Letters of Ronald Henry Etherton, March-May 1944 - Part 6 of 8

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
Accession number:

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Cirgraphs of cows) ao that they can be returned without being oppned 2. If you re sending me anything you wouldI want anyone else to have, send it in a separate parcel recessary, but in any case nas merk the outside If undeliverable return to seeder tiss Ja-- If you dor'd mind you might nask any other parcels. If indeliveratly sent to Rex Goss I hope that wore wver has to comply with se namdions sor one never knows. For the same reason, Fn going to arrange for you so be informed iy the eoent of any nishap. but for lete's safe dont lette every table I sena you ware you out of you wits. Only the good die young but of course, you don know how bad I really an, may be I should have just sold you I come from a long living family. Shey'se all bed. All my love on AIRLAfTER arun Seatio Mis Jear Go 10002 13 D Canaon Oro canl
CeX r ro. Hiss Jeon AYRE 13007-122 St. LONONTON mre C a tt Ms Ctee deas ben to Loro 904 pay 00 Ou fea te sding this for the Cardin legise Club a aversee. o h a appropsise place from which so will so cd baythg wou is is di she pay on the wall the agaies wes w having coff a sts. Hhe coffer iss bas s edoC t gue the orly de ising cardia. e plac is s cesisted Actually pracically io cxpetition is aset of the sowes wds avere 1040w0 geong leave as Ishit w's ort operational avens at 16 to sae shes is fo ayse lere we staig b right and nt a git so nI spe a few sies she se me s e. soe is ly dl very scr is se ts ergaged to a bighit asna who is asiond in the yous as is vy noat i love ilimua a say avegoodn t so wntil the dy Pl not up for it then aany lons fo RIRESURE THAT IHE LDRERS RITTTYINLAROT HOFITTHN
Dr Ms Sean NIRC 13007. 117 5r. KONONTON AETTO CarC on My bA R Reto Dee fran asl ray 1800 apaid Fo forgotter what i be this stould be sw Id wosk I ou sate, shil Do 118. The wther is vey concisvals as stai fie pr as slorgh is is guite a sis coole fee a yorkshie. I shal Ia say se is as both young on lave as govng fr and by in the process. I son say that wire bing oveps. The ae very places ou here whre you in sage that awai o a patly good place all soe. the as tos of me capts. to those is go so ws gottig to te him as slough the sees an quite good we reasly a bsays get waitbing beee shals n or th cattere is p nie is mr she waes. Sas now eeysting is is pusy gua acndens sid ares took fire with shes s of tees ad the se wes of wigh colous i te a wre o mor
Felte 1 14th May 60 Dear Year a hes spoken of Bill Hhe ttop she was going with, in her leters to you. She has asked ye to pass or to you bad gews of tim that he has been pooted nissing from a gine laying detail in Dangig Hasbor I received her letter the day we we on have but diar y I sepr ecase I dia was to think of it white we were on bad bang is hopeful that he is safe. I'll be very glad for her sake if he does lan up. I hadly knew ill n fact I only saw he onll I hall a letter from him while we were up 2orth. He was on an Australian Lanceote Squadison which has a wordsfut yame. despite the fact that it gets all the cuty gobs There is another chap I am to school with and worked with in the saye office who went missing about hesaine e was or that Squadeon 100 Renember I sold you hat he I ar a pat of his joined up together. The pat and I flew together at hore int it he was killed in a crast an the chap I worked with went to Cazada soon after he wes ento the ay Force We wrote quite a bit but I'a yeve been able to see him my brother ben is going to goin the 2avy. He has nore sese that I gave him credit for I thought hed was to join the Air Force but I glad he didn t He's not eightee yet bet he's
grard kid lost his job as al cbecause fe tax an arguinent with his boss over paying for sore seeth (artificial ones) he broke. That was why he got the gob at the swenning baths while he was waiting to durn 18 to you up For onee Ive had lots to writes about but Fx afsaid Ill Lave to cut this shost. The whole crew is in the ore big 1oon ad they'se all wanting to get to sleef so I guess its you iyo suehas for nor 221 EXAMINER 4961 M or cnanur m hiss Jear Ayse 13007 122 St Camonton attes caaue PCN OPENED BY
Riss Jeon AYRE Boor- 11257. SONONTON MIbETTO CANUDL C C t t C tm 120 1604 ray 60 Our fram te apair to not going to have such care to write t shill sis e. wee se doing gute a sit flying most of 140 not of the se a waske langing woud wuiting wn has so see to onselves. Do soot a not guday apeoos and set 400 4o14 de so a sea- Jan Cayay in Joy begabod ad care boct so can soly as as douge as night be saed. we verys outI ay want to day our paricularly. The sipss was going to con up last nigh so stay in the sittings for a bet but was soo its so davet and p ss off pr a fes says. I does hrow why bono t e 600 will be noo basy to see auch of her. Thre as shall w pos you wailing pr no o Satwday so coming boid to caup wass as hnde as a not b a you bes
ror Nias Jeon AYRE 238318 13007 -121 St.. EONONTON Mro Conn - St At Ret Da t to fi 128 111 my s0 On fe a epaid ta not being perctual wt y letters. I just cant seeth donn to write we are dvig lots of 1459 beo0 ss srstorous counts and sumps- sating off soud 140 wo ladng, satig off sos agan and so os Ns morow for enyore ecept stippes. Haupas ar lad to tayd. The is why he hs so get o pracce t ag tis procesu is to ju was a weeis to gos tst. The I have to get ti 41 u to sh cos sowed bg teye of now s stort first be is so too sts. Th wis go to a guador shil soss be f away. I hope a got crothe bave th lep i sat opratig se stould be abt to se is is se ths f eg sa good stion. He wils lp 1 2 74 te b be RITGHTTTHITT IRHHWMTTEYNL HATIL TRNI

