Letters of Ronald Henry Etherton, August - October 1943-Part 1 of 11

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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PO- Miss Gear Ayver soor 144 4 Calder banonon Alta is I hope you liked the compas. Theya have take los long so engrave it we stopped in Dumpey for an how this evening and only of the cit and aan 5 Dea Fran I think Irom for to give you ing adduss is ADSA S9r ETherTon R.H RAAE AUSpOS r I shall be the states long enough to frecive wail bu I hope there sore for you when I get to BHalian shanks a lot for The bosuled. It always ve
POST CARH Hiss Tean Ayre This morning for be bo 13007 11151 (and agae tha Colder The falls are naguessien bu Edmonton Airg theres nothing ilse Too nad is like all big wies Dear Gear ad likein hop In not sending wasn prsumptious in there cae to nake you; anding the custion cover gialous or oything like guers gouve see the wee but just so that you il of before but it fitted my thoughs be obliged to write to have dow r we were in Torors has
POST seon a 13007 122 H AET Colder Edmontan An CanadO Did 21 July Dear fear, save been here in hes york once gestea avg a wll et yee ds id se goodess for an concusions the organ sations go to grad gs to we ise have not a stare The hardes got is to pick whoe to go out of the ne CARD pery semileli 4 poee acortay is ae S so we here sve heer t cbas t s gesterday wee the city the Cupee sade Olde this pinson Lough we shave a Ladis show, th sa i or the right cleks at 10:30/ mence you I dont think be any hd inmwoning have succeeded in getting orI fem for you. Dus past o for sale hove Ron Arke
Aus 423018 S Ctherta A8 AaaS Auspost OHawa Mew York Friday 10 July 2s Dear Jear, This evening even more thas any othert time I have wished that you wer hee. We have just seen seay a Iee I is by for the best show I have we seen. I could not help thinking all the sine how wuch you would enjoy it I expected that I would be good but would revy iagued that it could be perfect. Is is just that. It is wer had to believe that a hundied pr and in show could hols on's intirst all the sie. for no, it sould have taken a lear of horses so drag away my attenion for one nonent. In apaid that if I dry to discribe nore with my fumbling words I shall give it up as on inpossibiliy. Peshaps I should suk to reatism an a leave impressions to you own inagination he it ren not - it cannot ovrdo the perfectia of this The ture sheadse is at the comer 6th Avenue and ait swe markattor hew york not a very romantie asauss on the surface to it? Out is is 804 & 7s Avenes which see together so foom Broadway proper and Broadway's influnce is filt may wittirs of miles wother away then this never have you drian of a hisen like this Ir's large foyers are - will you a near expect
them is a city so goward as this to the Irsise the thealre itself is alwost perfectly cixcular and there are three bascones. Ihe nam floor and the basconies are laid out so that the re surface which is quite big and takes up the whole of the stage can be sun from everywhere. The seating, lighting ana decorations are supert. She show itself is whou egual the staling The duisses - The sanery and above all the orchestsa heve have I heard one so billian by vsstite To be able to proance the 1 Foidon ance to fet the nov and yet be acceptable to hear. Id like so be able to discribe each we but istead I'll nat some of then in the progranne which Ii going to enclose Ioe lot's nor so write about but it it all have to vail for the pisent Is now 1.10 am & I rust get some steep. avsence makes she heart grow forder. It aves bebeae we heve have I want id anything so much as I want to make you mare for keep some day have Hon a
s t
A MOTE Sqr tshulon R.D. A.A.A.J. Aspost Onrawe Caae unday 2tg De t b o hontreal so wayle you'th arderstar why its so have to recid - It's ever hade to write, We left new gort bst night, and have been on the msy of at least y since. We should ae i howreal about five This evening. He has thought that we's have to wait in sorons but whn we got there Two of i discovered that this fron was late & had not left to we rose ip onto the plat you & jus made it We sw have the lough on the other flowe beance in st be able to see mor to at sad toot or tt 127 s mouth & w'll be as dead as a doorzait Loday because it's a holiay there. Hope we have bee Too man a lnd in the soup I want oveas my patience uch by taying to fell you, att about her York but will have shat intil take m apei I coud only of one file for you ber I was my hicky is uneashing a sils nyton stocking black norket, I will sand then al on f Halifar ceig

Fort Garry Hotel, showing Old Fort Garry Gate Winnipeg - 28


Post Card 
Miss Jean Ayre 
13007   122 St., 
Edmonton Alta

Dear Jean, 
I think I even forgot 
to give you my address. 
is Aus 423088 
Sgt. Etherton R.H. 
RAAF Auspost 
Ottawa. I shan't be in 
the States long enough to 
receive mail bur I hope there's 
some from you when I get to Halifax. Thanks a lot for  
the bracelet. I'll always wear 
it. I hope you liked the 
compact. They'd have taken 
too long to engrave it. We 
stopped in Winnipeg for an 
hour this evening and only had a brief glimpse of the city 
xxxx Love Ron


