Letters of Ronald Henry Etherton, March-May 1944 - Part 4 of 8

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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Rorn por Riss JeOA AYRE 13007-12251, EDMONTON u AIDeFTO CONDDA A H0 F Ciheton 1o Raad ba to tondon 514 Auil 1000 Ou Souedea wen you receive this I will prob able be sore sue sacl you bst had a woore fom I hope you hve not shough thi hs been because of ay right or lagaes or have woried th sortng may have tapees. s not such good loping I know, because shoer your leters are msoig for r the a fus days Igo raily cragy sordiing what bes happened you may send the Ill we wss sowing ifI can selp it. We were given order by sosore sho should heve howe been to post so weil overses shl ws on have. Wise been or lave se days ed Iee see onting a wes as soong then iil we go so on not sation se antayed about the supidity of at the Aust squases af ou 10 ds 04 4 sae b iis was ou as lies so go by as wll will lave so seve then wit as got to 1e0 not station, I guess i'it so be to ao that I had mnum CMAS
seors Tor Hiss Jeon AYRE 1s0or-1 St. EDMONTON rem MberTo Canada t MO T binton tt that ban t Lonton n on a i hoped I could prt the a our las 10 bt i was good pued t the e o aas widoful wes pos you, so rie 140 it wase as jut semble abou you not resiong any to h i sildly I felt lousy wayle youa sbat Fa be too by to snts or beag vais to or ads los you as wut as I do I hope you bon slough sa secause I love you nore thas we as Ill always go or loving you noras peyou ca pssibly as sow you to sembly patous of the cheps whose sore ad fiends as ove he secaue, who they got bave is alod as wel as s Il cose bot so soo of cuse it's w for aboays as is will so c c to you maybe Ds just as well I can cond oa just for a shill. I could see nyself away again b fow hy heven anos as werefed ang as bastifed a you waiting pr se laso as tat I nally have Lon RWNMHNIIHGTTHNLRTRAITINIPNI
Lerser 1104 Cardiff Wedzesday &th Aprit Dear Jean, Ful just written an augraph to you but theres not meck wws in it so I'll cortyve with these Air Lerses every if I can post then unsit we get back to a camp. On Morday while see was with his oh an I eer ou to Tredays place, discovered that Cob was waiting for us to cone down to Cardift and so we cane on Tusday morning Is was a serible wain journey. We stood all the way from Lordon I houss so you'll idustand why we weren & troubled with in sonnee last right Were sraying with sore friends of Hob's wife. Mrs Engs that's Bobs, the Skipper's wife is very nice. Ses very much like ob serious a bet of a fasser but a very reliable sort of a person. She's rather plain, s0s Tready's wife but she's not as senou as mos Lags. Today we al been having a look arouna Cardiff and tonight went to a show "Cragy House may be you saw it. I's sonething like Hellgapoppin with Olson & Johnson. Keney ber I sow they in a stage show sons of Fen in New York. Gee they'se a scan my side will alkes Boy! A good laugh is a lorie tue for be yo gorangly ad ustil theyse real one nore XX4 Hon Friday 724 April Good Friday Gluss is a poliaa for you t0o It would be a very good Friday if it were our holiday together. Jusr thirk! All this sine last year we were both in Edonton but not togetfer. We wasted son sind shough we didgt tyow it
I forger what I did las r Fniday. I dons shink we had it off. Today we went to Perath ore of the seaside resorts of Cardiff. Seaside places are ever very at reactive except in the sume&. Tonight we wer to a nilday bend aa orchesro concert. sheg played assractive nambers and I exjoyed it very worried thas you it be shirking that I ae neosed coniting for 100 long. Please dons shink that I ear forget you for One noment. I love you too much to be able to And I now certainly do want to and I wantt to always play and dream wonderful place and dreays of you Ron sege On AIR LETTER T sc Miss SeaA MTRE 13001124 Cononren Aberre Carode
