Letters to Sunday Telegraph relating experiences of Victory in the Pacific Day, 1995 Wallet 1 of 2, Page 40 - 59

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Victory in the Pacific
  • VP Day
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Mon Hew Wave Feaeel GL PP Alitaton Des Gurn FRIENE The Sunday Tebegrept PClorgr Stranberry Holls 3013 2 July 29 Dear Sir Madan, The enclosed three photographs spaek a Henrand works (alent the cssation of hostilties with the my Japen) We called it V.S. Dayor 15 Auges 42 some names only knewn to me new, are on back of photegraphs. There granps were taken before sat The March starting in Macquarie Street, to Martin Place, George Street, finishing at the Domain. We marched our l of gleat joy in all our hearts the six years of heartacke in our country was over all these NAAAE, were wirebes aperators, statened in Townsvelle North Gld. during W.W. TI The DAARE (Honens Auxellary Aushalian Anr Force enlisted well over 10,000 women & filled 68 Musting I was an exsential part of the Austrabon Depreefore served its purpose Admirally as time gres by 50 years sence the ard of W.W.II I look back on these several you with pride yours faitfully Hund Cm. Ct. tar)
thone 17/95 Victory in the Prefic seth Clebrations, The Sunday Telegraph Dear Sir/ Madame, Please find inclosed phote which was taken in Kydney George St) Vc day 1946 by a Sydney nwspape I have seen it also on mrouce tone news. It concists mostly of employees from GJ Coles washouse. We all piled onto a warehouse truch & made our way to the aty piding up any one who could gelow. Once we came up Matket ilt & turned into George it wes impossible to more any further. It was a day F'll always remember The joy of wars end+ knowing our loved ones would soon be returning home yours sincerely Sybil Mackae
Mrs H. Watters tre 11th July 95 Dear Madam, Ser Reading your column on Sunday 9t July 1985 requesting any reconding around August 115th 1445 I have enclosed some paper slippings and phate of my husband Al Haneld Watkens, fighting Geory Brunt the Britisl Manine at Sydney stadum in the Pease belebration on 18th August 14451 Lam sending to you as Harald is a very paid man, and as this is part of our history, I thought you would be very happy to reciive his contribution to the Bo Anivensany belibration rest nonth Flanking you Mrs Anthes Nathers
22d AGUSE 1935 2 Ooat SiEInedao tho the it8 to tho w wes inene REEE MOE e coo are paring o s0ch A La MAeTE Piace r 15t4 wgvot C maron to W Cro t0 Oro He1O nane 1oing to root ognio so long co-engot& 011 no socked to as octto0 io LA Stroot Juot tro0 Nartin Placo of as sil orer lor colevrotions of tnot doy. I yell canonber Luscious Spenger he lot a oltice Stcersa or execit Eiag6 reoly ale to Ison 12 TeS Encion T. JA ASSARNE oting in Hortin Placo, ovtoido ance Secrtce, under o LTE approciating a to aootoio ares ot ths Mloning Had nogards. year be Asbe Cred T M ME MAnN
Desinanes and case re of 2 00 that 85 15e4 1357 Aa
17/7/93 Ino of us the cartes right of this pots, woted together at Ketleys Shoe stol in Anbur. All sevices stopped as the news if ead and e returred have Eveyone Hen late we three returned to Sydlney. was dancing and the fellows in wneftom were lugging fraeing everore. He seene of Cappinea, & pide at being an Auaie in Hydney was just wonderpl, & a scone I'll neve forget. My friend of 53 year is le Morley and is haffily marrid to an ex English navy cartionan aorhat otsettled be te war year My srates also was a wal bride de nod line in Hloida Has lived in the states since 1945 Hc husband has deed 12 year ago. He has two daughter the first bn bee las fil Grandehildron, & six greate Grandchildren Sincerly Mrs. Sola Baty
BILL HENSON ML E Ot Wells wh 2 Has Dectatto. was ar wfe on bered ans EDiscale sn acert calle celant n He v3 20 cute Tr Men sct ceas or soad an chares seae Beabide laids ar Taear The pares sell soneed wl deast to be act ras a a sade sa rae cane AM AelaN CArlai SPEDXMb sad we cena one semt an seads ar sarce te al acuue alne Mavitle teet ie sen cxora Dt WnR & Wale E cnvented obent ste in soar at sie oud sll it mis co ys B
