Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 1 - Part 3 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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O. M.O. Catholic Meltare Organisation a Sake 30 94 20unn 2 17 7 Dadling Freetings to you radye Payse from you old buddy I don't think I nud ask are you will as when I beetled off last night you looked Swell Keep that up and eerything will be hunky doy By herk I just made it last night That tan Irang for did not tun up and I had to bat fort to the function getting there at 10 to 2 and luckily picking it one up these Iarrivd in town right on the houd. We had a good hip back getting here at 4.30 up at and purpoisingly felt quite forch t othing 6 doing her this afhonoor so slept for 3 hours. so feel guite OK Sonight We had a mustet parade this morning and the imbarkation warning was head and the rolls called. To it looks like we will leaving the shoud soon. The above is suppoed to be secnt but I bet all a ubonose know by now Anyhow, Swent a notice was on the board today that the camp would be open for visitorl on Sunday although to leave will be given out to anyone. So, I wile be looking out for you will dot. She same up tiday, visitor being allowed in for the Camp Sports.
O. W.O. Patalic Meltare Pixenisation can 134 1 Sya 1 I thus dinid gut quite well which was an imispected treat. We were thinking of miking out again one night but I think it would now be too risky an as AWI's can now be charged as desirters. I know you would not think a few houss would be worth 6 months have labod to this sonny I am paying in a tenned to my pay book Bonday so Dot look a cheque down tonight to cash ane if the Lands you the dough Sunday, don't thinking it is for you for a fut wat of a hamburged wire you bonng up a couple of pass of thin papet and some invelopes for me Sunday and 6 packett of Binora blades. Hum will give you the cash at if youh as she said that any things I want the can buy out of what I am having paid to hid. Also put a few odds I will send back with you sunsday to if you want a bag, bel tum to give you mine No more lidings now, dasling and will boy and get another note thoough Tto surst all my love to catch you I aburd ay ull I lay down able pen. Wick
30 141 bit.1 J. Clarke. at o itaSo him Seept Flunders S. CCMEES CAmOuE WEITARE OFAMMEATION FOR THE FIGHTING FORCES 3/342 1
CHURCH OF ENGLAND SOLDIERS HALL PUCKAPUNVAL 31 1" 41 Switheart I is the last day of. the month and as the sun Sets on this day, my thoughts insist on turring to you. Today has been somewhat hillish up here and the umage of you soothes me considerably although you. in the blish would be infinitity prifirable A bus went down to four tonight beaving Eyd. among it's passingers but unforhinately I could not get a chance to be in it owing to duties. (hateful word). abt night at Q. Iwat to
3 The mam thing however is yout ickle darting is Surviving the elements. and Should line up Sunday in good condition your very wilcome Scried is to hand today and I'm so happy you enjoyed tother night. it was bonget, wasnt it! And you know if I could i have got out tonight, I think I would have ricked it. Although I deaded to forego it when it was mooted yesterday. In any case, Fathed Army deuided it for me jour inclosure to the letter was widely read by F11 Foday and was a Lowling necess. 2 L workie up at Camp H.Q until 11p.m and was put on again this morning to help check the imbarkation roles and pay books. So you see any chance I had of nicking out touight was dissipated as the bus had go before I signed off. Iits rather forlish me writng at such lingth as you will be me before you get thit but knowing how you like your letter I shaw proceed. (Anyhow today the dust was the worst I've Ien here, the camp and surrroundings completely blothed out and the atmosphere oven chip The wind has dropped now but Ats still most apprestive
I was very fore about the faxi the other night and I did not Spot him on the way down Zuoke Rd. Awfully Corry. you had to hop out of bid at such an ungodly hout but accidents will happen. will. Putt this about exhauth my repertorse for today to refreat now sending you the ar my love and Give tribely, my best wished Your Cothel, Ada, Bill and Aifred yor my warmist i andd yours to the dregs. H. Irail Zanake PR006W Nottat For tenott
31-1.4 DEPARTMENTOFT COMESSIONPOSTAL RATE HMs. R. Clarke 6/0 China Sept. Cutnal Store Flunders St. Wilbsun
C. M.O. Cistrlic Meltare Orgatieation an Sucka 3 3 194 0o 2 A. 7 Dacling will how are you this joyons day (at at least I hope it is down at se Oll to iboure well. I payy and mcovend from you tremoud Sunday. As you can lee, we are still at the white it and Hell although I fead me and days at this pleasure rsoot are numbered. Our show are like kids playing a new game and pet day they lose up all Lands who stagged down to He parade ground answer their named pick up ther goods & chathls and potibuity Toso back to thus huts. Once they will stagged down but wonl come back, I guess Life in the Foces otherwise pustuls its voutne channeld Today Lyd I I have not worned the less much spending out dinner Loud devouring what remained after Sunday uput and very nce too Syd Dat went into eym and last in gho ane ley a great stroke of luck got a room at the put As nothing sensational occursia last night. they got away with it O.K. I onight howeved excushions are & avoo for an anks to parsove us, we might get roused out of bed at sone ungodly boud. I hope not
O.M.O. Cathatic Meltare Prenisation Cam 2 194 you were simply splended yesterday, my lwent and I shal niver forget wther you of the day No doubt it isse, youve got wwhat it takes, keeping you bonnie blue plag flying to the last I saw youd andly thatch Spoking out of the window right aved that arssee hile and when The bend was at last lost to view, & my gizzard Inonee to wand and you'll rived believe that I had to fight hard to stop myself from Pray that I il nived disgrace you by blubbing any furthedsuch things because you told me you were pom of me and until we mut again. I want you to kup or thinking the same about me in every way Thanks a heap for all the itemt you brought me yesterday because beside being my Sweetheast. I am velying ar you t be my Australiar agent - get me reed Anyhow. Pust anything you went I know you do your utmost to fir up. I out hesitate to care lupron any of my people for anything you want also for you know they are at youd Seovice