Letter 111 Aunday 912 Cpril Dear Gean This is more or less the last day of our leave. We have to shart aaking our way back to camp Lonight. (Am tonorrow morning to be exobe o exact is not back to camp, just to casp a gew one. Hill aaI Skipps and his wife are going to the Chapel this evening This paticular Chaper is rather famous pet ie Chowand the singing of the congregation. The Welsh are all supposed to have good voices Dia I sell you that say vent up to Livespool Friday? Well, he did maybe I should have gone with him but Iwe had my fill of Irain Hravel for this leave and Anyhow, I do shart Liverpool is mach of a place, judging from the reports of others. oe forgoten what Loe written lus to date and last h I went and sealed them I thirk I'll leave the rest of this letter until I get so caup for Monday 1014 Apris This is it I always have setsling in new camp but making due a lowan ceo for that I dont rit this one is going to be loo bed. We don & do any flying heae - just short courses: maybe a or course until we cay get a Halifax Coks as though we word be having anther leave for a bout two ony The bayacks fere are two storeged lige I hose we were in in Edmonton out brick. That s a break the mai onag is that the lergear's hess is about half a will from t0 n of the cy. Dell just have to take a cta answet of execucise or else suce This is the eightl letter I have to pos rowas soon as I beare t4e fow Office Travelling all last night theord
sleep we had was seting up. Guiss Das better dan by early tonight though I haven stared to feet sid yet to agtit Lomortow Goodright Socitlea loy MneNen AIR LETTER Miss Jear Ayre 13007 122 St. Edmonton Alvit Caade
Lelter 1 Didesday 14th April 64 Dea Sac fear you that Ive settled down is camp again I aas kide gatte my wits togelfe and by to reven or sone of the thigo oe forgotter to tell you diing he last couple of weeks. yee Loe got a hell of a venory. I can eve renenbee what I forget. Go nef do i ell you that I picked up a as in fordon ad 1401 were seven litters for you? Did I sell you that last beepend lae worres that you the 4 Ed got seen shi4ng of you that I sext you a cable apologig ope is did sease you yesterday pssed eight an filtes hope they don't seve you wither Ive had one letter here from you. S stoulart have been sen or as 1oon as it was I guiss there't be now is a day or two. not that I desire any Il have to by to write two a day to calch up with you. I may not to able to thirt of enough to write about. I could by an ewering your letters in dividually lhoagh that usually aes work out very well I just keep on reading but my letter get an further advanced Is is mach good to you, is it though I like The perfase you on your likess brings back nove farshly well yers of you chose in my ans. And the inpees of you lps haybl it is a waste of your eotion and gisses to lavish spe on a piece of paper bu shats tho only way I can receive them at present but got for over. and if you keep all the sest forye, Ill know t0 bety petiate to be eyeias of a piece of paper from, don ever let anyore else seat you. I love you so much I wast from ohot to do for 4
AIR LETTEE AN 520 Miss Gean Ayal 13007 122 A Edmondon Aanla bad
Letter 113 Thidany sorehow when a baradian is dunt 1854 Apadba he's very dams. and never seens to realiseit Shipper doeni shid There were five letters from you today. I read four as wos as I got much at alt of them. He had every the and was gong to keep the othe entention of turning the game in case there werisay tororrow. Ohas the when they were going to send him use of trying I jus had to open it with the Canadian ravigator tne are your thoughts risd yo instead of 20 Canadians generally alays like that 100 they say that over here havent such a good if you charge you nad about sone, reputation s a lot different to thags so a reasonable exter it iicale what I shought of Ifem when I was that you broadudid ad that is in banontion out of course that rpne to a go mar yeo was in the west and Im pretty at tast one yatter or stould I say sure that its the fellows from the puso, aoou whor till year charge iy Guiss who East particularly the Trench-Can afraid Sa going to have 2o adiars who brought stei slocks so cut this litter sort, I intended to low. There is one place Ioe been to dore the wole right to lette writig where o wea a canadian uniform but Pilly has been making a nuisance is to have yourself treated lige of himself. I'll soor have so sum in the plague That was entiely due and all Soe got done is haff of a o Trench and y desiroe what letter fone and this niserable effor theyve got. I hope our fellows Dill's pesibly at sometin es. Tew never do anything to deserve the of the ganners are very bright but same Greatmen anywhere, particula

