Letters of Ronald Henry Etherton, January - February 1944 - Part 7 of 7

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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" eh Miso Jean Ayre 2 13007 123 St Edmonton Aeverta Canada Mes mi a smad THE RSL. WAR SERUCE FUND THE SAIVATON ARNY on THE V.MCA
From Aus 443088 tSqr Ctherton Aua8 Case 10 London
Lebe 88 Morday not Les Dear Saehear Foe received such nice weas fror you hvely that fir tuaing expayed of my our poor efforte. Touigh I aort wan to tall above argone or anything except us fid you ard yo. I fell is lave with you again whe I saw 0 He phote's of you is the sraw. I gond y again I yean I fell nore in love with you. Will you we gow lived of my telling you I love you? I love you nore ane nole each day. I hope it is ye possible too love ayore too nch. Thats silly. I just couldnt love you too wuck and I want so go or loving you nose an nore. I will too boy if you aid return in love it would be just tho sae. but you ao love ne so that is all the belses, I can help ysadoto lite big casy about you because you re just the sort of peson I oe always varted to be cagy about only you is nice. I like to write and tell you how much I thirl of you a Low much nuer it would be if you were is my ans and I could tell you in soft whisping how beautiful how worderful, haw swell you are Yee I hope no one steale you while Im away. I know that plenty will by to would I so I can blame then. Just as well I know I can trust you elso I would be Pessibly worried. I an a bi s bet who woulded be will when you meen to t4lh I wish I could nake a record of uy thoughts and seed that to you in stead of letter. It would be much better and I could make tote of records for every letter because every sentere I write my though to wardy off and it's always at leas! quite a ferenates before I bring nyself a to ean to e letter what a I think about 8 O4 10ts of things but you se the cndse of them all your litters and the rill things you write -wordering what you & doing now and what it would be like if I were with you - the tice will bee togthe and moot of all, what it it be like when came back f offen worder whether & eiher of us will appear to the other to
have changed I dont mean much Iav0 very unlikely. Mayde jual in little ways I hope tn not stationed too wl in place like this. No findin, it's not good for ae olikely to becom tos stodgy. Ii afraid it's the few places here that are any different. Ii bay to say as bright as can of ties too I word whethes be able to always hold your love I guess t'll have to be pretly nat to do so but I'll say we so haid Do you thint you could juage haw much I hove you by the way o hes goet of I could kisg you yow In sure you'a have to gould Gon $4 amus AIR LETTER rarrnseni MISUTEN ocouan Miss Jear Alye 13007 122 S Canonton Alents Cnte
bee 89 Furday es. Des Sir The lest line I told you of our srials and Inibulations of thirt the shippy has been said off for a few days and that we may get ano the spft of lease. Well, they dill havent given us the leave and havent let bry of the ca fly except me. Appeently I put on too bole a frort and looked as though I wated to fly as theyse har ferying averaft the leigth are breaath of the rish les seeing a lot of this part of the world and building my howse o t go0 201 wach 20 do Io faet of Turday I wrots you a litte in the is Lis sery an I'll sed it by way rail, badie is out of hospital and I thing wi'll be getting him back - expecislly as he a has be sent to hosptal for a rest ave. Oa aso is giving to be will son or the station. The gyls in the ress often give us a plessant suprise by siving us with souething special. Ho all the dong of The shippe and Freasie ou hid lpper georer. Everyore likes the shipper. I pe with us if we slep in, or are late or nich off early when thees nothing doing. I thit ever oar carky the Slight Consender has a of ept for the sipper. He ought to ayhow accause. The ve never had any trouble with us. Ihat is, that we could hve avoided. In Dudy haw lonigee hig a boring sob. I really shouband have to do it now. Anyla, I can write while F doing A. Jast at pree having a good chaw on sone of the budgre gue you sn n Fraid I can't think of anything else is wi just a present so Grrdie -and s my love Ron &
AIR LETTER WFANVTHIN 1S ENCH MMSICteRN orr Miss Gean Ayre 13007-122 St Edmonton Allens Conat