1881 Ma Myo niteda To kit correcne Fesan AMextar trt e R icom coud Mna 2 Mrs. B. Hervaul M
Victory In the Pacific Surday Telegraph POCox 970 Strawberry Hills 2018 Dear Sir, The day the war ended my cister Ellie, I were working in the city, when sord came through that the ar is over our frm closed down g we had arranged to meet one other sister Betty a one flat mate offurid sxurply After trying the pist papers on the street we were photographed by a street shotographer with ou little fla hats. Aur hats were ruined in about two minutes as everyone wee hugging + lissing everyore else. I think we used about a dozen hate & ended up just giving up on the lats. we had a most wonderful day. In sure none of no could wee forget it. A few weeks ago my sistero called to see me before leaving for Ovensland a we had one phates taken again with these same papers 50 year late I hope you find them interesting your faithfully Co) bnd Hugha
247/95 Vicroex id mue Paeiria cor Qcnmese T Sury Towarn P.O. Box 97 Grasnenay Huse 2012 Dear Dirf Madan I write with reference to your or i on page 58 9/7/90and also we page 7 16/7/95 Do Premanall Oes as though it was only yesterday lur generation half lived through t years of war,and ddwned 1574 Aujust 1945 and lyps lora or 14or. What a wonderful day, a truly wonderful day to celebrate is personally did, but also with a heary heart because I had lost my only belored brother an naF pilst, an Empire lir Herl whe was reported mining ppresumed killed on 30rn June 1940. ho is an uncreditle atory, and in this year ore amg his country of birth drean who want to even know, about him, ytt the Dutch people of the village of Schipluidenon we May held a lecutiful commomonttio service to honour popsust he and his creast the mayor, village people and achool children placed wreatts on a menoriel epleques in the village camitery
I was my brother a death and the need to free men rom the Cir Force in Austoalia for active service overseas, which iprompted me to leave my goods jo is a etatictual clerk with the Castrol Oil Co Dack in 1941 to enter the W.AAA.F. as a wirelers telegraplist, in were required to undergo training at Fort Street High Scheal every night of the week after wik until we wele proficient kinding and receiving mornel at 2542.14 he enclosed phots is taken at B.AAF. connand, Brisbane on that wronderful day 1574 waver 1945 am the sergunt on the left at back Ale had all core off dogwatch night alift from 12004 720an It was bn extrenly busy light officer because we had watches with Clik Minestrys a was working Sengapore when they fell to the paps, but the night before 3 day all our comnunication with bases throughut the Pacific were flat out as usual, After ceasing duty in the morning normelly it would have beek off to bed, Bir who wanted to slap the sl was over– Anbelievable and a time to celebate We broke a strict rule berets must not be worn with unform, but as you can see we adorned our hoad wear with plants I had griwn alongside our hut. We were off to the city its celebrate, and oh what a day in Brishdre it was, We could sleep for the rest of our lives, but today we must llize it up, and we had youth on our side then, The friends made in thore
wartine days, are extra special. When 30 young women sleep in a but with little privacy, an then also work together, and having little luscuries and little money, tithe comradeship it unreal, but something lasting a lefetize I have a full front paye of the covere mit dated 1674 accvor 1945, showing how Brisbane celebrated with the a street ppacked to copacity. On that day 9000 ix service personrel marched tthrough the city. Of that front page is of any help for your special edition of 1 day Om odly tot happy to co-opoate. Ithere many many lear time sraps, but I chose just one o end of 6 chappy little s who had cerred 4 years in the las hoeg out ready to atebrate after a hard nighto work. Humbly yours Bettly Kinglatt PA3CO
