Wallet 1 of 1 - Bissaker, Frank Sherral (Lieutenant, b.1914 - d.1942), Part 9

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Documents and letters
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My Iter KSK Grennal her M N7 392 was numbered as No28 Dierks t should have been No 23] A coy I/ Rase 90ck 8 our Southeark heme Kow or Senyyxx received a llavely pariet from you in lu pighPs mart deling xaxx. Hants very mich SrB, you snd just t hens tat I hed at present. 6o. tobaccs, ag. fo pers, Sin of astain Silmon, C Sipecleeness, Dx, hintherthups, soaf and o cours a procp of Seny wit a laning nose to can pe a borse farus you & fort me darling, but Ioh. I lave being sported by you. XXX I now live a bod anorter food, sweeto cloting sas hend Berhdeps stidirting o you could only fack yousself seny in tefareet well all bease to visit te Pyrameds in Caroo XXXt.
Have ust retured from a Lrm gostl the breakess were good of Ia fanay sight to see at he pays along be beach in the nude but We dont wory as there arent any wemen up here. One day, how fever a concent fandy weliding I giols, Acadentally bunfed into Several lads returning from a hen minns ever the provertent fig-bef t ther was a wild scaker. e conert parly received tree by cheer for coming up so close to be fink ine Shels landed nearby during te fer formanc but they contirned on you enquired abond my dog Hikler, but I losk him when I Seft Yyua, wire hick did you wars in a rewsrat of the waking in Syred Fentured
by Aapten Bank hurly. Incidentally I wesnt in any of those F newsppe tos dear. In damet if I can understand what is happening to be lekers I sent you, as Ihe wriken regularly excyt when Jwy in tmpheoccassinaly. I only hope youre received a big wbatch in te mean time. All your letters up t No. 107 have reached te safety, This at parcils cables & isx you have wriken very refularly dear The enjoyed every loving word created wit your damby Linges &xxx Schalty Lalways receive the lirgest nait in te company a probibly in the Batalin. Tohis heve been good of, too I have them all a oter gaze at them, part untarly the last y. XXXx
6 on again, sheme nine, I have Not altered in any respect, I Ill always put you first, no make I must convenes what happers you den, hat I really near his with all my heart, word of laon, hreby you believe me. Ine warkes floving letters to my folks, I admit that bud the expevired the reason to endeavu to kephimory. I am wet awire of te nasty wadeto in the fast &Il never Lorgive then even now, I can sy how Mum Sries So in knidate you ad reclise dear, how diffectt it mush be to contabyour feelings, because Mun wit nave really alse ban s Heaners stak be anwed home I dont give he is dam white 5 it. the
herded produgal, as I prepes to the te Sluk Sheep. You know at aput me dens I have had years To LLudy My Haulton viskues as long as you love me, I dont we o ars what hin Ellar a years think of me I wonder if they have hold you a few hove bes about me? Yean's cold athdetowards you llens me to he Gealency of our wonder ful son Dont womy about her dear. Ilove Your TerilyX hoessly, I consider ta a be ter sister to we than my own Maker & Sop are grand peopt & when I write lovingly Makes I really mean it, god Dless hes Ire endeavored to nevest my reat edlings, darlings, or his in all that Subject & In sincere Ive said
1 Dear Ctr Liny is certainly a danling I am glad we have hhim I under stend the significance of his Finy chaginge, helples hends as you hild to liv in your loving ams God has given us a glosious bity & we are very lucky dear. He is such Llke was tos and a thindson fella, wih Strong chubby limbs Yes dear. I told you wed have wonderfur child. He is such a comport to you. I know you broedn't be witeut hin new an tembly lonely over here gesh ill be happy when We Shon are togete agains soon. We will have such grind times together lake of punns, I onet to the beach. We know just how t rear him, too, I kell wake a success of life Iam certain. XXXXX. XXLxxxx px x. Xxx
1 Ifeek nery Tendes when you sald me oo the Long you swaks sery thes of Gerene Srnk youre o shant fella I can visualise hea lying on his back hicking his chubbylegs Marrinng Kunno A Dadda your 100 letter was marked It certory i not out - good work, Theme Continue to your chir here fait & keek up. Revember tat every day tboings us closes to our rennind which is not far diskint Xxk Well my beautful Princess It say cusis for te present Lops of Love T. Matw, Pop, t aa big Riss for Les Ever yours a B furt XXxk X

Letter No 24 (previous letter

was numbered as No. 28

Should have been No.23).

