Wallet 1 of 1 - Bissaker, Frank Sherral (Lieutenant, b.1914 - d.1942), Part 12

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Documents and letters
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Me M S729x. Hubby Leter 102 A coy. 2/13 Dabilr AiCMJ Soad 19Octohi 4 Davling Dervie Seny &XEX X Hullo, Femily, how are you, his bright Kunny day. - very well I hope sid soan I hs! suly wisk e Thri were shiring Suck a flovely day togitte XXXx& Sht have to answer a few of you feterdear, so herd goes iuuderly your o lady your I felling is not im froving, so in Jukuad Ind going I. send you a long list of att mistakes & In going to Spank you, has, when I get home. Consite Yourself SenSenced to 7 Days C.D. or bead a wikes. I wonded if C.D Means caned & banged? akew XX
St I could spett the work adrocus pd say your Sfelling is asrois. XXX Ihe leter: Ferdor my abeve, but there is a dog fight proceding nearly e a Jemplane just I kimmed unconp ortably close to my dugant. He wado such a roar whilsh diving tat i conednt hew myself wre to au ack ack guns gave him a few conneniss of lead The ofhen seen places. crask a wateled te crew franteally endeanoning to Jarachu to. Quike some time ago, Jemy inferby atacked ond psehas. Then artillen shelled us for and hand & then the far Eny put in an a HacB. We sked dond to some paped yiving just before daylight Jemy bithhrew. Duning the attect showy hented me a hands grenads for whih I thanked
him antl I nekied that te fir I was vissing. Hex. Inowy here isnt aay pin in this D.B. 131 grenado. I know that Sir, I dropped it in the sand was his answer. AH I could do was thring trow the dinved tings out & it lended on our flasrne, blowing to fieces X wouldnt it? Nher daylight came are collected o few prisoners but not wihout a funry inident occuring. Onr shippes wandered out to see what weapons et. Hat Jemyhad fleft & was returning to us when retunne I which a big blonds Jeny about 6x Ligh) folowing kind back. Hi Skipper bats behind you. I getled When he saw be feny he nearly collapsed. Sehely be volunteny serrentered & was only too willing to be taken pisoner by one of my lade
Wen this peny sew our Shippes rehing t and lives he werely ferloved behind him - it was the funnest ting Ie slers for a longe whit Demans are very Semitor to us in flooks build, but some of her ar Ivery haughsy & depinitely, a fair fabils in the reek Milst out on le been as close is 10 yards to tem I have hend ten laughing a belking But In blowed if I was langhing at the time. Actually, I was wartering how som it would be before I was forther a prisoner or in about 100 pieces. Howener, alls well kekends well & I was aloays lucky enough To retun saply to our lives. It lell you at about pcholset when I ve tum danting, as censoshi regulations want Sennt wd to write about srech makers
dnt remenbed ter Severedge o be nave of my ex-beten dear but if he likes has returned home hes a lucky fella Swullek I recliss just how diffecult it is to bux suikabte Hens to pack in Jecels for us. lns penjoyed everyting sourbent ws desling but now wit canfo operakng & everything so dear, I don want you Is send so many, and canseen supplies dozers of necessides I I'm well liked out at fresent Tobocco is fairly plutibut, also ragor blades, so hns doing very well For myself. Anches King, plast revewher that I an quite of financaly word of loow) I fever I ret any ash devling. It flet you how by abb& exx everheless thanks for offering, Swethat PXXXX
1 I have taken my platous Fergew in land convinced hin tat he will meay his fianes immediate the rshews home. Itold him at about us i teny & he now want to aakt he reak boat home (s do I wadentally XXxx Te sugressed in all directions, as usuat, but I knew you wouldlet I hear some of the madent whch Ie enferienced Oo.S Shewie. You mentioned Nox5 children, when I rehion. Do yond realess young lady tet I henent ever net ou first bonry fbaby yet. X Anyway, whilst or to subject, I kind we for should I say you ) witl have a fominins gendes, neak kimo - now. Bang Beng I just Senp
pleard a few rift shop. Siny bang there goes a few mono. Xxxx I wook to Nahes, anch Sent Ella i tank osborse (he chap wh Sent we hose shaps) and also keit col list night. I ant keep my conerfandencup to do to alaough of ausy it always writ you, as yr Ofpoodmk. XXXX l HendeD bluck Follawed by Soly Communar yes terday and frayet to Got to sep you eny sife Bleyt as Leng Lifely, $354 Isk of Lane hwirs cenling hie you an hmphitly SnxSS X Seny Cint B. Sniss gen Hembly taslingla
No. 21. St 4449 NEW SOUTH WALES. No. 183 No C 5416O: IN MINISTERS RECISTER. MARRLAGE ACT, 1899-1934. (FOURTH SCHEDULE) RECISTEARS NO CERTITICATE OF MARRIACE. Insert Christian and Surname in T. Iswold Sydney Hleck being full of Minister or Registrar. a Minister of the Church of England Insert Designation. do heroby Cortity that I have this day at te Church of Sait Place. duke at Concord, N.S.W. Anr coobrated Marriago betroo Frank Sherral Dissaker Salesman & Clark of 125 Cabarita RS. Cobanta, Barkels Sone t Christiar Rorma Sherrie Bissall and Surnan and Sope Sert Dess Dressmakers Markenest of 34 locher St Concord, Spinse acondition after declaration duly made before me as by law required. DATDD hS Syth 10 o May 641 Roes, anae ass may be. Ohydney Sleil (Signature of Minister ( or Registrar. (Bridegroom. Pessop Signatures of Parties Marriage. S N9. Bissell. Dignatures of Witnesses. Borace Beose Vide Sections 5, 23, The declaration on the back hereof must be duly made and signed, and 24, Marria Act, 1899-1934 otherwise the parties and the officiating Minister or Registrar are Hable to the punishment by law provided in that behalf

