Wallet 1 of 1 - Bissaker, Frank Sherral (Lieutenant, b.1914 - d.1942), Part 6

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Documents and letters
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Somewhere in LiKyD Australian Comforts Fund H Seten D 194x Leter No 16 Vx 4729r Tubby A coye a/1 oatalon My own Sherie XXXx AH CRSS Soaad Fast right to shore ring I heard be news broadcas& pfow a Nead Com an wirelrs ad on Ya aonmnmn equarters MIMMIMMM At te conclusionI I was about to hang up the gives whes t anowree gdderly re C sud bing cosl all render to nore Lovera sues Good ald sing certainly gave it the words & you as wagive my 0 toughts, deas as he san. T on had just riser& te usual oflness of be desert night was reigning to was to gint time for 2 months tha & I had bitened to any music it bought a himp to my brat It made me realise just what youI are missing at home, te soones I am with you te beker. Sesert war fare isnt romentic by any means and te monet onous expence of Land, denudeto of even a tree, becomes very hring. However the weakes is gotng cosled as Winle approaches and the Ples are fradualy disappearing Nights and early mornings are cold and the sun seking he ots wedday Well darling loke of lone to you lery C Sake are of youselves, I en fit well eaving hubby Dak ho your oun Sunker ILlane yau Hemre XXCK Lewi Vn XXXK Tem
SRS. S9 Liend I Riso Ser JcHes No R A caye 2/15 patabon Anstralian, Comforts Fund 18 C PSember 1857 2.30 frnd SMRND Abord XXXX FSo Deny My Sasling Mip Sene had hopes of writin you bud hene CHe avi D just beer notified a conference Oat 3.30 po which with probably renilt Ia busy nights word sewerts as ableast Sap, Halls Low are you. I am en leavoring to news is tow war he every day eve X on his t wel hep to swel your bfos to Rrso myself just low wil you big baket dax XXX Oof Lefers is 6 8 Ihaw just be alking Letie Ol + hear sus area Teylo Ihobably hin fairly reguledt X looks fit well from now or ptes you our bounng bab enquired I wonX long before your man graphs amive darlin and tos very fnerous with Aee wu have oanDr dasling &I know just hew busy you must be wit Verry a dozes other ems yau le ken an hery very beliome & your derver Ser nen declarao as sonic for your carely
Anstralian Comforts Fund 194 6 soldies to My heert is over flowing with lave for you my dayling, wife, & I wiss you tenibly I havent changed in lioks or love rve theart except lave you more that ever wxxe I havent t send all beer tat case yet as the foy sngent is miles gioy I have to get special peresion to buit kin. Reventie will cath gas as sw as I send to case of cousse you wilh pot The -aty hin tas Inort X mmeer be fire the D.F.O Lo daly C wtt ate yow, as On Drocess Sloy sd £ stease give my lod d PDP. Iwith write her Mases, SRulg X Opperhirefy. te sist bto have one big ted tel wish Se that X His you iemy this Christmas Sme Rert Perhaps 1X is infribable, but it is daslo LX wite possibl en pck a senferely hop that you Feny ar to skeenis until Longsw tw you lsug bbhy Dadd o er fite semy anen tenen enen f enene enene ann n & XXX Fhemie you Ilave

Somewhere in Libya

Letter No 16

16 September 1942

NX57392 Hubby.
A Coy 2/13 Battalion

A.I.F. (ME) Abroad

My own Sherrie xxxx

Last night the 'phone rang & 

I heard the news broadcast from a 

wireless at our Company Headquarters. 

At the conclusion, I was about to hang up 

the receiver when the announcer suddenly 

said Bing Crosby will render "The World

Loves a Lover". Good old Bing certainly 

gave it the works & you can imagine my 

thoughts, dear, as he sang. The moon had

just risen & the usual stillness of the desert 

night was reigning. It was the first time 

for 2 months that I had listened to any 

music & it brought a lump to my throat. 

It made me realise just what you & I 

are missing at home, & the sooner I am

with you, the better. Desert warfare isn't 

romantic by any means and the momentous 

expanse of sand, denuded of even 

a tree, becomes very tiring. However, 

the weather is getting cooler as Winter 

approaches and the flies are gradually 

disappearing. Nights and early mornings 

are cold with the Sun getting hot 

towards midday.
Well darling, lots of love to you & Terry.
Take care of yourselves, I am fit & well.
Ever your own loving hubby & Dad,

xxxx Sherrie

x Terry

PS I love you, Sherrie


Letter No. 18

NX 57392    

Lieut. F Bissaker

A Coy 2/13 Battalion
18 September 1942
2.30 pm

AIF (ME) Abroad

My Darling Wife Sherrie, & Son Terry,  xxxx  x

I had hopes of writing 

a nice long letter to you, but have 

just been notified of a conference 

at 3.30pm, which will probably result 

in a busy nights work.

However, I can at least say "Hullo, 

how are you?" I am endeavouring to 

write every day even though news is 

scarce, but it well help to swell 

your letter box & I know myself 

just how welcome your big batch 

of letters is, on mail day. - xxxxx
I have just been talking to Lexie 

Taylor - he is just near our area 

& I'll probably see him fairly regularly

from now on. He looks fit & well & 

enquired after you & our bouncing baby.

It won't be long before your mail 

and those photographs arrive darling. 

You have been very generous with 

your letters darling, & I know just 

how busy you must be with Terry 

& a dozen other items. Your letters 

are very very welcome & your 

declarations of love & tenderness 

are a tonic for your lonely



soldier boy. My heart is overflowing 

with love for you my darling wife, & 

I miss you terribly. I haven't changed 

in looks or love, sweetheart, except 

to love you more than ever. xxxx

I haven't been able to send 

that cash yet, as the pay sergeant 

is miles away & I'll have to get 

special permission to visit him. Remember 

I will cable you as soon as I send 

the cash, then of course you will probably

have to wait at least 1 month 

before the D.F.O, Sydney communicate 

with you, as its a slow process.
Please give my love to darling 

Mater, Skuta & Pop. I will write them 

at the first opportunity.
Well darling let's have one big 

wish _____ I wish & hope that I 

am home with you & Terry this Christmas. 

Perhaps it is improbable, but it is 

quite possible, darling xxxx.

I am fit & well & sending hope 

that you & Terry are, too.
Cheerio, until tomorrow

Ever your loving hubby & Daddy

XXXX Sherrie}

X Terry}

PS I love you, Sherrie xxxx

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Loretta CorbettLoretta Corbett
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