Letters of Ronald Henry Etherton, January - February 1944 - Part 3 of 7

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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EXAMINER EXAMINER EXAMINER 2225 2225 2225 AIR LETTER CarrinC ISEni HSLEITERY or oroner nan. 70 Miss Jean Ayse 13007 123 Sr Camonton Albent Eand
Lesse 21 Monday 17 January Dear Jean yee. Ive been tagy this evening. All Foe done is lay roua read rewspapers from hore and brause through some of your letters hat did you think when I first staited going out with you? Dia you realise that I had fallen of I was anyore thay gust me I guess Ia have told you then, I told you once before about I hinking t hat may be Id yelt voyeore with whom fall in love while I was fo aust salia and wondering what Id wayt to do if I did I didn know what it is to be is love else there would have been any consiing to do Anghow, or the boat from austli had spoken to a chap Jim Sateman, about it soon, just a couple of weeks, after tmet you, I sold him I thought that it had happeyed. how that Ii to suve I wish I had gold you they. It was there any reed for me to sell you? Out. Ge. I was a sap the way I left you. all I said was that going away I'd soon know for sie how I felt about you. What was the good of that Is certainly was not long- about den iates I guess. And then th0 best I could do was tall you by letter. When I cone back, for the firs evering, lets pletena I haven been away at all ond that its the 24th July 43 We staw even mention how much Ive missed you of anything we ve watten, or anyther s happeyed since I wish that could be lon040w. to hold you close and feel you soft wa lips
or mine. That would in doed be Leave, My heart saces at gust the thought of the eastary of it. O fear, an I worthy of you? I soue you so but you are desirving of so much that someties I worder Il hard to be I wish it could be as easy so is is to love you- as I do for m AIR LETTER S S or caonie 21 Miss Year Ayse 13007- 123 S Edmonton Aeoura langda
Lester Weanesday 19 January 46 Dear Jear, In getting very impatient with Hhe wail sevice. To quire a few days syce I received a letter from you. Today there was a bunch of Condian oranary nail that you couldnt junpy over but nore of they were for ne I hope that there has not been, sorething to seop you writing know, Im very impatient. There night be some 10otow- I hope Last night we went to the show in camp. I forget the yaye of the firor fil. I'd seen it before. The second filn was Sora Henie is Hatia Have you sear it? I be shating was grard Sill Browz lee, our sail ganger is a Caradian. I think the shating and snow seenes gade fi toresick. Aley we get leave, be aga I are going to Coudin and go in stering. Thats ts reares sind Like to core? wish you could sill cones from a place near mortreal. Hs people have a fam Hes a good sout and a good guiner, too. Hi's very been. The other day he paid us a very high complinent. He sold one of the other fellows that he didn expect to live to retur to Canada but sice he found out what a good ge he had he things theres a reasonable charce of wuroiing. I hope hi' s right. He'll probably charge his aind ore of these nights when Im not right on the but 102 and by hay ito the reat of a rest of night fightes That's the touble with being the navigator. Everyore by t4e blw
knows quite a bit about all the gobo except navigating. Srs practically impossible so reach they much besides keeping nyself up to scratch. Im supposed to reach sanng as he is regarded as End hav &n a patient teacher but I very discouraged. He has the extenely tough and seady dichnigue of all Conb Aues A couple of niles is geither here not there is his point of view In ths past north Ioe inpressed on him what we had in the ferst two days at 405 About 1965 I expect well be starting or the elueets of as so gav Iwl been walting sonight and did not start to write wil late. I's well past by bedt in soatnight, my weet foast fon axte AIR LETTER Miss Year Ayse 13007 122 St Edmonton Alverts Carada
Letter 73 Thursday 204h January Dear Sweet Least yee, In a lecky fellow to be able to addrss a letter to you like that In ever luckie will lodgg cos I received six lettes from you. That's a swell Freat. Ihy're all wordsful littes but I hats only ratual because you re a very wordsfut person. I dont think any more; I know t had youre the sweetest givl in the wholl world. Every gie I took at your phows's worder haw you can be both so sweet and so beautiful. In glad you had a good sie over christias ad new year I can easily understand why your Pop's friends want to core oack to see you bet tell then I said to beat it, or else. And if they se too big, well ou mis lippe Garger so bg 100, and his a Welshman, and he used to be a tordon policean, and he was e rewse u to the Erpise bosing atamp. and I'll tell him to beat then up. Thee! Do you mid if I cut t his short? we got back to caup late fom a visit so a hash hush plant I wast to read your lettes a least once more before I go o seep and I dont want to bee the light on too long govrnigh. Ill be dresing of you You it
Curen AIR LETTEA AMSGN ir Miss Jean Ayre 13007 122 St Camontor ceveta torada
To Hiss Jeon AYRE 13007-114 5t., KDMONTON FMor AIBITTA CaNAAA aw neld ty beheen hoad t to horan by Lom 20 420 Jamary sey Deand fram Tonight would have sen an excelle sto sie too we i a efos s se you seose onfating me. She is, if I has not up is so ble a daig. I'oe ben peng you plotss or the uside of by hfe door so I can an the wlow shs beng exposed to the ad and so or Ie gus pt is th cse 1 to of you is you costaneI should have waitten swit atou caled t ad hat you a life the protes, did you. I sill 1444 My is good gueday was on day off. Hhe sholl wes except 14e as uppe ont so pai, ane traes is to ae. we to a show t sa also ai ing for a sill eate sea a lss, 14s what I souge it as but you frow she sn or the ads. Ts lips ahd's usal we on toth mes Hope P wron Lon 2902 ETeMTM TTALLMRMMAATMMTT
herre 15 2220 January Dea Sweetzeart, No letters for a nearly a week, six or ore day, then n0 more for a few more days. I wish that in stead of that, I could have ore letter each day. I just ca sation they out to myself. I read then all onll, I her again, and again But often I forged to anower something you is asked. I'll gust sear thou those six to see if Iin forgelding sonehing now 40 8 gon shark s0 but I guess you dind receive my able before Kyas. That's too bad I hadnt sn you a cad, neether. I sent you a card yesterday by ai hail. Do you know what wis for? I hope it gets to you in Sal can I keep the fires going day. L'a as expect firean. I lay the fire in our room so well that when we want it we just put a match to it and up it goes. Hou do you keep your fires going all night I Dont you think it would be betse to have gas? Ii it ceap in Edw o 's clease and far liss trouble, till be great for making a hore with you When I've finshed writing. Fy going to da anase myself shetching placs. e sill o ids of a got I shall try to get. I guess it it be quite a cohile before I settle down we wont be able to be nassied itil they you know you'il be able to weit wond you? Theres sots to do but you have so work

