Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 1 - Part 13 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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SKKimpton HIR. MYIL Mrss. K. Clarke China Department. Hutual Store L4d Flinders St Webourne. Australia 4
26-4. 41 middle East. PROObIO Anstralias Bor Merarts
VX38483 Sn H. Ballings 3t. Battey And Auct. A. A. Boagment Abroad Darting Way. Hill Swatheart here gou for a furthe chaptd in the story of the innocent abooad and really apted nosing around some of the aruental back allys, & do feel a bet that way Fiostly youd letter & 17 bowled along yesterday and was as usual very werrome although I m awfully sory that none of my letters from here have reacohed you Stil some of the chaps I heve yhan head letters from home dated thee days after yourd of have said that the first letters from here have arrwed safety So, I am inclined to believe you have clicked by now Now you amut cease wornying as up to date my precious person has not been astailed and life in general in the Huddle East has been peaceful and comfortable From the content of my letters you can see that I am not unduty depoised althaugh & yoin you in yearning for the day when the thep moort at Fort Welboumne Although the was saged nearly we don't head much about it and only know what is going on by the antrageous rumors that circulate in the Avmy as of you your remark about sending photos and othet arhiled home is only too fone because when you
2 go on leave to Fel Aow at trentation, you are unded fil from the moment you avrive from dealers in everything conceivable and believe, this is the land of high prrshure Salismanshyp. If one had plenty of dough you could send home a shipload of shuff. Gettrday Harry Andrew and I landed a days leave at Penisalumn and Spent a champion day and with you and the matet i my thoughts, I purchases a f mosan spendant for you and a silver dagget broock for wa, both of which I am kinding by post available mail. I do hape this and my pourand pared reach you O.H. Yesherday was the beg day in f contatio and we spent all the morning m t ole warte city going right through the church of the Holy I epulshre with the guide and witnessing a most intertting procellion of the Truke Othodos church unfortunately the Services at tthe R.C. church were aved but the guide took a aved the a Dalorsta and thence to the Waiting Wall. In the aptonoon afted a most excerlent lunch which cost me 5I bowled around here and there quaffing all One good spot we went to was the H.6. a a huge modern full with a tower 200 feet high with a maneloud view of the whole of Prenisalim To inder a five day and I now hope to see Iul Awr as the lads lay that it is a bright spod very modim
3 and at night a shade naughly but I head that some of there drear and Huddle tast put on thous that for vice would make your har stand on end. The good old standly at thill tumpled of Sir puund to be the original Can Can performed wito great vrove & furmithing the pations with excellent entistainment I hre I really shouldnt be telling you about such naity things I am very pleased with the way Iwe come throught my travelt and ienstont to new lands as at the moment, I feel very fit Calthough a but portly in the mndrf and time had dulled the pangs of Separation to the etent that Ican enjoy the bit of fuw that is going all factors which I consider make the time pals more quickly than if a chap couse not get Hhe thought of his hom are fost out of this head Ihote moments when you wonder how long it will be before you hee your people again are the worst times ove here and if you can manage to put huch thoughts out of yout head, it helps immendely We both know now that thoughts ane a port subshhak for the real thing to I mult needs be lels introspective and keep the letter on a more flippant baded. One thing I must report is that your letter 50.10 had not come to have and I m haping that it has not gone astry Regarding parcels and papers. In more or lest reconailed to huch going west
now and agains from dope I we puked up oned hee but it it a bet foul pot aromanl at 9 a that anot to hon up Alto the letter from Gd you mentioned has not been delivered yet and no news from Mm i for over a week to I hope I dont miss out or a batch I guits you wise keep in touch with the Ridges menage so you can kept wuget patie of my doing. Thank yout mother for her love which I orciprocate and he hape that John and I have met has been realites Although I have nt yet managed to pay him a visit I other day I ran slap bang into Bue Adamt and he has been in onr camp for weeks. Fancy not meeting before this ill was well but honbly altured you remember what a bluffancy me st ass wd hen mut and weton bllove You might let thas know I met hum when you fory atter for your coune of golf well, Puts. I m apraia thats all for a few day to todall along to lye lye now sending you hurce as much ad you send me (not kidding together with a poage for your well being R emember me. to yout folks and founds and bee im I shall be please to hear from them at any time Swent Dreamd Eset Ihie A Smith Wck
Abbimith Hrs. K. Clarke China Department Hutual Store Lta. Finders S Kilboumne Australia
7.54 Halestane 83 200610 then
21 4 14 MMH CMORS M V738483. Tnt. t Bellings 5 th Gattury. Bnd. Aust a a Regt. A N. NoH1 o 1.F. Abroad Ay Dasling Way Frethng & salutations my chasen to is it frogen) soulmate and with them many thanks for your delpatches No. 18 & 19 gladly received and eagesly divoused. I sad to relate your letter o.15 also the lette from Syd you mentioned have not appeared so I'm apearea that same have gone west I allowing my utual custon, lets have a go at thoe stand calling for comment. Of couse, I m very bucked that at last my labsrousy compited scneds are being doopped into you letterbox and I can judge from your plaintive coud in earlied leitter that thei delivery occasions you much jubilation you can imagine by the same taken how the contents of letters from down under gladden and hearts, we fulgund in the Holy and I m afraid Puld I can't fell you everything I'we done and seen since departing Australian shoud but in pourand letters. Ive rlland all that is permistible according to the ancient Law of Cintorthep and ecusity but one of these fine days, with you parked on my bony knew, I shall whipet fales of dessing do to yon't thele pink ears in
2 A AMNSN That aochard of yours Ireems very alluing just at the moment as mast of and sutting oved here is on the cold, cold ground and I shall sink into its depths with great gusto. Im pleased to report that the Printal maladies are still giving me the goby and in point of fact Im plump and poune like a Beokshire py. I have decided that measures to control and restant my corporation must be taken to shan take part in an violent spork available. Cupordingly the weather lately had been quite forch and the blaying desest sun conspicrious by its absurce. Howeve the sun is a mised blitting at the fet fwand amund and as regaie picknll discomfort are a perfect pert. Head to know jack & Kath are at last getting Spliced, it seund that buhmeld in M elbonse must be in the doldoums to promit of jack eating up for the cenmony. Some Meanone papers of late February have arowed lately and political leadiss seemed quite fittery about the menace to Australie which pentiments & athed susparted me. Anyhow, I bet the old chorcas are getting some hurry up and I can imagine the constination that writ appead on some of those engaged in etsential? serviced now that the houn'd postibility of mintary seovice is fast becoming a probability. Talking about the 0 Deas, and Bad. V.c. Brown knew Phil Owiok well, working in the same office in Welboumne with that worthy Small Worla

