Wallet 1 of 1 - Bissaker, Frank Sherral (Lieutenant, b.1914 - d.1942), Part 7

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Documents and letters
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Ster 10 19 Stent Austratian, Comforts Fund N1792 S S0 A Cay 2//2Ocklw A1F 1MDS Staad M. M.r Hhemeran My Davle St seens I trang but reved just retur Lame theless 1t io from han On Hee the my stiffe told 20 ina D2 C apn o HC Humekly leadf het o Vew clother rnen fe an perench lasd night to my feelein ing in my dugant usef here I am oerare case as a writingtab 0 cands fronding some light Plickening Lerah o I have loss to tell you about 4ed my leave believe we I ket lost pt of ter having bucf a food rest Luckily & me Mas an office calbe of mine so we took a don't to room att Hackt co tr on Me ropt Hodet imncon Sacte frind had a singl om sppact us and intered was a Itean 1 M 7 froved to t wtenaty tueleon 4 to Dessag S 0 my As seaes I dad wuct a lsury a Hex is a large four possessing quite a hun had of maders buildings a shops but a usual Rogs are everywhere te sper Sictures at most of out lime at the inin 6 in 9 pr Sessias I the 101 am I p 6.13 hered a amera tost sevsrat thotos but I don't think they will be much of a succes
Auscralian, Comforts Fund 194 h develifid foth tM fots wit 16 out Mathi the 70 Itt you DWa to mnn read y y ter if they are Line ny Wouth 2 9 Iam read to te he treckgarts nt & Your ant thinct Japes, wandes arann Hent Im fichures here the probably have a Dr s retut ouo Dea 10he e about 10f less& a yar& of A cough of evening w had dennes then loor show wheh was vatchet tI H Glad tey haid one f oo Stan flar soon To feet that derange on a & and dennes bought Iquase so w ap shat &as low it o agas smelly that we very wal t on I get So e glad ally Mac Sitt 2 aid not& and arng dancing andt reten no indenest in fo got suushearf even of a fist & hers class orches ta & flo ome lict &Xex. Remembar that were ana long I oner have sye For you afthes very very wust to Me Cx didn't even s peak to a woman whilst in live because of simply and Nor inherested in any one excet you XXXX
Atnadian, Comforts Fund 184 Dar104 sn snd the Rense our to lan you have hes ene sund toy dont gind it hard to his l 1 ut out read Ie 100 nt te time, work o lmons theme now at you are te same too theant, I gost it makes be hasby anow that we sincerly cone one I cmse, our so very complehes ng pictero We yrou caat case just anivet from you dear dated 19 Hept wishing we good such acknowledging receipt of my calls ile his waks darling its gravd hearing from you, your neat hakes of letters & Thoks are due to anws was I eaderly awaiting then sa to theer is senifully aad RRvery wcs as askindt it to sxortitnt of of food dohing ee Average price of couse meat varies from 7/6 t 13/6 which is absolute munder, but neverteless true one afseroon we went ant to te sporting Hanw, 2/6 for swemming dut, I paid 2/6 admit and B/ 6eact for seaves I finished up
Anseralian. Comfors Fund 184 no uncertain heams busing the manage Slay tennis wit We asked a cave he requesteto 3/6 each at the ent of X DCR tbery rearly Fm X1 to cleivedto Let knoces his D off I coyed here D4 48 be a Sosperse scoach beated lin arely 2/6 was for he ing 7 to witeh fut be opprers Swught t lave cost shep It cot mex 210.0 waul o hischised Was from X least L.6. paches. It is dust, water I shait froof I yest for Army work We needed a watch for ages, so it was a good invermen I seeched everywhere for lmas present & was disappointed to fend iot ahiles I Sivally found very Sen bought over r Sinka bt that m. Forty hofe sery for you M Clristb dinn anwe ho wo in find for Dr (quite fossibl hokele I am tacking tomnow & with post them we tresend te a Few days time to avor o congeston of frny farceeswhich Sea the boys with he eventually sending lond Ill have t temforing for for senden sone cash dear, as I did not exfect
Australian Comfons Fund 181 Jecem er had by shats takend but he result wasnt be good altongh an agly Iedas luish s fect many dong Sanbent goo to looks a for a postrd Hameves, I will enclose one in this letter Please puse Senibh houstach but I eit gow loynek I cerkily wont fave it retun home- I somehow thent when fit would kekl you darting wife XXXX Well swetheont I lofe you Very are bot fit well. My leave in Hles Lonie was as ladsend a splended rest as I had refular neals & lots of steef £3 this dyen y las bats If now beag wek and a sewoysg to kessie ple Dfinis My a everyting. tavout on rongh for n teht lom nt tita at beed his by my means, io Deer dainly Gingers crossed dirlig xxxI it is ge tog late, io il hare bclose now twetbeart love dasing a by otlats of bing for Seny Ever yours, Iew Shemre KKS Tany X 8

Letter No. 19 (I think)

NX57392 27th Sept 1942

A Coy. 2/13 Battalion

A.I.F (ME) Abroad

My Darling Wife, Sherrie XXXX

It seems strange but never

the less its true, I've just returned from leave

at Alexandria. on the 20th, my skipper told

me I'd been granted leave until the 26th, so

I hurriedly packed a few clothes & headed for 

Alexandria. Returned last night to my unit

& here I am sitting in my dugout using

a kerosene case as a writing table and

with a flickering candle providing some light.

