Letters of Ronald Henry Etherton, January - February 1944 - Part 4 of 7

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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hard for all the good things of life, but anything for you is a labou of Love and will be a pleasure for that reason. Gook I have you fean so so much For mame AIR LETTER 10 Miss Jean Ayre 13007- 122 St Edmonton Aloeta Canade
Lerre 76 Sunday Dear Soc Gea 2320 January 60 No rail today because its Surday yee I hope thees a we from you toronad. A few ays ago Roy Older gave re a phots of w which he ook a lorg t g0 I'll sea it with your seay (or is it) I saded to write a litte is snd by orderay but the I thought i a4 t00 long to reach you so this is the roatt hast right & fut myself to stef scsibbling plass of our houe. I wish I were a rich person I woulden build a teribly big hore but ita be lots better shay I'll be able 2o appret in may years Fire. I like the way you place is buist. Theis wething else that caul to ry ad To you like ti beds? Mayle I am scravy. Have you read any of maiie Hoper books? I guess she's not very much appreciated Ln Carade, neithe. Hwear, she gives sore very deuides Reaoo adoa ages of Ive bedst Maybe it just because the has shares is fuefactories s bes to have the se porch agoinng the lounge, do you thi? And w'll have to face soulf. Guiss will have so get a block faiig south he purse wasnt danaged in the nail, was it how I can write as mulh as I wonted to. The gay has been ty here for the last two house asking on othy guistions Fy afraid F'll have to leave you was sicutea Govenge te deans for 18
AIR LET7 EaN nornen Miss Jeay Ayse 13007 122 St Edmonton Alberta Conada
10 Riss Jean AYRE 45023 18007-1215½ KDNONTON MRERA CANL a t to teat ten to t mnay to sav Lue 17 Den fear e you s syse s cazes i and about savi to fiist sho 100 for which has hes at 140 way I fu nelly s jus the go dssu some. That ms acore i 400 bagguage. Wo she th she sie sens to weg o soat is c as a a good bi or a set of wcowegee fo 40 adweoe sape is wals of differ a, t I fese he or the ba yesvay thes was ss necds of I stonld got i nel set it but ao or top of 4e w0e. Pll probasy be doon is she dups again mono. That is i sess I go sore wees for you Ishid I will ayso I hops so. 0 vy was jus as mec as sevng you sould shough I hos shill to prepe if I hs 160 coice you wes ase gard but yous p pase li you wns an I was you fore aoiAT
Lelter 78 it going so had as we can. The soom is raging hor sonstines but it's always Wearesday 26 Jan Dear Sea pretty cool by coming. We open the This is another day off for us windows. aybe hats why I wase b it is a nsuable, sany day. Shet is, up with a sore oat if we don except hat I recived two telres from e glad you want a son for you 61a 6 I got reaay to go into ou firt child o do . Ou we must Esgin bu unless i clears up, I third have a girl, or girls. Thee must be Ill say in sor wre to i heit your beauty. I used to get a great bick out of reaching Lass right we went to the show in Tores- Sany Shippe, billy young hids so seen. It must have (ou Canadian guines) and I. We saw been my paterral enpeids though I Giol Frouble and tuck in the Lbay si know it, then, I didyt thend ta ever marry or wan 20. I2 ped, I hadn ho bad now Ioe just to the fe net you. hade quite a difference, here and am sitting in from of it saying to get was we can only got cohe (wayle Ihay you'll wve know ou call is charcost Irs what's lef to the fellows at work really call when they use coal to wake goo. Get you senshere? Thats ha I shil of no do coriue. we can only get this you = happy, bright and saiting. Woulds cote to been yow. we ssed to parch I lige to heo the will on your lips now cobut somone ast have wonaa have all these crosses. I'll tade the where it was all going because theve reat thing for they sone day. Seep put a basbed we fexe around it aa onleg say as beautiful and as west a paclock on the gave. toke doesn't as you were 6orths I days ago and bus mry well and it taes a sot hat ay ll ll gust yo o lorger to heat the room but we keep beautiful sweet hat is e