2225 2225 2225


Miss Jean Ayre
13007 - 122 St
Alberta Canada {*FORREC*} 

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Sender's name and address:- 
Aus 423088 
Sgt Etherton RH 
RAAF Base R.P.O 
London England 



Letter 71 
Monday 17 January 
Dear Jean,
Gee, I've been lazy this
evening. All I've done is lay round,
read newspapers from home and 
browse through some of your letters.
What did you think when I first
started going out with you? Did
you realise that I had fallen. If
I was anyone other than just me I guess I'd
have told you then. I told you
once before about thinking that
maybe I'd meet someone with whom
I'd fall in love while I was away from
Australia and wondering what I'd
want to do if I did. I didn't know
what it is to be in love else there
wouldn't have been any wondering to
do. Anyhow, on the boat from
Australia, I spoke had spoken to
a chap, Jim Bateman, about it. Soon, 

just a couple of weeks, after I met
you, I told him I thought that
it had happened. Now that I'm
so sure I wish I had told you
then. Or was there any need for
me to tell you? But, Gee, I was a
sap the way I left you. All I said
was that going away I'd soon
know for sure how I felt about
you. What was the good of that.
It certainly wasn't long - about
ten minutes I guess. And then the
best I could do was tell you by
letter. When I come back, for the
first evening, let's pretend I haven't
been away at all and that it's
the 24th July '43. We shan't even
mention how much I've missed you
or anything we've written, or anything
that's happened since. I wish that
could be tomorrow. To hold you
close and feel your soft warm lips


on mine. That would indeed be
heaven. My heart races at just the
thought of the ecstasy of it. Oh
Jean, am I worthy of you? I love
you so much but you are
deserving of so much that sometimes
I wonder. I'll try hard to be. I
wish it could be as easy as it
is to love you - as I do

← First fold here → 


Miss Jean Ayre
13007 - 122 St.,
Alberta Canada 

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Sender's name and address:- 
Aus 423088 
Sgt Etherton RH. 
RAAF Base P.O 
London England 
To open cut here→


Letter 72
19 January '44

Dear Jean,
I'm getting very impatient with
the mail service. It's quite a few days
since I received a letter from you.
Today there was a bunch of Canadian
ordinary mail that you couldn't jump
over but none of them were for me.
I hope that there has not been
something to stop you writing. I
know, I'm very impatient. There
might be some tomorrow - I hope.
Last night we went to the
show in camp. I forget the name
of the first film. I'd seen it
before. The second film was
Sonja Henie in "Katina" Have you
seen it? The skating was grand.
Bill Brownlee, our tail gunner is
a Canadian. I think the skating
and snow scenes made him 

