Letters of Ronald Henry Etherton, June - August 1944 - Part 3 of 4

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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ls ever show that 002 m jealous Eaa selfish? d ashaned because I am so much so sometines- ever rasily suspicious sonetues. A year, or alnost a year is a long line and so much could happen I read this is a magagine seep the faith in ie for is worth the cost There's rotking to replice the first well doeay when it is lost. In aboerce, in tuptation let your best is stiicts arouse and keep the provised puth that s how you prove loveo precious vow Soi I word whtte a being fair to you to aot you to reei ried dow so definitely and get so adefintelyI pidt t casy to deer ry siae of the bargain for my wered is felly takle i with ry sook bu for got is is afpee 0, a I sallng about wething about which I know nothig you ant so full of life and beauty. Has the year been too long? To save your tlses a arean? Io way be nother year, or it say be just nont to or it say be never. An I fairt. 20 you 10 others with whon you night have dates! unber of all this is double autih jus igiore s Lguess I too much is love to sant rationally Ron axx C AIR LETTER tarre nowra or onr me Miss Yean Ayse 13007 132 W Canonton Aeavz Carane
herser 141 wth fore 0 Dear Jean Oreany Sunday, and how weve had nothing to do all day I dont know where everyore else & be boaie and soct are asleep. I'ae just been reading sone reaspapers from lore. Iheis a jounal anongot then that I think I'll send you Irs all about australia Ir's not particularly good but some of the phote s are t00 bad Thyre not as good as on of the phote's I got the other any moricatarly ore of them. In very a rigued by it id you ake the sop yourself? and what the crest I dont reneybe you mentioning having these shaps Fadey e go to our squadton tonrow Ie heard lot about it and the station Ir has a very good nane for its efficincy importunately that usually yous that it would be seyt on ot agets Apparently the station is'& anything nawvelous. However, the fellow who did then ope from these seen to think it's Ok well see. When I knew we were going to be posed as red base P0 to hold vy nait so that nore of it would go estray oo say it ears going without teten for a few days probably uit Dednesday I words how mary letter ll get then Despite the fact that Fve had quite a bit of die fill the last week or so I have a lot of letties to answer nootly for fellows at hort aa Nopte is the office. I should say gils in the office hearly all the fellows thee that I hew well have left of course an the others are all t bus sI got all the ges from three of the gils who did my lyping at sono tine acteally there e only one of they will u the other two seen to hear the scandal eay though thy have are working elsewhere. They all wsist or reeting you so you it have so cone to australia ever if it's only to please hen There are lots of other people
who you have to geet, also. Ands and encles ad s0 on. I booke off to write a litter hore, seepy a its 11.30 s0 I gaess Sa bese go to bee Govrrigh Ilove you for anne AIR LETTER A or oaran Miss Jear Ayse 13007122 4 Edmonton Mera Cen
Lerre 163 (Othas) 20th Jane il De Sean I dint think much of our lst station but this int any better so much for all we ae been told about how good it is on ops. Iever believed any of it but I still donow hy some people go out of they way to salf such a lot of sot, noor of what we were told about This place was just as nisleading The only gratifying fact is that leave com wou nany about every five of sex Even in the respect we ae been disappointed. We expected to go on leave within a fa days be now it looks as though it to be at best a week There is another good pour about the place. That is, the aiscreft are good They re practically brand nes and in eutter undie Ii'll be a day or sw0 yet until I start to get my wail here. I worder how many letters there will be for i then. I wonder how long I'll have to wair before I know whether you ll co to ustali ad what you ve got to say about it. Soueties I shinl you il be ayreeable and then sonetines I think maybe you won't like the idea a bit I hope you do say yes Im sure you was t be sorry. I'l my harder t hai e ever ried to anything to make you happy. I love you and want you so much that everything I plan or thint of seno to revolve aoud you or to be nore truthful, us. Ill alvays love you Yon 18
AIR LETTEE AMTHNE IS ENCIOSH trrea m or ser ae Miss Jean Ayoe 13007 122 St. bamonton asers Canale
Letter 163 Friday 2310 June 60 Deareos Jear I wish I could sit down to write you a nice long letter but, for one thirg, I havens much to write about ad arther, I expect to be called away any time now. F'ue received the nail that was help pending our nove here Atthough thee was only one letter from you, it ges bey 42 ad the others pur together. I haven't had any letters since then. I hope this socent continue. Naybe they re being sent to the wrong station tater on when we settle down I'll have more sine to write out assai always going to be had up fore sonething about which to write, hothing much happens ound here except that which sustit be written about while were here leave ott will be nose or two regular at least a week in every six on between sines we'll probably hardly ever leave the station. Falking about not being able to write about some things, hers something that happened the other day that shows what a good ex the Squiarron C.O is. Two fellows wrote letters to Ireland ore to a pal friend Bother to his girlfriend In then they shot a line about their spirutions and incidutully giving away guite a bit of secret information The cesor sent the coters to Air Ministry who in tur waited the fillows deall with which way have neart a coust martial. The Col got the fellows our of that but ackieved a much bete effect by reading the letters out to the assistled crews of the whole squadron. Boy did shooe fellows equisn! I'll be it doesy & happen again
Im afsain I'll have to close now but I'll write again fo opportunity til then, remember that I love you stronger then life itself. One of these days I'll hold you in my arms and tell go so Hor s C AIR LETTER or exerun we Miss Year Ayre 13007 122 St Edmonton Muta Caaes
Leser 145 Wearesday 282h June 40 Dear Sweethear I received on Ai Letter yesterday after 4000 and anot her guor a few minutes ago. I have to answer they daring my lunch & ine in use we don I have tought free f we are off tonight Ill write anher letter yesterday evening all of us except Freddy who wasnt feeling too well, went to York We were all feeting so fea up that any change even if it was just yor was decided improvement Irs strange Low soneties you become absolutely sick of everything connected with flying and the sation in two or thes days whereas other tines you can wick it for weeks maybe w0 the weather or hanging asound waiting 100 much or naybe it's just because we thought we would be on leave before this we went to a show, had supper and then played billiards Chool. I think you call it) until it was tine to carch the bus. The show we saw was walte Piagion and Greee Garson in madame Cusie as ery good but sother serious for the wood we were in. In parts it was sull and I conland help thirding then how nice it would be if you and I were there together. It wouldy t matter ye parts of the show were dull. I probably wouldnt notice anyhow. to you head on my shoulder, your haw soft against my cheek How much those things mean! I miss you so ressibly, Jean. Menries of you are so sweet and beautiful that they seen to be of a different world Past memories so sweet and dreand of a future &
wonderful. May that futwe not be far away. I drean and think of it always as it will be with the sveelest gil in the world I lave you fon XXS sn M AIRLETTER BSIOHHE MW S62 Fr M 30SUN4 Miss Jean Ayre 13007 122 S Canonon Alhya Canade
Setter 146 Surday 220 July 141 Dear Sweethear Here I am again puriedly anting a few cords duing luch sue may be I'll have tie to write yore This evening but we geve know from ore marate to the reat what o going to kappen. Id like to sett you all about it but of cousse, I cant another weeend and leave or at least pronise of it as vogue is ever Lro aliight the Flight Connande says ou wont s out taybe w but we say it yow not next weck week neoe coe I haven's had any letters from you since I last t01e Today beng Sunday, there is so delivery. That doubtes the charces of gilting sone tonorrow yee disappoued when I daw a blark. I have to begg off you to see what's dong tonight Dye for the preset. All ay love for &xx