EXAMINER 6228 Miss Jear Ayre 13007-122 W Edmonton Alberta Canada 811 P.O.W OPEE E1 B
hetse 1 Thursday 21 January Dear fean Ive gust had a lovely bath- reat hos As soo as Iae fiished my letter Fm going to bed the bath was so hat that Is made ye real desed Ill saf well tonight. I always do anyhow. think this is the quiet before I he son Wehever floo for a shill and expect to be reshed off ou few very soor I nay not be able to soure as ofter as I'a lige to but I'll my. will be leaving here shortly and should be gising some leave. Sanery and I plan to do such a lot that wi'll reed at tast a north. I wan so go to Aberdee, Eduburgh, Lordon- to see your cousers ( soe got t heie aganess in fyou letter to Carriff whee the shipps lives, to stoke on dreyt where He wpop lives and to hiverpool, may be. I worder hr much of that we will fit in fast right shere was a variely stow by an 4l48 coreet party on in the camp There were only seven aiots in but it's the best show I've seen for ages well since I've been in Seortay anghow. The strip lease by a very satl brinee caused guiteasi particularly anrgo sone wasds who were sitting behid us. I think they were lessibly disappointed when on he seovld the legues balo and ieg to disclose his reat identity we were s e new what so expect but only because a fellow who'd seen it at agot her caup had told us. I shind Ia been fooled of ferwise Yuiss F'd beley go to bed now I know I can't weet you in real life so I'll just hope to meet you in Ey islans Govaright and Nor
EKAMINER S, 86. Miss Jean Ayre 13007 - 122 St Edmonton Aiverta Canado
Lelser 80 Friday 28 Jan Dear Sean Pll post the searf and phos I wrote about to you lononow Iae just done then up I sealed the eoelope one on discovered d lepthe noe8 witnohad o prse i ope he the note is and seal is op again This sime I put a big daws of seiling was on it. I t looks so very importan ll e the cesor opens it to see what it s all about I wordeed why the arsor opened every sugle or of bg Iwas cards but vey few of my s etil I sealie hat it nast be much quiede to glace at a caid tha read right thui a litter Have you received the virg I au There's a caup concer on Imight hit E4 go. all the last five days Fu been in the weat box - flying all over the world wit hout leaving the ground. used to it and shink it was a waste of sine but Fus changed my wid now but it wakes you state, especially in a place like this and I badly need a bit of a buck fror it Too of the Cardians he are going to be arried One is a filst, the othe a savigalor i our course. He finie sawasb at 405 band to for a few wieks He didt of his couse at Regia bu they noved that 405 to Ediorton ad his course gradued fortnight before our I didy seenle him but he seckors ed seg ye arayd. He 100 liked Eaydrton Who aid7 who doest d like to be able to go shating with you at 12 s toright. Ihas if its t too wold we will be able to se lie. bu just as hese hisses cant be real, it can be yow, worst luc all my love fon XX&
AIR LETT canr Miss Jean Ayse 13007 122 St Eamonton Aeberta Carada