10 Miss Jean AVRE 13007-122 St, KDNONTON arony Mare Cerase I T MMM E letly 80 Tuny 104 Set Dee fear Mayde this storts so 80 to not su Sie has a vy begy day again today Gussway was o d off and I slept is ou I seen poperiatly Gelo to the show b tot a by Cot I could baugh all day as Hex Sellon. This noving I dis a caple of hous work ou this aperion & wo has they say. I bnowed a sifs and sods is to sones is pist up y tdy I see very cold a I would hev eoyes the sise had it not bee for the sife. to rales ad squicted as was had to pidal lader a the bong pase for just see botig at h be plowss I da has it was possible but I shil you ss goding a we wre scutiful ye yo b well you sap (this hat the ae, in 100 Iot could have mases alorg whill you o breing is te now with doy. Ia sbell you just so you would yett sep Th I cal say I was sory ar i could t e pj a well up. All ng love you OLEEEDENN
herter Friday 25th Feb 64 Dear Socetfeart Tae just an how to write before se go to the capp thre. Ls Dobly conebody's bard tonight. I hope ds good for a change. (feet like tone extetag me. He have sone for any the gew bet except for tht on bordon is perarly washed or our faces. Hayle I dwill 200 much on that I knnd to nai erson why be so bord is that fis you so braly la to the happiest peoso on this cash if I could call a for you to go vetting a yohee. I woule make ay differece. Ia ceefully put if with the ropoes even. It soel ever natte if we ard ealt. We could just wall or aoy hand in hard - yos its be wordeful. I poobally will be qpeeekless for sone tine when I fist next you again sughaw. Will at ot I don thit t0 Thee an to of tines when speech is eorly anecessary. That will be such a tire sd well ooth underdard wh the othe would tle to by wort so. Ths happee to us before the last la's I sas you- 20 day I left banoston But it was quite a bit diffice then I wish I has told you what I fell I shall tell you properly, not by letter sons day, tl is the atl I as say is t4 saye hre yo for
AIR LETTER PANVTHINIS ENCLOSE or oromner rar. Miss Tean ATRE 13007 122 St SOMONTON Alberta Canadg
hersy 2 Tunday 28st Fib v Ders fear sly sery t this ts fi wse six Iriasy whing. e only bee be head about 14 hows from the intil today. That vas or bessay ryft, bedway and last night, the for hours slip I has was nary very siles for Se lie y e bdly to al He ws place. Ioe flaws by five differest aseft and bee on six diffeed tayang fields, one of the aftert. Io has been etersting, good expeezee and go wuh sost bu goot te tind I do Hirt Ill has any you of this vock the shype art everyors else has be Ofa to fly to rate thigs a lit casie for the fst fea haps were going to sait atit the nou prisd befote as stast again. We should have be out of five a least a fortright ago but expect at least athe e suls Hhee has bee a lot of mo fall tee Hhe last po doys. On turday weing weythen was s coured. The sty was sautifully cleas te a wa been. It all randed no (a bit too met to rete ye happy) of Carage I was sue that see te soss te fo you wading for se today bud o not a shig hs rly a sel wll I received an Gee but s ehope th sone cons lonsto. all 145 b slen i ariely io the feet that bill wease that thee has no bee sulf rait I all for car tiy feer you sullay is 15th July in 371 cas fixt th shicl of you letters goo tols ye probily core wvoss it on of these sighs of te reading through then. He tbe ofe you sols o a oas your beithday is a coupts of days o, a least, you aunt let it slif ou, ae I cshed you faw obd you were, I did thing you are older, but as I tol you the I now arlaily diart thing hes of joy. Or the corray, I thought eve letter of you beause you lold as the suth allough you thought I would not be pleased Really, I da that you could ee my or do aghhing that did not safe re las you nose. Ths the vay its sey ee sice tae from you - will everything you did a said duing those cordeful sie weeks - ho pacefelly you walker, has happily goe miled. Ise reve so proud as ahe I was with yo or as I a you to shee ayou you pholes. Our tydis heare weo telfing to blipe lady ey that e soo
couter half one feing ten (hol pigs has ag ) e h es that Ireai had su to say and the ipp s0 be gouse you had his going or his favourits topie I was very carious to hraw what tope rear but I sudderly remenbes I was eevesdropping ad so sent downstays. This afteron the has Lease was paping yo & dis aboud Carade so I guess the sipe hit the rail on the head and e weld tior raned Jean Iet & well I soit taps thei gokes and fidding as miously Sy S1 ao yee, I hope, I hope, ther's a terre fror you honorow. Hs bed nough nt to be able to geet i you really be sfe I dont i received a visit from you by wail we too m I don'e btand you & know you cotent losturs me. If you did. Ia will love you Yor wn i AIR LETTER tn Miss Tean AVRE 13007- 123 St. EDMONTON Alberro Caradg