homesick. When we get leave, he and
I are going to Aberdeen and go ice
skating. That's the nearest rink.
Like to come? Wish you could.
Bill comes from a place near
Montreal. His people have a farm.
He's a good scout and a good
gunner, too. He's very keen. The
other day he paid us a very
high compliment. He told one of
the other fellows that he didn't
expect to live to return to Canada
but since he found out what a good
crew he had he thinks there's a
reasonable chance of surviving. I
hope he' s right. He'll probably
change his mind one of these
nights when I'm not right on the
button and run him into the
heat of a nest of night fighters.
That's the trouble with being the
navigator. Everyone in the crew


knows quite a bit about all the
jobs except navigating. It's practically
impossible to teach them much besides
keeping myself up to scratch. I'm
supposed to teach Sammy as he is
regarded as 2nd nav. I'm a patient
teacher but I'm very discouraged.
He has the extremely rough and
ready technique of all Bomb Aimers.
A couple of miles is neither here
nor there in his point of view. In
the past month I've impressed on
him what we had in the first two
days at AOS. About 1965 I expect
we'll be starting on the elements
of astro nav.
I've been swatting tonight
and did not start to write until
late. It's well past my bedtime
Goodnight, my
← First fold here → 


Miss Jean Ayre
13007 - 122 St.,
Alberta Canada

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Sender's name and address:- 
Aus 423088 
Sgt Etherton RH 
RAAF Base P.O 
London England 

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Letter 73
20th January
Dear Sweetheart,
Gee, I'm a lucky
fellow to be able to address a
letter to you like that. I'm even
luckier still today 'cos I received
six letters from you. That's a
swell treat. They're all wonderful
letters but that's only natural
because you're a very wonderful
person. I don't think any more; I
know that you're the sweetest
girl in the whole world. Every
time I look at your photo's I
wonder how you can be both so
sweet and so beautiful.
I'm glad you had a good
time over Christmas and new Year.
I can easily understand why your
Pop's friends want to come back
to see you but tell them I 

said to beat it, or else. And if
they're too big, well, our Mid Upper
Gunner is big too, and he's a
Welshman, and he used to be
a London policeman, and he used
to be was runner up to the Empire
boxing champ. and I'll tell him
to beat them up. There!
Do you mind if I cut this
short? We got back to camp late
from a visit to a hush hush
plant. I want to read your letters
at least once more before I go
to sleep and I don't want to keep
the light on too long.
Goodnight. I'll be dreaming
of you
x x


← First fold here → 


Miss Jean Ayre
13007 - 122 St.,
Alberta Canada 
← Second fold here → 
To open cut here → 

Sender's name and address:- 
Aus 423088 
Sgt Etherton RH 
RAAF Base P.O 
London England 

To open cut here →


Write the address in large BLOCK letters in the panel below. 
The address must NOT be typewritten

To:- Miss Jean AYRE 600
13007 - 112 St., DATE STAMP
Alberta Canada
Write the message very plainly below this line.
Sender's Address Aus 423088 Sgt Etherton RH RAAF Base P.O London Eng. 
Letter 74 
22nd January 
Dearest Jean,
Tonight would have been an excellent
opportunity to write two letters in an effort to
stop your score overhauling mine. That is, if I had not
left it so late in starting. I've been fixing your
photo's on the inside of my locker door so I can
see them without them being exposed to the dust
and so on. I've just put in the case the two of
you in your costume - (I should have written "suit". 
That's what you called it.) and hat. You didn't like
the photo's, did you. I still think they're good.
Yesterday was our day off. The whole crew except the
mid-upper went to Nairn, and Inverness in the
afternoon. Went to a show there. "Hangmen also die"
I bought you a silk tartan scarf. At least, that's
what I bought it as but you know the trimming
on the ends. That's like what's usually used
on table runners. Hope I'm wrong Love Ron
This space should not be used. 


Letter 75
22nd January
Dear Sweetheart,
No letters for a nearly
a week, six on one day, then no
more for a few more days. I wish
that, instead of that, I could have
one letter each day. I just can't
ration them out to myself. I read
them all once, then again, and again.
But often I forget to answer something
you've asked. I'll just read thru'
those six to see if I'm forgetting
something now. No, I don't think so.
But I guess you didn't receive my
cable before X'mas. That's too bad.
I hadn't sent you a card, neither.
I sent you a card yesterday by
air mail. Do you know what it's
for? I hope it gets to you in 
Can I keep the fires going? 

Say, I'm an expert fireman. I lay
the fire in our room so well that
when we want it we just put a
match to it and up it goes. How
do you keep your fires going all
night? Don't you think it would
be better to have gas? Isn't it
cheap in Edmonton? It's cleaner
and far less trouble. It'll be great
fun making a home with you.
When I've finished writing, I'm
going to start amuse myself
sketching plans.
[?] I've still no idea what sort
of a job I shall try to get. I
guess it'll be quite a while
before I settle down. We won't
be able to be married until
then, you know. You'll be able
to wait, won't you? There's lots
to do but you have to work 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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