Sunday Telegraphdulystn Hustralia Remembers Dear Str. remember well where was and what l did on 15th August On the 14th I was on nightduty pursin In Aramp ward of the 11SthA.S.A. at Concord I was lstening to a mireless, in between doing the rounds of the ward and kept my patients intermed as to the tlestnews Idonl think any of them stent thatMant 1 Raished duty, had my breakfast and ment to my room shortly the hells started to rng and ie were told over the lond speakers the Marmas over. We were told to proceed to the Nolice Beard to seo Wwe were rastered for leave. I was one of the lucky ones, so with my artiriend from Wollongong we caught & tam to Strathheld, tena tral to the City yes and danced in the street then my Iriend caughta train to Malongong and I caughts train to Windsor On the train to Mindser was an intenicated soldier, laying on the plattorm between the carriages there were no daars on the train then Fearing he may rollont with the 2ld of a sator, we got him inside the Carriage. He told us he was going home to take pt wite oul te pat him satehof the train al Hiverstone, I then went on to Mindsor and went toaUictorylance al Richmond, thatnignt Filly years on this caming 15th Rug, health permitting, I would like to stay the night of the 14th ot the R.S.L. Hyde Park inn and jain in the celebrations on the 15th August My husband was on Tarakan, Bornee on the 15th MN 11345,whennes came throug that the Marmas over
Tes, be Rememer MMTSIML Moulds Cnee Hung ENAAMMS. NHIT2ISS
August 15th, 1945 the war Mlan Fineather is deaf, he used to wark as a drew cutter & designer with his dead sister Betty CDresonake at Snowball Bros Elizabett st, sydney opposite to Hark Toys Thep, one Heir uncle Arhe snowball 3 own ousinesies & He was well known in dustralia. There were about 5 dey girls, who worked with about 150 6 men. They had been girl cutting soldier uniforms, which the girl made for the war twire a week. ween He war was over, his uncle kindly gave theen all sone Truit oaer Battle of Dear & wine as well as many flago & streaners ond fun & laughs lt They all had a great ting Afterwards stey went for a walk at Hyde Park, where there were crowds of people walking around They really enjoyed then slaes vey much clan & Detty stall not forg about the stary that one Friday night, After Dea Club, when they went Repino safe with deaf friends for a cate supper near Winyard station, George St, Syd after supper, Alan & Betty had to catch the last siam at 12 pen for Druna yere Ttey sudderly sepped at Pozille with a black out for te hour as they had to walk from there. They were frightened e ran fist across t te don bove bridge & arrived Lane at Drumnayne Bafely. next day
they got a stock to read in the paper about a fapanere medget submarine that had been Combed at Sodney Harbour that night tlan & Betty used to go & see newereels at Wynyard sReate ek after work, to watch the Dar news. It was very sad Thou an sending you s photes, which I sincerely hope you will be interested to see & my story Youre faithfully son Dear Saineather
My phote was taken antule our work plea in Pitt et a stert factory called boitex on August 15 1945 VP. Day. Was given the rest off day off latt in made our way to Mestin place for a great edlebritons Three of us are still very good friends I am in frnt row right alct of picture My neme then was Wensome or Pet Duadle now its moss. I have leved in yourece 45 years Thesting you mos w mas. Caunacke
Aug 15th 1845. It was my gial friends 17 th Burtheday Betty, the geal on right hait side. We all went to work at S.R. Buttles head Office the whole pdace was bussing with excitement o I can tell you there wasnt very imuch work eing blone, so when the news officially came through we ferstly sang tilly, tthe ane enthe dark boal) made arrangements to seet her. She worked ien Fanmer's office. O then went for out lives I still get yeose pimples thinking of it Maitin Place just seemed to fill up with people Everyone was laughing, singenty dancing, whenever you went Paople were pulling up kissing each other. The trais were still renig
I people were hanging on the feothwards heoting an they saent along ele Park was crowded De had street photographers i these days I boy they were doing a reasing trade. Betty, Lelly + I always kept in touch, but I wonder whatever happened to Jayce Castle + Cecity De Landho Yours faithfully Jeanne Newitt and from left

