Letters of Ronald Henry Etherton, March - May 1944 - Part 2 of 8

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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IROOH 10 Niss Jeon AYRE 1300r -1 Sr, EDMONTON MOITTO CENODO an Mo Ty tvn to foat bu to tor hee 88 Lauay 14 and Onr fee yes wo see a bediful day today. This noning she h be a seary past a& 140 goas was froge ho n the s te be stag all day as has on h wel,s son prodicall rotbing Ts i wlly sa. F don quits a t of seady io if I see sling is s40 s a0 doges offa coupte of si has nigh was re, so we se ohe a me or of 1h she, tais, bill as I dases to sall bd to c satle the se pr a ras t as ape mght whe is got to se Ths sty bel se sie fgo to e niges Tough al as go to bes is ss ut wlo tonoros Couble Oules, in 1i Do sate off at 10- bl ape e s,I we goyg to sey wd io sig a i tes. Ws pouaty shat gos te sor s so bugh. To not quile full juss a bi on of shep rayos you'll see it cong up i barls in a couple of hous wish I was salihing is will you istead cusing it secouse it and 140 pas in sso sulad REESMESTAITM MOAA TRTTENINLAREMAGTLETTIRSNTTTN NO
hette 99 Friday 10ch March Dear Jean, yet again I have to write to you during the day. I really could have written last night but I very to the cam show agg I was so rised that I ven to bed straightawa aftewards. The show was Hills Frisco Hells Renenber I saw it at hostrose at Christnas tie? I1s so good that I enjoyed it just as much this Nine What's Obe Mosday? Or is it just Bxy Monday? We say we have mondayises. I used to suffer from the complaint a lot, particularly in the camnestine after swimming all the weekend. I haven yer discovered whether you don cach it in the ad or whether you have st every day, I remember the night I wrangled out of the parade by going swmming and they it saied and the preade was vashed out anyhow. I didn realise that you a been caught in it and sooted. That was the tue you laughed at eveyore getting out of the aanruing w the sain until you had so do so youself yee but you looked nice in your housecoat. Putting up with the sain in those circumstances- to ses you was different. Anyhow, it had sopped raining then and I knew it wouldnt sai much more t just spengled a bit while was going back to canp. Im going to dinner now. When I come back, I'll selt you whether Ive received any letters. will I de lucky was t00 letters 88 and 89! yee, I love you too I lowe your leres a lor. 100 I guess that sheyse next best thing to seeing you. Yee, I wish I could. Ive never wanted anything so much in all my life as much as I want you, Being avay from you has nade no realise that and I hnow it so well that I'll never forget i Please God let we go oack soon. love he so net Nor
AIR LETTER Tmou TMISCEITERWIII ocnon Mas fean Ayre 13007 122 S Camonton Alberra Canala
here o sy 2 nart i Dear Sweet Lear, yee, if It was always as pleases as the last few days, I might cone so like being away from bnowon, just wo I could receive like those 00 had t fan. That is, if I awI know how vey much noees I is so be a bagortor with you Gee sean, I can find words to sell you how much I lave you row and all the lie In folling more and nore in love with you, when I do cone hore, you'll shirk & only love you a serth as such ao I really do I received tose o by ordinary nail aa 97 by angraph gesterday, also a priet. tae from Dont you ea chocstate o s you and as all you got. F'll be givting 100 fat you would like that Dort sed any Lore coesa get awhiles, will you? We dont ofte upit an ths will tet a long ti wo told you about socks Ill write and thart you nothe ofe they reive. That is t you don't and my writing to anthe gul. I lipo the trap as the poe. That gows for e too ap a sd ba sonore els geet too you lafe is ou i the a it? Th's rothing to the way I sreat you, young ladyt I lake you couywhere, 100. b to 10000 without oaygen! Gee you must feet weat then but I seve le you got cold _ well, no colder te as in goid sigh whee gt abooy be - as close so ny feat as you can be o b t we abo Mosday or ordayies and the tth got gesteay ou as o cal i sell I beat you by a day and sols you id I recause last night I realised I hadn posted the lter and she's io gait wit onoros Soldne please I think it'll ae Ot if we have tho wndow closed. In getsing used to it but if thats the ort way you lt wart re so hep io you was they I'll show it wide ope would the Csors f s red if e r what s e tolng about e e stould sichst guess yo got be slifped he ne conder your littes hie, I'll give you wre lowo sre in n seis sixk so you souta to ow sta 1 sa as theyis puti to wated and not bothe about 1404 r0is Del ake lesson in offe shigs eogette. Ths ae no lesson you ave so give n o0 dt forget yee. toe enjoyed wiiting this lette has u has passed too guieI fee as shough I have see to visi you a that, as wase, the lye to heave has cone sourd is a plast, I wish I did lave to say is get, bu I guss this is Goodnight ii consised sove you or
