Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 1 - Part 1 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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O. M.O. Catholic Meltare Organisation 12 1340 Lunckaprinyal My Swent At He outhit, permit me to thank you for you lengthy letter which came to hand this day of out Lord. My word, you did yourself has pronds, your epistle certainly, plenty of good rd meat which I Tampled as an appehsed after a delicious Army Lunchion. That reminds me, That at the him of wwniting, we are feeling somenhat squaring aftet ond dinnit swnts consisting of fromedid prrsuved apples. Several of and chaps have perked up to date but I am manfully swaccowing my hea and scrupled which condition I hape to maintain To add to and discomfiture, a Pucka dust storm Rickea off at 3p uns and it sher given plenty of check. Atherwise we are perfectly happy By now. I possume you have digested the glad! fiding be final and Xias leave This time, I fead, it is official and difinite so Im beginning to became reonaled and defermined to hol in during leave. I hape you are successful in getting some time off from nrS td As I saw oved the phose
O.H.O. Catholic Mellare Organisation 124 boy and make it for the Xmasperiod onward in preferece to before I will have some businett to fix up and some farewent to go through before smbark ation and I inferd to fix those up frost so to be in He chad diving the fittive period It is said, partly riliably. That we will leavin here at 3.30 a.m on Thursday so in that case, we should reach town about 530. Fancy arrwing home an leave before breakfast Stana by at the Wutual for my re-entry into your waking howt. (I wome love. to be in bed with you right now 1y oath) O kay yesterday. we had a foot inspction and my bunios came under j ofice but at I am marching about 40 miles a week without any effect (in nw books mind you). I rickon Illl be in at the Rul aithough pirhaps you may not agree. Shodly to you. I omorrow wining him go on night in andwored out in the Cutte. Night Mandenvrel are the consumption y25 Tucking pigh 20 sheef and 220 niners well be a gob when we get back Weednesday but it will be a bumper night, I vow.
C.M.O. Catholic Meltare Orzanisation 184 werl, me gae, that srumd to be about an I can dig up for fit -maie to I will depart to the Cantern for a wriple of plagons and to to bed,. Sandpaper yout ducky little fingers and flex your becips because on the night of Dec. 19. I were coave a little affection for my love Htarved being Seritict of dreams, pet. wick PS atox mat present for you stinked just fat asking
5 16.12.46 2 Aissippp Clarke. Ais. I 6/0. Chine Slept Hithial Store d Flindirs St Aelbanmne CATHOLIC WELFARE ORGANILATION FOR THE FIGHTING FORCES 10 61
Pucka punse il PR0061C nustralian Her Benortsl
Mary C a Luckapnyal BATTALION A O UAT 18 Swithiast. Here goes for my latest eital yore we go ahead, I trust you had a pleasant apion hoip yesterday and injoyed a good forty winks after arowal homes. Anyhou hearty thanks for the fip top day we spent yesterday. After you went speeding home I rang up home and spoke a fiw words to the folks Thince to be bookt for a couple of jugs, Shither to the billit where we partook of rabbit, apple pre and cake from his Xmad hamped you can un agine how we lept after the planked we had grawing at and vitals by ther. Like a pagt stye However in readinels for the weeks work. The Joled foundation came in handy Today, Lrent Himpton, of floud fame stood out with as wild look in her eye which bodid ill for nt. we Thermpoe sundrrtook a forced mant to the Toultron fived and back before lunch 3id we fly dined the march on one startch and e wise doing 133 ppaces to the minute
Wdiary Camp A muman BATTALION OR UNIT nnum Apter the first 4 mclet, we can for half a nele with frn hats and respecatord on too Tee, she was plinly tanous. I snowwed Iamehow and got back without raiding a blisted and injayed every menute of it really. Nof day here today, no wind just a lot him and you know how I like that This maring, Gob Sutton who is in charge of the hut in the absence of Jack flaman came asound and look the addressed of the happy g cenness who wanted leave next week ind Goy was there a chornt Io at the moment it looks Ok for a wviit to Emoh Rv0 Leave starts on Forsay at 8pi a until 12 madnight Sunday Too bad we cant have wonday the hs bithed than nowt. Dnd boss ackont theass a famt chance of gitting sonday. To will hoping and like beggars, soldiers cant be choosers Will, Wadame, I now depart sunding you a wagonlood of choosses to go on with Nugget sinds his love. Good-I june
DEPARTHTFNF O 14 MSs. K. Clarke China Seapartment otal Sfore xt Flinders St 6:1 Wosme Of
uckapen PROO610 Mar Henors
a F Rapanyal BATTALION ox var Qnd H.H K egt 1610. Deanst Kuss Once again thanks for you favoud to hand Today choireling you doings of recent Finet I fead I cannot equal your letters in Iige because nothing much wet appear to happen here we are shee saruting aroune yaddocks in the soceept jumping in and out, spubling on respirators and Simlar valderdash. sandwiching in a bit of pracher for the by march i betweeen timet The March and yau sum to be on as for a cutainly now on 24th instarte so we we will get at last one more light of upeoure sown Current opinion inclinit to the beluf that we will get have ihe sunday night if not hie Monday It's my prevent hope anyhow What is causing [id I I mose asxty at the moment is the notice on the board dsday to the effect that out onat concinuce duties on Tahesday night for a fortnight. Ifave get capped for Sauday, I shall be somewhat annoyed