hard for all the good things of
life, but anything for you is a
labour of Love and will be a
pleasure for that reason. Gosh
I love you, Jean so. so much   

← First fold here → 

Miss Jean Ayre
13007- 122 St
Alberta Canada 
Second fold here → 
Sender's name and address:- 
Aus 423088 
Sgt Etherton R H 
RAAF Base P.O 
London Eng 
← To open cut here →


Letter 76
23rd January '44
Dear Sweetheart,
No mail today because
it's Sunday. Gee, I hope there's a letter
from you tomorrow. A few days ago
Roy Olsen gave me a photo of me myself which
he took a long time ago. I'll send
it with your scarf (or is it?) I started
to write a letter to send by ordinary
mail but then I thought it'd take too
long to reach you so this is the result.
Last night I put myself to sleep
scribbling plans of our home. I wish
I were a rich person. I wouldn't
build a terribly big home but it'd
be lots better than I'll be able to
afford in many years' time. I like the
way your place is built. There's
something else that came to my mind.
Do you like twin beds? Maybe I am
screwy. Have you read any of Marie
Stopes' books? I guess she's not very
much appreciated in Canada, neither.
However, she gives some very decided
advantages of twin beds and bedrooms. Maybe it's
just because she has shares in
furniture factories. It's best to have
the sun porch adjoining the lounge,
don't you think? And it'll have to
face south. Guess we'll have to get a
block facing south.
The purse wasn't damaged in
the mail, was it?
Now I can't write as much as I
wanted to. The gang has been in here
for the last two hours asking one
another questions. I'm afraid I'll have
to leave you now, Sweetheart. Goodnight 
Sweet dreams 



Miss Jean Ayre
13007 122 St
Alberta Canada
← Second fold here → 
← To open cut here → 
Sender's name and address :- 
Aus 423088 
Sgt Etherton RH 
London England


Write the address in large BLOCK letters in the panel below. 
The address must NOT be typewritten. 
TO:- Miss Jean AYRE
13007 - 122 St.,
Alberta Canada
26 JAN 1944 
Write the message very plainly below the line. 
Sender's address Aus 423088 Sgt Etherton R H RAAF Base P.O London 
Letter 77  Monday 24 January 
Dear Jean,
Have my recent letters made you think that 
maybe I've changed my mind about wanting to 
finish the job for which I've had all this training? 
I haven't really. It's just that I get cheesed 
off" sometimes. That means "dis-contented" in RAF 
language. It's then that the time seems to drag 
so slowly and s I think of all we could be doing. 
A good trip or a bit of encouragement from the 
instructors makes the world of difference, too. I had a 
pat on the back yesterday. There was no reason why I 
should get it really but it put me on top of the 
world. I'll probably be down in the dumps again 
tomorrow. That is, unless I get some letters from you. 
I think I will. Anyhow, I hope so. A letter means 
just as much as seeing you would though I 
know which I'd prefer if I had the choice. Your 
letters are grand but you're far, far grander. I like 
your letters but I love you. 
Ron x
This space should not be used. 


Letter 78 
Wednesday 26 Jan. 
Dear Jean,
This is another day off for us 
but it is a miserable, rainy day. That is, 
except that I received two letters from 
you - 61 and 62. I got ready to go into 
Elgin but, unless it clears up, I think 
I'll stay in. 
Last night we went to the 
show in Forres - Sammy, Skipper, Billy 
(our Canadian gunner) and I. We saw 
"Girl Trouble" and "Murder in the Library" 
Not bad! Now I've just lit the fire 
and am sitting in front of it trying 
to get warm. We can only get coke (maybe 
you'd call it charcoal. It's what's left 
when they use coal to make gas. Get 
me?) - To continue. We can only get this 
coke to burn now. We used to pinch 
coal but someone must have wondered 
where it was all going because they've 
put a barbed wire fence around it and 
a padlock on the gate. Coke doesn't 
burn very well and it takes a lot 
longer to heat the room but we keep 
it going as hard as we can. The room 
is raging hot sometimes but it's always
pretty cool by morning. We open the
windows. Maybe that's why. I wake
up with a sore throat if we don't.
Gee, I'm glad you want a son for
our first child. So do I. But we must
have a girl, or girls. There must be
someone to inherit your beauty. I used
to get a great kick out of teaching
young kids to swim. It must have
been my paternal instincts though I
didn't know it, then. I didn't think I'd
ever marry or want to. In fact, I hadn't 
met you. Made quite a difference. More 
than you'll ever know.
Do the fellows at work really call
you sunshine? That's how I think of
you - happy, bright and smiling. Wouldn't
I like to kiss the smile on your lips now!
Save all these crosses. I'll trade the
real thing for them some day. Keep 
smiling. Stay as beautiful and as sweet
as you were 6 months 3 days ago and
send that day I'll tell you just you how 
beautiful and sweet that is   Ron XXX