Catholic Welfare Organisation 
CAMP Pucka 
No  Unit  2 A A       30  1  1941 
Greetings to you Ladye Fayre  from your old  
buddy. I don't think I need ask are you well 
as when I butted off last night, you looked swell. 
Keep that up and everything will be hunky dory. 
By heck I just made it last night 
- that taxi I rang for did not turn up and  
I had to hot foot to the the function getting there 
at 10 to 2 and luckily picking it one up there. 
I arrived in town right on the hour. We had 
a good trip back getting here at 4.30. Up at  
6 and surprisingly felt quite fresh. Nothing 
doing here this afternoon so slept for 3 hours  
so feel quite O'K tonight. 
We had a muster parade this 
morning and the embarkations warning was  
read and the rolls called.  So it looks 
like we will leaving the shores soon. The  
above is supposed to be secret but I bet 
all Melbourne know by now. Anyhow, Sweet, 
a notice was on the board today that 
the camp would be open for visitors on 
Sunday although no leave will be given out  
to anyone. So, I will be looking out for  
you with Dot. She came up today, visitors 
being allowed in for the Camp Sports.


Catholic Welfare Organisation 

Syd v I thus dined qut quite well which was an  
unexpected treat. We were thinking of micking 
out again one night but I think it would  
now be too risky and as AWL's can now be  
charged as deserters. I know you would not  
think a few hours would be worth 6 months 
hard labor to this sonny. 
 I am paying in a tenner to my 
pay book Monday so Dot took a cheque 
down tonight to cash and if she hands 
you the dough Sunday, don't thinking,  it is 
for you for a fur coat or a hamburger. Will 
you bring up a couple of pads of thin paper 
and some envelopes for me Sunday and 
6 packets of Minora blades. Mum will give 
you the cash as if you get short as she 
said that any things I want she can 
buy out of what I am having paid to her. 
Also pet, a few odds I will send back with 
you Sunday so if you want a bag, tell Mum 
to give you mine. 
No more tidings now, darling 
and will try to get another note through  
to catch you Saturday. So with all my love, 
Puss, I lay down the pen, 


30 1 41 
Miss K. Clarke, 
c/o Mutual Stone Ltd 
China Dept. 
Flinders St., 
Catholic Welfare Organization 
For The Fighting Forces 


Church of England 
Soldiers' Hall 
31 - 1 - 41 
Tis the last day of 
the month and as the sun  
sets on this day, my thoughts 
insist on turning to you. 
Today has been somewhat 
hellish up here and the 
image of you soothes me 
considerably although you in 
the flesh would be infinitely 
A bus went down to town 
tonight bearing Syd. among its 
passengers but unfortunately 
I could not get a chance to be  
in it owing to duties. (hateful 
word). Last night at 9 I was  
ordered to report to R. H. Q. 