ATKLETTER Mas fia Aye 13007 2 123 S Eamonton Alaria Conrl
Lesser 101 Norday 18th Hach Dea Sweethear ee ope that this keeps up three letters soday! s great, except that I feel guilty ecuse I havent bee writing as vary letters as you. I'll just have to take more tie off and wride two a day wha do you mear by down in the staples I can, for anything, iagine ereabouts in a store that could be hsybe you yea anorget the hanoare, you know - wonnorgey and fao inplegeto I agae that I should have been along or the elligh pady. Gee, I'll have to leate to dare. will you la ref I'll have to be faw ad wan you that ty about as cayand awfead as an suepharti on a staicase who I by to dance. Haebe Delaa? I had a letter from he today 200 I doe's suppose you as seen hes suc I left I ssl you that she was narried. He were is you lope. He husbad is in the any ove hee and ont vert hore to receive his cosion ou Eis back wilh he fanily. be tlle, ela said that ani The the had only be a bou thole days when the epeaie was below go00. I gues she as sohe as whe the stor of which you wrote cans. That could ont have been couple of days lele. Is does I aloags got ware ofe it sees. does i? I ha it does sonties but not a lerays - i lss my aderology is 61029 writing these lees is like being with you only not as nice. Hs tho said in this way for on ting. I was to tall to you about ls of shings bu doy how exadly what, Ir not ever saw I wa to call. Just like being with you except - well, Ia give this up to be with you ay day have to seen row all my love Ron
AIR LETTER WANrTH SEN 10 Mis Jear Cyse 13007- 122 A Banonton alaurd Cana
Goen 10- Miss Jeon AYRE 10007 - 121 51. KDMONTON AlberTO CanODO TT B H Ht tt to herse 101 Saewday 11st nac De fon I wot mray? I feet fidt io deep nea to tapl about so fng tll is to w His in nlly saldy because I have& be as po Sy yee if you get what Ia w in am sat. Tue I was is seat Id say i is bo see sos wd to sep The's for Fe i sh last few days - all o ees to so ayhig ss Tng in I feel the dap is she do a tp p niy o di. my avy te apron, has suppe ily as lats off jus a o ge at we go soon 1.00 s0, he maspot as she by to go wre step. Ihas he I fel and like D. cfpet is the bet it or the propar =ras old pations iggs on of shils, bacon, chips, roast a coffes sonliges I yor i abo a aad as beo with you is the gely. Is as oe re as lels is shis wes a of to 4 we to by ao has we I gog f s sow I wos h -
Lelte 10 Jarday 181h Bar Dea Sweetfear Yes I wished you wee here yessesday more 24a usual even. It was a beautiful day – what I saw of it was, anyhow. Having got to bed at 4.30 47, I stayed thve int it nesday. After diige, bill and I borrowed bies aga rodeto sores. We only ineded to take sone laundry in a to come straight back but on the way accided to rae a deou Thue's a great steyr hill nearly with an old sower or top ad parklard and trees all the way up the stopes right aound. Ire too seep for the road to my straight up t0 it wa do round and saind the kill. We rode right up this - well, except for the last handoed goods which was soo steep The view from the rops grard. Or one side you sen see right down the bay an on the otfer sies down into the valleys. Feor thre, we soge down (much easie) and further out ito the couty. On the way, we sopped at a far to see if we could buy sone eggs. We did. Ihey had a beautiful cocker spaniel pup. He was just a year o are fiisty? He had a beausiful black cont - shing because ho said the hed nests and eals the eggs. I that the by would ave gold by so us. We askea he johigly and the said 30 but apesads she red n if we would be able to keep a dog a the conp. I shink hes too rischicoous for be liking. of know I could look afre him La have boaght him Fest gight we walled wo lown and and my Friere I licko _ again. Attogelfer, we had a good day particularly did I apreciate the beat from t norotonous soutine asal bee subjcted to takely sarts again tonigh Gee, I wish I had a date with you i sead. It rates ne seribly feaay inside whe I thil how mack I wiss you. I love you. I hve you I lave you Really I do- peibly Ron
AIR LETTER IFANVTHINC 1SENC Sr MON Mis Year Ayse 13007-122 St. Edmonton Albers Conaas

