Letters of Ronald Henry Etherton, March - May 1944 - Part 1 of 8

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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Lelte 93 wed let hart be Dea Sccether Hs a long time since fve felt as happy as I do you. Ir fact, foe never felt as happy io the saye vay. Dis a sor of cortered, pehaps I should sey, peaceful happiness. Ofse I've been as happy I gueso bu s is diffeet. I jus was to drean. In not quite sive why I should be so kappy. Not mucht I rceived t4 200 nost worseful litters that have been written I cow the hoo office people eve realise what precious do r read te I'se been so happy I feel I could gayt over the 00r I would' bt. Id just gu from e to your doorsep Jes deas! I dont sfirt agore hes loved arotfe as I love you rough I did got 14 so bepre 820 you, Hhe fulure would see very hollow if it was not on fulure. But, with you so share it, I canot be anything but vorderfal ad happy De fost you, Ido not frow what I would do I as very patient. I aust be to beg not being with you so logg as the, b plecce God, let is not be such lorge, Is be nowed heasil eody. Dive had sone great now ball fighs thei's about in icesoutside I like it lege this b it's going to be vesibly may when it starts to nett leven years ago tody I waiter work. yes it sens a logg leze ago. And ort year ago e areae a day out of Triseo hat sens just as long ago. This is sathe a conciderce. hast night I eped you whelfe you byisday was 4th Jety as si got ined a lit Ir one of the letters I received tody, you mesioned that it was Enq Shalsa givel reply Do you wad if I lapes wo silence. I was to shirk about you. Se not going yet so I say Goodright. Gast lot ye ho you fon X
Mrna 822 AIR LETTER aen ABIerreaM or orarsern Miss Jea Ayre. 18002-122 A Canorton Allets lae 2
192220 Hiss Jean AYRE 18007 - 12257. KONONTON w Rberta lonmn - Du No WO A EIMOnAy M Can no LonON E h a in severy no nd is Dulls destent. you lost sifulI has Os go abeys s s go wisly w o lettes gusnsao you hose for wt ts jus abou the sio to to suy calling o 1e4i bavi 1se the nrovn h so she you is radig 15 of any ofe o ta libel i the wast of a sdifal a all about you. myso eing you so ofe that whe its rally , yout has to p as or t0 s4 ds dill a dy. I sorse sfe th at so t ay to soo soor b I b you s wt for AMMM
letter 25 Thusay Ena Mart Der Sear, This is my second letter wary. Ioe had time because F'oe been very ragy I should have been up early end to help clear the snow off the renway but instead, stayed in beg untal about nre I really didnt do it because Im lazy. In developing a hell of a cold 1o 9 out on the awfield shovelling snow wouldn't be the best way to great it, would it? Any how they were wasting then dent. A lot of the snow has selted duving the day and wrless more falls during the night, it it all be gone by morning. In to play rugges with the vistion tea on tat. The shippes tan and Ireie are in the leam 200. not bad your out of our crew, is it ? If this cols is as bad as I thiit its going to be I'll probasly have to wiss it. The Mlenea you sent is going to be very useful. Friday Dea March a lot of sow fell again last sight Ie was cold. 100. There was a strong wind blowing. Is barn our fixe out very soon and ouoon got as cold as an ice box. Duving the day, I has been still srowing The strorg wad nases it stick to your clothes. Wher you ve ben out in for a few mautes, you re snow from head to por. The snow meas during the day and is very stshy. Dive been wearing ou subber hall boots. with our Toases rucked i then we look like prates. If it wasn't so windy and the srow siant nett we could go tobogganing if we haa a ho boggan or sleigh ridng if se had a sleigh No, I would go for a sleigh sice because I want in fror to be with you. Oont forge? tha's a dare day, Iae got an the givl friend. A less Fee got her phots on the wall. He ppoto was in a newopape I got from hous, & aut i ow because she is so weet like you, partiautarly he figure. That is, in this pholo. He raye is Hansay Anes. the was in Ali
take and the Forty Hisves, though I diay see D. I shall bee ng eye open for his haw so I can see whether she really is yearly as good looking as you or a fetfe this photo flotses he, which is probably the case. Whe sor of doy shall we have? Ive always wasled a cocke spaill. Do you like eI like wsh setess bee but 1hoyse 100 lig and too hungry. lore people I kraw bought ore once. I ad my pat colureered to build his a Benzel - at a price, of cousse. we neaowed the dog, allowed a bit of headsoon an eldow soon for him and it was so big to we had to pall down the back fence to get it ino thei good. We had to hie a truck to ship it, 200. The people said they were going so nove ito the Gernlt aa let the dog have the house. This looks live like line to iay Goorrigh May S Hight here Nor m AIR LETTER ric Ms Jear Ayre 13007-122 S6 Eanenton Cllets Cat
Letter 26 Suay w2h Marh Dier Jear I have I very much to write but what I have is frightfully inportaye. Ore night say that I should not use this whole foom when much less space would suffice but what are wastine shortages when conpased with sonething so impostan. Mary batsles and ever was have been fought for this tro sonetting that sondine gives yen powers that are nomally for our of reach. What is it I I love you. Have I told you before? pray to God that I can ase those power for you. Does this sound cragy to you: I don'? feel cragy. I feel worderful. gid because & lore you. for
t tre Mt EX 1569 569 1569 TTE A INGBE Miss Sean ARE 13007-122S7 EDMONTON Aberto Con EXX
Lester 87 Monday 6th Marcs Dar Jean Fd ruch rather write tonigh but as I probably won'd have tie, Ill have to do so this noning. It was the Stippe o buthday yesterday. Tonigh were going into town for a little cilearation -suppe, the show and pehaps to dunt his health. Ii's not much, bu I guess itll have 1o so hass night we went to the ca show maid of hes Orleans Its old but I hadyt seen it before an enoyed re was a cartoon Googu Doogu Ougle Boy. Gee it was funry. I taughed and laughed just like little Audrey unless something delays us. we'll be possed from here in a fortnight's line with a leave whch should be about 14 days. Fve heard of a place in Aberdeen where I can have my pholo taken without having to sait too long for it. I have lots of photos of you but you have hadly any of ye Ioe acked band to send you a copy of one I had taken just before I left auswalia but she haan't neatiored anthing about it in her letter get. Foe nearly finished a roll of filn on which thee are a couple ofIe seyd then when they re presed In going to bnch now I wouse whot her there are any letters from you I hope. I hope. No telress! I was sure there would be guess I'll have to be patient intil ow your letters are well worth waiting for. Suce That s the trouble. Ihey's so nce that I cant help being unpatier This afternoon we re playing potball. Irs a nce day for it. There's quite a bet of coud about but the see has been shiring tots of the tiie. All the snow has retted ad endeed, it'o hard to in agine that it was snowing a couple of days ago I be a lovely day to go for a walk with you. I wish we could I arrived in Camonon just a year ago soday. It was early in the nourning In fact, I was asleep when the rai pulled in. Wo aidn't leave is until
about 6.30 AN To think that just five days before we had been getting wound in shorts ad shel and fere we were where everything was know covered. I had liked what I had seen of Canada up to then and expected & hat our stay there would be a worderful experience but I didnt reslise that in this city in which we had just arwed there could be soneoze you beautiful and more wonderful than anyone else in the whole world, Io was a long tane after then that I did yeet you but next sae I asswe in bamonton I hope: you tt be waiting for ye. Oh, hurry hurry, happy day! And pleese say gust as you are. I ean because that how I aream of you and how I sove you now Ron Lt a AIR LETTER 3 MIS JeON AYRE 18007- 122 ST. EDMONTON Atberta Canoug