Nee - ACW Wade-Ferrell G.J.
9th July 1995.

V.P. Celebrations.
The Sunday Telegraph.
P.O. Box 920
Strawberry Hills 2013

Dear Sir/Madam,
The enclosed three photographs - "speak a
thousand words" (about the cessation of hostilities with the
enemy - Japan.) We called it V.J. Day on 15th August 1945.
Some names only known to me now, are on back of
photographs. These groups were taken before & after
"The March" starting in Macquarie Street, to Martin Place,
George Street, finishing at the Domain. "We marched
our legs off," great joy in all our hearts - the six
years of heartache in our country was over.
All these W.A.A.A.F, were wireless operators, stationed
in Townsville North Qld. during W.W. II.
The WAAAF (Womens' Auxillary Australian Air Force)
enlisted well over 18,000 women & filled 68 Musterings
& was an essential part of the Australian Defence Forces
& served its purpose admirably
As time goes by, 50 years since the end
of W.W.II I look back on those several years
with pride
yours faithfully


Victory in the Pacific 50th Celebrations,
The Sunday Telegraph
Dear Sir/ Madame,
Please find
enclosed photo which was taken in Sydney
(George St) V.P. Day 1945 by a Sydney
newspaper. I have seen it also on movie
tone news. It consists mostly of employees
from G.J. Coles warehouse. We all piled onto a
warehouse truck & made our way to the city picking
up any one who could get on. Once we came
up Market St & turned into George it was impossible
to move any further. It was a day I'll
always remember. The joy of wars end &
knowing our loved ones would soon be
returning home.
yours sincerely
Sybil MacRae


Mrs H. Watkins 
11th July 95
Dear Madam, Sir.
Reading your column on Sunday 9th July 1995 requesting
any recording around August 15th 1945, I have enclosed
some paper clippings and photo of my husband Al (Harold)
Watkins, fighting Jimmy Brunt the British Marine at
Sydney Stadum in the "Peace Celebration" on 18th August
I am sending to you as Harold is a very proud man, and
as this is part of our history, I thought you would be very
happy to receive his contribution to the 50th Anniversary
Celebration, next month.
Thanking you
Mrs Anthea Watkins


2nd August, 1995.

The Editor, 
Australia Remembers
50th Celebrations,
Sunday Telegraph,
P.O. Box 970,

Dear Sir/Madam,

LIke the 'girls' in the Luscious Sponges photo in Sunday
Telegraph last week, (30th June) we too are having a 50th
Reunion in MARTIN PLACE on 15th August.

Following the publicstion of an appeal from me for staff
from the LAND SALES CONTROL office, published in the 'Molly
Dye' Help Wanted column on 4th June, a group of us are
going to meet and - hopefully recognising each other after 
so long - re-enact the delirium we all felt on that day.

We worked in an office in Pitt Street just around the corner
from Martin Place and none of us will ever forget the mad
celebrations of that day.

I well remember Luscious Sponges - they were always the first 
thing bought for an office birthday or special occasion and 
really 'hit the spot'

I don't have the originals, but am enclosing a photostat of
some of those who will be attending. One of the 'gi-ls'
in the jumping photo is dead, but the other (Kath Lovett)
is coming from TATHRA to join us. Am also enclosing a 'poem'?
I've written for the get-together.

We are meeting in Martin Place, outside Challis House, for
the Annual Remembrance Service, under a 'banner' of some sort
identifying us.

Am appreciating all the nostalgic memories of that time you're

Kind Regards,
(MRS) J.M. Mc Mahon


Dear Sir,
A couple weeks ago I read in the 
Sunday Telegraph that you would be interested 
in memories of the first VP Day.
I hadsome years ago about a voyage I had 
made on an army ship, during which the war 
ended. The task we were engaged on was to ex-
hume the remains around the Arafura Sea and 
the gulf.
We were moored at Gove at the time whilst 
a RAAF craft, en route to Groote Eylandt with 
two of our personnel would bring back a pilot's 
body from Cape Arrowsmith. 
Actually the end came very much as an anti-
climax to us. 
Yours Sincerely,
Ex Sgt 15th ASS? RAE


18th July, 1995
The Editor,
Victory in the Pacific 50th Celebrations,
The Sunday Telegraph,
P.O. Box 970,

Dear Sir, 

On the 15th August, 1945, at about 9.30 a.m., I was 
at Circular Quay, Sydney with a girl-friend on our way from the 
N.S.W. Auditor-General's Office to commence our audit work that 
day at the N.S.W, Maritime Services Board Head Office at the Quay. 
This building, incidentally, was later demolished to be replaced
by the building now housing the Museum of Contemporary Art. 