Write the address in large BLOCK letters in the panel below.
The address must NOT be typewritten 
TO:— Miss Jean AYRE
13007 - 122 St.,
Alberta Canada 
15 Mar 1944 
Write the address very plainly below this line
Sender's Address Aus 423088 F /Sgt Etherton R.N RAAF Base P.O London
Letter 98 
Tuesday 7th March 
Dear Jean, 
Gee, it's been a beautiful day today. This morning 
there had been a heavy frost and the ground was frozen
hard but the sun has been shining all day. As has 
been our habit lately, we've done practically nothing.
That's not really true. I've done quite a bit of study
even if I was sitting in the sun and dozed off a
couple of times. Last night was nice, so nice that when
we came out of the show, Eddie, Bill and I decided to walk
back to camp rather than wait for a taxi. It was after 
midnight when we got to bed. That's why I've been tired
today. Guess I've got out of I've got used to early nights. 
Tonight when we get to bed it'll be well into tomorrow. 
Double Dutch isn't it. We take off at 2230 - half after 
ten to you. I was going to say it'd be daylight when 
we land. It's practically that now the moon is so 
bright. It's not quite full - just a bit out of shape. Maybe 
you'll see it up in Edmonton in a couple of 
hours. Wish I was watching it with you instead of 
cussing it because it dims the stars in the sextant. 
I shall soon. All my love Ron 
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Letter 99
Friday 10th March. 
Dear Jean,
Yet again I have to write to
you during the day. I really could
have written last night but I went
to the camp show and I was so tired
that I went to bed straight away
afterwards. The show was "Hello ‘Frisco
Hello" Remember I saw it at Montrose
at Christmas time? It's so good
that I enjoyed it just as much this
What's Blue Monday ? Or is it just
any Monday? We say we have
Mondayitis. I used to suffer from the
complaint a lot, particularly in the
summertime after swimming all the
weekend. I haven't yet discovered
whether you don't catch it in the A.F.
or whether you have it every day.
I remember the night I wrangled
out of the parade by going swimming
and then it rained and the parade
was washed out anyhow. I didn't
realise that you’d been caught in
it and soaked. That was the time you
laughed at everyone getting out of the
street car and running thru' the rain —

until you had to do so yourself.
Gee, but you looked nice in your
housecoat. Putting up with the rain in
those circumstances - to see you - was
different. Anyhow, it had stopped raining
then and I knew it wouldn't rain much
more. It just sprinkled a bit while I
was going back to camp.
I'm going to dinner now. When I
come back, I'll tell you whether I've
received any letters. Will I be lucky?
I was - two letters 88 and 89 ! Gee, I
love you , too. I love your letters a lot, too.
I guess that they're next best thing to
seeing you. Gee, I wish I could, I've never
wanted anything so much in all my life
as much as I want you, Being away from
you has made me realise that and I
know it so well that I'll never forget it.
Please God let me go back - soon. I
love her so much