Letter No. 27

NX 57392 Hubby

A Coy. 2/13 Battalion

AIF (ME) Abroad

19 October 42

My Darling Sherrie & Terry xxxx x


family, how are you. This bright 

Sunny day? - very well I hope

and so am I too! I only wish

we three were sharing such a

lovely day together. xxxx x

I still have to answer a few of your

letters dear. So here goes. Incidently

young lady your spelling is not

improving, so in future I'm going

to send you a long list of all

mistakes & I'm going to spank

you, too, when I get home. Consider

yourself sentenced to 7 Days C.B. on

bread & water. I wonder if 'C.B.'

means caned & banged?? ahem!




If I could spell the word 'atrocius'

I'd say your spelling is atrocius. xxxx

5 minutes later :- Pardon my absence, but

there is a dog-fight proceeding nearby

& a Jerry plane just skimmed 

uncomfortably close to my dugout. He made

such a roar whilst diving that I

couldn't hear myself write. Our ack!

ack! guns gave him a few souvenirs

of lead. I've often seen 'planes

crash & watched the crew frantically

endeavouring to parachute.

Quite some time ago, Jerry infantry

attacked our position. Their artillery

shelled us for an hour & then the

infantry put in an attack. We settled

down to some rapid firing & just

before daylight Jerry withdrew. During

the attack 'Snowy' handed me a 

hand grenade, for which I thanked



him until I noticed that the pin

l was missing. "Hey ! Snowy there isn't

any pin in this B-B ! ! ? ! grenade."

" I know that Sir, I dropped it in 

the sand" was his answer. All I could

do was throwg throw the damned

thing out & it landed on our

latrine, blowing it to pieces -

wouldn't it? He re When daylight

came we collected a few prisoners

but not without a funny incident

occurring. Our Skipper wandered out

to see what weapons etc. that Jerry had

left & was returning returning to us when

I noticed a big blonde Jerry (about

6'2" high) following him back. Hi!

Skipper look behind you! " I yelled.

When he saw the Jerry, he nearly

collapsed. Actually he voluntarily

surrendered & was only too willing

to be taken prisoner by one of my lads.-



When this Jerry saw our Skipper returning

to our lines he merely followed

behind him - it was the funniest

thing I've seen for a long while.

Germans are very similar to us in

looks & build, but some of them are

very haughty & definitely, a pain

in the neck. Whilst out on patrols

I've been as close as 10 yards to them

& have heard them laughing & talking.

But I'm blowed if I was laughing

at the time. Actually, I was wondering 

how soon it would be before I was

either a prisoner or in about 100

pieces. However, all's well that ends

well & I was always lucky enough

to return safely to our lines. I'll

tell you all about patrols etc.

when I return darling, as censorship

regulations won't permit me to

write about such matters.



I don't remember either Beveridge or

the name of my ex-batman dear.

but if the latter has returned home

he's a lucky fella!

Sweetheart, I realise just how

difficult it is to buy suitable

items to pack in parcels for me. I've

enjoyed everything you've sent me

darling, but now with coupons

operating & everything so dear I don't

want you to send so many. Our

canteen supplies dozens of necessities

& I'm well fitted out at present.

Tobacco X is fairly plentiful, also

razor blades, so I'm doing very well

for myself. Another thing, please

remember that I am quite O.K.

financially (word of honour). If

ever I need any cash, darling, I'll 

let you know by cable xxxx.

Nevertheless, thanks for offering, Sweetheart.




I have taken my platoon sergeant

in hand & convinced him that he

will marry his fiance immediately

he returns home. I told him all

about us & Terry & he now wants 

to catch the next boat home (so

do I incidentally) xxxx

I've digressed in all directions, as

usual, but I knew you would like

to hear some of the incidents which

I've experienced.

O-o-h! Sherrie! You mentioned

MORE children when I return. Do 

you realise young lady that I haven't

any even met our first born 

baby yet! x. Anyway, whilst on

the subject, I think we (or should

I say "you") will have a feminine

gender, next time - wow!!

Bang ! Bang! Bang! I just



heard a few rifle shots. Bang! Bang!

there goes a few more. xxxx

I wrote to Mother, Uncle Bert,

Ella & Lieut Osborne (the chap who

sent me those snaps) and also Keith

Cole last night. I can't keep

my correspondence up to date, although

of course I always write to you, at

every opportunity.  xxxx.

Attended Church followed by

Holy Communion yesterday and prayed

to God to keep you and Terry safe &

to send me home safely, SOON

Lots of Love Sherrie darling,

Ever your own loving hubby

Frank. xxxx

x Terry

FS Bissaker

PS. I miss you terribly, darling xxxx


No. 283
I, Oswald Sydney Fleck being
a Minister of the Church of England
do hereby Certify that I have this day at the Church of Saint
Luke at Concord, N.S.W, duly celebrated Marriage between
Frank Sherral Bissaker
Salesman & Clerk of 125 Cabarita Rd. Cabarita, Bachelor
and Norma Sherrie Bissell
Dressmaker's machinist of 34 Archer St Concord, Spinster
after declaration duly made before me as by law required.
DATED this sixth day of May 1941
O. Sydney Fleck {Signature of Minister
                                or Registrar.
Signature of Parties { F Bissaker (Bridegroom.
to Marriage.                { N.S. Bissell (Bride.)
Signature of                { N.J. Bissell.
Witnesses.                   {Horace Bissell     





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