Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 1 - Part 2 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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Milliary Camp o BATTALION OR UNIT 18 One can but hope for the best. If the woost happend I shall ring home Saturday of couse provided that can be done you latet spittle sumed as though you wire a trifle distront, probably caused by lyng i bed in lagy indan of maning dusing you vacation and rrading thell morbed volumed you fancy. Ire upon you Aecording to the Mub. Priss, a thowit of rain fell there last night. Trosible for the Sood Thing wasn't it an ill you Ladyship, The well of imspiration sumt to be diying up now so I shall betake myelf off now to dee a man. Ire you Sunday and musment a frdget that duty werl past me I forget to b you we wwere taken off by kitchen last Tursday hince my proturbation Sunday. Je. fayet Ladye. S
DEPARTMENTOF THE ARMY CONCESSION POSTAL RATE 16.1.4 Mrss. L.A. J. Clarke 1. 41 Poad Barkeas K 4 Hawthoon ast W Aoria
uckapunial 18.1 41 PROOOIE Restralian War Mamorial
Sltus Ca a S BATTALION A. 1 amndmng me OR Vitt cot fnmmmnd Dtie Swetheart just a few lines pennie diing lunch wcitt Writent larly as I am due for quare on the Compound tonight at Six, I hope you are well and not feeling too much the end of your holidays and the contuent return to fort. we got here about midnight and afterond noctuonal wanderings on Forday & (aturday, I feel like a long sleep today but the cows are having paseded today which are very sidious To with 24 hours guard in prospects with Kunekle in charge things look mighty black Have no fnather mew of any loot To tew you, Fuss and Ii have to off for parade now. A we wert shove fomoroped wight when I finish Your my spen looking after the bad boy Soong, My fovt Mick
DEPARTMENT OF IHE ARRIY COMESSION POSTAL RATE Clarker Miss X Dupt C/o China Catial Hore Blunders S Milbourne 7it 6
CHURCH OF ENGLAND SOLDIERS HALL PUCKAPUNVAL 28. 1. 41 Darling In reply to yours to hand this day. I beg to advise that I am quite well and Settling down to the humdrum ways of the Army again. You good health and Spirits are my earnest wish Step. To day was spent bludging by this humble party. 4 ine a.i dintist for new lowit plate with a harocut sneaked in the fromt time. Back at 11 4m to E11 thence at 11.30 for some equipment moving at the Q.M. Hore. Thit Sortie inded disaattously for fell me, an oven fatting from a truck and knocked a fild out of my finget, said digit bleding
The difficulty about getting down is that bous caus at 10p.m from imbarkation rolls are likely to if that happined while a bloke was away, he would cap it praperly in the nick so puss if I cant make it, its too bad. The Zathery Oppe fold ut we were pntly certain to be stue here Sunday if I cant come down, at least you can come up. Thie, dont be shocked if I pop in one night. The felless who did not come back Sunday got fined and 7 days C.B.C.B hive iears reporting every half hond to Tuardroom and an hours Defaultios Doce at 4.30 in the afternoon which I confies I would +athet avoid as you are lucky if you can even write littrs while that c. I lasts. 2 copiously. Thus to R.H.P for a drissing. A hearty stew potage followed, Sunned M.B proceeding back to billets. As every one in the hut was on dury but me. They for got ale about me this aptoroon so I rhaed back to the hut to lick my wounds which will cost you t axpayers 5/-and cheap at half the price Regarding and departure there is nothing frish to report except that th there is feventh Activity in the offices and stores so and everything ulse is being hurned up. Whether I can Aneak down one night is uncertain as no news about busis has come through and on the other hands pretty soure punishment is being meted out to these caught fW
4 I was releeved from VD Iward yesterday afternoon and pood Syd appointed in my Stead. He came in tonight and was gute done up after patrolling out in the plains Quite a turn you meeting the Oed Zoy at Spiver St- Im glad he was contating to you gald after yout ordial. His not a bad old cove and I shaw put him up one rng on my populanty laddet for his gaclantry were, now comet the time toving down. the curtain, you lazy cow and we than go or with the performance tomorrow Evening. So. Puss imagine Iim beside you when you hut the hay Chin Chin, pet, and tonight the usual oodles of love 200010 nustratian Mick. FE MCMrIA
IFOF THE ARNY POSTAL RATE 28 iss. K. Clarke 6/0 China Department Cutual Store Lt S folunders C Wilbourne 4 X