airgraphs of course) so that they can be
returned without being opened
2. If you're sending me anything
you wouldn't want anyone else to
have, send it in a separate parcel, if
necessary, but in any case mak  &
mark the outside  "If undeliverable
return to sender - Miss J. A - - etc"
3. If you don't mind you might
mark any other parcels "If undeliverable
send to Red Cross"
I hope that noone ever has to comply
with these instructions but one never
knows. For the same reason, I'm
going to arrange for you to be 
informed in the event of any mishap.
But for Pete's sake don't letter
every cable I send you scare you
out of your wits. Only the good
die young but, of course, you don't
know how bad I really am. Maybe
I should have just told you I come
from a long living family. They're
all bad.
All my love 
← First fold here → 
Miss Jean Ayre 
13007 - 122 St., 
Alberta  Canada 
← Second fold line → 
← To open cut here → 
Sender's name and address:- 
Aus 423088 
F/Sgt Etherton R.H 
R.A.A.F Base P.O 
London  England 


Write the address in large BLOCK letter in the panel below. 
The address must NOT be typewritten 
To:- Miss Jean AYRE 
13007 - 122 St., 
Alberta Canada 
12 MAY 1944 
Write the message very plainly below the line. 
Sender's Address: Aus 423088  F/Sgt Etherton 
R.A.A.F Base P.O London 
9th May 1944 
Dear Jean, 
I'm writing this from the Canadian Legion Club 
in Aberdeen.  It's rather an appropriate place from which 
to write to Canada.  Everything around us is Canadian 
-the flag on the wall, the magazines. - We're even 
having coffee and doughnuts.  The coffee isn't bad but 
the doughnuts! XX.  C'est la guerre!  The only item 
missing is Canadians.  The place is nearly deserted. 
Actually, we've practically no competition in most of 
the towns nowadays.  Aircrew are the only ones getting 
leave and I think it's only operational aircrew at that. 
Too bad there's no Jean Ayre here! 
I went skating last night and met a girl to 
whom  I spoke to a few times when we were last 
here.  Her name is Kitty Macdonald.  Very Scotch! 
So is she.  She's engaged to an English airman who 
is stationed in The Azores and is very much in love 
with him.  I saw her home but that's all.  I didn't 
even try to kiss her goodnight.  Not that it would 
have been much good trying.  Guess I'll have to wait 
until the day.  I'll make up for it then.  All my love Ron 
This space should not be used. 


