Letters of Ronald Henry Etherton, January - February 1944 - Part 5 of 7

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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CGUISORS Aqr E therton AH 4027 Case 10 honder 18 Jan 1844 Dear Sweetheart This is the sea/ 19S wrote about I think it is a seayf bed, as soneore poued out, the Tremning is a bu odd. Core to think of it, nay be one of the hanahechiefs I sent to to you or to hove hve has a smilar dreing waybe it's scrch. I'we been trying to puch a hill but have had to take piry on the weares every time I we had a chance. They night freege to death is so cole The other thing is ne Do I get a hiss for the seap? have it for ye? save all your kisses for me! Fr about to write on ay Letter yow By brow is deeply furrowed, wondering what can wrive about. All my love yours att Yon
Le 80 Sunday 20 January Dia Jea Gee its hat in here. 25s absolutely boiling. Fn just in iy she sleeves and Ii dripping with properation well rearly weve been trying to find a way so wake our preplace hold hore coke and buen bersy and this is the first tine wive had wuch success. he last sint I had it going wll the gadges I had on it just couldn take the hear It nelted and that was that Skippes and sawy had been flying that right. They reckon that when they caue back I was laying in best with great heads of peropiration on my face. aid feet t comfortable at all and had an exceptionally good sleep that right. I wish we could take our fire with us in the aircaft the whitle aten very was at all. She sail guine has go heading but and Ir not weck betze. I can weae a flying suit because it'a be barely possible to work at all with ore oy Its bad eough with has west, haness that carches in everything, oaggen wast that spoels my beautiful plotting by dipping water everywhee We se head that sore of the News will not go on to the gob weve consideed were distred for ts safe but il'd be bexsting and bosing for uot of the crew except the shipper. He doesnt want it any how and having sone choice since he's done a four of instructionl duty we all wend to d what we was If we
rake a good pst of the rest of the trips from hee we should g0 3 She Caratian hav on our course was vemed yesterday. This head is naking me ressibly sleepy Fraid Ill have to give in to my dreasiness Gonigh sreehed Now 844 ManR EXAMINER 1425 Miss Jean Ayse BO0T-122 D Edmonton aluta Canash 2 P.C.D OPENED BY
Letter 89 Tuesday 10t Feb. Dis Sauhea I love you 100 mach to be able to write you inwesting s aybe that souds goofy bu ws isce she noo eeporton things I want to sell you can be srussed o letess ese ca inepre them as they are year. Only whispers and soft caussts cay do so. You're in my though's so much, yet, when I want to write to you, there's so wlle I can but in writing. In really anaged at my patiene To was you so much and yet be ato wait like this, Id never have thought myself able. Though you way not hnow it, you help me a lot. When I feel fed up the thought of the happinegs we shall share is enough to blow away any clouds. The radiance of you beauty and of our love dispets som clouds in a wekli Oh Jean Just the thought of you lips on mie makes we fell that Ii floating in space, gently exalessly o side or a cloud is witig to this who witl a sot hiss be like? Beauiful Hoaven. I know that you. Will it be long before I know beauifid Heaven Ron
51:11 49 VER AIR LETTER ANTTHING S EAclOS JE Miss Jear Ayre 13007- 122 S1 Edmonton Aloerto Carana P.C.D
