubting Hhe lads through their paces. Tonight lyd & I ave doopping in on the second Enginced on a letter of introduction from Charle. The scond on a hub of this lize is quite a pertorage so the visit should be good. Today the Sea has been rougher but the Lord knows where we are for time Sailing we have sheamed, in all directions. hope we doop in at the week for leave so I can sneak this through. Syd has a pas in ath to ywe can consait him we wile let him hold and letters for a day oud two before mailing them. We have been warned against this private letter writing but I am hisking it ufter taking reasonable precautions Wen darling bless you and I lave you madly Shel. this separation is cruel hand I welt dreams and pray for me. Shl at Lea 8241 ✓X$0 on the ai again withing his sweetheart good day and sending occans of love. we are I till bowling ove the
4 boiny at a good clyp and mult have cavend thousands of in dis since leaving Port HUlbouone Today, whereh as been a hearly Iwell and mal- de-mer has been mare common aboard. Strange to say yours truly has held his own Although I lunched s omewhat gingerly but arcovers for hea in hine fashion. This is a good idea writing a bit each day from my bunk as it is quit and I can think of you in peace It is funny aboard, after the just day quite unaventiue. You go on duk each day and hee the other bubs careeving along with the lean grey man of wat yosing along a bit ahead was and danger Seem remote. I hope they stay that way too well, Sweetheart, that seems to be abbut todays issue so lower away now and head for shore. Tood hunting from yout most gallant cavaler I shele love you by the boaklons 119
AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND Nictorian Division] With which is affitiated the R.S.L. War Service Fund 8.2. 41 At Sea Darling, Well here goed for my first effort Since I forsook Serra firma for the deep blue sea. I hope you are feeling fit and not missing me tor much although for my part, nothing would delight me than to be with you once again. I guess you are all agog, for the low down on my experiences on the troop Ship and so taking into consideration the limitations imposed by the cinsorship I will endeavor to fill you Something First of all, out vissel is a floating hotel and sails pritty smoothly and as my stomach has never been of the bust that is quite an advantage. I aday though there is an ocian Suen and my hummy is a bit unsettled at times, although I have not had to avaid. the dining Saloon yet. The got on board is vity good, pripared
AUSTRALLAN COMFORIS FUND Nictorian Division] 2 With which is affitiated the R.S.L. War Service Fund and served n first class style. In addition the grog and tobacw are dirt chrap so you can see the amenchies make this voyaging a pleasant enough experience. R egarding out quartes, Syd + I are together in a tur berth bunk apt which is quite an accomplishment as mast of out chaps are dassing in Lami acks I had an introduction from Charlie to the Fonds Engineer. We paid him a cau last night and found him a fine chap, a Lypical old Sait. We xarnid for an hour in his suite and he bought us the biggest pot of bey Ive wit been A letter from Mum rached me on board. I wish there had been one from you but it will be here soon I suppose you have heard all about embark aton happening to will skip that
AUSTRALLAN COMFORTS FUND Nictorian Division) With which is affiliated the R.S.L. War Service Fund Will, I weet I cannot think of anything else to rlate just now so will go up on deck now for another spoonful of ozone. Of course, I shall drop you communique No2 as soon as an opportunity to catch a furthet mail presents itself. Best of luck and all my love, Puss. fout dwvoted Swarn Mick Stlmpton
STRALIAN FORCE pBrCEN 30 iss. K. Clarke 6/0 China Dept Mutial Store L4d I linders St. Skufton elbouone 8-24 Mississispipipi C.1 1ctona
C belween Sea the te Pertha 242. 41 pR00610 Restrallan Mar Memorial
Feoth 11 2. 41 Darling. I must confers, pet, at time of writing that I am half seas over but the weel of inspiration in addition to the supply of 6ma Laget is brimming oved we have been in the Sumny West for two days and have had leave both days amd as though to lase the longing for and own folk Hhe Gropers have made us marveclously welcome and leave here in Pertt has been great fun. Thanks a ton for A.M.L.N. 1 and O.M N.I which have arrived on board in the last two days, The contents of which I simply dwvalred Keep up the good work, my darling. You know last night I got back to ont but at 2 a.m, retired to bed and had a vivid dream of you & I at Barkers Road clasped in ench others arms with you creeping right inside my roul. I hope it was an omen for a speedy visuon to the Shiltir of yout embrace.
The Perth folk have been Splendid to ul. the Railwayt running pace braint to the wharf to bengut to Parth you ought to see their traint. 12 milet in three quarters of an houd and the frams wwould rotate you, But. darling it this place is a gen, the Iwan R wit Superb. Yetterday we were driven an round Perth and the Scinery it brantiful. If dough is available I heartily endorse wa for a Loneymoon We had a half day leave toray and having given the City a turn. gravitatid to Tubiaco for tea. Then pub crawled our way to syds founds at Victoria Park whena this ipistle emanates. We have to be a board at in dnight but somehow I doubt whither we will make it Replying to yout quiry, we got a by bag of stuff from the Comforts Fund on board and they are paying for out transport from Tobmandle to Perth. Weh ave the N.I boys with us and they are great chapt.

