Wallet 1 of 1 - Bissaker, Frank Sherral (Lieutenant, b.1914 - d.1942), Part 10

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Documents and letters
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Letis No. 25 Nx 5739x. Lieut. L. Sinakn Hcay. 2/12 Saken HIACMD. Hooord Myrow Hensis Wipe, Eaxs, 10 ock. or fist a few bres To Say Hulls! Low are you desting? Have written to Dad aex plained that Itt liks teny to have commnied certificate toed hem why the mistats was wads re post ing of certificate tohian. Well deas, I an enjoying an easy, quiet Time with lots of Truimming, to please dont wsay. XXXX. Dar ergerly awarking tose recious Fromises, dear. They have faw such a comport to you know ty with be he simd for me. Ive if ten prayed very
Jeamessy + Lod his always enswered my prayers. At rimes when Jery's whells ae he landing al around my dugont I was real Frightened as I knew tat my Farth in God would kep we cape. He aid Sent te home to you soon dear, of tet I encertains KXXX. This coupon Casiness must be a pain in te neck, altough Ar necessary. That fanic buying ws Sydney must have recembled a stampede Englad you didnt let it wory you dear. At the sime hime I dont want you to deprive yourself of anyting you requirs. You cre manying Fnancal mater very catably darling, but of course, know that you are a
underful wife & have always said so. XXXX Iam to glad tat we are weried Swutherat, A Teny has gompleted a perfect picture - God bess you hot XXXX &. We have suck waderout Lies ahead of us, dear. I religisncly look at your photoo just before I close my dyes every night & immediately I awaken in te morning Hll I This is just a litl law likes darling to hell you her I love you with all my heart hatt I wiss you Semibly tves your devoted bubly San D. XXXX. Big bup Frten Persnds
Leter 165 15732 Lrend SSinades Aeay S/S Ratkahon AH CAS Sand My Davling Wife, Seme Lal Bootabes of I have just sent & cabls to you basacknest feding receipt of your fariit feto & advising you also tet Ire posted 2 farels to you. Tot darling I received a lavely bunct of nail from you last Night leten No 100 to 112 Hanks so much own sherrk for writing so regulisty, I enjoy every word & your lekes ast the one bright ray of Inshino awes hen, dear. In dess, I love ill the Thohs youre sent me partimlarly those if taken at the Studio - Ino always tlosking ten at
6 you wentimed tatileter 1055 and St had amived tat bey repered to my lave at Semit. Landy, a cobber of here stayet with me down thene & bask a few thabes wit his canera cina hes he has amwed hono & I am enclosing a leter ploto which he sent me. Twas very flased to heas fom hi aper likt hs tough Halvers, & gost Lenay hin retuning to his wife and famity I told him all ahout you & Seny you will wohi that he meationed you in his eSer. & Saking coshimes must he a ptter in Aussie, so I eepert there with The Seveat nadish colonies His snne Ill bek seny with enjoyto water & visualess him of lasting in Aber to Alympr Poot under the Superves 100 cheame yeu & Mr.
63 Wel darling, I lave you more hard eve t gost I mess my heaudful wift He sooner I am hous wit you Semp the Lappies TU.C.XCL lay hop my wait is reaching you in large quirtties, as I letters every t wuks is very dis¬ epointing. We ham bered then Iare here any missing. or at are tey saliving it Here unter regalarly darting, tat why Ino so Luggled. He mait will be opercling sow sead to hew tet doctor is plase at you halt dear. knd blew worned about you, Narhwbr as teny was such a size when bood but what a beby. He is such I hig, healhyt hope he is well ft after having to Lew
1 Has shk you a the bey se augh I hap here giver as ald wemed man's advic to a friend of mint. You are still my bible gent too, young lady XXX singl Bing - werl. Il say more - and you blucked when I said Bang. He censor a sout deteils Shlas new forhar ait to Tubbio Sevvin, bul otherwise Hene have has ol a fewletter of yours sasssred or rayor- Wlsded Busnally use a nagor bladd when, ansoring my lads maik Yell. You met captain Lodon and pleased to hear hat wis all to let you cane thing about me. It must be gerd to hut someone at
home who has wek nt a I can visualise you as lng there Were Mhan. Low and N.. t This sufpered il healt + wesnt suspesed whe he was Sent hom. It her chap and he was good to devate and hour of his Tine, when there were to many visitors to suchen Well Tnckeart its up to mo To came ho me a present myself To you in ferson and he Somelly inhadiced to one lod Must close now to akento a conferevn, but with canton la Ser. hues your devated butby Alt Ss Deck Vl less fo Seny 4 ok