Miss. K. Clarke,
China Department,
Mutual Store Ltd
Flinders St.
Melbourne. Australia 


26-4. 41
middle East.


No 10 
VX38483. Snt. M Billings
5th. Battery. 2nd Aus A A Regiment 
A.I.F Abroad 
12. 4. 41

Darling Kay, 
Well sweetheart here goes for a further chapter 
in the story of the innocent abroad and really after 
nosing around some of the oriental back-alleys, I do 
feel a bit that way. Firstly your letter No 17 bowled  
along yesterday and was as usual very welcome 
although I'm awfully sorry that none of my letters 
from here have reached you. Still, some of the chaps 
here who have had letters from home dated three days 
after yours have said that the first letters from here 
have arrived safely. So, I am inclined to believe you  
have [[clicked]] by now. Now, you must cease worrying  
as up to date my precious person has not been 
assailed and life in general in the Middle East has 
been peaceful and comfortable. From the content of my 
letters you can see that I am not unduly depressed 
although I join you in yearning for the day when the ship 
moors at Port Melbourne. Although the war rages nearby 
we don't hear much about it and only know what is 
going on by the outrageous rumours that circulate in the  
Army as of yore. Your remark about sending photos and  
other articles home is only too true because when you 


go on to leave to Tel Aviv at Jerusalem, you are under fire  
from the moment you arrive from dealers in everything 
conceivable and believe me this is the land of high  
pressure salesmanships. If one had plenty of dough 
you could send home a shipload of stuff. Yesterday 
Harry Andrew and I landed a days leave at Jerusalem  
and spent a champion day and with you and the mates 
in my thoughts, I purchased a mosaic pendant for  
you and a silver dagger brooch for Ma, both of which  
I am sending by first available mail. I do hope this 
and my previous parcel reach you O.K. Yesterday was 
the big day in Jerusalem and we spent all the morning 
in the old walled city going right through the church  
of the Holy Sepulchre with the guide and witnessing 
a most interesting procession of the Greek Orthodox Church 
Unfortunately the services at the R.C church were 
over but the guide took us over the Via Dolorosa and 
thence to the Wailing Wall. In the afternoon 
after a most excellent lunch which cost me 5/- I  
bowled around here and there quaffing ale.  
One good spot we went to was the Y.M.C.A a huge 
modern [[?]] with a tower 200 feet high with a 
marvellous view of the whole of Jerusalem. So ended
a fine day and I now hope to see Tel Aviv as the 
lads say that it is a bright spot, very modern