6d POSTAGE 6d (on stamp) 
Miss Jean Ayre 
13007 - 122 St., 

← second fold here → 

Sender's name and address 
Aus 423088 
F/Sgt Etherton R.H. 
RAAF Base P.O. 
London England 


Letter 100 
Sunday 12th March '44 
Dear Sweetheart, 
Gee, if it was always as pleasant 
as the last few days, I might come to like 
being away from Edmonton, just so's I could 
receive letters like those I've had the last 
few days. That is, if I didn't know how very 
much nicer it is to be in Edmonton with you 
Gee, Jean, I can't find words to tell you how 
much I love you now and all the time I'm 
falling more and more in love with you. 
When I do come home, you'll think I only 
love you a tenth as much as I really do. 
I received letter 82 by ordinary mail and 
97 by airgraph yesterday, also a parcel. Thanks 
Jean. Don't you eat chocolate now? I'm sure 
you send me all you get. I'll be getting too fat 
you wouldn't like that. Don't send anymore 
cocoa yet awhiles, will you? We don't often 
use it and this will last a long time. But 
who told you about socks. I'll write and 
thank your mother when they arrive .That is, if 
you don't mind my writing to another girl. 
I like the snap and the poem. That goes for 
me, too, except that I’d break someone else's 
neck too. You take me out in the wind and snow 
eh? That's nothing to the way I treat you, young 
lady! I take you everywhere too. Up to 20,000 
without oxygen! Gee you must feel weak then. 
But I never let you get cold – well no colder 
than I do, 'cos you're right where you'll always 
be – as close to my heart as you can be. 
In my last letter I wrote about Blue 
Monday, or Mondayitis, and then in ^one of^ the 
letters I got yesterday you ask me what we call 
it. Well, I beat you by a day and told you. 
Or did I, because last night I realised I hadn't 
posted the letter and there's no mail until 
tomorrow. Scold me, please. 
I think it'll be OK if we have the 
window closed. I'm getting used to it but 
if that's the only way you'll want me 
to keep me you warm then I'll throw it 
wide open. Would the censor's face be red 
if he knew what we were talking about? 
Hell! He shouldn't stickybeak. Guess you've 
got him bluffed. He never touches your 
Sure, I'll give you some lessons some time, 
but not on what I try to teach Sam. You wouldn't 
want to know what the stars are. They're prettier 
to watch and not bother about their names. We'll 
take lessons in other things together. There are more 
lessons you have to give me too, don't forget. 
Gee, I've enjoyed writing this letter. It 
has taken hours but the time has passed 
too quickly. I feel as though I have been to 
visit you and that, as usual, the time to leave 
has come round in a flash. I wish I didn't have 
to say it yet But I guess this is Goodnight until 
tomorrow I love you Ron 



Miss Jean Ayre 
13007 - 122 St., 
Alberta Canada 

← Second fold here → 

Sender's name and address 
Aus 423088 
F/Sgt Etherton R.H. 
RAAF Base P.O. 
London England 



Letter 101 
Monday 13th March 
Dear Sweetheart, 
Gee, I hope that this keeps 
up. Three letters today! It's great, except 
that I feel guilty because I haven't been 
writing as many letters as you. I'll just 
have to take more time off and write 
two a day. 
What do you mean by "down in the 
staples " I can't, for anything, imagine 
whereabouts in a store that could be. 
Maybe you mean amongst the hardware, you 
know- ironmongery and the farm implements 
I agree that I should have been along 
on that sleigh party. Gee, I'll have to learn 
to dance. Will you teach me? I'll have to 
be fair and warn you that I'm about as 
clumsy and awkward as an elephant in 
on a staircase when I try to dance. 
Remember Velma ? I had a letter from 
her today too. I don't suppose you've seen 
her since I left. I told you that she was 
married. Her name now is "Pope". Her husband 
is in the army over here and only went home 
to receive his commission. Now she's back 
with her family. 
In her letter, Velma said that until 
then there had only been about three days 
when the temperature was below zero. I guess 
she was rather upset when the storm of which 
you wrote came. That could only have been 
a couple of days later. 
It doesn't always get warmer when it snows, 
does it? I know it does sometimes but 
not always - unless my meteorology is 
Writing these letters is like being with 
you only not as nice. It's the same in 
this way for one thing. I want to talk 
to you about lots of things but don't 
know exactly what. I'm not even sure I 
want to talk. Just like being with you 
except — well, I'd give this up to be 
with you any day 
Have to run now - 
All my love 



