Letters of Ronald Henry Etherton, January - February 1944 - Part 6 of 7

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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hom 85 abode Tustay 824 Feb Deaveo Gean Toright wed beg to a saidwille sow I was pretty good but afrid we could cale ono s0 of the cacks as tfill yeat for hossing also, these Sedtare cant speak English properly an its a bet hard to endestad the sondines. This notring we sle i ary We. Waste of half a day! way be, but we exoyed it. The aftenoon, wo spent wardling agsunt the shops. Having fourd nothing worth buging, we saves our norly I still have leste 84. Bust post off to be now fon Wednessay, 9th Ive just got back from the see gad dan net a got hes known syce ho was here last so I had to go on my Lonesome. I had a pretty good sine but I wish you could have been there The renk is rothe small but there woend ray, or the "see and it wasit crowded must nake see that bill comes down here soretuge Ihi aenon we wer to a show- Heaven can wait Nos bad! I guess gouve seen it abersen is easily the best place over to lave At last of those Ioe seen. It isnt overod Iheve avent so many befors about you can get some good weals in the restausas and 1o or Gee, but I neced & his broak from camp life maybe I docsn't sound so tesibly excdting to you but Im enjoying ty stay here. I do it write wuth, do S I being as tagy as I possibly can. on Sx Friday 1024 di6 Edirburgh We caue down here yesterday afenoon. as soon as we assibed we canuti to great as
place was out so we left ou things at a reighbours and ves back an sawa sowt proudly s fait the came back soor afterwe did a bothe is quite an authority on Odeburgh's history and shower us all over the city today He showld us Eduburgh Castle. Hollyrood Castle. S Giles and loteo lo's of old buildings of his Porical inpost. It's much more extereding to know the hissorical significarce of these places though Im afraid san didnt shak it nads much differen c Tonigh, we were ts a circus. It was grest prtibily a ses lions at Ge he was alnost handy, Ii see he aew on engiling the wes seid Towsraw morning wele going back to condlly for il syday e back to camp. This leave has benng great beread but fee too short hust go to bed you Goodright How e AIR LETTER COn Mane Miss fran Ayse 13002 122 S Camorton cesuts caurse
Kelter 86 Monday W 24 Feb. Deares Sea Dow let aything I say in this lose worry you. Ihe wors part about leave is that I has so ed soones or later. young boc to any caup is bax enough but coning back here ast finding one or two shings Topry Turry is vorse. I guess I ll settle doen in a day or two a when thags have cored ensilos out I will have letters 84 ar 85 4 se start right flying again in earnest o way not be able to write tor often io I it poot be towrrou, 80 on Ded, an this or Thursday we got back to Abedien midday aday o fil in the affeoon we wey to the dogc we has sa luck. Three out of the four dogs I backed were beate by the rasowest magus. A was is as good as a will, they say. Just as well I didnt bet much, Osherwise Id have been taaking the cat and no kidden (alias say) On Saturday right Heith went out with his gist friend again so I went to the sin was nos cowded t on wednesday be it wasn't too oad. They let the see get sather wet consequently all the bosoms of my house lgs we sopping wel. O yesterday moning we slep in (as usual a vert to Keilh's git friends place for luch and the caught the bes bac here. Apparenly were getting too well krown rou& this caup. baryone we saw stopped to sells us we had been possed to the satilite 0e; ground staff 1 ad everyore seened to know about it except ow selves and the officers at the flight We west over to tell then off for not appreciating how our har worg but it was the fust thy had heard about it and now o they s as wild as we are. They thint there is sore nistake Cilly is out of hospital but has only had a couple of days off. badie storls have benn out today and we should see him to ow The hospial his is in res so cast go to see his bill dia atuday as soo as ere all complie again I guiss we ll have to get into