C. W. O. 
Catholic Welfare Organisation 
16. 12. 1940 

My Sweet, 
At the outset, permit me to thank you 
for your lengthy letter which came to hand 
this day of our Lord. My word, you did yourself 
proud, your epistle certainly ^had plenty of good 
red meat which I sampled as an appetiser 
after a delicious Army Luncheon. That reminds 
me, that at the time of writing, we are feeling 
somewhat "squarmy" after our dinner. Sweets 
consisting of fermented preserved apples. Several 
of our chaps have "perked" up to date but 
I am manfully swallowing my tea and 
scruples which condition I hope to maintain. 
To add to our discomfiture, a "Pucka" dust 
storm kicked off at 3p.m and is still giving 
plenty of cheek. Otherwise we are perfectly 
By now, I presume you have digested 
the glad? tidings re final and Xmas leave. 
This time, I fear, it is official and definite 
so I'm beginning to become reconciled and 
determined to "hoe" in during leave. I 
hope you are successful in getting some time 
off from M.S. Ltd as I said over the phone 


C. W. O.
Catholic Welfare Organisation
try and make it for the 
Xmas period onward in preference to before. 
I will have some business to fix up 
and some farewells to go through before 
embarkation and I intend to fix those up 
first so to be in the clear during the festive 
It is said, pretty reliably, that we will 
leaving here at 3.30 a.m on Thursday so in 
that case, we should make town about 
5.30. Fancy arriving home on leave 
before breakfast. Stand by at the Mutual 
for my re-entry into your waking hours. (I 
would love to be in bed with you right now, 
My oath). O Kay. 
Yesterday we had a foot inspection 
and my bunion came under notice but as I am 
marching about 40 miles a week with without any 
effect (in new boots mind you), I reckon I'll be 
in at the kill although perhaps you may not 
agree. Phooey to you! Tomorrow evening we go 
on night manoeuvres out in the bush. Night 
manoeuvres are the consumption of 25 sucking pigs 
20 sheep and 20 25 niners. Will be a job 
when we get back Wednesday but it will 
be a bumper night, I vow.

C. W. O.

Catholic Welfare Organisation 

Well, me gal, that seems to be about 
all I can dig up for this mail, so I will 
depart to the Canteen for a couple of 
flagons, and so to bed. Sandpaper your 
ducky little fingers, and flex your biceps 
because on the night of Dec. 19, I will crave 
a little affection for my love starved being. 
Sweetest of dreams, pet. 
P.S. No Xmas present for you, St Stinker, 
just for asking. 




Miss K. Clarke 
C/O China Dept. 
Mutual Store Ltd. 
Flinders St 
Melbourne C.1. 




War Memorial 



Military Camp at Puckapunyal 

Here goes for my latest recital. Before we
go ahead, I trust you had a pleasant
return trip yesterday and enjoyed a good
forty winks after arrival home. Anyhow
hearty thanks for the tip top day we spent
yesterday. After you went speeding home
I rang up home and spoke a few
words to the folks. Thence to the boozer for a
couple of jugs, thither to the billet where
we partook of rabbit, apple pie and cake
from his a Xmas hamper you can imagine how
we slept after the plonkus we had gnawing
at our vitals by then. Like a pig's stye.
However in readiness for the weeks work, the
solid foundation came in handy. 
Today, Lieut. Kimpton, of “flour”
fame strode out with a wild look in his
eye which boded ill for us. We therefore
undertook a “forced” march to the Goulburn
River and back before lunch. Did we fly? 
Timed the march on one stretch and we were
doing 135 paces to the minute. 



Military Camp of …………….. 


After the first 4 miles, we ran for half a
mile with tin hats and respirators on too.
Gee, she was plenty strenuous. I survived
somehow and got back without raising a blister
and enjoyed every minute of it really. Hot day
here today, no wind just a hot sun and you
know how I like that. 
This morning, Bob Sutton who is in
charge of the hut in the absence of Jack Seaman
came around and took the addresses of the
happy gunners who wanted leave next
week end. Boy, was there a chorus! So at
the moment it looks O.K. For a w visit to
Emoh Ruo. Leave starts on Friday at 5 p.m
until 12 midnight Sunday. Too bad
we can’t have Monday. Still tis better
than nowt. Our boss reckons there’s a faint
chance of getting Monday. So we’re hoping
and like beggars, soldiers can’t be choosers.
Well, Madame, I now depart sending you
a wagonload of choosses to go on with.
Nugget sends his love. Good - Byeeeee. 



Miss K. Clarke, 
C/O China Department 
Mutual Store Ltd. 
Flinders St 
Melbourne C.1 




War Memorial 



Military Camp of Puckapunyal 

Dearest Puss, 
Once again thanks for your favour to
hand today chronicling your doings of recent
times. I fear I cannot equal your letters in
size because nothing much ever appears to happen
here. We are still careening around paddocks
in the trucks, jumping in and out, putting
on respirators and similar balderdash,
sandwiching in a bit of practice for the big
march in between times. The March and
Ball seem to be on a for a certainty now
on 24th instanta so we with will get at
least one more sight of Melbourne town
Current opinion inclines to the belief that
we will get leave until Sunday night if not
till Monday. It’s my fee fervent hope anyhow. 

What is causing Sid & I more
anxiety at the moment is the notice on the board
today to the effect that our mob commence
duties on Saturday night for a fortnight. If we
get copped for Sunday, I shall be somewhat 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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