and at night a shade naughty but I hear that some of
these Near and Middle East put on shows that for
vice would make your hair stand on end. The good
old standby at these temples of sin seems to be the
original Can Can performed with great verve & furnishing
the patrons with excellent entertainment. Still I really
shouldn't be telling you about such nasty things
I am very pleased with the way I've come
through my travels and incursions to new lands as
at the moment, I feel very fit (although a bit portly in
the midriff) and time has dulled the pangs of
separation to the extent that I can enjoy the bit of
fun that is going, all factors which I consider make
the time pass more quickly than if a chap could not
get the thought of his home and folk out of this head
Those moments when you wonder how long it will be
before you see your people again are the worst times
over here and if you can manage to put such thoughts
out of your head, it helps immensely. We both know
now that thoughts are a poor substitute for the real thing
so I must needs be less introspective and keep the
letter on a more flippant basis. One thing I must report
is that your letter No.15 has not come to hand and I m
hoping that it has not gone astray. Regarding parcels
and papers, I'm more or less reconciled to such going west


now and again from [[dope]] I've picked up over here,
but it it a bit foul for airmail at 9' a shot to not 
to turn up. Also the letter from Syd you mentioned
has not been delivered yet and no news from Mum
for over a week so I hope I dont miss out on
a batch. I guess you will keep in touch with the
Ridge's menage so you can keep Nugget posted of my doings.
Thank your mother for her love
which I reciprocate and her hope that John and I
have met has been realised. Although I have not
yet managed to pay him a visit. T'other day I ran
slap bang into Bill Adams and he has been in
our camp for weeks. Fancy not meeting before this.
Bill was well but terribly altered. You remember what
a bluff noisy [[core]] he was? Well now he is quiet
and ultra reserved. You might let Chas. know I met
him when you foregather for your round of golf.
Well, Puss, I'm afraid that's all
for a few day so toddle along to bye bye now sending
you twice as much as you send me (not kidding)
together with a prayer for your well-being. Remember me
to your folks and friends and tell 'em I shall be
pleased to hear from them at any time. Sweet Dreams.
Ever [[?]]


Miss. K. Clarke,
China Department.
Mutual Store Ltd.,
Finders St.




21 4 1941
VX38483. Gnr. M Billings
5th Battery. 2nd. Aust AA Regt.
A.I.F. Abroad 
A.M. No11 

My Darling Kay
Greetings & salutations my chosen (or
is it frozen) soulmate and with them many thanks
for your despatches No. 18 & 19 gladly received and
eagerly devoured. I Sad to relate, your letter No.15
also the letter from Syd you mentioned have not
appeared so I'm afraid that same have gone west.
Following my usual custom, lets have a go at those
items calling for comment. Of couse, I'm very bucked
that at last my laboriously compiled screeds are being
dropped into you letterbox and I can judge from your
plaintive cries in earlier letters that this delivery
occasions you much jubilation. You can imagine by the
same token how the contents of letters from 'down under'
gladden our hearts, we pilgrims in the Holy Land.
I'm afraid Puss I can't fill you everything I'we done
and seen since departing Australian shores but
in previous letters, I've related all that is permissible
according to the Ancient Law of Censorship and
Security but one of these fine days, with you parked
on my bony knee, I shall whisper tales of derring-do
in to your shell pink ears.


That armchair of yours seems very alluring just at the moment 
as most of and sitting over here is on the cold, cold
ground and I shall sink into its depths with great
gusto. I'm pleased to report that the Oriental maladies
are still giving me the go-by and in point of fact
I'm plump and [[pest]] like a Berkshire pig. I have
decided that measures to control and restrict my corporation
must be taken so shall take part in all violent sport
available. Surprisingly the weather lately has been
quite fresh and the blazing desert sun conspicuous by
its absence. However the sun is a mixed blessing as
the flies swarm around and as regards sickness &
discomfort are a perfect [[?]]. Glad to know Jack &
Kath are at last getting spliced, it seems that business in
Melbourne must be in the doldrums to permit of jack eating
up for the ceremony. Some Melbourne papers of late
February have arrived lately and political leaders
seemed quite jittery about the menace to Australia which
sentiments rather surprised me. Anyhow, I bet the old
[[choccas]] are getting some hurry-up and I can
imagine the consternation that will appear on some
of those engaged in essential? services now that the
horrid possibility of military service is fast becoming a
probability. Talking about the 0'Deas, and [[Bad]] Vic.
Brown knew Phil Quirk well, working in the same
office in Melbourne with that worthy. Small World?

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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