Wallet 1 of 1 - Bissaker, Frank Sherral (Lieutenant, b.1914 - d.1942), Part 8

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Documents and letters
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W573 Denk Sissak Letter 10 28 think Hampany 2/12 S. Rel Att CD Staad Sock 41 My Barting Wife Semies I was imposible ts answer at your mai b in my last I love you have petes, to Icarlins now XXXX Lislly I hep you and seny are sit & well - He Jps. atemptst reach Hussie Sen opless, Ner B Leaver Pencloset on inite hod gold bingl with your bustday paret. Its vatue is only 3/, I dont that it will kep togetes very long. The coms are Egyptn fastres (akken an impresson of King Iavank is on the back Hckually, Hanly Bnk it as a Lonerer aI tought it best to tell you that te gold is not you dinknn. Thar teable me when your berthday and Iwas parcels anive houe
I am laving a quiet sime enjoying a swim in the Med. every day. It is a welcome relief rexcept for a slight cold I feet good ab. We wer her has changed a becom a lot cooles as our Mnker spoaches. Ine been reading you couspapers an suspised to hear of be drastic changes in all divertius in Hussie Remember deas, I don't wenk you to unnecenerily use any conpins to buy articles for me, as I am well fitted out i can obtain loke of necessities & even lncuries fom our canteer. St regurds cast, I refeat one afaird that I am menagin OR.& do not need any money. Ir glad that you are a handling you allotwent satisfactory you should increase by Goverment
dute for hs. N dup be now 18 daily - $.60 wutt of 140 fort night Whe received my inererse of sipen daity at dated bock to Aug. 14 It was an exullent hen buying that furmbers dear 410/ fort with soo fax to account. Insuened is a necessary inverment fas, & id like you to Se Widney insure leny at If wukly. Inquire about my policis Has dear, as I feel certain that Mhave to pay premums on tem by now. M. Sidny with let you know all a band them ur room at Smakos, must be wordy Subdanting IIl he a happ bubby when we sharl it togethes soar. It is long whit sinc I lift Passie and November with mank 1 years abene sinee we sailed sadly through te Gydrey Heads.
18 you nentied tat marge list which Dleft wit you, I wank you keep it landy, just is cas it may be o use in te near fiturs pould ist undertend why you paid io long receiely I was kikled find when you fold about amy saying Mumod and Dadda - bless his heart! Ionly wish I caned share the pleasures of watching tenys powing - up andis but neverteless I am following every thing by means of your letter, dear La He is a bonderful ked & hose £ panded that os reproducet temy in fvarious moods, which have made hem such a bundle of heaven in your eyes, and in mind, for She just son to if that. To sn dert he remaked Skippes, Company are absolutely, banny the tey th
15 Stipper Sanderson (andy) is a frand chape has always given we a fair duab He is heppily mamed has 2 year. old daughted We seen momiet about Mates t lops ill healt, &only ho bey are enjoying to best that health at present of Id like you to have your beet attended to as son as possible dear also any other matters which require a ben Gor. RSLX Just reverbes Swetheoot that 8 lon you will all my heart and have not altered in any respect except to love you more than ever, Trincessas Will have to close now dar Eves yours Dran XXXX $ Pery Senate


Letter NO. 28 (I think)
NX 57392 Lieut S Bissaker
A Company 2/13 Battalion
AIF (ME) Abroad
8 Oct 42
My Darling Wife Sherrie xxxx

It was impossible

to answer all your mail in my last

letter, so I'll continue now xxx I love you, Sherrie
Firstly, I hope you and Terry are safe

& well - the Japs. attempts to reach
Aussie seem hopeless, thank Heaven.
I enclosed an imitation gold bangle

with your birthday parcel. Its value

is only 2/-, & I don't think it will

keep together very long. The coins are

Egyptian piastres (akkers') & an 

impression of King Farouk is on the back

Actually, I only sent it as a Souvenir

& I thought it best to tell you that

the 'gold' is not fair dinkum. Please 

cable me when your birthday and

Xmas parcels arrive home.



I am having a great time enjoying

a swim in the Med. every day. It is

a welcome relief & except for a slight 

cold I feel good -oh. The weather

has changed & become a lot cooler

as our Winter approaches.
I've been reading your newspapers &

am surprised to hear of the drastic

changes in all directions in Aussie.

Remember dear, I don't want you to

unnecessarily use any coupons to 

buy articles for me, as I am well

fitted out & can obtain lots of 

necessities & even luxuries from our

As regards cash, I repeat once 

again that I am managing 

O.K. & do not need any money. I'm

glad that you are handling your

allotment satisfactorily. Your 

increase by Government should



date from Aug. 14 & should be now

18/- daily = £6.6.0 weekly, £12.12.0 fortnightly.
I've received my increase of sixpence

daily & it dated back to Aug 14.

It was an excellent idea buying

that furniture dear & 10s, fortnightly

will soon pay the account. Insurance 

is a necessary investment too, & I'd like

you to see Mr Sidney & insure them at

2s weekly. Enquire about my policies

too, dear, as I feel certain that I'll have

to pay premiums on them by now. Mr Sidney

will let you know all about them.

Our room at [[Smata]] must be wonderful

darling & I'll be a happy hubby

when we share it together soon. It is

a long while since I left Aussie and

1 November will mark 1 year's absence

since we sailed sadly through the

Sydney Heads.



You mentioned that margin list which

I left with you, & I want you to

keep it handy, just in case it

may be of use in the near future.

Could not understand why you

said so long, recently.
I was tickled pink when you told me

about Terry saying Mumma and 

Dadda - bless his heart! I only 

wish I could share the pleasures of 

watching Terry's 'growing- up' antics

but nevertheless I am following 

everything by means of your letters, dear.  xxxx

He is a wonderful kid & these

studio photos reproduced Terry in

various moods, which have made

him such a bundle of Heaven in 

your eyes, and in mine, too xxx.

I've just shown the 4 photos to our

Skipper, (Company Commander) & he remarked

that they are absolutely bonny

of you both.



Skipper Sanderson (Sandy) is a grand

chap & has always given me a fair deal.

He is happily married & has 2 year old daughter.
I've been worried about Mater

& Pop's ill health, & only hope

that they are enjoying the best 

of health at present.
I'd like you to have your teeth

attended to as soon as possible, 

dear, also any other matters

which require attention. xxxx

Just remember sweetheart, that

I love you with all my heart

and have not altered in any

respect except to love you

more than ever, Princess xxx.
Will have to close now, dear,

Ever yours,         
Frank xxxx
Terry x




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Loretta CorbettLoretta Corbett
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