onr flying seiously Ishin the coory, the betse ee o pleasn ps abou coung back. The firs that thre were three teles from you waiding for me The secord, tather anexpectet, my pronotion to the distenguishex tant of Fligh gr. Saniy su c now is s and Agts. a good conbiration hs getting sathy late now and I want to sead you, letters again fefor 8 go to set to Gorsnigh for He would have liked to have gone to opa your cousins but the saip thre are bact would have made a big holl iy on fas days so I decided to wait un it we move close as we will in efort while C AIR LETTER Ms Year Ayse 13007 122 S Camonton alours lereas 25
Lebte 87 Fray v. Sis. Dee f f oy has we I wase t0o prophesies? that things would so selv ouafew dys and that we would be getting lets of flying. Both wve right. Thags have sosted thenselves out but not exactly as we was is them ddis ear ouble d nt clea up as soon as expecties and wese been flying with arotfet 4pp. He has sone quational seperen an is foly good bu we have msed tddie. He is back may ar consns se near to da rawsing hell to get him back with us W's the only way to get anything done is the 845. They gust wich you wourd like rubbish if you let the Weve been very close to collecting it seveat kines duving the last four days I dos snd advitling I still a let giltery. Tho shippes and Hanny are too were been taken off flying for a fee day and way be give some nore leave. I hnee all along that the shipe could be relied on in an energency but after the way he and Hhe rot of the fellows got as out of our sicky positions- well I just abut wayt to fl with anore olee. except them, I know that if it had been with sone of the people Fee flown with at orfe stations I woulden't be writing this I hope for the Shippe: safe that we get this leave because as one of the sweens says His been shaken rigid and reeds a good break away from it all. It say seen Harge seeing that wve only beer back for leave six days but that leave was too short to be a good bead and in ths those six days fors has happened.
I received your two parcels today. Thanks eve so much for hen. And please shart mothe too foe rasted the cookies alresay. they re good, no hiddi: Ill think of you we had each time t ea feeling pressy washer ou io I gaws sd det e go to bee you I hope I ie you in my allans Godrigh ny law har for AIR LETTER MANCONCN Miso fear Agre 13007-123 O banonto aends Carle
TRALIAN COMFORTS FUN HIOH IOACTHIATO THE S.L. Wor Service Fund V.M.C.A. and Salvation Army Aus 42368 Fy Eshetor RH 9a5 Ba ordor 20 Feb 24 exect fran This is a ran olla ther 4 do what 2514 reast for my usig penced tua than this nal 2otf humpy hee at 2000. with the ie. This in s Ap swere pits a sereey /4 an extrecly pleasur tsip. The weaft heating adthe 1 given out. Pulside it's very 144 eat gimpee of we should 14
TAH COMFORTSF MICH IO AFTHiaTeO The L. War Service Fund VM.C.A aad Salvalion Arm7 ofter is ever the land. He's hoping Eoday because Im not loo sure whe The radis is pretty uelss y so i as the 12 bette have a look o002. lann, usually acte dut Fa Doth t sist 20 we O14 was arly when I shough. I 2t when get back to Sase, I wonde whater 4 be able. I supper. An I hope Sann he ay
MCOMTOARSF CMIATEO TRE or Service Fund. V.M.C.A. and Salvation Army faully se off in the 1o fo 16 aped the p bn I toed at i/ Dr host when I found it. Ws on hous since I've been able to rike aything. Ive bee busy in tha I think f can set sack now agit at ge hove. I wish I have som my flying books. i feer are nearly pazer. he ground so high hee so weve clmbed above the clouds. sometin is this lype of dous looks like tyn because 2ts bumpy. another how and a half has parsed ase is just ahead, We saw it thon a week ago. yuiss Sa the clouds a au besw dore ton
" eh Miso Jean Ayre 2 13007 123 St Edmonton Aeverta Canada Mes mi a smad THE RSL. WAR SERUCE FUND THE SAIVATON ARNY on THE V.MCA