S. & Co. 51-1524 
Feb 20 1944 
Miss Jean Ayre 
13007-122 St., 
Alberta Canada 
With Which is Affiliated 


From Aus 423088 
F/Sgt Etherton R H 
RAAF Base P.O 
AWM 2016.832.1


Letter 88 
Monday 21st Feb. 
Dear Sweetheart, 
I've received such nice 
letters from you lately that I'm becoming 
ashamed of my own poor efforts. Tonight I 
don't want to talk about anyone or anything 
except us - just you and me. I fell in love  
with you again when I saw x the photo's 
of you in the snow. I don't mean "again" I 
mean I fell more in love with you. Will 
you ever grow tired of my telling you I love 
you? I love you more and more each day. 
I hope it isn't possible too love anyone too 
much. That's silly. I just couldn't love you too 
much and I want to go on loving you more and 
more. I will too. Even if you didn't return my 
love it would be just the same. But you did 
love me so that is all the better. I can't 
help myself and I don't want to. I like being 
crazy about you because you're just the 
sort of person I've always wanted to be 
crazy about only you're nicer. I like to 
write and tell you how much I think of 
you but how much nicer it would be if 
you were in my arms and I could whisper  

tell you in soft whispers how beautiful, 
how wonderful, how sweet you are. 
Yet I hope no-one steals you while I'm 
away. I know that plenty will try. So 
would I so I can't blame them. Just as 
well I know I can trust you else I would 
be terribly worried. I am a bit scared 
but who wouldn't be with when you mean so 
I wish I could make a record of my 
thoughts and send that to you instead of 
a letter. It would be much better and 
I could make lots of records for every 
letter because every sentence I write my 
thoughts wander off and it's always at least  
quite a few minutes before I bring myself 
back to earth and to the letter. What do 
I think about? Oh lots of things but 
you're the centre of them all - your 
letters and the nice things you write 
-wondering what you're doing now and 
what it would be like if I were with 
you - the times we've been together 
-and most of all, what it'll be like when 
I come back. I often wonder whether  
either of us will appear to the other to


have changed. I don't mean much. That's 
very unlikely. Maybe just in little ways. 
I hope I'm not stationed too much long in places 
like this. No kiddin', it's not good for 
anyone.  You're I'm likely to become too 
stodgy. I'm afraid it's the few places here 
that are any different. I'll try to stay as bright  
as I can. Lots of time too I wonder whether 
I'll be able to always hold your love. I 
guess I'll have to be pretty smart to do so 
but I'll try ever so hard. 
Do you think you could judge how much  
I love you by the way I kiss you? If I  
could kiss you now I'm sure you'd have 
no doubts 
X X X 
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Miss Jean Ayre 
1300-122 St., 
Alberta Canada 
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Sender's name and address:- 
Aus 423088 
F/Sgt Etherton R H 
RAAF Base P.O 
London England