Suddenly, all the ferries started blowing their whistles 
and church bells were ringing. People were streaming out of 
offices and buildings nearby shouting "The war is over". My friend 
and I in all excitement ran back to our office in King St. 
amongst the ever increasing throng of people in the streets. 
Our staff were then given permission to join the celebrations 
and, of course, we headed to Martin Place. My girl-friends and 
I danced and sang and kissed nearly every serviceman we saw.

I arrived home late in the afternoon and all our family 
were celebrating particularly as my brother who was then somewhere 
in the Pacific having served in the Royal Australian Navy throughout 
the whole of the war would be safely home again. 

The photo enclosed is of myself taken on the following 
day, the 16th August after the Victory March in Sydney which was 
also my 19th birthday so a further reason for me to celebrate. 
This was just one week before I met my future husband at the 
Anzac Buffet in Hyde Park, where I was one of the helpers. He 
was in Australia serving in the Dutch Air Force. He later emigrated 
to Australia and we have just recently celebrated our 42nd wedding 

So the 15th of August, 1945 is a date I shall always 
remember and a week that changed my life and the lives of 
so many others.

Hoping that my letter and memories of this day are of 
interest and thanking you for all your wonderful articles about 
this period inour history. 

Yours sincerely,


Encl.          (MRS.) JOYCE VANDENBURG.



Two of us, the centre & right, of this photo, worked together 
at Kitleys Shoe Store in Auburn. All services 
stopped as the news spread, and we returned home, 
then later we three returned to Sydney. Everyone 
was dancing and the fellows in uniform were 
hugging & kissing everyone. The scene of joy & 
happiness, & pride at being an Aussie in Sydney 
was just wonderful, & a scene I'll never forget.
My friend of 53 years is Mrs. Aileen Morley and is very 
happily married, to an ex-English navy serviceman, who she met 
& he settled here after the war years. 
My sister also was a war-bride, she now lives in Florida, 
has lived in the States since 1945. Her husband has died 
12 years ago. She has two Daughters, the first born here 
has five grandchildren, & six great grandchildren. 


Mrs. Lola Baty. 




Yours Faithfully
Bill Hewson J.P. 


The Sunday Telegraph
PO Box 970
Sydney 2013
18th July 1995

My memories of the peace are almost unique. I was among a select group
of people who were told before the 11am announcement. Fifty years ago, on August
15th I was on duty as a telephone operator within the Australian Women's Army Services. I 
belonged to the Signals Unit stationed at the Sydney Showground which was used as a huge
Army Base. 

The morning I arrived as normal for my 8am shift together with one other operator, not
suspecting anything different would be happening that day. But instead of sitting at our switch
board as usual we were immediately told that at 11am peace would be announced and the war
had ended. This news we would have to keep secret to ourselves for 3 hours and we were not
to tell anyone.

We had to resume our normal duties and not divulge the information, the hardest order I had
ever been given in all my time in the army.  To deny the world over our switchboard our
true elation was internally explosive. To be able to share our joy and tears with only
each other was the hardest and most harrowing experience of our lives. At the same time we
were feeling the most joyous and happiest experience of our lives. To this day those feelings
have never been matched and I am 75 years old. 

To fully appreciate the experience of the day you must first understand the huge differences
in communications of that time and now. Although the announcement was made over radio at
11am only a few people heard it, as radios and telephones were not at everyone's elbow. The
joy that most people first experienced was not only the hearing of the announcement but the
telling of the announcement and the re-telling and re-telling. In this way everyone felt that it
was their personal gift to the next person they told and it was a true sharing of the peace. 

At 11am I was finally able to ring everyone on the base to share with them the news, the joy,
the relief, the feeling. I rang everyone I could find until the switch board became so jammed
that I could ring no-one. Most people found out about peace by word of mouth gradually
over the next hour and you could hear and see and feel the emotions grow like nothing else I
have seen or heard since. To be able to share in everyone's happiness as I told them was
tremendous, uplifting and spiritual. This probably wouldn't happen now days as
communications are so instant and we only need to watch the TV.   

The telephone system in Sydney became so jammed that the PMG closed our boards and tried
to sort out the overload. I was sworn to secrecy for the longest three hours of my life and
then I was transformed into an angel with the greatest miracle of all times to tell. The end of a
War. I do hope my experiences of that day are of help to you and look forward to hearing
from you. 