Letter 85 
Tuesday 8th Feb. 
Dearest Jean, 
Tonight we've been to a 
vaudeville show. It was pretty good but 
I'm afraid we couldn't catch onto some 
of the cracks as the're meant for Scotsmen. 
Also, these Scotsmen can't speak English 
properly and it's a bit hard to understand 
them sometimes. This morning we slept in 
very late. Waste of half a day! Maybe, 
but we enjoyed it. The afternoon, we 
spent wandering around the shops. Having 
found nothing worth buying, we saved our 
money. I still have letter 84. Must post 
it tomorrow. I'm off to bed now 
Wednesday, 9th 
I've just got back from the ice 
rink. Sam met a girl he's known since 
he was here last so I had to go on 
my lonesome. I had a pretty good time 
but I wish you could have been there. 
The rink is rather small but there 

weren't many on the ice and it wasn't 
crowded. I must make sure that Bill 
comes down here sometime. This 
afternoon we went to a show - 
"Heaven can wait." Not bad! I guess 
you've seen it. 
Aberdeen is easily the best place 
over here to spend leave. At least, 
of those I've seen. It isn't overcrowded. 
There aren't so many uniforms about. 
You can get some good meals in the 
restaurants and so on. Gee, but I 
needed this break from camp life. 
Maybe it doesn't sound so terribly 
exciting to you but I'm enjoying 
my stay here. 
I don't write much do I? I'm 
being as lazy as I possibly can. 
Ron x x x 
Friday 10th Feb 
We came down here yesterday 
afternoon. As soon as we arrived we 
came on out here to my great aunt's


place. She was out so we left our 
things at a neighbours' and went back 
into town and saw a show "How 
proudly we hail" She came back soon 
after we did. My aunt's bro brother is 
quite an authority on Edinburgh's history 
and showed us all over the city today 
He showed us Edinburgh Castle, 
Hollyrood Castle, St Giles and lot' of 
lots of old buildings of historical 
import. It's much more interesting to 
know the historical significance of these 
places though I'm afraid Sam didn't 
think it made much difference. 
Tonight, we went to a circus. It was 
great particularly a sea lion's act. Gee, 
he was almost human. I'm sure he 
understood everything that was said. 
Tomorrow morning we're going back 
to Aberdeen for a until Sunday, then 
back to camp. This leave has been a 
great break but far too short. Must go 
to bed now Goodnight Ron 

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Miss Jean Ayre 
13007 - 122 St., 
Alberta Canada 
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Sender's name and address:- 
Aus 423088 
Sgt Etherton R.H 
RAAF Base P.O 
London Eng. 
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Letter 86 Monday 14th Feb. 
Dearest Jean, 
Don't let anything I say in this 
letter worry you. The worst part about leave 
is that it has to end sooner or later. Going 
back to any camp is bad enough but coming 
back here and finding one or two things 
Topsy Turvy is worse. I guess I'll settle down 
in a day or two and when things have 
sorted themselves out. 
I still have letters 84 and 85. If 
we start night flying again in earnest I 
may not be able to write too often so I'll 
post 84 tomorrow, 85 on Wed, and this on 
We got back to Aberdeen midday 
Saturday. To fill in the afternoon we went 
to the dog races. Gee we had bad 
luck. Three out of the four dogs I backed 
were beaten by the narrowest margins. A 
miss is as good as a mile, they say. Just 
as well I didn't bet much. Otherwise I'd 
have been kicking the cat and no kiddin'! 
On Saturday night Keith (alias Sam) went out with his 
girl friend again so I went to the rink. 
It was more crowded than on Wednesday 
but it wasn't too bad. They let the ice 

get rather wet. Consequently all the 
bottoms of my trouser legs were sopping 
wet. O Yesterday morning we slept in (as 
usual) and , went to Keith's girlfriend's 
place for lunch and then caught the 'bus 
back here. Apparently we're getting too well 
known 'round this camp. Everyone we 
saw stopped to tell us we had been 
posted to the satelite 'drome ; ground 
staff, SP's and everyone seemed to know 
about it except ourselves and the officers 
at the flight. We went over to tell 
them off for not appreciating how our 
hard work but it was the first they had 
heard about it and now w they're as wild 
as we are. They think there is some mistake. 
Billy is out of hospital but has only had 
a couple of days off. Eddie should have 
been out today and we should see him 
tomorrow. The hospital he's in is in 
Inverness so we can't go and see him. Bill did 
on Saturday. As soon as we're all complete 
again I guess we'll have to get into


our flying seriously. I think the sooner, the 
There were two g pleasant points about 
coming back. The first that there were three 
letters from you waiting for me. The second, 
rather unexpected, my promotion to the 
distinguished rank of Flight /Sgt. Sammy 
is too. Our crew now is 3 F/Sgt's and 
3 Sgts. - a good combination. 
It's getting rather late now and I want 
to read your letters again before I go to 
bed so - 
I'm would have liked to have gone to 
visit your cousins but the trip there and 
back would have made a big hole in 
our few days so I decided to wait 
until we move closer as we will in 
a short while 

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Miss Jean Ayre 
13007 - 122 St., 
Alberta Canada 

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Sender's name and address:- 
Aus 423088 
F/Sgt Etherton R H 
RAAF Base P.O 
London England 