Letter 93 
Wed. 1st March '44 
Dear Sweetheart, 
It's been a long time since I've  
felt as happy as I do now. In fact, I've  
never felt as happy in the same way. It's  
a sort of contented, perhaps I should say,  
peaceful happiness. Often I've been as happy,  
I guess, but this is kinda different. I just  
want to dream. I'm not quite sure why I  
should be so happy. Not much! I received  
the two most wonderful letters that have  
ever been written. I wonder whether the  
post office people ever realise what precious  
documents they handle. Since I've read them  
I've been so happy I feel I could jump over  
the moon. I wouldn't but. I'd just jump from  
here to your doorstep. Oh Jean, dear! I don't  
think anyone has loved another as I love  
you. Though I did not think so before I met  
you, the future would seem very hollow if it  
were not our future. But, with you to share it,  
it cannot be anything but wonderful and happy.  
Without you, I do not know what I would do.  
I am very patient. I must be to bear not  
being with you as long as this / but by please,  
God, let it not be much longer. 
It has snowed heavily today. We've had  
some great snow ball fights. There's about  
six inches outside. I like it like this but  
it's going to be terribly messy when it starts  
to melt. 
Seven years ago today I started work. Gee, it  
seems a long time ago. And one year ago  
we were at sea, a day out of 'Frisco. That  
seems just as long. ago 
This is rather a coincidence. Last night I  
asked you whether your birthday was 12th July  
as I'd got mixed a bit. In one of the letters  
I received today, you mentioned that it was.  
My! That's a quick reply. 
Do you mind if I lapse into silence. I want  
to think about you. I' m not going yet so I  
won't say Goodnight. Just let me kiss you? 
Ron X 


