Wallet 1 of 1 - Bissaker, Frank Sherral (Lieutenant, b.1914 - d.1942), Part 11

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Documents and letters
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Leter 1626 NKS7SGY Hubby A cam fany 2/13t atalin My Sevling Shenig Lle Arx MrS Sboad 160ch & Hulls Dn Sheirt, Ilofe you a the likle pello are wel. My healt is OR. & lots o Divinning phas kept we in good condition I received a leter back fom D forkat defarment merked unclaimed. Had addressed it to Cat. Lyous ten king her M Lyons for the favert they sent we An enclosing it with this lder dear I would like you to foward it on to kem, although its a lible ancient by now Plase excuse scubpted Sevent but its difficult to write in a nanow dugant using a bakened abt as i Kerosene- Sir
I annot understend how Blake received a capts fhm be a few monts ago Actally, I sent out a few days ago, as som as I knew She was home & his is to only one Ive sent him. Heres hoping the isn& Titty enough to memy Elaine - the less he sus of her the betes! (and I don't mean maybe Sendon me Mr. Jessake I Rinnks Rates That I just answered the Shone. It a pleasure to have it instatled + of cousse there isn't any thore account Pay. Hamenes, I carse it when it rings say, at 2 am. I In requiret to visit the stippes. Neat doo neighbours are a huisanto too + always ignove the likle tin box which Sve discreetly placed rear the plone marked "Twopenco please. Possibly, & boa int terge enough, So In
considering flang a Penosene fin Hers inshead Well ranting, I was damed gend that you dibut abend te Danly at Wycls If t all got fiill & had a dounke ive in don't fve a dand, but I understand your feelings an the subject of booge & also be thought of me still being away would not make the enening plusanh for you. Good llack to Slakes Lape retur but you . I shd have our happy rennor alend of us then if you wick to have a few Spots Ill he tire to, take care of you a pet you to bed, diating wife Yost. Gad Snows just how imfatenbly I an awartn my reton, so tak I can tt care of you Seny, in person XXX you, shme slove
Fro kemore, Mnsher t I refea once again that you wilh always come first, well before my people even Kongs Mw Might Habe ther ides. Mew I whan have I sow show you whit I mean, so plese, darting, dont Misunders tan my reat, inver feelings as his subject Ive aid my cards as the Table quite openly so let close te subject, kknowing tha an well aware of Mums Jackes Inadrtally, drsling, She las alway writen very lovingly of you. n fetough I know to t st is almay x feetng you so stay at Wynelth don t llave you for refusing lave been sown to hear of Mater I Tops it health only hope they are well by now.
I reslise the mote be I made about Lis blees anwing howe. you y and upon I heard of Lenys Apenwa went keywire & used to wch through your leters, to I got lets a kings hplssly nicgt wer the neve of your doetor know your under aand just how your very very very find hutly ected Havend hand fom Scr or leit for sone Tine, to Il doop them a lve tommaw. I know where Keit is, but its miles from here, wore bick I am not femiter to levve his area Have bees sabng Aot news reg alarl to you deas CxxX you will be dinzled when your burtdy feret amives, I forgo Io menk it on the outedo the Sarcil &only of stated
C) pant claking, to I lope the censor doesn & complin, as we are competled t stake details of price, cokid el on he owkid land beades I believe it or not fip Havees are fuly easy to obtain at pern I dear, so dont ary about them for a white, you heve been to andrget to and tad a lot to he dilg an Wel an Shert il chs now with all my lave the fervent lofe tet i b home soa sow you doded lubby Den Kesk Aby bug for Semy fra Ladly Sr Lone to Pat Mto Sp Home Seie Manreen, ut

Letter No. 26.                            
A Company 

2 /13th Battalion 

My Darling Sherrie xxxx, AIF (ME) Abroad 16 Oct 42

Hullo! Sweetheart, I hope 

you and the ‘little fella’ are well. My 

health is O.K. & lots of swimming 

has kept me in good condition.

I received a letter back from 

the postal department marked
'unclaimed'. Had addressed it  

to Cath. Lyons thanking her &
Mr Lyons for the parcel they sent me.
Am enclosing it with this letter
dear & would like you to forward
it on to them, although it’s a 
little ancient by now.
Please excuse scribbled pencil
but it’s difficult to write in a
narrow dugout using a battered
Kerosene tin as a table.



I cannot understand how Blake 
received a cable from me a few 

months ago.  Actually I sent one
a few days ago, as soon as I knew 

he was home & this is the only 
one I’ve sent him. Here’s hoping
he isn’t silly enough to marry 

Elaine - the less he sees of her
the better! (and I don’t mean 'maybe')
5 minutes later - Pardon me Mrs Bissaker,
but I just answered the phone.  It’s 
a pleasure to have it installed & of 

course there isn’t any 'phone account
to pay. However, I curse it when it 

rings say, at 2a.m. & I’m required 

to visit the skipper. Next door
neighbours are a nuisance too &
always ignore the little tin box which
I’ve discreetly placed near the phone
marked “Twopence please.” Possibly, the 

box isn’t large enough, so I’m



considering placing a kerosene tin there

Well darling, I was darned glad that

you didn't attend the party at 'Wynella'

If they all got ' full' & had a drunken

time Im don't give a damn, but 

I understand your feelings on the subject

of booze & also the thought of me

still being away would not make

the evening pleasant for you. Good

luck to Blake's safe return but

you & I still have our happy

reunion ahead of us. Then if you

wish to have a few spots,

I'll be there to take care of you,

& put you to bed, darling wife - 

Gosh! God knows just how

impatiently I am awaiting

my return, so that I can take

care of you & Terry, in person.

I love you, Sherrie. XXXX



Furthermore, Sweetheart I repeat

once again that you will always

come first, well before my people,

even though Mum might have

other ideas. When I return home I'll

soon show you what I mean,  so

please, darling, don't misunderstand

my real, inner feelings on this

subject I've laid my cards on

the table quite openly, so let's

close the subject, knowing that

I am well aware of Mum's tactics.

Incidentally, darling, she has always

written very lovingly of you & Terry.

Although I know that she is always

expecting you to stay at 'Wynella"

I don't blame you for refusing.

I have been sorry to hear of

Mater & Pop's ill health & only

hope they are well by now.



I realise the mistake I made about

Leo Green arriving home. You see dear

when I heard of Terry's safe arrival

I went haywire & con used to

rush through your letters; so I

got lots of things hopelessly mixed,

even the name of your doctor. I

know you'll understand just how

your very, very, very proud hubby

acted xxxx Haven't heard from Leo,

or Keith for some time, so I'll drop

them a line tomorrow. I know

where Keith is, but its miles

from here, worse luck & I am

not permitted to leave this area.

Have been posting 'AIF News' regularly

to you, dear XXXX.

You will be puzzled when your

birthday parcel arrives. I forgot

to mention it on the outside

of the parcel & only stated



'Infant's clothing', so I hope the

censor doesn't complain, as we are

compelled to state details of

price, article etc. on the outside. 

Razor blades & believe it or not,

pipe tobacco are fairly easy to

obtain at present dear, so don't

worry about them for a while. You

have been so wonderful to send 

such a lot to me, darling wife XXXX

Well Sweetheart, I'll close now.

With all my love & the fervent

hope that I'll be home soon.

Ever your devoted hubby

Frank XXXX

A big hug for Terry from

Daddy X.

Love to Mater, Nita, Pop

Elsie, Maureen, & Horrie




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