he 8 140 sours ra f40. And Pheyse no Duch Fraay &th Febraary beben ost lewa glas so go ont Dea Southeart, to caup not sive about letters sar to be es has ba eie t ter t s so I a ate a rte of te to sas a wee go angtting about my conng tors to bayoror! petynow that te a awa I think this reslised all along that Irea it laving with ryself! baase, an w/op is is hospital Any how she will now. but yam lass, I with a bast ia ad wre feld ip Were afraid have to t d to o0 i seying to go a spot of lave. Gee youre lucky over, I guess. Sor forge t4e thes a only youre not here. Foe ben reading sots of your thell shings that witll stop he foor corig les, in seall looking for 140ors with you conss address it Also, I was for sick bact & art vayto soud golo sayatic or (for on) before I stated hy are you do I sa you to wory about it. You kow lcky youre not here? Occause if you were the ms. I say be killed, or I ray be baaly Id hold you so light is ny ans so you vouded. Other Ha that, weyle youll coulds get away I had I night hust you, No. charge you &id about uo. I always pray tha really, I would year has you eer like rors of 1 fess thags will happe I hnow 140 s being selfish witl so wack happiees and day, you should talk aboue gesing to wuch a full life ve ray have deperding or it be a ord fogey, I really an. I like to tht hat you are having a good sine because I Ica be offewise 00 14 sa yetie how that you is such a grard perorality this peron is is possibility, Sr going to thet it's like brovig the grass is will gven forge about it gast as son as o car, I want or the sow is still whil i a word you to, 100. Weve lots of other for yore that eveything is just as it should be. I pleasu shig to shil and dean and nor looking forard to leave as such as being plan an say- This is just ore of them statio wfve 10 wol lot of 141 ges ca goouta has a good si. e will be I lowe you ae w we posted fom hee so fon forth trof ou goig out has bee wo
AIR LETTER FANVTHINS BS ENCI &Wioe rn 23 Mis Gear Ayre 13007 122 A Edmonton Aloyts Causes
Sesse 84 E Duay Der Jear, or4 Tes b Boy do iss feel fee upt Diad sett you last night that Eddis has ea Broable? Hel be in hospital for a least a week duing which sine we cant as a sigh thing but sill, thy wont give ao any leave. Gesteday, with a fairt chagce that he sight not be admitted to hospial and would so back i tine to fly at nigh as e brifes, or the say to te yess for lea the bus rotled over and rearly iped s all out. Ou crea was sucky Pilty got a rasty crack on the back of The head but ofkerise all we got were few brses ad as. The stippes as hused cles ou of the bock and saied he he ai life a roefet. Racky he plays rugge. He know how go fall without huding hisself fut too disgusted to wrte more at present I'll and yor lonorrow Ron &4& Sunday 6ah. woll, this is a pleaser ipriss wee actuly go leave days e should have got away this afteroon but the people in the Orawly foom being so co opeative cat give us our passes by til tonosowidday. We as deen ite on for te this evening. Poor Old ill has been adgisted to hospital for a few days They say to has slight concession. I hope to gits out easly gough to get sone leave before we stast flying again. Shippe is going hone o cardiff Ireadie bid uppe i going to London his wife is thee sanay and I are going to saen Edenburgh, then Bordon ay& Carr if we can wake it. I'll look ap your cousin thir ll contee tis asa sia Ill wile the rest page from conden Iwer Gonotow aschy brough to get away
Gandeen 72h Fib Hurah! We 20de 17 I hope the tises sise up and sink the canp shill ae are away. Is takl all today so get away from the place. Jast as we were leaving to casch the early afternoon tan a frartic resoage was sex ou for ss Ihe, we had to stay to give evidence about the accident. Having arrived here we just have beye to go to bea. Were staying at a private house, Aida boording house. Gootly caradias con0 here. saniny fourd our about it from the Conaxian Legior whe he was fere one before s vey nice. Boy! Ihat bed looks good. Ht water botsle, t00! I'l sleep well boright. gost of toy orow tod pobably Goodright. Sweet deears fon a206 882 AIR LETTER saw 154 2 or cramin miae fear Ayre 1300712½ St Eanonton allea Care