Letter 89 
Tuesday 22nd Feb. '44 
Dear Jean, 
The last time I told you of our trials 
and tribulations I think the Skipper had been 
laid off for a few days and that we may 
get another spot of leave. Well, they still 
haven't given us the leave and haven't let 
any of the crew fly except me. Apparently I 
put on too bold a front and looked as 
though I wanted to fly as they've had me 
ferrying aircraft the length and breadth of 
the British Isles. I'm seeing a lot of this 
part of the world and building my hours 
up. It's not a bad job - not much to do. 
In fact on Sunday I wrote you a letter in 
the air. It's screwy but I'll sent it by  
ordinary mail. 
Eddie is out of hospital and I think 
we'll be getting him back - especially as 
the new W/Of couldn't take it and has been 
sent to hospital for a rest cure. 
Our crew is getting to be well known 
on the station. The girls in the mess often 
give us a pleasant surprise by serving us 
with something special. It's all the doing of 
the Skipper and Freddie our mid upper 
gunner. Everyone likes the Skipper. It 
makes things a lot easier. No-one interferes

with us if we sleep in, or are late or nick 
off early when there's nothing doing. I think 
even our cranky op old Flight Commander has a 
soft spot for the Skipper. He ought to 
anyhow because they've never had any 
trouble with us. That is , that, we could 
have avoided. 
I'm Duty Nav tonight. It's a boring job. 
I really shouldn't have to do it now. Anyhow, 
I can write while I'm doing it. Just at present 
I'm having a good chew on some of the 
Dentyne gum you sent me. 
 "Fraid I can't think of anything else to write 
just at present so- 
- and ALL my love 



Miss Jean Ayre 
13007-122 St., 
Alberta Canada 
← Second fold here → 
← To open cut here → 
Sender's name and address:- 
Aus 423088 
F/Sgt Etherton R.H. 
R.A.A.F Base P.O 
London England


Write the address in large BLOCK letters in the panel below. 
The address must NOT be typewritten. 
To:- Miss Jean AYRE, 
13007-122 St., 
Alberta Canada  
Write the message very plainly below this line. 
Sender's Address AUS 423088 Sgt Etherton R H RAAF Base P.O LONDON England 
Letter 90  Thursday 24th Feb., 
Dearest Jean,  
Maybe this should be #89. I'm not sure. I've 
had a very lazy day again today. Yesterday was our day 
off and I slept in but I seem perpetually tired. Yesterday 
we went to the show in Elgin "By Hook or By Crook". I 
could laugh all day at Red Skelton. This morning I did 
a couple of hours' work but this afternoon I "scrounged" 
as they say. I borrowed a bike and rode into Forres to 
pick up my laundry. It wasn't very cold and I would have 
enjoyed the ride had it not been for the bike. It 
rattled and squeaked and was hard to pedal. 
Pardon on the long pause. I've just been looking at 
the last photo's. I didn't know it was possible but I think 
you're getting in even more beautiful. Gee, you look swell 
in your ski slacks (That's what they are, isn't it?) I wish I  
could have sneaked along while you were kneeling in the 
snow with Tony. I'd snowball you just so you would yell 
for help. Then I could say I was sorry and we could make 
up and kiss. Gee you're in for a rough time, jo just so's 
we can make up.   All my love, 
This space should not be used. 


Letter 91 
Friday 25th Feb '44 
Dear Sweetheart, 
I've just an hour to write 
before we go to the camp show. It's Bobby 
somebody's band tonight. I hope it's good for 
a change. I feel like some entertainment. We 
have some fun among the crew by except for 
that our boredom is permanently marked on 
our faces. Maybe I dwell too much on that. 
I think the main reason why I'm so bored 
is that I miss you so badly. I'd be the 
happiest person on this earth if I could call 
or for you to go walking - anywhere - It wouldn't 
make any difference. I'd cheerfully put up with  
the mosquitoes even. It wouldn't even matter 
if we didn't talk. We could just walk on and on, 
hand in hand - Gee it'd be wonderful. I 
probably will be speechless for some time 
when I first meet you again anyhow. Will 
that matter? I don't think so. There are lots 
of times when speech is entirely unnecessary. 
That will be such a time and we'll both

understand what the other would like to say, 
won't we. That's happened to us before. The 
last time I saw you, the day I left Edmonton. 
But it was quite a bit different then. I wish I 
had told you what I felt. I shall tell you 
-properly, not by letter - some day. Until then 
all I can say is 
I'll always love you 



