Wallet 1 of 1 - Bissaker, Frank Sherral (Lieutenant, b.1914 - d.1942), Part 3

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Documents and letters
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VECOVO 21 B Sper N 16 W.A. OIVISION 1 D9 17 Iomewhere. ens Scay. I/13 Sedaen So M Shoad Sephemhed My Tasling Mfe Senie &XC Rhary hear very bis for the past wus & have had only a Lew hous shif at add in Serones. However there I am again to say Hids how are you Id like t really ted you the Things bat happed here, but cersd That rales are more regid han ever oning To Conmills acturkes. I had te daylignt seared out of me one night as satrol I was looking. for a Jemy macking gur to wife it out when sudderly of his funs opened five. We went & grourt fronts. whilst he caws splattered bullets al assund us. at an oporking mowent we witdrew without a casually hd I never forget his inaident. Well dear, I am let a wek and my huck will intime to hild unt 8d an safe WRITE ON SOTH SE IT A WRIIE CV.
HECE VOUE MOUCIEIVe SECII MA. OISON bnd at hase ant you emt I him all your flotes in fant of me as I write o key provide let of inspirao by manifulating a magnifying plass very fcendficity I can enterge your fan (and Tenys far) & alnost nake you lipelike your smile depens you lips almost move but got I wish I was really bityt sen ald. My birt is acking wnt lave a Sendemess. I contintly consale my beeligs with the knowledge that tme healss on, it never stops, every dy that fesses nosr bring us close to and rennion. this shew wit be oves oor I and wot confident go and eanly Wetory. The Russias vens appeas to be a flot brighter, ten B Heavers, a te approaicting Winker should defert Jery as it did last line. The Japs are suffering rumerous peresses tor geveretly specking, H Hlies appear to be atporching an altinet Vclory - the soone the beker Plast th MrIEONS0I 17 E EC Was!
Conny CWOOA WNENENS DICLL W.A. OIISION Dne pe M.S. Dank I as engerly awahing your next wait which soned anme wite a and. you the his nust be alsobe bely pand you an he sure bit H Treasure then darling. (Josh I lovg you XXX tak col answered by leker & was tckled pint to hear from me. He is fit well and may be able to visit me soon, altough It wil be difficult. However, I way have the sppokidg to wsit him as I know txactly where he iso you or know thy hav which lucnt I ea in Keks address inndentally, is sak the same. I was fiind to lear from you eages to s treve, but net as keen as ayrs truly XxX I will endewvor to thaw him ploxes when bay famel you hendonet Hers in your lkes to den I will write to kent afair tomorow. Havent received an answes fo hes cheers as yet Well, Smtheaok I hope you Sem wel, and beeking your chins up Ih a dull okn which hasnt a vax of Tunshine so well look for the silver lining a aom Ih my love wochear ours Frand


Diagram - see original document. 
Letter No. 10.


Lieutenant F. Bissaker
A coy. 2/13 Battalion
A.I.F. (ME) Abroad
My Darling Wife, Sherrie xxxx,  3 September 41
I have been very busy
for the past week & have had only a few
hours sleep at odd intervals. However,
here I am again to say, ‘Hullo’. how
are you? “I'd like to really tell you
the things that happen here, but censor
ship rules are more rigid than ever owing
to Rommel’s activities. I had the daylight
scared out of me one night on patrol.
I was looking for a Jerry machine gun
to wipe it out when suddenly 3
of his Guns opened fire. We went to
ground fronts! Whilst the cows splattered
bullets all around us. At an opportune
moment we withdrew without a casualty
but I’ll never forget this incident. Well
dear, I am fit & well and my luck will
continue to hold until I am safe



and sound at home with you & Terry XXXX X.

I have all your shots in front of me as I

write & they provide lots of inspiration.

By manipulating a magnifying glass very

scientifically I can enlarge your face (and

Terry's too) & almost make you lifelike 

 - your smile deepens & your lips almost

move. But gosh! I wish I was really

with you, sweetheart XXXX My heart is

aching  with love & tenderness. I continually

console my feelings with the knowledge

that time marches on; it never stops, & every

day that passes MUST bring us closer

to our reunion. This show will be over

soon & I am 100% confident of an early

Victory. The Russian news appears to be a

lot brighter, thank Heaven, & the approaching

Winter should defeat Jerry as it did

last time The Japs are suffering numerous

reverses too and generally speaking, the Allies

appear to be approaching an ultimate

Victory - the sooner the better!!!! Blast the



"We (3)" Sherrie Terry Frank} XXXXX

I am eagerly awaiting your next mail which

should arrive within a week. Your shots must

be absolutely great & you can be sure that

I'll treasure them, darling. (Gosh! I love you XXXX)

Keith Cole answered my letter & was tickled

pink to hear from me. He is fit & well and

may be able to visit me soon, although

it will be different. However I may have

the opportunity to visit him as I know

exactly where he is. You must know

by now which Division I am in. Keith's

address incidentally is still the same. He was

pleased to hear from you & eager to see

Terence, but not as keen as yours truly!!!! XXXX X

I will endeavour to show him photos when they

arrive - you mentioned them in your letter to him

I will write to Keith again tomorrow, Haven't

received an answer from Leo Cheers as yet.

Well, sweetheart I hope you & Terry are

well, and keeping your chins up. Its

a dull sky which hasn't a ray of sunshine

so we'll look for the silver lining.

All my love sweetheart Ever yours Frank XXXX X



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Phillipa ByrnePhillipa Byrne
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