NX. 57392

Lieut F Bissaker

H coy 2/13 Battalion

9 Oct 42

My own Sweetheart Sherrie & our Son, Terry xxxx x,

received a lovely parcel from you in last

night's mail, darling xxxx. Thanks very

much kind, you sent just the items

that I need at present. 6 ozs. tobacco,

cig. papers, tin of Captain Salmon, PKs,

pipe cleaners, sox, handkerchiefs, soap

and of course a proof of Terry with

a loving note to complete a bonser

parcel. You spoil me darling, but 

gosh! I love being spoiled by you. xxxx

I now have a good assortment 

of food, sweets, clothing, sox, hand

kerchiefs etc. darling & if you could

only pack yourself & Terry in the parcel

we'd all be able to visit the

Pyramids in Cairo. xxxx x


Have just returned from a swim &
gosh! the breakers were good-oh!
Its a funny sight to see all the
boys along the beach in the nude but
we don't worry as there aren't 
any women up here! One day, however

a concert party including 2
girls, accidentally bumped into
several lads returning from a swim
(minus even the the proverbial fig-leaf)
& there was a wild scatter. The concert
party received three big cheers for
coming up so close to the front line.
Shells landed nearby during the
performance, but they continued on.
You enquired about my dog,
Hitler, but I lost him when I
left Syria, worse luck.

Did you ever see a newsreel of the
"AIF marching in Syria" featured


by Captain Frank Hurley? Incidentally, I
wasn't in any of those A.I.F newspaper
photos, dear.
I'm darned if I can understand
what is happening to the letters I send
you, as I've written regularly, except
when Jerry interrupted occasionally.
I only hope you've received a big
batch in the meantime. All your
letters up to No. 107. have reached
me safely, plus all parcels &
cables. xxxx. You have written
very regularly dear. I've enjoyed
every loving word created with
your dainty fingers xxxx. Actually
I always receive the largest mail
in the company, & probably in
the Battalion. Photos have been 
good-oh, too & I have them
all & often gaze at them,
particularly the last 4. xxxx



once again, Sherrie mine, I have
NOT altered in any respect, & I'll
always put you first, no matter
what happens. I must convince
you dear that I really mean this
with all my heart, word of honour.
Surely you believe me. I've written
loving letters to my folks. I
admit that, but I've explained
the reason - to endeavor
to keep harmony. I am well
aware of the nasty incidents
in the past & I'll never forgive
them. Even now, I can see how
Mum tries to intimidate you
& I realise dear, how difficult
it must be to control your
feelings, because Mum will never
really alter. Thank Heavens Blake

has arrived home. I don't give

a damn if he is the white-



headed prodigal, as I prefer to

be the Black Sheep. You know all

about me dear and have had years

to study my faults and virtues

& as long as you love me, I

don't give a damn what Mum

Ella or Jean think of me. I wonder

if they have told you a few

more lies about me? Jean's cold

attitude towards you seems to

me to be jealousy of our wonderful

son. Don't worry about her

dear. I love your family, &

honestly, I consider Nita a

better sister to me than my own.

Mater & Pop are grand people

& when I write lovingly to

Mater I really mean it, God

Bless her. I've endeavored to reveal

my real feelings, darling, on this

subject & I'm sincere in all that

I've said.                                     



Dear little Terry is certainly a darling.

I am glad we have him: I understand

the significance of his tiny

clinging, helpless hands as you

hold in him in your loving arms.

God has given us a glorious baby

& we are very lucky dear. He is such

a little man, too and a handsome

fella', with strong chubby limbs.

Yes dear! I told you we'd have

a wonderful child. He is such

a comfort to you & I know you

wouldn't be without him now.

I am terribly lonely over here &

gosh! I'll be happy when 'We Three'

are together again soon. We will

have such grand times together,

lots of picnics, & visits to the 

beach. We know just how to

rear him, too & he'll make a

success of life, I am certain.

xxxx.x. xxxx.x.xxxx .x. xxxx .x.



I felt very tender when you told

me of the songs you sing to Terry

"Chin up Terence Frank

you're a stout fella'". I can

visualise him lying on his back,

& kicking his chubby legs &

murmuring 'Mumma & Dadda.'

Your 100th letter was marked

"A century and not out" - good

work, Sherrie!! Continue to

have faith & keep your chin

up. Remember that every day

brings us closer to our reunion,

which is not far distant. x.xxxx

  Well my beautiful Princess,

I'll say cheerio for the presents

Lots of Love to Mater, Pop &

Nita & a big kiss for Terry,

Ever yours,








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Loretta CorbettLoretta Corbett
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