Wallet 1 of 1 - Bissaker, Frank Sherral (Lieutenant, b.1914 - d.1942), Part 2

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Documents and letters
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RED SHIELD HUTS AND HOSTELS FROM: No. XXL7397 vent It H.IFCHS Swont or Hcay 2/B satation 18tg 194 Remember the loved ones far away, And write them a message of cheer to day. Leter No1 My Darlng Henie Seny XXXX I have a large wapp. <7 k inge case wit a cellulord cover, so Ive awang inside. all your photos a Cays tas, so bat I now betc have a large Rawkss framed which is a peeasan I reminder of you bot It is hanging at he side of my bed a visitors continually gaze at it a sell me hew lucky I am t haveI ct a thankipn I wife so not bit I need remnding wae& Wel dear Lime Mirhes on & approaches the mont of Liftember. Please give temy a spenat hug fou his dad (Il by Sen on 1St September, which, of cousse will be his half year (putday. Line Llie's doesn't it? but I hope it flies at a timpie face so tat Id be love with you soon My one wish is to return to you Neny & if necessary, move to a Bitl Sahi tn susne to wait for the Japs. Lnvouo, if i ever eventuates Id ful ten tat I was really depending you, darling. The Sooner we have heve te befpie Il he. At is Desert fronk, but L soppose quiet on the RLEASE WRITE ON BOTH SIDES
TROM:- No. NAME UNIT. RED SHIELD HUTS AND HOSTELS 19 Remember the loved ones bar away, And write them a message of cheer to day. Jeng will Stant to atack soon, not had he has aay chaoc of success. I took out a pahot recently a fair dinkum was wooned at one stage when I heard some Jemy's mutering in heir usual firtuost Dones, less then 20 yards away. The ceaso wont feat me t give you aays details of the Sabog, but anyway we conpleted our job & retuned Takly Well darling Imiss you move than ever & my thoughts are with you always I lave you very very dee ply & witl never alles eer a wee bit. It cems ages since I end te kevow, but it wont be longe before I home with you ond wonderfo bLor. God pesss you both LhdkX. Those Srudis tho has heve not amwed yet, but of cours our nexk mert is not doe for appor. I wuks. Its tough luck that te an manf has been cancelled & I hape bey are considering its resumptin I Trust that you Leny are enjoying health swutlesot wife tt the best of PLEASE WRITE ON SOTH SIDES
D TROM:- No. NAME UNIT 14 57 3 RED SHIELD HUTS AND HOSTELS 19 Remember the loved ones far away, And write them a message of cheer to day. (3 It is still beay asand during the days Ine pown very dank. Te moon was but last night as it rose in att ts majestic splendor, I sigheds deeply as I thoght of the many mombt night we have been teethos. [femen ho hav we used to lasts it te moon count to Ten a say thags we ath ways, Hhe always be your" Well dear that still apples to us I Laon we wid camy on TBOAXHSB from just xJosk. Ilave you ene we left XXXX you ate switing at wo yohn your fhotos as I write & frandly russing om Son - his finy litle hands are beay extressive. I have sebected the Thoso of very lying or his back in praw with a big dimpted smite, as My favourite, altough te others are very good too. He is certainly a worddus chied but I fully expected her to be, heving suck a adoraat bisutfu Mote

No. NX. 57392
NAME Lieut F Bissaker            A.I.F (ME) Abroad
UNIT A Coy. 2/13 Battalion       28 Aug 1942
Letter No 7
My Darling Sherrie & Terry XXXX X
I have a large mapping 

case with a celluloid cover, so I've arranged
[*Excuse chinese dear XXXX*]
all your photos inside it & Terry's too, so that I now
have a large batch of photos framed which is a
pleasant reminder of you both. It is hanging
at the side of my bed & visitors continually
gaze at it & tell me how lucky I am
to have such a beautiful wife & son
- not that I need reminding!! XXXX X
Well dear, time marches on & approaches the 
month of September. Please give Terry a
special hug from his Dad (I'll try pens)
on 1st September, which, of course will be
his half year birthday. Time flies doesn't 
it? but I hope it flies at a terrific
pace so that I'd be home with you soon.
My one wish is to return to you & Terry,
& if necessary, move to a Battle Station
in Aussie to wait for the Japs. invasion, if
it ever eventuates. I'd feel then that I was
really defending you, darling. The sooner
we leave here, the happier I'll be. All is 
quiet on the Desert front, but I suppose




Jerry will start to attack soon, not that
he has any chance of success. I took
out a patrol recently & fair dinkum
I was worried at one stage when I
heard some Jerry's muttering in their usual
guttural tones, less then 20 yards. away.
The censor won't permit me to give you
any details of the patrol, but anyway,
we completed our job & returned
Well darling, I miss you more than
ever & my thoughts are with you always.
I love you very very deeply & will never
alter even a wee bit. It seems ages
since I said 'Au Revoir', but it won't 
be long before I am home with you &
our wonderful son. God Bless you both XXXX X.
Those studio photos have not arrived
yet, but of course our next mail is
not due for approx. 2 weeks. Its tough
luck that the air mail has been cancelled
& I hope they are considering its resumption.
I trust that you & Terry are enjoying
the best of health sweetheart wife XXXX




It is still very warm during the days &
I've grown very dark. The moon was
full last night & as it rose in all
its majestic splendor, I sighed deeply as
I thought of the many moonlit nights
we have been together. Remember how
we used to look at the moon &
count to ten & say "Always in all
ways, I'll always be yours"? Well, dear
that still applies to us & soon we
will carry on TOGETHER from just
we left off - gosh! I love you Sherrie XXXX.
You are smiling at me from your
photos as I write & proudly nursing
our son - his tiny little hands are
very expressive. I have selected the
photo of Terry lying on his back in
pram with a big dimpled smile, as
my favourite, although the others are
very good, too. He is certainly a
wonderful child, but I fully expected
him to be, having such a
super, super, adorable beautiful Mother.

[*Will have to close now, so cheerio for the present
Love to Mater Nita, regards to Pop. Ever your loving hubby.
Big hug for Terry.    Frank XXXX. *]



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