Well darling, I have lots to tell you about 

my leave & believe me, I feel 100% fit after

having such a good rest.

Luckily, I met Mac, an officer cobber of 

mine so we took a double room at the 

Metropole Hotel, with bathroom attached

Another friend had a single room opposite us.

Naturally my first interest was a steaming

hot bath & it proved to be extremely welcome

& of course, a necessary procedure. It

is a few months since I had ^enjoyed such a luxury.

Alex. is a large town possessing quite a

number of modern buildings & shops, but as 

usual, Wogs are everywhere. We spent

most of our time at the pictures at

the 10.15 am, 3 pm, 6.15 pm, and 9 pm sessions. I

hired a camera & took several photos, but 

I don't think they will be much of a success 


The photos will be developed & posted to me &

I'll forward them to you in about 1 months time

if they are ready by then xxxx

The usual programme every day would

be breakfast at 9.30 am, read the morning
paper, wander around the town until lunch

then probably attend the 3 p.m. pictures, have

tea, return to our hotel, have a few

beers & a yarn & off to bed about 10 p.m.

A couple of evenings we had dinner & then

watched the floor-show which was 

of poor standard. At one place they 

had dancing on a floor about 30 feet 

square so we had our dinner, bought

a cigar & after about ½ an hour it

was so hot & smelly that we were

glad to leave the place & get some

fresh air. Incidentally Mac, Bill & self

did Not have a dance, darling. I have

no interest in dancing until I return

to you, Sweetheart, even if a first

class orchestra & floor plus women

were available XXXX. Remember, that

song " I only Have Eyes for You"? -

it applies very very much to me XXXX.

I don't even speak to a woman whilst on

leave, because I simply am NOT interested 

in anyone except you XXXX.



Ever since we said 'Au Revoir' on Oct. 31st  1941

I've grown to love you more than ever Sweetheart
& I don't find it hard to be

100% faithful, & I really have been 100% 

all the time, word of honour, Sherrie XXXX.

I know that you are the same, too

sweetheart & gosh! it makes me happy

to know that we sincerely love one another

& of course, our son, Terry completes a 

loving picture. - "We Three" XXXX     X

A cable just arrived from you dear

dated 19 Sept wishing me Good Luck &

acknowledging receipt of my cable & letters

Thanks darling, its grand hearing 

from you, your next batch of letters

& photos are due to arrive soon & I am 

eagerly awaiting them XXXX

Everything in Alex. is terrifically dear &

I was astounded at the exorbitant prices

of food, clothing etc. Average price of a 

3 course meal varies from 7/6 to 12/6, which

is absolute murder, but nevertheless true.

One afternoon we went out to the Sporting

Club, & paid 2/6 admittance, 2/6 for swimming

and 12/6 each for tennis. I finished up 



abusing the manager in no uncertain terms.

We asked a cove to play tennis with us

& he requested 2/6 each at the end of

the set, so I lost my temper & very nearly

knocked his head off. He claimed to

be a professional & yet I could have 

beaten him easily. (2/6 was for his coaching

I bought a good watch from the officer's

shop.  It cost me £3.10.0 & would have cost
at least ₤6 - if purchased from a Wog
jeweller. It is dust, water and shock proof & ideal

for Army work. I've needed a watch for 

ages, so it was a good investment.

I searched everywhere for Xmas presents 

& was disappointed to find most articles

very scarce. However, I finally found

a suitable shop & have bought presents

for you, Terry, & Mum. I only hope I

arrive home in time for Christmas dinner

(quite possible too XXXX). I am packing

the presents tomorrow & will post them

in a few days time to avoid the

heavy congestion of Army parcels which

the boys will be eventually sending home.

I'll have to temporarily postpone sending

some cash dear, as I did not expect 



to receive leave.

I had my photo taken but the result

wasn't too good, although an ugly fella'

can't expect the camera to lavish too

many Doug. Fairbanks' good looks upon a postcard.

However, I will enclose one in this letter. Please

excuse terrible moustache but I've let it

grow haywire & certainly won't have it

when I return home. - I somehow think

it would tickle you, darling wife XXXX

Well Sweetheart, I hope you & Terry

are both fit and well. My leave in Alex.

was a Godsend & a splendid rest tonic

as I had regular meals & lots of sleep 

plus dozens of hot baths. I now feel 

very well and a sea voyage to Aussie

would complete everything. In my opinion

I think that it won't be long before

we return home, not that we have

been told this by any means, so keep

your dainty fingers crossed darling XXXX

It is getting late, so I'll have to close

now, Sweetheart.

Lots & lots of love, darling & a big 

hug for Terry. Ever yours,  Frank 

{Sherrie XXXX

{Terry X
[*PS I met a friend of Keith Coles, 5 days ago &

he told me that he is fit and well.

I love you Sherrie Frank XXXX*]


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Loretta CorbettLoretta Corbett
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