The main thing however is your 
ickle darling is surviving the  
elements and should line up 
Sunday in good condition. 
Your very welcome screed 
is to hand today and I'm so 
happy you enjoyed t'other night - 
it was bonzer, wasn't it? And  
you know if I could n have got out  
tonight, I think I would have 
risked it. Although I decided to  
forego it when it was mooted  
yesterday. In any case, Father 
Army decided it for me.  
Your enclosure to the  
letter was widely read by EII 
today and was a howling  

[I worked up at camp H.Q  
until 11pm and was put 
on again this morning to help 
check the embarkation rolls 
and pay books.] So you see,  
any chance I had of nicking 
out tonight was dissipated 
as the bus had gone before I  
signed off. Its rather foolish 
me writing at such length as you 
will see me before you get this 
but knowing how you like your 
letters, I shall proceed.  [Anyhow 
today the dust was the worst I've 
seen here, the camp and  
surroundings completely blotted out 
and the atmosphere oven crisp. 
The wind has dropped now but 
its still most oppressive.] 


I was very sore about the taxi 
the other night and I did not 
spot him on the way down 
Burke Rd. Awfully sorry. You had 
to hop out of bed at such an 
ungodly hour but accidents 
will happen. 
Well, Puss this about 
exhausts my repertoire for 
today so retreat now sending 
you the all my love and 
tritely, my best wishes. Give 
your mother, Ada, Bill and  
Alfred yo my warmest  
Yours to the dregs, 
Michael Bourke 
War Memorial


Department of the Army 
Concession Postal Rate 
Miss. K. Clarke 
c/o China Dept. 
Mutual Store Ltd 
Flinders St. 


War Memorial 


Catholic Welfare Organisation 
Camp  Pucka 
No  Unit 2 A A 
3.   2.   1941 
Well how are you this joyous day? (or at 
least I hope it is down at Lil' Oll Melbourne). 
Well, I pray and recovered from your 
strenuous Sunday. As you can see, we are 
still at the White Mans Hell although 
I fear me our days at this pleasure resort are 
numbered. Our show are like kids playing 
a new game. Once per day they load up 
all hands who stagger down to the parade  
ground answer their names, pick up their  
goods and chattels and positively totter back 
to their huts. Once they will stagger down  
but won't come back, I guess. 
Life in the Forces otherwise 
pursues its routine channels. Today, Syd & 
I have not worried the mess much, spending our 
dinner hour devouring what remained after 
Sunday's repasts and very nice too.  Syd & Dot 
went into Seymour last night and by a  
great stroke of luck got a room at the pub. 
As nothing sensational occurred last  
night, they got away with it O.K.  Tonight, 
however excursions are taboo for all ranks so 
preserve us, we might get roused out of bed at  
some ungodly hour. I hope not. 


Catholic Welfare Organisation 

you were simply splendid yesterday, my Sweet 
and I shall never forget either you or the  
day.  No doubt Missie, you've got what it 
takes, keeping your bonnie blue flag flying to 
the last. I saw your curly thatch poking out 
of the window right over that cursed hive and when 
the bus was at last lost to view,    my gizzard 
turned to water and you'll never believe that  
I had to fight hard to stop myself from 
blubbing. Pray that I'll never disgrace you by 
any further such things because you told me you 
were proud of me and until we meet again, 
I want you to keep on thinking the same about 
me in every way.  
Thanks a heap for all the 
items you brought me yesterday because beside 
being my sweetheart, I am relying on you to 
be my Australian agent and - get me ? 
Anyhow, Puss, anything you I want I know you will do 
your utmost to fix up.  Don't hesitate to call 
upon any of my people for anything you want also 
for you know they are at your service.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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