Viewing the American Falls, Niagara Falls, Canada    28


Post Card 
Miss Jean Ayre 
13007 122 St 
Edmonton Alta 
Monday 26 July 
Dear Jean, 
I'm not sending  
these cards to make you 
jealous or anything like that 
but just so that you'll 
be obliged to write to 
me. We were in Toronto 

this morning for a few hours 
and Niagara this afternoon 
The falls are magnificent but 
there's nothing else. Toronto 
is like all big cities. I 
don't like 'em. I hope I 
wasn't presumptuous in 
sending the cushion cover. 
I guess you've seen the verse 
before but it fitted my 
xxx  Love Ron


the comparative size of the building with the surrounding 
buildings (2) 

Miss Jean Ayre 
13007 122 St 
Edmonton Alta 
Wed 28 July 
Dear Jean, 
Have been here  
in New York since yesterday 
morning. Am having a swell 
time but gee, it's hot. Thank 
goodness for air conditioning. 
The organisations go to great 
lengths to entertain us & we 
have not a spare minute. 
The hardest job is to pick 
where to go out of the many 

places available. Night 
life goes on all day &  
night here. It's OK for  
a change but I'd hate  
to live here. Have been 
to a cabaret & a show 
yesterday, viewed the city from 
the Empire State Bldg this 
afternoon. Tonight we have a 
radio show, then start in on  
the night clubs - at 10.30pm. 
mind you, I don't think I'll be 
doing much tomorrow morning. 
Have succeeded in getting one 
film for you. Will post it from 
Love Ron xxx 


Aus 423088 
Sgt. Etherton R.H. 
Auspost Ottawa 
New York Friday 30 July '43 
Dear Jean 
This evening even more than any other time I have
wished that you were here.  We have just seen "Stars on
Ice"  It is by far the best show I have ever seen.  I could
not help thinking all the time how much you would
enjoy it.  I expected that I would be good but would never
imagined that it could be perfect.  It is just that.  It is
even hard to believe that a hundred per cent ice show
could hold one's interest all the time.  For me, it would
have taken a team of horses to drag away my attention
for one moment.  I'm afraid that if I try to describe more
with my fumbling words I shall give it up as an
impossibility.  Perhaps I should stick to realism and leave
impressions to your own imagination.  Let it run riot - it
cannot overdo the perfection of this.
The Centre Theatre is at the corner 6th Avenue 
and 48th Street Manhattan New York.  Not a very romantic 
address on the surface, Is it?  But it is 8th & 7th 
Avenues which run together to form Broadway proper and 
what Broadway's influence is felt many millions of miles  
further away than this.  Never have you dreamt of a theatre 
like this.  It's large foyers are - well you'd never expect


them in a city so crowded as this. In the Inside the 
theatre itself is almost perfectly circular and there are 
three balconies.  The main floor and the balconies are laid 
out so that the ice surface which is quite big and 
takes up the whole of the stage can be seen from 
everywhere.  The seating, lighting and decorations are superb. 
The show itself is without equal - the skating 
- the dresses - the scenery and above all the orchestra. 
Never have I heard one so brilliantly versatile - to  
be able to produce the right predominance to fit the moment. 
and yet be acceptable to hear.  I'd like to be able 
to describe each item but instead I'll mark some of 
them in the programme which I'm going to enclose.
I've lots more to write about but it'll all have 
to wait for the present.  It's now 1:30am & I must get  
some sleep. 
"Absence make the heart grow fonder". I t does 
believe me.  Never have I wanted anything so much as 
I want to make you mine for keeps some day 


July 30 / 43 
New York


Aus 423088 
Sgt. Etherton R.H. 
Auspost Ottawa 
Monday 2 Aug 
Dear Jean, 
Am writing this on the train between Toronto 
Montreal so maybe you'll understand why it's so hard 
to read - It's even harder to write.  We left New York 
last night, and have been on the train, or at least, trains 
since.  We should arrive in Montreal about five 
this evening.  We had thought that we'd have to 
wait in Toronto but when we got there two of us 
discovered that this train was late & had not 
left.  So we tore up onto the platform & just 
made it.  We now have the laugh on the other 
fellows because we will now be able to see Montreal. 
We all saw Toronto on the way down & it isn't 
much & it'll be as dead as a doornail today 
because it's a holiday there.  Hope we haven't been 
too smart and land in the soup. 
I won't overtax my patience very too much by 
trying to tell you all about New York but will leave 
that until later.  I'm afraid I could only get one film 
for you but I was very lucky in unearthing a silk 
& nylon stocking black market. I will send them 
all on from Halifax 
all my love & best wishes Ron.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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