Letters of Ronald Henry Etherton, January - February 1944 - Part 1 of 7

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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121340 t Riss Jean AYRE 1soor- 121 51, FONONTON NRITTO CONADC ae to betue to teat tr to tomr bt wen6 o sany m Orewee fear Dor to susprised if you main soo ons canig shis, ais 1s faray wcuse tes's sill our i sows of i to go te fo low of n hes alsos gou ye I wish I casls have b she fis so hs you ad wish you a tey year. Can I sill to the fist to his you? I sorde sbette it vit se 1000 she Ii Fis jus natises thes is pos sortts as eg ag0 a days si I hissed angore. Ou that ju anty say of sy thas is the by sie I sas you as to my wol was of the sons Iis bes couteg soc sgthat he e set sogtes at Chistes, i re doto h soe cion sorigh realy a pop se an wo ble is t afeo, bes see and wert to 1he putwes. ohs is saye on o sa saing aps saiing sef a h f ba t som conse go or as t00 so to40 140 vaz, 10 o very cossd a0 t sh tie is w patly fs if so has writhng to set as case be to capp to was for sughte is the sess the ayste see is bee anco a alenc i the gea Mex nn w 142
aa AIR LETTER Miss Jean Ayre 13007 122 4 Edmonton Aois Carade 53
708662 TO MTA.AYRE 13007-122 57. EDMONTON MbETTO Canada An S Dereo t Road ba to hono sid January 1800 dea moar M Aye. I sa to thart you for you Chisnas gowings and preses you are very has and I appreate you though fuless very such so like you ciy bu these is much nore reason for so so cone baik you how why lost ape fean for m, sost you. I love hes very nuch a sone day not 100 fer away, I hope, Iill bo sac so ate be ms yI coulds accept you iniations he wks abou ou th ca g0 or pr i ad with a sit of tck t t able to rake advantage of on of they sort sin- is faw of them you to soon to sut of the sigh of i Fe bee very infortuate as far as leave, or the lact of i, goes on I and go sone soore or lates. I'tl sook up you conse, or is is fais conse, I counot i words thank you property for brugi feo wo this worl pr i will hav to ad ait I cas do so cont othe way your eel b MMETTLATTTAAMATILM
Kitse 63 Wed 514 January 1844 Deavesr Jean, e these fours are verible quality paps, aret shey. I can' get the better ones because the boot office has see out. I can even beg some threepenny stomps for Aisgrapho Ive near seen such a bunch of dunt clucks gathered togethe der the one oof as in these hope you can will get ais forms. of anything happens that inserfeses with your litters, I'll get mad. I pe he ts ferses will, dont you. I haven't put your lettes together in once for some Pinl. I must do so soon to see whither there are any missing. I've been receiving so mary lately that wll be quite a jot. I'll have to be careful too, else you'lt be calching up with and passing my numbers. Bu don you be secued of doing it Just wrie all you can. I love every one. Home days I hiss writing. Dort Shirk Ive forgotse you. I dont not for one wate but sometines I in just t00 hined to stay awake long eough Ena sontes, like tonight I can write much so, I just say Gorengh an all ay to Ron
AIR LETTER Miss Jean Ayre 13007- 122 S Edmonton Alberta Canada
Lelly 64 Thusary 64h Jan 44 Dearest Jean I received just one lele. from you today. Im glad it was only ore because I know there are nore on the day and those's a good chance I her'll be more tomsroes, Id sat he get the one at a Plige bu they usually come in w0s, thres or yor you did I say what you hough of the Whilleys I byr agly ings an they? They se big t00 b the pilot, bor be, navigator a yop areall crowed up the front on hees so roon to gooe about a all we get orarges oand then as a special ration but Ihey re pretty good. I thint theyre Sparish we 1ook a card board boe full of hen up with us orr day I dian have time to ext any but othes could newt he because thy were foyer hard. I was glad because I didn't want to loss by share of then you know those pernats tley have. Have you seen any with Edmonto on lavng has a few ant wese going to get as wayy as we can to him up acound the soon, I'll put The Edworton ore just rear your photo This is one of those rights when I can stop myself fror lepsing wo daydeans I think I'll go to bea Then hy'll be real sams Goodwight, Sweet hear Son
AIR LETTER WArrHINS BENCiO 876 wI en Miss Jean Ayre 13007 122 St Edmonton Aiverra larda

Write the address in large BLOCK letters in the panel below. 
The address must NOT be typewritten. 