Yours Sincerely
Mrs. B. Howard
Beryl Howard



Victory In the Pacific
Sunday Telegraph
PO Box 970
Strawberry Hills 2013
Dear Sir,
The day the war ended my sister Elsie & I were
working in the city. When word came through that the
war was over our firm closed down & we had arranged
to meet our other sister Betty & our flat mate Muriel Murphy.
After buying the first papers on the street we were
photographed by a street photographer with our little flag
hats. Our hats were ruined in about two minutes as
everyone was hugging & kissing everyone else. I think
we used about a dozen hats & ended up just giving
up on the hats. We had a most wonderful day. I'm
sure none of us could ever forget it.
A few weeks ago my sisters called to see me
before leaving for Queensland & we had our photos
taken again with these same papers 50 years later
I hope you find them interesting
your faithfully
(Mrs) Enid Hughes


Victory in the Pacific 50th Celebrations
The Sunday Telegraph,
P.O. Box 970,
Strawberry Hills 2013.

Dear Sir/Madam,
I write with reference to your OVER AT LAST on
page 58 9/7/95 and also WE REMEMBER page 47
Do I REMEMBER?? Oh yes, as though it was
only yesterday. Our generation had lived through 6 years
of WAR, and dawned 15 August 1945 and yes
OVER AT LAST. What a wonderful day, a truly wonderful
day to celebrate. This I personally did, but also with a
heavy heart because I had lost my only beloved brother
an R.A.F. pilot, an Empire Air Hero, who was
reported missing presumed killed on 30th June 1940.
His is an incredible story, and in this year AUSTRALIA
REMEMBERS, his country of birth doesn't want to even
know about him, yet the Dutch people of the village
of Schipluiden on 4th May held a beautiful commemoration
service to honour he and his crew. The mayor,
village people and school children placed wreaths on a
memorial plaques in the village cemetery. 


It was my brother's death and the need to
free men from the Air Force in Australia for active
service overseas, which prompted me to leave my good
job as a statistical clerk with the Castrol Oil Co.
Back in 1941 to enter the W.A.A.A.F. as a wireless
telegraphist, we were required to undergo training at Fort
Street High School every night of the week after work
until we were proficient sending and receiving morse at
25 W.P.M.
The enclosed photo is taken at R.A.AF. command,
Brisbane on that wonderful day 15 AUGUST 1945,
I am the sergeant on the left at back. We had all
come off "dog-watch" night shift from 11.20PM - 7.20A.M.
It was an extremely busy signal office, because we
had watches with Air Ministry, I was working Singapore
when they fell to the Japs, but the night before VP day
all our communication with bases throughout the Pacific
were flat out as usual. After ceasing duty in the morning
normally it would have been off to bed, BUT who wanted
to sleep the WAR was over– Unbelievable and a time to
We broke a strict rule berets must not be worn
with uniform, but as you can see we adorned our head
wear with plants I had grown alongside our hut. We
were off to the city to celebrate, and oh what a day in
Brisbane it was. We could sleep for the rest of our
lives, but today we must live it up, and we had
youth on our side then. The friends made in those


wartime days, are extra special. When 30 young
women sleep in a hut with little privacy, and then also
work together, and having little luxuries and little
money, the comradeship is unreal, but something lasting
a lifetime.
I have a full front page of the COURIER MAIL
dated 16th AUGUST 1945, showing how Brisbane celebrated
with the main street packed to capacity. On that day
9,000 ex service personnel marched through the city. If
that front page is of any help for your special edition
of VP day I'm only too happy to co-operate.
I have many many war time snaps, but I chose
just one on to send of 6 happy little W.A.A.AF's who had
served 4 years in the Air Force and ready to
celebrate after a hard night's work.
Humbly yours,
Betty King (NEE PASCOE)