Letter No. 25.
Lieut. F. Bissaker
A Coy. 2/13 Battalion
AIF (ME). Abroad
My own Precious Wife, xxxx, 10 Oct. 42
Just a few lines
to say Hullo! how are you darling.?.
Have written to Dad & explained
that I'd like Terry to have commission
certificate & told him why
the mistake was made re posting
of certificate to him.
Well dear, I am enjoying
an easy, quiet time with
lots of swimming, so please
don't worry. XXXX.
I am eagerly awaiting those
Precious Promises, dear. They have
been such a comfort to you &
I know they will be the same
for me. I've often prayed very


earnestly & God has always answered
my prayers. At times when Jerry's
shells were landing all around
my dugout I was never frightened
as I knew that my faith in
God would keep me safe. He
will send me home to you
soon dear, of that I am certain
This coupon business must
be a pain in the neck, although
its necessary. That panic buying
in Sydney must have resembled
a stampede & I'm glad you
didn't let it worry you dear.
At the same time I don't want
you to deprive yourself of
anything you require. You are
managing financial matters very
capably darling, but of course,
I know that you are a


wonderful wife & have always said so.
I am so glad that we are married
sweetheart, & Terry has completed
a perfect picture — God bless
you both XXXX   X. We have such
wonderful times ahead of us, dear.
I religiously look at your
photo just before I close my eyes
every night & immediately I
awaken in the morning. XXXX  X.
This is just a little love letter
darling to tell you that I
love you with all my heart
& that I miss you terribly.
Ever your devoted hubby,
Big hug for Terry. X.
F Bissaker


Letter No. 25
Lieut. F. Bissaker
A Coy 2/13 Battalion
A.I.F. (M.E.) Abroad
My Darling Wife, Sherrie XXXX  13 October 42
I have just
sent 2 cables to you dear acknowleding
receipt of your parcel & photos
& advising you also that I've
posted 2 parcels to you.
Gosh darling I received a lovely
bunch of mail from you last
night — letters No. 108 to 112.
Thanks so much sweetheart for
writing so regularly, I enjoy
every word & your letters are
the one bright ray of sunshine
over here, dear. Gee! dear, I
love all the photos you've sent
me particularly those 4 taken
at the studio — I'm always
looking at them. X X X X.



You mentioned that letter Nos. 55 and 56
had arrived, & that they referred to
my leave at Beruit. Sandy, a cobber
of mine stayed with me down there
& took a few photos with his camera.
Since then he has arrived home
& I am enclosing a letter & photos
which he sent me. I was very
pleased to hear from him & appreciated
his thoughtfulness, & gosh!
I envy him returning to his wife
and family. I told him all about
you & Terry & you will notice
that he mentioned you in his letter.
Bathing costumes must be a problem
in Aussie, so I expect there will
be several nudist colonies this Summer.
I'll bet Terry will enjoy the
water & visualise him splashing
in Cabarita Olympic Pool under
the supervision of you & Mr. Creamer.


Well darling, I love you more than ever
& gosh! I miss my beautiful wife.
The sooner I am home with you
& Terry the happier I'll be X X X X

I only hope my mail is reaching
you in large quantities, as 2
letters every 6 weeks is very disappointing.
I've numbered them
all - are there any missing? or
are they rationing it?. Have written
regularly darling, that's why I'm
so puzzled. Air mail will be operating soon.
Glad to hear that Doctor is
pleased with your health dear. Had
been worried about you, particularly
as Terry was such a size when born,
but what a baby!!. He is
such a big, healthy lad & I
hope he is well & fit after
having the flu.


I am still your little boy, even
though I may have given an
'old' married man's advice to a
friend of mine. You are still
my little girl too, young lady.
X X X X 
Bang! Bang! — well! I'll say
no more — and you blushed 
when I said "Bang!"
The censor cut out details
of Nita's new position with the
Public Service, but otherwise
there have been only a few letters
of yours scissored or razor-bladed.
I usually use a razor blade
when censoring my lads' mail.
Well ! You met Captain Gordon!
I am pleased to hear that
he was able to tell you some
thing about me. It must be
grand to meet someone at


home who has met me & I can
visualise you asking him
Where? When? How? and Why?. He
has suffered ill-health & I
wasn't surprised when he was
sent home. A nice chap and
he was good to devote an hour
of his time, when there were
so many visitors to see him.
Well, sweetheart, its up to me
to come home & present myself
to you "in person" and be
formally introduced to our son.
Must close now to attend
a conference, but will continue
Ever your devoted hubby,
All my Love
Frank X X X X
Big kiss for Terry X
F Bissaker



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