Miss Jean Ayre 
13007 - 122 St., 
Alberta Canada 

← Second fold here → 

Sender's name and address 
Aus 423088 
F/Sgt Etherton R.H. 
RAAF Base P.O. 
London England 


Write the address in large BLOCK letters in the panel below 
The address must NOT be typewritten 
TO :— Miss Jean AYRE 
13007 - 122 ST., 
Alberta Canada 
Date Stamp 
25 MAR 1944 
Write the message very plainly below this line 
Sender's Address Aus 423088 F/Sgt Etherton R.H. RAAF Base P.O. London 
Letter 102. Saturday 18th March 
Dear Jean, 
Do I look weary ? I feel fit to drop. Next 
time I complain about no flying, tell me I'm nuts. 
This isn't really Saturday because I haven’t been to 
bed from Friday yet - if you get what I mean. It's 
now 4 A.M Sat. Time I was in bed? I'll say it is. Ever 
been too tired to sleep? That's how I've seen these 
last few days - also too tired to do anything else. 
The only time I feel like sleep is when it's time to get 
up - about midday. We have dinner - brief during the 
afternoon, have supper early, and take off just as it gets 
dark. We get back about 2:30 A.M, have breakfast 
and then try to get some sleep. That's when I feel 
least like it. Breakfast is the best item on the programme 
-real old - fashioned eggs out of shells, bacon, chips, 
toast and coffee. Sometimes I enjoy it almost as 
much as tea with you in the kitchen. But we were 
never as late as this, were we? If I'd known how long 
and how much I was going to miss those teas I would have 
kept you up all night Ron 
This space should not be used. 


Letter 103 
Sunday 19th March 
Dear Sweetheart, 
Gee, I wished you were here 
yesterday, more than usual even. It was a 
beautiful day - what I saw of it was, 
anyhow. Having got to bed at 4:30A.M. I stayed 
there until midday. After dinner, Bill and I 
borrowed bikes and rode into Forres. We 
only intended to take some laundry in and 
to come straight back but on the way 
decided to make a detour. There's a great 
steep hill nearby with an old tower 
on top and parkland and trees all the 
way up the slopes right around. It's too 
steep for the road to run straight up so 
it winds round and round the hill. We 
rode right up this - well, except for the 
last hundred yards which was too steep. 
The view from the top's grand. On 
one side you can see right down the 
bay and on the other sides down into 
the valleys. From there, we rode down 
(much easier) and further out into the 
country. On the way, we stopped at a farm 
to see if we could buy some eggs. We 
did. They had a beautiful cocker 
spaniel pup. He was just a year old 
and frisky? He had a beautiful black 
coat - shiny because he raids the hen's 
nests and eats the eggs. I think the lady 
would have sold him to us. We asked 
her jokingly and she said "no" but 
afterwards she asked me if we would be 
able to keep a dog at the camp. I think 
he's too mischievous for her liking. If I 
knew I could look after him I'd have 
bought him. 
Last night we walked into town and 
saw "my Friend Flicka" - again. Altogether, 
we had a good day particularly did I 
appreciate he break from the monotonous 
routine we've been subject to lately. It 
starts again tonight. Gee, I wish I had a 
date with you instead. It makes me 
terribly heavy inside when I think how 
much I miss you. I love you. I love you 
I love you Really I do - terribly 


Miss Jean Ayre 
13007 - 122 St., 
Alberta Canada 

← Second fold here → 

Sender's name and address 

Aus 423088 
F/Sgt Etherton R. H. 
RAAF Base P.O. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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