Write the address in large BLOCK letters in the panel below. 
The address must NOT be typewritten. 
-7 APR 1944 
TO:- Miss Jean AYRE  
13007 - 122 St.,
Alberta Canada 
Write the message very plainly below this line. 

Sender's Address Aus 423088 F/Sgt Etherton R.H RAAF Base P.O London
109          5th April 1944
Dear Sweetheart,
When you receive this it will probably  
be some time since you last had a letter
from me. I hope you have not thought that it
has been because of my neglect or laziness or have
worried that something may have happened.  It's
not much good hoping, I know, because whenever
your letters are missing for more than a few days
I go nearly crazy wondering what has happened.
You may depend that I'll never miss writing if I
can help it. We were given orders by someone who
should have known better to post no mail overseas
while we're on leave. We've been on leave ten days
now and I've been writing Air Letters and saving
them until we go to our next station. We complained
about the stupidity of it at the Aust. Headquarters
and have now found out that it's OK to write but
if we want our Air Letters to go by Air we'll
will have to save them until we get to the
next station. I guess it'll be best to do that. I had 
This space should not be used 


Write the address in large BLOCK letters in the panel below. 
The address must NOT be typewritten. 
-7 APR 1944 
TO:- Miss Jean AYRE
13007 - 122 St.,
Alberta Canada 
Write the message very plainly below this line. 

Sender's Address Aus 423088 F/Sgt Etherton R.H RAAF Base P.O London
Sheet 2      5th April '44
hoped I could post them at our Base P.O but it was
no good. I picked up my own mail there. There were
some wonderful letters from you, so nice that it
made me fell terrible about you not receiving any.
To put it mildly,  I felt lousy. Maybe you'd think
I'd been too lazy to write or hadn't wanted to or
didn't love you as much as I do. I hope you haven't
thought that because I love you more than ever
and I'll always go or loving you more and more.
Oh Jean, you can't possibly know how much I miss
you. I'm terribly jealous of the chaps whose homes
and friends as over here because, when they get leave
is almost as much as when I'll come back to Edmonton.
Of course it's not for always as it will be when I come
back to you. Maybe it's just as well I can't come
back just for a while. I couldn't tear myself away
again.  Anyhow, they haven't anyone as wonderful
and as beautiful as you waiting for them. Can it
be that I really have?
This space should not be used. 


Letter 1109  Cardiff
Wednesday 5th April
Dear Jean,
I've just written an airgraph
to you but there's not much news
in it so I'll continue with these
Air Letters even if I can't post them
until we get back to a camp. On
Monday while Sam was with his
brother, Bill and I went out to
Freddy's place, discovered that Bob
was waiting for us to come down
to Cardiff and so we came on
Tuesday morning. It was a terrible
train journey. We stood all the way
from London - 3 ½ hours so you'll
understand why we weren't troubled
with insomnia last right. We're
staying with some friends of Bob's
Mrs Ings -  that's Bobs, the
Skipper's wife is very nice. She's
very much like Bob - serious, a bit
of a fusser but a very reliable sort
of a person. She's rather plain, so's

Freddy's wife but she's not as serious
as Mrs Ings.
Today we've been having a look
around Cardiff and tonight went to
a show "Crazy House" maybe you saw
it. It's something like "Hellzapoppin"
with Olson & Johnson. Remember I
saw them in a stage show "Sons of
Fun" in New York. Gee they're a
scream. My side still aches. Boy!
A good laugh is a tonic.
Time for bed now. Goodnight
and until they're real once more

Friday 7th April
Good Friday. Guess it's a holiday
for you too It would be a very
good Friday if it were our holiday
together. Just think! All this time
last year we were both in Edmonton
but not together. We wasted some
time though we didn't know it.


I forget what I did last Good Friday. I
don't think we had it off. Today
we went to Penarth one of the
seaside resorts of Cardiff. Seaside
places are never very attractive
except in the summer. Tonight we
went to a military band and
orchestra concert. They played
Attractive numbers and I enjoyed it.
I'm very worried that you'll
be thinking that I've missed
writing for too long. Please don't
think that I ever forget you for
one moment. I love you too much
to be able to. And I most
certainly don't want to. And I
wantt to always plan and dream
wonderful plans and dreams of
← First fold here → 

Miss Jean AYRE
13007 - 122 St
Alberta Canada 
# 109 110 
← Second fold here → 
To open cut here → 
Sender's name and address:- 
Aus 423088 
F/Sgt Etherton R. H. 
RAAF Base P.O 
← To open cut here