To continue, we anchored inside the Heads the first  
night and sailed again at about 5 AM, went  
along all day alone and at 4 pm we were  
treated to a great sight for then we formed up with  
the convoy - imagine full speed ahead. a  
warship darting along in front and four ocean  
giants following: Acquitania, Queen Mary, Nieuw  
Amsterdam & Mauritania two abreast. - it was a  
thrill when they formed up. All day the RAAF  
have been racing over the boat in a bomber  
right up till we came to the rendezvous. The  
Queen is a beauty and is sailing only half a mile  
away. We get a lot of dashing to boat stations  
and as life jackets must always be worn, she is  
somewhat cumbersome. we sleep on the Main Deck  
and our station is on the promenade deck one above.  
Otherwise we don't do a thing except submarine  
guard and boat picket and so on. Well pet  
black out approaches so must close for today. 
All my love sweetheart and may we soon meet again. 
Today has passed very quickly and uneventfully and   
I am hard put to find something to write about.  
Anyhow we had a practice emergency, some PT- 


Syd has been appointed Instructor and he 
revels in putting the lads through their 
paces. Tonight Syd & I are dropping in on 
the Second Engineer on a letter of introduction 
from Charlie. The Second on a tub of this 
size is quite a personage so the visit should be 
good. Today the sea has been rougher but 
the Lord knows where we are for since 
sailing we have steamed in all directions. I 
hope we drop in at the West for leave so I can 
sneak this through. Syd has a pal in 
Perth so if we can contact him we will let 
him hold our letters for a day our two before 
mailing them. We have been warned against 
this private letter writing but I am 
risking it after taking reasonable precautions 
Well darling, bless you and I 
love you madly still & this separation 
is cruel hard. Sweet dreams and pray 
for me. 
Still at sea   8.2.41 
VX on the air again - wishing his 
sweetheart good day and sending oceans 
of love. We are still bowling over the


briny at a good clip and must have 
covered thousands of miles since leaving 
Port Melbourne. Today there has been a 
hearty swell and mal-de-mer has been 
more common aboard. Strange to say, yours 
truly has held his own although I lunched 
somewhat gingerly but recovered for tea in  
fine fashion. This is a good idea 
writing a bit each day from my bunk as it 
is quiet and I can think of you in peace. 
It is funny aboard, after the first day quite 
uneventful. You go on deck each day and see 
the other tubs careering along with the lean grey 
man of war nosing along a bit ahead - 
war and danger seem remote. I hope they 
stay that way too. Well, Sweetheart, that 
seems to be about today's issue so lower 
away now and head for shore. Good 
hunting from your most gallant cavalier.
- I still love you by the boatload.