First fold here 
Miss Jean Ayre, 
13007 - 122 St., 
Alberta Canada 
Second fold here 
Sender's name and address:- 
F/Sgt Etherton R.H 
RAAF Base P.O 
London England 
to open cut here


Write the address in large BOCK letters in the panel below 
The address must NOT be typewritten 
-4 MAR 1944 
Miss Jean AYRE 
13007 - 122 St., 
Alberta Canada 
Write the message very plainly below this line. 
Sender's Address Aus423088 F/Sgt ETHERTON RH RAAF Base PO LONDON Eng 
Letter 94  
Thursday 2nd March '44 
Hello Sweetheart, 
Gee you look beautiful. How do I know? 
Oh, you always do. When do you usually get my letters? 
I guess that except on Wed and Sat it's when you come 
home from work. That's just about the time I'd be meeting 
or calling for you. It's a magic hour. 7 P.M in Edmonton is 
1 A.M. the next morning here so when you're reading this 
or any of my letters I'm more than likely in the 
middle of a beautiful dream all about you. Maybe I'm 
dreaming about meeting you. I do so often that when it's 
really true, you'll have to pinch me or else I'll think 
it's still a dream. I wonder when that will be. It cannot 
be too soon because I love you so much 
This space should not be used. 


Letter 95 
Thursday 2nd March 
Dear Jean, 
This is my second letter today. 
I've had time because I've been very lazy. 
I should have been up early and to help 
clear the snow off the runway but 
instead, stayed in bed until about nine. 
I really didn't do it / just because I'm lazy. 
I'm developing a hell of a cold. To go 
out on the airfield shovelling snow 
wouldn't be the best way to treat it, 
would it? Anyhow they were wasting 
their time. A lot of the snow has 
melted during the day and unless 
more falls during the night, it'll all 
be gone by morning. 
I'm to play rugger with the 
station team on Sat. The skipper, Sammy 
and Freddie are in the team too. Not 
bad - four out of our crew, is it? If this 
cold is as bad as i think it's going to 
be I'll probably have to miss it. The 
Kleenex you sent is going to be very 
Friday 3rd March 
A lot of snow fell again last night. 
It was cold, too. There was a strong 
wind blowing. It burnt our fire out very 
soon and our room got as cold as an 
ice box. During the day, it has been still 
snowing. The strong wind makes it stick 
to your clothes. When you've been out in 
for a few minutes, you're snow from head 
to foot. The snow melts during the day 
and is very slushy. We've been wearing 
our rubber knee boots, with our 
trousers tucked in them we look like 
pirates. If it wasn't so windy and the 
snow didn't melt we could go tobogganing, 
if we had a toboggan or sleigh riding 
if we had a sleigh. No, I wouldn't go 
for a sleigh ride because I want my 
first to be with you. Don't forget! That's 
a date. 
Say, I've got another girl friend. At least, 
I've got her photo on the wall. Her photo 
was in a newspaper I got from home. I cut 
it out because she is so much like you, 
particularly her figure. That is, in the photo. 
Her name is Ramsay Ames she was in "Ali 