One can but hope for the best. If the worst 
happens I shall ring home Saturday, of course 
provided that can be done. 
Your latest epistle sounds as 
though you were a trifle distrait, probably caused 
by lying in bed in lazy indolence of mornings 
during your vacation and reading those morbid 
volumes you fancy. Fie upon you. 
According to the Melb. Press, a shower
of rain fell there last night. Terrible for the 
poor things wasn't it. Well, your 
Ladyship, the well of inspiration seems to be 
drying up for now so I shall betake myself
off now to see a man. See you Sunday 
and murmur a prayer that duty will pass me 
by. I forgot to tell you we were taken off
kitchen last Tuesday hence my perturbation
re Sunday.   
A. Jew.[adieu?] fayre Ladye 



Miss. K. A. J Clarke 
548 Barkins Road 
East Hawthorn  


War Memorial


Military camp at Pucka 
[W]Battalion or Unit 2.A.A. 
Just a few lines penned during lunch recess. 
Writing early as I am due for guard on the 
Compound tonight at six. I hope you are 
well and not feeling too much the end of your 
holidays and the consequent return to toil. We 
got here about midnight and after our nocturnal 
wanderings on Friday & Saturday I feel like a 
long sleep today but cows are having 
parades today which are very tedious. 
So with 24 hours guard in prospect & with 
'Knuckle' in charge things look mighty 
Have no further news of any sort 
to tell you, Puss and I'll have to 
shove off for parade now. Will write 
you tomorrow night when I finish 
my spell looking after the bad boys.   
So Long, My Love


Miss. K. Clarke. 
c/o China Dept,   21.1.41
Mutual Store Ltd.
Flinders St 
Melbourne C.1



In reply to yours to 
hand this day. I beg to advise 
that I am quite well and settling 
down to the humdrum of the
army tod again. Your good health 
and spirits are my earnest wish
Stop. Today was spent bludging 
by this humble party. Nine a.m
dentist for new lower plate with 
a haircut sneaked in the firms 
time. Back at 11 AM to E11 
thence at 11.30 for some equipment 
moving at the Q.M. Store. This 
sortie ended disastrously for 
me, an oven falling fell from a 
truck and knocked a piece out 
of my finger, said digit bleeding


copiously. Thus to R.A.P for a  
dressing. A hearty stew potage  
followed, Gunner M.B proceeding  
back to billets. As everyone  
in the hut was on duty but  
me, they forgot about me  
this afternoon so I retired back  
to the hut to lick my wounds. 
Which will cost you taxpayers  
5/- and cheap at half the price.  
Regarding our departure  
there is nothing fresh to report  
except that thert there is feverish  
activity in the offices and stores  
so and everything else is being  
hurried up. Whether I can  
sneak down one night is uncertain  
as no news about buses has come  
through and on the other hands 
pretty sound punishment is being  
meted out to those caught AWL.  

The difficulty about getting down is that  
rolls calls at 10 p.m from embarkation  
rolls are likely so if that happens  
while a bloke was away, he would  
cop it properly in the neck. So puss 
 if I can't make it, its too bad. 
The Battery Office told us we were  
pretty certain to be still here Sunday. 
So if I can't come down, at least you  
can come up. Still, don't be shocked  
if I pop in one night. The fellers  
who did not come back Sunday got  
fined and 7 days C.B. C.B here  
means reporting every half hour to  
Guardroom and an hours Defaulters  
Drill at 4.30 in the afternoon which  
I confess I would rather avoid as  
you are lucky if you can even write  
letters while that C.B lasts. 


I was relieved from VD Guard  
yesterday afternoon and poor Syd  
appointed in my stead. He came in  
tonight and was quite done up  
after patrolling out in the plains. 
Quite a turn you meeting  
the Old Boy at Spencer St_ I'm  
glad he was consoling to you  
gals after your ordeal. He's not a  
bad old cove and I shall  
put him up one rung on my  
popularity ladder for his  
Well, now comes the time  
to ring down the curtain, you  
lazy cow and we shall go on  
with the performance tomorrow  
evening. So, Puss, imagine I'm  
beside you when you hit the hay  
tonight. Chin Chin, pet, and  
the usual oodles of love.  
Australian War Memorial


Miss. K. Clarke, 
C/o China Department  
Mutual Store Ltd. 
Flinders St. 
Melbourne C.1


War Memorial

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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