A.C.F. AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND  [Victorian Division] 
With which is affiliated the R.S.L. War Service Fund 
At Sea - 8.2.41 
Well here goes for my first effort 
since I forsook terra firma for the 
deep blue sea. I hope you are feeling fit 
and not missing me too much although 
for my part, nothing would delight me 
than to be with you once again. 
I guess you are all agog for the 
low down on my experiences on the 
troop ship and so taking into consideration 
the limitations imposed by the censorship 
I will endeavor to tell you something. 
First of all, our vessel is a floating 
hotel and sails pretty smoothly and 
as my stomach has never been of the best 
that is quite an advantage. Today 
though there is an ocean swell 
and my tummy is a bit unsettled 
at times, although I have not had 
to avoid the dining saloon yet. The 
grub on board is very good, prepared


A.C.F. AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND  [Victorian Division] 
With which is affiliated the R.S.L. War Service Fund 
and served in first class style. In 
addition the grog and tobacco are dirt 
cheap so you can see the amenities  
make this voyaging a pleasant enough 
experience. Regarding our quarters, Syd 
& I are together in a two berth bunk 
aft which is quite an accomplishment 
as most of our chaps are dossing in 
I had an introduction from 
Charlie to the Second Engineer. We paid him a 
call last night and found him a 
fine chap, a typical old Salt. We yarned 
for an hour in his suite and he bought 
us the biggest pot of beer I've ever seen 
A letter from Mum reached 
me on board. I wish there had been 
one from you but it will be here soon. 
I suppose you have heard all about 
embarkation happening so will skip 


A.C.F. AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND  [Victorian Division] 
With which is affiliated the R.S.L. War Service Fund 
Well, Sweet I cannot 
think of anything else to relate 
just now so will go up on 
deck now for another spoonful 
of ozone. Of course, I shall 
drop your communique No. 2 as soon 
as an opportunity to catch 
a further mail presents itself. 
Best of luck and 
all my love, Puss 
Your devoted swain 



8. 2  41
Miss. K. Clarke, 
c/o China Dept. 
Mutual Store Ltd., 
Flinders St. 
Melbourne C.1 Victoria 


at sea 
between Melb & 
War Memorial 


Perth 11.2.41 
I must confess, pet, at time of  
 writing that I am half seas over  
but the well of inspiration in addition  
to the supply of Emu Lager is brimming 
over. We have been in the Sunny  
West for two days and have had  
leave both days and as though to 
ease the longing for our own folk the 
Gropers have made us marvellously 
welcome and leave here in Perth 
has been great fun. 
Thanks a ton for A.M.L.No. 1 
and O.M.No. 1 which have arrived 
on board in the last two days, the  
contents of which I simply devoured. Keep 
up the good work, my darling. You 
know last night I got back to our tub 
at 2 a.m, retired to bed and had a 
vivid dream of you & I at Barkers Road 
clasped in each others arms with you  
creeping right inside my soul. I hope it  
was an omen for a speedy return to 
the shelter of your embrace.


The Perth folk have been splendid to us, 
the Railways running free trains to the 
wharf to bring us to Perth. you ought  
to see their trains. 12 miles in three- 
quarters of an hour and the trams 
would rotate you, But, darling 
this place is a gem, the Swan River is 
superb. Yesterday we were driven all 
round Perth and the scenery is 
beautiful. If dough is available I  
heartily endorse W.A. for a honeymoon 
We had a half days leave today 
and having given the city a turn,  
gravitated to Subiaco for tea, then 
pub crawled our way to Syd's 
friends at Victoria Park whence this 
epistle emanates. We have to be on 
board at midnight but somehow I doubt 
whether we will make it 
Replying to your query, we got a big  
bag of stuff from the Comforts Funds 
on board and they are paying for 
our transport from Fremantle to 
Perth. We have the N.Z. boys with  
us and they are great chaps.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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