Do my letters ever show that 
I'm jealous  & and selfish?  I'm ashamed
because I am so much so sometimes -
even nastily suspicious sometimes.  A
year, or almost a year is a long time 
and so much could happen.  I read
this in a magazine "Keep the faith in
loneliness for love is worth the cost.
There's nothing to replace the first sweet
dream when it is lost.  In absence, in
temptation let your best instincts
arouse and keep the promised faith
- that's how you prove love's
precious vows."  Sometimes I wonder whether
I'm being fair to you to ask you to remain tied
down so definitely and yet so indefinitely.  I find it
so easy to keep my side of the bargain for my
mind  interest is fully taken up with my work but for
a girl it is different. A Or, am I talking about
something about which I know nothing?  You
are so full of life and beauty.  Has the year
been too long?  To save your kisses and dream?
It may be another year, or it may be just months
or it may be never. Am I fair? - to you - to
others with whom you might have dates?.
Remember?  If all this is double dutch just
ignore it.  I guess I'm too much in love to
think rationally  Ron xxx
S1-4956 (6) 
Miss Jean Ayre
13007 - 122 St.,
Alberta  Canada
_____ Second fold here _________ 
Sender's name and address:- 
Aus 423088 
F/Sgt Etherton R H 
R.A.A.F Base PO 
__ To open cut here