Aus 423088 
Sgt Etherton R H 
28 Jan 1944 

Dear Sweetheart,
This is the scarf (?) I
wrote about. I think it is a scarf but, as
someone pointed out, the trimming is a
bit odd. Come to think of it, maybe one
of the handkerchiefs I sent to h you or
to home have has a similar trimming.
Maybe it's Scotch. I've been trying to
pinch a kilt but have had to take
pity on the wearer every time I've had a
chance. They might freeze to death it's so
The other thing is me.
Do I get a kiss for the scarf? Save
it for me? Save all your kisses for me?
I'm about to write an Air Letter now.
My brow is deeply furrowed, wondering what
I can write about.
All my love

Guess what.


Jan 28, 1944



Letter 81
Sunday 30 January
Dear Jean,
Gee, it's hot in here. It's
absolutely boiling. I'm just in my
shirt sleeves and I'm dripping with
perspiration - well, nearly. We've been
trying to find a way to make our
fireplace hold more coke and burn
better and this is the first time
we've had much success. The last
time I had it going well the
gadget I had on it just couldn't
take the heat. It melted and
that was that. Skipper and Sammy
had been flying that night. They
reckon that when they came back
I was laying in bed with great 
beads of perspiration on my face.
I didn't feel uncomfortable at all
and had an exceptionally good
sleep that night.
I wish we could take our fire
with us in the aircraft. The Whitbys
aren't very warm at all. The tail gunner
has no heating but and I'm not much
better. I can't wear a flying suit
because it'd be barely possible to
work at all with one on. It's bad
enough with Mae West, harness that
catches in everything, oxygen mask
that spoils my beautiful plotting
by dripping water everywhere. on
We've heard that some of the
crews will not go onto the job we've
considered we're destined for. It's
safer but it'd be uninteresting and
boring for most all of the crew except
the Skipper. He doesn't want it
anyhow and having some choice
since he's done a tour of 
instructional duty we all intend
to demand what we want. If we 


make a good fist of the rest of
the trips from here we should
get it.
The Canadian now on our course
was married yesterday.
This heat is making me terribly
sleepy 'Fraid I'll have to give in
to my dreariness
Goodnight, Sweetheart

← First fold here →




Miss Jean Ayre
13007-122 St.,
Alberta Canada 

←Second fold here →

←To open cut here→

er's name and address:-
Aus 423088
Sgt Etherton RH
R.A.A.F Base P.O
London England

To open cut here →

P.C. 90


Letter 82
Tuesday 1st Feb.
Dear Sweetheart,
I love you too much to
be able to write you interesting
letters. Maybe that sounds goofy but 
it's true. The most important things
I want to tell you can't be trusted
to letters. Letters can't interprete
them as they are meant. Only
whispers and soft caresses can do
so. You're in my thoughts so
much. Yet, when I want to write
to you, there's so little I can
put in writing.
I'm really amazed at my patience.
To want you so much and yet be
able to wait like this, I'd never
have thought myself able. Though
you may not know it, you help
me a lot. When I feel fed up 
the thought of the happiness we
shall share is enough to blow
away any clouds. The radiance
of your beauty and of our love
dispels storm clouds in a twinkling.
Oh Jean! Just the thought of
your lips on mine makes me feel
that I'm floating in space, gently,
endlessly. To ride on a cloud is
nothing to this. What will a real
kiss be like? Beautiful Heaven.
I know that now. Will it be long
before I know Beautiful Heaven?




Miss Jean Ayre
13007-122 St.,
Alberta Canada

←Second fold here→

←To open cut here→

Sender's name and address:-
Aus 423088
Sgt Etherton R.H
R.A.A.F Base P.O
London Eng.