Address in large BLOCK letters in the panel below. 
The address must NOT be typewritten. 
TO:- Miss Jean AYRE 
13007 - 122 St., 
Alberta  Canada 
18 MAY 1944 
Write the message very plainly below this line. 
Sender's Address  Aus 423088 F/Sgt Etherton R.H R.A.A.F Base P.O. London 
11th May 1944 
Dear Jean, 
I'm afraid I've forgotten what number this 
should be but I'll work it out later.  I think it's 
119.  The weather is very considerate and staying 
fine for us, though it is quite a bit cooler here 
than in Aberde Yorkshire.  I think I can say that 
we are both enjoying our leave and growing fat 
and lazy in the process.  I might even say that
we're being overfed.  There aren't many places 
over here where you can manage that.  Aberdeen 
is a pretty good place all round.  There are a 
lot of nice cafes.  In those we go to we're getting 
to be known and, though the menus are quite good 
we nearly always get something better that's not 
on the menu. 
Scotland is far nicer in winter summer than 
winter.  Just now everything is so freshly green. 
Aberdeen's wide avenues look fine with their rows 
of trees and there are lots of bright colours in 
the gardens.  Must so close now   
Love Ron 
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Letter 120 
14th May '44 
Dear Jean, 
Edna has spoken of Bill, 
the chap she was going with, in 
her letters to you.  She has asked 
me to pass onto you bad news 
of him - that he has been 
posted missing from a mine 
laying detail in Danzig Harbor. 
I received her letter the day we 
went on leave but didn't mention 
it before because I didn't want 
to think of it while we were on 
Edna is hopeful that he is 
safe.  I'll be very glad for her sake 
if he does turn up.  I hardly knew 
Bill.  In fact, I only saw him once. 
I had a letter from him while we 
were up north.  He was on an 
Australian Lancaster Squadron 
which has a wonderful name. 
despite the fact that it gets all 
the dirty jobs. 
There is another chap I went to 
school with and worked with in the 
same office who went missing about 
the same time.  He was on that 
Squadron, too.  Remember I told you 
that he, I and a pal of his 
joined up together.  The pal and  
I flew together at home until he 
was killed in a crash. and The  
chap I worked with went to Canada 
soon after he went into the Air 
Force.  We wrote quite a bit but 
I'd never been able to see him. 
My brother Ern is going to  
join the navy.  He has more 
sense that I gave him credit for. 
I thought he'd want to join the 
Air Force  but I'm glad he didn't. 
He's not eighteen yet but he's


a grand kid.  He lost his job as 
dental mechanic because he had an 
argument with his boss over paying 
for some teeth (artificial ones) he 
broke.  That was why he got the 
job at the swimming baths 
while he was waiting to turn 18 
to join up. 
For once I've had lot's to write 
about  but I'm afraid I'll have 
to cut this short.  The whole 
crew is in the one big room and 
they're all wanting to get to sleep 
so I guess its 
Goodnight, Sweetheart 
SI-5956 {6} 
Miss Jean Ayre 
13007 - 122 St., 
Alberta Canada 
Sender's name and address: 
Aus 423088 
F/Sgt Etherton R.H 
R.A.A.F Base P.O 

P,C. 90 


The address must NOT be typewritten 
TO:- Miss Jean AYRE 
13007 - 122 St., 
Alberta  Canada 
25 MAY 1944 
Write the message very plainly below this line. 
Sender's Address Aus 423088 F/Sgt Etherton R.H R.A.A.F Base P.O London 
Letter 120 
16 May '44 
Dear Jean, 
I'm afraid I'm not going to have much 
chance to write letters while we're here. We've 
been doing quite a bit flying. Most of the rest 
of the time we waste hanging around waiting 
but have no time to ourselves. We took a risk 
yesterday afternoon and went into York. We went 
to a show - James Cagney in "Johnny Vagabond" 
and came back to camp early as we thought 
we might be wanted. We weren't but I didn't 
want to stay out particularly. The Skipper's wife 
was going to come up last night to stay in the 
village for a week but was too ill to travel and 
put it off for a few days. I don't know why 
she's bothering to come up here because Bob 
will be too busy to see much of her. There 
were three letters from you waiting for me on 
Saturday so coming back to camp wasn't as 
terrible as it might have been.  
Love Ron 
This space should not be used. 


Write the address in large BLOCK letters in the panel below, 
The address mus NOT be typewritten. 
TO:- Miss Jean AYRE 
13007 - 122 St., 
Alberta  Canada 
1 JUN1944 
Write the message very plainly below this line. 
Sender's Address  Aus 423088 F/Sgt Etherton R.H R.A.A.F Base P.O London 
17th May '44 
Letter 1218 
Dear Jean, 
I'm afraid I'm not being punctual with my 
letters.  I just can't settle down to write.  We are 
doing lots of flying but most of it is monotonous 
circuits and bumps - taking off, round the 'drome, 
landing, taking off, around again and so on.  It's 
monotonous for everyone except Skipper.  Halifaxes 
are hard to land.  That is why he has to get so 
much practice.  My job during this procedure is to just 
sit and do nothing unless the weather closes in and 
he gets lost.  Then I have to get him home. 
You asked how many trips we've done.  None 
that count towards being layed off.  I don't know 
when we'll start but it shouldn't be long.  We 
should finish here in about two weeks.  Then we'll 
go to a squadron which won't be far away.  I hope 
we get another leave there before we start operating. 
We should be able to say we're settled there for a 
few months at least.  Here's hoping that it's a good 
station.  This looks like the end of the page Love Ron 
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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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