Letter 141 

18th June '44
Dear Jean,
Dreamy Sunday, and how!
We've had nothing to do all day.  I don't
know where everyone else is but Eddie
and Jock are asleep.  I've just been reading
some newspapers from home.  There's a journal
amongst them that I think I'll send you
It's all about Australia.  It's not particularly
good but some of the photo s aren't too bad.
They're not as good as one of the
photo's I got the other day, particularly 
one of them.  I'm very intrigued by it.
Did you make the top yourself?  And
what's the crest?  I don't remember
you mentioning having these snaps
We go to our squadron tomorrow.  I've
heard a lot about it and the station.
It has a very good name for it's
efficiency.  Unfortunately that usually
means that it would be sent on
hot targets.  Apparently the station
isn't anything marvelous. However, 

the fellows who did their ops. from there
seem to think it's O.K.  We'll see.
When I knew we were going to be
posted I asked Base P.O to hold my
mail so that none of it would go
astray.  Too bad it means going without
letters for a few days.  probably until
Wednesday.  I wonder how many letters
l'll get then.  Despite the fact that I've
had quite a bit of time free the last
week or so I have a lot of letters to
answer mostly from fellows at home and
people in the office.  I should say "girls
in the office Nearly all the fellows there
that I knew well have left of course
and the others are all too busy so I
got all the news from three of the girls
who did my typing at some time.
Actually there are is only one of them still
there but the other two seem to
hear the scandal even though they have
are working elsewhere.  They all insist
on meeting you so you'll have to come
to Australia even if it's only to please
them.  There are lots of other people


who you have to meet, also.  Aunts and
Uncles and so on.
I broke off to write a letter home. 
I'm sleepy and it's 11:30 so I guess
I'd better go to bed.
I love you 
AWM 2016.832.1 
S1-5956 (6) 

Miss Jean Ayre
13007-122 St.,
Alberta Canada 
Second fold here 
Sender's name and address:- 
Aus 423088 
F/Sgt Etherton R. H 
R.A.A.F Base PO 


Letter 142 (I think)
20th June 44
Dear Jean,
I didn't think much of our last
station but this isn't any better.   So
much for all we've been told about
how good it is on ops.  I never
believed any of it but I still
don't know why some people go out
of their way to talk such a lot of
rot.  Most of what we were told
about this place was just as misleading.
The only gratifying fact is that
leave comes round regularly - a week
about every five of six.  Even in that
respect we've been disappointed.  We
expected to go on leave within a few
days but now it looks as though
it'll be at least a week.
There is another good point about
the place. That is, the aircraft are good.
They're practically brand new and in
excellent condition.
It'll be a day or two yet until I
start to get my mail here. I wonder
how many letters there will be for me
then. I wonder how long I'll have
to wait before I know whether you'll
come to Australia and what you've got
to say about it.  Sometimes I think
you'll be agreeable and then sometimes
I think maybe you won't like the
idea a bit.  I hope you do say "yes"
I'm sure you won't be sorry.  I'll try
harder than I've ever tried to do
anything to make you happy.  I love
you and want you so much
that everything I plan or think of
seems to revolve around you or, to
be more truthful, us.
I'll always love you


UN 44 


Miss Jean Ayre
13007 - 122 St.,
Alberta Canada 
Second fold here 
Sender's name and address:- 
Aus 423088 
F/Sgt Etherton R. H 