TO:- Miss Jean AYRE
13007- 122 St.,
Alberta Canada

-3 JAN 44 
Write the message very plainly below this line.
Sender's Address Aus 423088 Sgt Etherton R.H. RAAF Base P.O London England 
Letter 61 1st January 1944 
Dearest Jean,
Don't be surprised if you receive two letters,
counting this, dated 1st January because there's still over 
23 hours of it to go. The first hour of 1944 has almost gone. 
Gee, I wish I could have been the first to kiss you
and wish you a Happy Year. Can I still be the first to
kiss you? I wonder whether it will be 1944 when I can.
I've just realised that it's five months and eight and a 
bit days since I kissed anyone. But that's just another
way of say that it's that long since I saw you and I'm
very much aware of that because I've been counting each 
Seeing that the crew weren't together at Christmas, we
were determined to have some celebration tonight. It was
nearly a flop. We went into Elgin in the afternoon, had
tea and went to the pictures. When we came out it was
raining. After waiting half an hour for a 'bus back to Forres
we couldn't get on and had to take the train. It was
very crowded and by this time we were pretty fed up. We
had something to eat and came back to camp. It was
far brighter in the mess than anywhere else we had 
been so we welcomed in the year there. More tomorrow later. 
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Letter 62
Sat 1st January 1944 
Dear Jean, 
Do you mind if I chew while 
I write. It's some of the Chiclets you 
sent. Gee, I don't care how they 
knocked the wrapping around but 
I hope they didn't damage your present. 
Which tooth did the dentist pull out? 
Is Was it the one that used to ache 
sometimes? Your cold should be gone 
long ago. I guess you've been skating 
quite a bit by now. I wish I could 
go with you. It'd be even more fun 
than roller. I'll bet you look prettier 
still with the snow around you. I 
can easily picture you on 112(?) rink but 
it'd be much better if I were there too. 
Sunday 2nd Jan. 
You should be a mannequin. Gee, 
you look smart in your hat, and 
suit, I mean suit and hat. It was 
the hat I noticed first, I mean second. 
Why don't you like it? 
Jean, our love has not set. You've 
seen the sun pass behind a cloud 
and though it still shines 
und indirectly you wait impatiently 
for the cloud to pass so that the 
sun will shine full bright again. 
And when it does you feel it 
warmer than before because you 
know better what it means to you. 
I do not forget - I will never 
- Ron


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AWM 2016 832.1 


Miss Jean Ayre
13007 122 St.
Alberta Canada

← Second fold here → 
To open fold here→ 

Sender's name and address:-
Aus 423088 
Sgt Etherton R.H 
RAAF Base P.O 
London England 

←To open fold here


Write the address in large BLOCK letters in the panel below. 
The address must NOT be typewritten. 

TO:- Mr. A. AYRE
13007-122 St..
Alberta Canada 

Date Stamp
Write the message very plainly below this line.
Sender's Address Aus 423088 Sgt Etherton R.H RAAF Base P.O London 
3rd January 1944 
Dear Mrs and Mr Ayre, 
I want to thank you for your
Christmas greetings and presents. You are very kind
and I appreciate your thoughtfulness very much. I
do like your city but there is much more reason for
me to come back. You know why. Look after Jean
for me, won't you. I love her very much and some
day not too far away, I hope, I'll be back to
make her mine. 
I'm sorry I couldn't accept your invitations
that Jean writes me about but this can't go on for
ever and with a bit of luck I'll be able to take
advantage of one of them some time - in fact, many
of them. You'll soon be sick of the sight of me.
I've been very unfortunate as far as leave, or
the lack of it, goes but I must get some sooner or
later. I'll look up you cousin, or is it Jean's cousin, 
I cannot in words thank you properly for bringing
Jean into this world for me to meet so will have to
wait until I can do so some other way. Yours sincerely Ron
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Letter 63
Wed 5th January 1944 
Dearest Jean,
Gee, these forms are terrible
quality paper, aren't they. I can't get
the better ones because the Post
Office has run out. I can't even buy
some threepenny stamps for Airgraphs.
I've never seen such a bunch of
dumb clucks gathered together
under the one roof as in there. I
hope you can still get air forms.
If anything happens that interferes
with your letters, I'll get mad. I
prefer the air letters still, dont
you. I haven't put your letters
together in order for some time.
I must do so soon to see whether
there are any missing. I've been
receiving so many lately that it'll be
quite a job. I'll have to be careful
too, else you'll be catching up 
with and passing my numbers. But
don't you be scared of doing it.
Just write all you can. I love
every one. Some days I miss
writing. Don't think I've forgotten
you. I don't - not for one minute 
But sometimes I'm just too tired
to stay awake long enough. And
sometimes, like tonight I cant
write much so, I just say
Goodnight and all my love



Miss Jean Ayre
13007- 122 St.,
Alberta Canada 

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Sender's name and address:- 
Aus 423088 
Sgt Etherton R.H 
RAAF Base P.O 

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Letter 64
6th Jan '44
Dearest Jean,
I received just one letter
from you today. I'm glad it was
only one because I know there are
more on the way and there's a good
chance there'll be more tomorrow. I'd
rather get them one at a time but
they usually come in twos, threes
or more.
y You didn't say what you
thought of the Whitleys. They're ugly
things, aren't they? They're big too but
the pilot, bomber, navigator and w/op
are all crowded up the front and
there's no room to move about at all.
We get oranges now and then
as a special ration but they're
pretty good. I think they're Spanish.
We took a card board box full of
them up with us one day. I didn't 

have time to eat any but others
couldn't neither because they were
frozen hard. I was glad because I
didn't want to lose my share of them.
You know those pennants they
have. Have you seen any with Edmonton
on. Sammy has a few and we're
going to get as many as we can to
pin up around the room. I'll put
the Edmonton one just near your
This is one of those nights when
I can't stop myself from lapsing into
daydreams. I think I'll go to bed.
Then they'll be real dreams
Goodnight, Sweetheart




Miss Jean Ayre
13007 - 122 St.,
Alberta Canada 

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To open cut here → 

Sender's name and address:- 
Aus 423088 
Sgt Etherton R.H. 
RAAF Base P.O 
London England

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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