Wallet 1 of 1 - Bissaker, Frank Sherral (Lieutenant, b.1914 - d.1942), Part 4

Second World War, 1939–45
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Letter No. 14 Australian Comforts Fund D Si Skember 1947 Nx. 5739r. Hubby A. cay. 2/13 (Patabor AT.A. (ME). Hbroad Myr ann Draling M.H Seme I have a chance Dtink To continue answering you last leter, unters Jery or Lomeone else in Lervene at is 7 fo Satrday night which is jirst sbent te has we would be pet tot pot old Rity aring for and visit put of cousse tat is in possibl At pesent get it wont be eong befor we will be togekes Toon comvet is foobibly re- or fonisings for a secoo toust brough Ao Slecendiia, but he want have a chance a Ikint hell return to Serwany with the rensents of his enviruble army. A Curtio recensly broaciasld tat we will not retua t Hussie but I more or less expected tat. We must fist fewy out of her first, Kither MCustin wit anounc and retur to Sussie & A wont be eong etes dear If I waint fighting and here, I'd be sent to the Ielands Lomewhere To I knt it is better to finert and pt here to ket I can return t you &renaid wet your Lemerasty. Wak wratly desting swovl dlike to the wit you now but he eveny much he land will be cleared up, hes we wit heveteate.
1 Australian Comforts Fund 194 abublety tate Has. a the sordd Srgedies assocated with it In neve tell you a lak of te semibl sights I have wdressed Im doing my best to forgex new In be glad to be have wite you our can ithen Ile fed you all my fussaneeferiences. Sh Tuk gyond find tes interesting here is no slea in te wold equat to Lr Archent evend of that I am sure xxxx I am gead he you have be Led b proto I have sent but I can't proms say uf her, worehick. acertainly fod lots of fus wit the Wogs in eynid and alstire as you can wel iagine nffre tat your vegeteb fatcl mest the yielding will bby now Gerdening is in tinesting dead Tersibl ts, aid veg etables to Leara& dear. you asked he have I met hent Seymons or Fyles. Hctally I dont recall in thes then & centerly liver o mek Tyles anwnen of It was tough luck that bwnks of our wait ws surd by enemy act w. Hamana Lant undertand why you an only receiving lesed at 0 hms as & a m workog rgutorly diding erhops tey have been a ike more plerfifut tivn you wrote.
2 Australian Comforts Fund 194 13 Seayt her fe cames sutness at such a crtical tve wrese to th foct a wis ago did my best to wish them lick you. I are fortunete darting Leaven, belinging to hav icl a bundle so to us as you ofter say seay is an absoute Got Send to you I am very prond of you bok, you betIxxx X. taken An eagesty gwnting s at Rosenith by M Cassanood Waulhewan -I am Inr bey with be pand. I mus have soms shokss of you or MM Lan to nicknowe you golt which isnt as nicl as theme. XXXx Sha dorting WE have NOF changed escipt to ow a ltt older & in Ture we will to be Strangess It Loon from tha precious dorting A you, my I lave you now then ines I am always tinking of you. XXXX He Desird sun has just sunt beloo to longe, to th lang to close darling & int well hast that you Leny Mase Mita Sot ae f Bang Bang nant. your loving hubby end Tery XXX


Australian Comfort Fund
Letter No. 12.
12 September 1942
NX. 57392. Hubby
A. Coy.  2/13 Battalion
A.I.F. (ME) Abroad
My own Darling Wife, Sherrie xxxx,
I have a chance (I think) 
to continue answering your last letters, unless 
Jerry or someone else intervenes.
It is 7pm Saturday night which is
just about the time we would be preparing
for our visit to the Good old "Ritz"
but of course, that is impossible at present,
& yet it won't be long before we will

be together soon. Rommel is probably reorganising
for a second thrust through
to Alexandria, but he won't have a
chance & I think he'll return to Germany
with the remnants of his "invincible" army.
Mr Curtin recently broadcast that we 
will not return to Aussie, but I more or
less expected that. We must push Jerry
out of here first, & then Mr Curtin will
announce our return to Aussie & it
won't be long either dear. If I wasn't
fighting over here, I'd be sent to the Islands
somewhere, so I think it is better to finish
our job here, so that I can return to
you & remain with you permanently. What
a rally darling I would like to be with
you now, but the enemy must be (and will
be) cleaned up, then we will have Peace.



Australian Comforts Fund



I absolutely hate War & all the sordid tragedies 

associated with it. I'll never tell you a lot 

of the terrible sights I have witnessed & I'm 

doing my best to forget them. I'll be glad 

to be home with you & our son & then I'll tell 

you all my pleasant experiences & I'm sure

 you'll find them interesting. There is no place 

in the world to equal to 34 Archer St. Concord, 

of that I'm sure! xxxx. I am glad that 

you have liked the photos I have sent, but 

I can't procure any up here, worse luck. 

I certainly had lots of fun with the Wogs 

in Syria and Palestine, as you can well


I suppose that your vegetable patch must 

be yielding well by now. Gardening is 

interesting dear & sensible too, with vegetables 

so scarce & dear.

You asked me have I met Lieut Seymour 

or Tyler. Actually, I don't recall either 

of them & certainly haven't met Tyler over here.

It was tough luck that that 6 weeks of our 

mail was sunk by enemy action. However 

I can't understand why you only 

receiving 1 letter at a time, as I am 

writing regularly darling. Perhaps 

they have been a little more plentiful 

since you wrote.



Australian Comforts Fund



Sorry to hear of Camie's sickness at such 

a critical time. Wrote to Sko Red & Jack 

a week ago & did my best to wish 

them luck. You & I are fortunate darling 

to have such a bundle of Heaven, belonging 

to us & as you often say, Terry is an 

absolute God send to you & I am very 

proud of you both, you bet!! xxxx x. 

Am eagerly awaiting photos taken 

at Roseville by Mr Cassanova (Wheelbarrow)

- I am sure they will be grand. I must 

have some photos, of you, or I'll have 

to nickname you, 'Violet' which

isn't as nice as 'Sherrie'. xxxx.

Please darling, WE have NOT 

changed, except to grow a little 

older & I am sure we will NOT 

be strangers. I'll soon prove 

that to you, my precious darling 

I love you more than ever & am 

always thinking of you. xxxx

The desert sun has just sunk to 

below the horizon, so I'll have to 

close darling. I am fit & well & trust 

that you and Terry, Mater Nita & Pop 

are all in the pink.

Bang! Bang!

Ever your loving hubby,





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