Miss Jean AYRE 
13007 - 122 St., 
Alberta Canada 
← Second fold here → 
← To open cut here→ 
Sender's name and address;- 
Aus 423088 
F/Sgt Etherton R.H. 
RAAF Base P.O 
LONDON England


Letter 92     Tuesday 29th Feb '44 
Dear Jean, 
I'm terribly sorry that this is my first  
letter since Friday evening. I've only been back 
here about 12 hours from then until today. That  
was on Sunday night. Saturday and last night, the 
few hours sleep I had was many, many miles from 
here. Since Friday I've hardly had two meals in 
the same place, I've flown in five different aircraft 
and been on six different landing field, one of 
them afloat. It has been interesting, good experience 
and not much work but gosh, I'm tired. I don't 
think I'll have any more of this work. The Skipper 
and everyone else has been Ok'd to fly. To make 
things a bit easier for the first few trips we're 
going to wait until the moon period before we  
start again. We should have been out of here at 
least a fortnight ago but expect at least another 
three weeks. 
There has been a lot of snow fallen here 
in the last few days. On Sunday evening everything 
was snow covered. The sky was beautifully clear 
and the air was keen. It all reminded me (or 
(a bit too much to make me happy) of Canada. 
I was sure that there be some letters from 
you waiting for me today but no, not a thing. 
It's nearly a week since I received any. Gee but I miss

them. I hope that some come tomorrow. All that has 
relieved my anxiety is the fact that Bill tells me 
that there has not been much mail at all from 
Canada lately. 
Jean, your birthday is 12th July, isn't it? I 
can't find in the which of your letters you told me. I'll 
probably come across it one of these nights when I'm 
reading through them. Remember when you told me it 
was your birthday in a couple of days or, at least, 
your aunt let it slip out, and I asked you how 
old you were. I did think you were older but 
as I told you then, I most certainly didn't think less 
of you for that. On the contrary, I thought even better of you 
because you told me the truth although you 
thought I would not be pleased. Really, I don't 
think you could ever say or do anything that did 
not make me love you more. That's the way it's 
been ever since I've known you - with everything 
you did and said during those wonderful six 
weeks - how gracefully you walked, how happily you 
smiled. I've never been so proud as when I was with you, 
or as I am now to show anyone your photo's. Our 
navigation Leader was talking to Skipper today. 
They didn't know that I was in the next room and


couldn't help over hearing them. (Little pigs have big 
ears.) The Nav. Leader remarked that I never sai 
had much to say and the Skipper said "No, but 
you're never had him going on his favourite topic" 
I was very curious to know what Skipper meant 
but I suddenly remembered I was eavesdropping 
and so went downstairs. This afternoon the Nav 
Leader was pumping me a bit about Canada so  
I guess the Skipper hit the nail on the head 
and answered "Someone named Jean" Just as well 
I don't take their jokes and kidding as seriously 
as they think I do. 
Gee, I hope, I hope, there's a letter from  
you tomorrow. It's bad enough not to be able 
to meet wxx you really but when I don't even 
received a visit from you by mail it's too much 
I don't blame you. I know you wouldn't 
torture me. If you did, I'd still love you 

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Miss Jean AYRE 
13007 - 122 St., 
Alberta Canada 
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Sender's name and address;- 
Aus 423088 
RAAF Base P.O 
LONDON England

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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