Sunday Telegraph July 4th
Australia Remembers
Dear Sir,
I remember well where I was and what l did on
15th August 1945. On the 14th I was on night duty nursing in
a ramp ward of the 113th A.GH. at Concord.
I was listening to a wireless, in between doing the
rounds of the ward and kept my patients informed as to the
latest news I don,t think any of them slept that night.
I finished duty, had my breakfast and went to my
room,shortly the bells started to ring and we were told
over the loud speakers the War was over.
We were told to proceed to the Notice Board to see
if we were rostered for leave.
I was one of the lucky ones, so with my girlfriend
from Wollongong we caught a taxi to Strathfield, then a
train to the city, yes and danced in the street! Then my
friend caught a train to Wollongong and I caught a train to
On the train to Windsor was an intoxicated soldier,
laying on the platform between the carriages(there were
no doors on the train then) Fearing he may roll out, with the
aid of a sailor, we got him inside the carriage. He told us he
was going home to take his wife out. We put him safely off
the train at Riverstone. I then went on to Windsor and went
to a Victory Dance at Richmond, that night.
Fifty years on this coming 15th Aug, health
permitting, I would like to stay the night of the 14th at the
R.S.L. Hyde Park Inn and join in the celebrations on the 15th
My husband was on Tarakan, Borneo on the 15th
August1945,when news came through that the War was


Yes, we Remember!
(Mrs) M.I. Moulds (nee Hunt)
Ex A.A.M.W.S. NFX 172754.


August 15th, 1945 The war was
Alan Fairweather is deaf, he used
to work as a dress cutter & designer
with his deaf sister Betty (Dressmaking)
at Snowball Bros, Elizabeth St, Sydney
opposite to Mark Foys shop, one of
their uncle Arthur Snowball's own
businesses & He was well known in
Australia. There were about 5 deaf
girls, who worked with about 150
girls & 6 men. They had been
cutting soldier uniforms, which the
girls made for the war twice a
week. When the war was over, his
uncle kindly gave them all some
Fruit cakes, Bottles of Beer & Wine as
well as many flags & streamers.
Good fun & laughs!! They all had
a great time. Afterwards they went
for a walk at Hyde Park, where there
were crowds of people walking around.
They really enjoyed themselves very
Alan & Betty shall not forget
about the story that one Friday
night, After Deaf Club, when they
went  to "Repins" Cafe with deaf
friends for a late supper near
Wynyard station, George St, Sydney.
After supper, Alan & Betty had to catch
the last Tram at 12 pm for Drummoyne.
They suddenly stopped at Rozelle with
a black out for 1/2 hour so they
had to walk from there. They were
frightened they ran fast across
the Iron Cove bridge & arrived home
at Drummoyne safely. next day


they got a shock to read in the
paper about a Japanese midget
submarine that had been bombed
at Sydney Harbour that night.
Alan & Betty used to go & see
newsreels at Wynyard Theatre
every week after work, to watch
the War news. It was very sad (1 hour)

I am sending you 5 photos,
which I sincerely hope you will
be interested to see & my story.
Yours faithfully
Alan Fairweather.


My photo was taken outside our work place
in Pitt St a shirt factory called Critex on
August 15 1945 V.P. Day. Was given the rest off day off
Later we made our way to Martin Place
for a great celebrations.
Three of us are still very good friends
I am in front row right side of picture
My name then was Winsome or Pat Duddle
now its Moss. I have lived in Greenacre
45 years.
Thanking you
Mrs W Moss.


Aug 15th 1945.
It was my girl friend's 17th Birthday.
Betty, the girl on right hand side.
We all went to work at S.R. Buttle's head
Office the whole place was buzzing with
excitement & I can tell you there wasn't very
much work being done, so when the news
officially came through we firstly rang
Lilly, (the one in (the dark coat) made
arrangements to meet her. She worked in
Farmer's office. & then went for our lives
I still get goose pimples thinking of it.
Martin Place just seemed to fill up with
people Everyone was laughing, singing
dancing, whenever you went
People were pulling up kissing each
other. The trams were still running


& people were hanging on the footboards
hooting as they went along.
Hyde Park was crowded. We had
street photographers in those days & boy
they were doing a roaring trade.
Betty, Lilly & I always kept in touch, but
I wonder whatever happened to Joyce
[[Castle?]] & Cecily [[De Loundro?]]
Yours faithfully
Jeanne Hewitt.
2nd from left. 

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Stuart BenningtonStuart Bennington
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