Letter 111
Sunday 9th April
Dear Jean,
This is more or less the
last day of our leave. We have to
start making our way back to camp
tonight. 1AM tomorrow morning to be
exact. To be bac more exact it's not
"back" to camp, just "to camp" - a new
one. Bill and I, Skipper and his wife
are going to the Chapel this evening
This particular Chapel is rather
famous for it's Choir and the
singing of the congregation. The Welsh
are all supposed to have good
Did I tell you that Sam went
up to Liverpool Friday? Well, he did.
Maybe I should have gone with him
but I've had my fill of train travel
for this leave and anyhow, I don't
think Liverpool is much of a place,
judging from the reports of others.
I've  forgotten what I've written
in my letters to date and last
night I went and sealed them. I
think I'll leave the rest of this
letter until I get to camp
Monday 10th April
This is it. I always hate settling in
a new camp but making due allowances
for that I don't think this one is
going to be too bad. We don't do any
flying here - just short courses - maybe
a PT course - until we can get a 
Halifax. Looks as though we won't be
having another leave for about two
The barracks here are two storeyed
like those we were in in Edmonton
but brick. That's a break. The main
snag is that the Sergeant's mess
is about half a mile from the rest
of the camp. We'll just have to take
a certain amount of execercise or else
This is the eighth letter I have to
post tomorrow as soon as I locate the
Post Office.
Travelling all last night, the only


sleep we had was sitting up. Guess
I'd better turn in early tonight though
I havent started to feel tired yet
So until tomorrow
Goodnight Sweatheart
← First fold here →

Miss Jean AYRE
13007 - 122 St.,
Alberta Canada 
← Second fold here → 
To open cut here → 
Sender's name and address:- 
Aus 423088 
F/Sgt Etherton R. H. 
RAAF Base P.O 
← To open cut here


World Wide Communications 
APR 10 AM 9 48
JEAN AYRE       68


Letter 112
12th April '44
Dear Sweetheart,
Now that I've settled down
in camp again I can kinda gather my
wits together and try to remember some
of the things I've forgotten to tell you
during the last couple of weeks. Gee
I've got a hell of a memory. I can't
even remember what I forget. Get me? I
Did I tell you that I picked up my
mail at Base P.O in London and that
there we're seven letters from you? Did
I tell you that last weekend  l was so
worried that you'd think I'd not been
thinking of you that I sent you a cable
apologising. I hope it didn't scare you.
yesterday I posted eight Air Letters. I
hope they don't scare you neither. I've
had one letter here from you. It shouldn't
have been sent or as soon as it was, I
guess there'll be more in a day or two.
Not that I deserve any. I'll have to try
to write two a day to catch up with
you. I may not to able to think of
enough to write about. I could try
answering your letters individually though

that usually doesn't work out very well.
I just keep on reading but my letter
 doesn't get any further advanced. It isn't
much good to you, is it, though I like 
The perfume you on your letters
brings back more freshly sweet memories
- of you close in my arms. And the
imprints of your lips.  Maybe it is a
waste of your emotion and kisses to
lavish them on a piece of paper but
that's the only way I can receive them
at present but not for ever. And if
you keep all the rest for me, I'll know
I'm too lucky fortunate to have be
envious of a piece of paper. Jean, don't
ever let anyone else steal you. I love
you so much I wont know what to do



Miss Jean Ayre
13007 - 122 St.,
Alberta Canada 
# 112 
← Second fold here → 
To open cut here → 
Sender's name and address:- 
Aus 423088 
F/Sgt Etherton R. H. 
RAAF Base P.O 
← To open cut here


Letter 113
13th April '44 
Dearest Jean,
There were five letters from
you today. I read four as soon as I got
them and was going to keep the other in 
case there weren't any tomorrow. What's the  
use of trying. I just had to open it. 
How are your thoughts mixed up? 
I'm always like that too. The say that 
if you change your mind about some 
things to a reasonable extent it indicates 
that you're broadminded and that is  
supposed to be good. However there's  
at least one matter or should I say 
person about whom I'll never change my 
mind. Guess who? 
I'm afraid I'm going to have to  
cut this letter short. I intended to 
devote the whole night to letter writing 
but Billy has been making a nuisance 
of himself. I'll soon have to turn in 
and all I've got done is half of a  
letter home and this miserable effort. 
Bill's terribly dumb sometimes. Few 
of the gunners are very bright but 

somehow when a Canadian is dumb 
he's very dumb, and never seems to 
realise it. Skipper doesn't think 
much at all of them. He had every  
intention of turning the game in 
when they were going to send him 
with the Canadian navigator 
instead of me. Canadians generally 
over here haven't such a good  
reputation. It's a lot different to 
what I thought of them when I was 
in Edmonton but of course that 
was in the West and I'm pretty  
sure that it's the fellows from the 
East - particularly the French-Canadians 
who brought their stocks so 
low. There is one place I've been to 
where to wear a Canadian uniform 
is to have yourself treated like  
the plague. That was entirely due 
to French and they deserve what 
they've got. I hope our fellows 
never do anything to deserve the 
same treatment anywhere, particularly 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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