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Letter 87 
Friday 18th Feb. 
Dear Jean, 
In my last letter I made 
two prophesies - that things would sort 
themselves out in a few days and that 
we would be getting lots of flying. Both 
were right. Things have sorted themselves 
out but not exactly as we wanted them. 
Eddie's ear trouble did not clear up as 
soon as expected and we've been flying 
with another W/Op. He has some 
operational experience and is pretty good 
but we have missed Eddie. He is back 
today and tomorrow we mean to start 
raising hell to get him back with us. 
It's the only way to get anything 
done in the R.A.F. They just kick you 
around like rubbish if you let 
We've been very close to collecting 
it several times during the last four 
days. I don't mind admitting I'm still 
a bit jittery. The Skipper and Sammy 

are too. We've been taken off flying 
for a few day and may be given some 
more leave. I knew all along that 
the Skipper could be relied on in an 
emergency but after the way he and 
the rest of the fellows got us out of 
our sticky positions - well I just 
don't want to fly with anyone else 
except them. I know that if it had been 
with some of the people I've flown 
with at other stations I wouldn't be 
writing this. I hope for the Skipper's 
sake that we get this leave because, 
as one of the screens says "He's 
been shaken rigid" and needs a good 
break away from it all. It may seem 
strange seeing that we've only been 
back from leave six days but that 
leave was too short to be a good 
break and in them six those six 
days tons has happened.


I received your two parcels today. 
Thanks ever so much for them. And please 
thank mother too. I've tasted the cookies 
already. They're good, no kiddin'. I'll 
think of you extra hard each time I eat 
I'm feeling pretty washed out so 
I guess I'd better get to bed now. I hope 
I see you in my dreams 
Goodnight, my Sweetheart 
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Miss Jean Ayre 
13007 - 122 St., 
Alberta Canada

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Sender's name and address:- 
Aus 423088 
F/Sgt Etherton R. H. 
London Eng 
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R.S.L. War Service Fund, Y.M.C.A and Salvation Army 

Aus 423088 
F/Sgt Etherton R H 
RAAF Base P.O 
London Eng. 
20 Feb 44 
Dearest Jean, 
This is a rare occasion indeed. 
I have nothing to do while we are flying 
that is the reason for my writing being 
so bad and for my using pencil. Usually 
my logs are much neater than this but 
it is bumpy here at 2000'. I'm not flying 
with the crew. This is just a Ferry 
trip. The only others with me are a 
screen pilot and a screen W/op. It 
isn't an extremely pleasant trip. The 
temperature is 0° and the aircraft heating 
has given out. Outside it's very dirty. 
Now and then I catch a glimpse of 
the sea. In nine minutes we should 
cross the coast. It may be clear there.


R.S.L. War Service Fund, Y.M.C.A and Salvation Army 

It often is even when it's murky over 
the sea and the land. Here's hoping it 
is today because I'm not too sure where 
we are. The radio is pretty useless 
when you're as low as this. I'd 
better have a look soon. Sammy 
usually acts as my eyes but I've got to 
do both jobs today. Not that I've got 
much to do. This is really a good loaf. 
I wouldn't be writing this, otherwise. 
Gee it's cold. 
We crossed the coast O.K. Not 
exactly where I thought. I was a mile 
or so out. That's pretty good. It'll be 
dark when we get back to Base. I wonder 
whether we'll be able to get a night 
flying supper. And I hope Sammy has 
the fire going well and the room nice 
and warm. 
By the way, I'm writing this with 
the pencil Pop gave me. I nearly lost it


R.S.L. War Service Fund, Y.M.C.A and Salvation Army

once. A faulty flare went off in the 
fuselage and in my haste to find a 
fire extinguisher I dropped the pencil. 
When we landed I looked everywhere 
in the aircraft for it and had nearly 
given it up for lost when I found it. 
It's an hour since I've been able to 
write anything. I've been busy in that time. 
I think I can sit back now until we get 
home. I wish I had worn my flying boots. 
My feet are nearly frozen. The ground is high 
here so we've climbed above the clouds. 
Sometimes this type of cloud looks like 
snow on the ground but today it's ragged 
because it's bumpy. 
Another hour and a half has passed now. 
Base is just ahead. We saw it thru' a break 
in the clouds a minute ago. Guess I'd 
better close 


S. & Co. 51-1524 

Feb 20 1944 

Miss Jean Ayre 
13004 - 122 St., 
Alberta Canada 

With Which is Affiliated 

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