Letter 143 
23rd June 44
Dearest Jean,
I wish I could sit
down to write you a nice long
letter but, for one thing, I haven't
much to write about and another,
I expect to be called away any time
now.  I've received the mail that
was help pending our move here.
Although there was only one letter
from you, it was better than all
the others put together.  I haven't had
any letters since then.  I hope this
doesn't continue.  Maybe they're being
sent to the wrong station
Later on when we settle down
I'll have more time to write but
I'm afraid I'm always going to be
hard up fore something about which
to write, nothing much happens
around here except that which 
mustn't be written about.
While we're here leave with
will be more or less regular - at
least a week in every six.  In
between times we'll probably hardly
ever leave the station.
Talking about not being able to
write about some things, there's
something that happened the other
day that shows what a good egg
the Squadron C.O is.  Two fellows
wrote letters to Ireland, one to a pal
friend , the an other to his girlfriend.  In
them they shot a line about their
operations and incidentally giving
away quite a bit of seri secret
information.  The censor sent the
letters to Air Ministry, who, in turn,
wanted the fellows "dealt with"
which may have meant a court
martial.  The C.O got the fellows out
of that but achieved a much better
effect by reading the letters out to
the assembled crews of the whole
squadron.  Boy, did those fellows 
squirm!  I'll bet it doesn't happen


I'm afraid I'll have to close
now but I'll write again first
opportunity .
Until then, remember that
I love you stronger then life
itself.  One of these days I'll hold
you in my arms and tell yo so 
First fold here

AWM 2016-852.1 
S1-6956 (3)

[[?]] 24 

Miss Jean Ayre
13007 - 122 St.,
Alberta Canada 
Second fold here 
Sender's name and address:- 
Aus 423088 
F/Sgt Etherton R. H 


Letter 145
28th June 44 

Dear Sweetheart,
I received an Air Letter
yesterday afternoon and another
just a few minutes ago.  I have to
answer them during my lunchtime
in case we don I have tonight
free.  If we are off tonight, I'll
write another letter.
Yesterday evening all of us,
except Freddy who wasn't feeling
too well, went to York.  We were
all feeling so fed up that any
change even if it was just York
was a decided improvement.  It's
strange how sometimes you
become absolutely sick of everything
connected with flying and the
station in two or three days
whereas other times you can stick
it for weeks. Maybe it's the
weather or hanging around waiting
too much or maybe it's just because
we thought we would be on leave 

before this
We went to a show, had
supper and then played billiards
(pool, I think you call it) until it
was time to catch the bus.  The
show we saw was Walter Pidgeon
and Greer Garson in "Madame Curie"
It was very good but rather serious
for the mood we were in.  In parts
it was dull and I couldn't help  
thinking then how nice it would
be if you and I were there
together. It wouldn't matter if
parts of the show were dull.  I
probably wouldn't notice anyhow.
w Your head on my shoulder,
your hair soft against my cheek.
How much those things mean!  I
miss you so terribly, Jean.  Memories
of you are so sweet and beautiful
that they seem to be of a
different world. Past memories so
sweet and dreams of a future so


wonderful.  May that future not be
far away.  I dream and think
of it always as it will be
with the sweetest girl in the
I love you
First fold here 
AWM 2016 832-1 
S1-6956 (3)   
S.C 2. 
30 JUN 44 
Miss Jean Ayre
13007 - 122 St.,
Alberta Canada 
Second fold here 
Sender's name and address:- 
Aus 423088 
F/Sgt Etherton R H 
R A A F Base P.O 


Letter 146
23d July '44
Dear Sweetheart,
Here I am again, hurriedly  
writing a few words during lunch time.
Maybe I'll have time to write more
this evening but we never know from
one minute to the next what's going
to happen.  I'd like to tell you all
about it but, of course, I can't.
Another weekend and leave or, at
least promise of it as vague as ever. 
"It's alright."  the Flight Commander says  
"you won't miss out".  Maybe we won't
but we want it now - not next week. 
Next week never comes.
I haven't had any letters from
you since I last wrote.  Today being
Sunday, there is no delivery.  That 
doubles the chances of getting some 
tomorrow.  Gee but I'm disappointed
when I draw a blank.
I have to buzz off now to see
what's doing tonight
'Bye for the present.  All my love

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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