Miss Jean Ayre
13007-122 St.,
Alberta Canada 
← Second fold here  
To open cut her→ 
Sender's name and address:- 
Aus 423088 
Sgt Etherton R.H 
RAAF Base P.O 
London England 
51-1436 H & S   P. C.90 


Letter 79
Thursday 21 January
Dear Jean,
Ive just had a lovely bath- real
hot. As soon as I've finished my letter
I'm going to bed. The bath was so hot
that it's made me real tired. I'll sleep
well tonight. I always do anyhow. I
think this is the quiet before the storm.
We haven't flown for a while and expect
to be rushed off our feet very soon. I
may not be able to write as often
as I'd like to but I'll try. We'll be
leaving here shortly and should be
getting some leave. Sammy and I plan
to do such a lot that we'll need
at least a month. I want to go to
Aberdeen, Edinburgh, London- to see
your cousins (I've got their address in
one of your letters), to Cardiff where
the Skipper lives, to Stoke-on-Trent where
the  W/Op lives and to Liverpool, maybe.
I wonder how much of that we will
fit in.
Last right there was a variety show
by an RAAF concert party on in the
camp. There were only seven artists in
but it's the best show I've seen for
ages - well, since I've been in Scotland
anyhow. The strip tease ^ act by a very
tall brunette caused quite a stir,
particularly amongst some WAAF's who
were sitting behind us. I think they
were terribly disappointed when, on
he removed the tennis balls and 
wig to disclose his real identity.
We were smart. We knew what to
expect but only because a fellow
who'd seen it at another camp had
told us. I think I'd been fooled
Guess I'd better go to bed now. I
know I can't meet you in real life
so I'll just hope to meet you in
my dreams 
Goodnight and 


Miss Jean Ayre
13007 - 122 St.,
Alberta Canada 
Second fold here  
To open cut here 
Sender's name and address:- 
Aus 423088 
Sgt Etherton R.H 
RAAF Base P.O 
London  England 


Letter 80
Friday 28 Jan
Dear Jean,
I'll post the scarf and photo
I wrote about to you tomorrow. I've just
done them up. I sealed the envelope once
and then discovered I'd left^ out the note I'd
written - so - I had to prise it open,  
put the note in and seal it up again.
This time I put a big daub of sealing
wax on it. It looks so very important 
now. I'll bet the censor opens it to see
what it's all about.  I wondered why
the censor opened every single one of
my Xmas cards but very few of my
letters until I realised that it must be
much quicker to glance at a card than
read right thru' a letter.
Have you received the wing I sent 
There's a camp concert on tonight.
I think I'll go. All the last five days I've
been in the "sweat box" - flying all over
the world without leaving the ground. 
I used to hate it and think it was a
waste of time but I've changed my mind 
now. But it makes you stale, especially
in a place like this and I badly
need a bit of a break from it.
Two of the Canadians here are going
to be married. One is a pilot, the other
a navigator in our course. His fiancĕe
is a WAAF. He was in E at AOS 
Edmonton for a few weeks. He did most
of his course at Regina but they moved
that AOS to Edmonton and his course
graduated a fortnight before ours', I
didn't remember him but he reckons
he'd seen me around. He too liked
Edmonton. Who didn't? Who doesn't?
I'd like to be able to go skating
with you at 112 St tonight. That's if its
not too cold. We will be able to
some time. But, just as these kisses
can't be real, it can't be now, worst luck.
All my love


Miss Jean Ayre
13007- 122 St.,
Alberta Canada 
← Second fold here → 
← To open cut here → 
Sender's name and address:- 
Aus 423088 
Sgt Etherton R.H 
RAAF Base P.O 
London England

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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