51-1436 H & S
P.C. 90


Letter 83
Friday 4th February
Dear Sweetheart,
I'm not sure about letters 81 and
82. I think I've written two since 80 but I didn't
make a note of them. 80 was a week ago. I'm
pretty sure now that this is 83. Quite a debate I'm
having with myself! Eddie, our W/Op is in hospital 
with a bad ear and we're held up. We're
trying to get a spot of leave. Gee, you're lucky
you're not here. I've been reading lots of your 
letters, in between looking for the one with your
cousin's address in it. Also, I was homesick
(for Edmonton) before I started. Why are you
lucky you're not here? Because, if you were
I'd hold you so tight in my arms so you
couldn't get away that I might hurt you. No.
really, I would never harm you, even like
Say, you should talk about getting to
be an old fogey, I really am. I like to think
know that you are having a good time because I
know that you've such a grand personality
that it's like knowing the grass is still green
or the snow is still white - in a word -
that everything is just as it should be. I'm
not looking forward to leave as much as being
stationed where the whole lot of the crew can
go out and have a good time. We will be
able to too when we're posted from here. So
far, the extent of our going out has been into
the towns 'round here. And they're not much,
believe me. Most times, we're glad to get back
to camp.
In her letters, has Edna mentioned
anything about my coming home to Edmonton?
I think she's realised all along that I meant it.
Anyhow she will now. But Mum hasn't, I'm
afraid. I'll have to ask Edna to smooth it
over, I guess. Don't forget that there are only
three things that will stop me from coming
back. I don't want it to sound melodramatic, nor
do I want you to worry about it. You know
the odds. I may be killed, or I may be badly 
wounded. Other than that, maybe you'll
change your mind about us. I always pray that
none of these things will happen. I know
it's being selfish. With so much happiness and
such a full life we may have depending on it,
I can't be otherwise. Now that I've mentioned
this pessimistic possibility, I'm going to
forget about it just as soon as I can. I want
you to, too. We've lots of other far more
pleasant thing to think and dream and
plan and say - This is just one of them
I love you
− Ron 




Miss Jean Ayre
13007-122 St.,
Alberta Canada

←Second fold here→

←To open cut here→

Sender's name and address:-
Aus 423088
Sgt Etherton RH
R.A.A.F. Base P.O

R.A.F. Station Central
5 Feb1944

To open cut here→


Letter 84
Frid Saturday
5th Feb, '44
Dear Jean,
Boy! Do we feel fed up! Did I
tell you last night that Eddie has ear
trouble? He'll be in hospital for at least
a week during which time we can't do a
single thing but, still, they won't give us
any leave. Yesterday, with a faint chance
that he might not be admitted to hospital
and would be back in time to fly at night
we were briefed. On the way to the mess
for tea the bus rolled over and nearly
wiped us all out. Our crew was lucky.
Billy got a nasty crack on the back of
the head but otherwise all we got were
a few bruises and cuts. The Skipper
was hurled clear out of the back and
sailed thru' the air like a rocket.
Lucky he plays rugger. He knows how
to fall without hurting himself
I feel too disgusted to write more
at present. I'll add more tomorrow

Sunday 6th.
Well, this is a pleasant surprise.
We've actually got leave - 7 days. We
should have got away this afternoon
but the people in the Orderly Room being
so "co-operative" can't give us our passes
until tomorrow midday. We've been into
town for tea this evening. Poor Old
Bill has been admitted to hospital
for a few days. They say he has slight
concussion. I hope he gets out early
enough to get some leave before we
start flying again. Skipper is going home
to Cardiff. Freddie the Mid-Upper is
going to London. his wife is there. 
Sammy and I are going to Aberdeen,
Edinburgh, then London and Cardiff
if we can make it. I'll look up
your cousin.
I think I'll continue this as a serial.
I'll write the next page from Aberdeen,
if we're lucky enough to get away
tomorrow. Ron XXX 


Aberdeen 7th Feb.
Hurrah! We made it! I hope the
tides rise up and sink the camp
while we are away. It's taken all
today to get away from the place. Just
as we were leaving to catch the
early afternoon train a frantic message
was sent out for us. Then, we had to
stay to give evidence about the accident.
Having arrived here we just have
time to go to bed. We're staying at
a private house, kinda boarding house.
Mostly Canadians come here. Sammy
found out about it from the Canadian
Legion when he was here once before
It's very nice. Boy! That bed looks
good. Hot water bottle, too! I'll sleep
well tonight. Most of tomorrow too
Goodnight. Sweet dreams

←First fold here→

Miss Jean Ayre
13007-122 St.,
Alberta Canada

←Second fold here→

    To open cut here→

Sender's name and address:-
Aus 423088
Sgt Etherton R.H
London Eng.

   To open cut here→

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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