Baba and the Forty Thieves," though I didn't 
see it. I shall keep my eye open for her 
name so I can see whether she really 
is nearly as good looking as you or whether 
this photo flatters her, which is probably 
the case. 
What sort of dog shall we have? I've 
always wanted a cocker spaniel. Do you 
like them? I like Irish setters better 
but they're too big and too hungry. 
Some people I know bought one once. 
I and my pal volunteered to build 
him a kennel - at a price, of course. 
We measured the dog, allowed a bit 
of headroom and elbow room for him 
and it was so big H we had to pull 
down the back fence to get it into their 
yard. We had to hire a truck to shift 
it, too. The people said they were 
going to move into the kennel and 
let the dog have the house. 
This looks live like time to say 
"Goodnight" may I? Right here 
AWM2016 832.1 
First fold here 
Miss Jean Ayre 
13007 - 122 St., 
Alberta Canada 
Second fold here 
Sender's name and address: - 
F/Sgt Etherton R.H 
RAAF Base P.O 
London England



Letter 96 
Saturday 4th March 
Dearest Jean, 
I haven't very much to write 
but what I have is frightfully 
important. One might say that I should 
not use this whole form when much 
less space would suffice but what are 
wartime shortages when compared with 
something so important. Many battles 
and even wars have been fought 
for this. It's something that sometimes 
gives men powers that are normally 
far out of reach. What is it? I love 
you. Have I told you before? I 
pray to God that I can use those 
powers for you. 
Does this sound crazy to you? 
I don't feel crazy. I feel wonderful, 
just because I love you. 


Miss Jean AYRE 
13007 - 122 St., 
Alberta Canada 
Second fold here 
Sender's name and address:- 
F/Sgt Etherton R.H 
RAAF Base P.O 
London England


Letter 97 
Monday 6th March, 
Dear Jean, 
I'd much rather write tonight 
but as I probably won't have time. I'll 
have to do so this morning. It was the 
Skipper's birthday yesterday. Tonight we're 
going into town for a little celebration 
 - supper, the show and perhaps to drink 
his health. It's not much, but I guess it'll 
have to do. 
Last night we went to the 
camp show - "Maid of New Orleans". It's 
old but I hadn't seen it before and 
tho enjoyed it. There was a cartoon 
"Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy". Gee it was 
funny. I laughed and laughed just 
like little Audrey. 
Unless something delays us, 
we'll be posted from here in a fortnight's 
time, with a leave which should be 
about 14 days. I've heard of a place 
in Aberdeen where I can have my 
photo taken without having to wait too 
long for it. I have lot's of photo's 
of you but you have hardly any of me. 
I've asked Edna to send you a copy of 
one I had taken just before I left 
Australia but she hasn't mentioned 
anything about it in her letters yet. 
I've nearly finished a roll of film on 
which there are a couple of me. I'll 
send them when they're printed. 
I'm going to lunch now. I wonder 
whether there are any letters from you. 
I hope, I hope. 
No letters! I was sure there would be. 
Guess I'll have to be patient until 
tomorrow. Your letters are well worth 
waiting for. Sure that's the trouble. They're 
so nice that I can't help being impatient. 
This afternoon we're playing football. 
It's a nice day for it. There's quite a bit 
of cloud about but the sun has been 
shining quite lots of the time. All the 
snow has melted and indeed, it's hard to 
imagine that it was snowing' a couple of 
days ago. It'll be a lovely day to go 
for a walk with you. I wish we could. 
I arrived in Edmonton just a year 
ago today. It was early in the morning. 
In fact, I was asleep when the train 
pulled in. We didn't leave it until


about 6.30 A.M.  To think that just five 
days before we had been getting 
around in shorts and shirts and here 
we were where everything was snow 
covered. I had liked what I had 
seen of Canada up to then and 
expected that our stay there would be 
a wonderful experience but I didn't 
realise that in this city in which 
we had just arrived there could be 
someone more beautiful and more 
wonderful than anyone else in the 
whole world. It was a long time 
after then that I did meet you but  
next time I arrive in Edmonton I hope 
you'll be waiting for me. Oh, hurry, 
hurry, happy day! And please stay 
just as you are, Jean because that's 
how I dream of you and how I love  
you most 
X X 
AWM2016 832.1 
First fold here 
Miss Jean AYRE 
13007 - 122 St., 
Alberta Canada 
Second fold here 
Sender's name and address:- 
F/Sgt Etherton R.H 
RAAF Base P.O 
London England

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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