Diary of Arthur Seaforth Blackburn, April 1942 - November 1944, Part 10 of 26

Second World War, 1939–45
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  • War Diaries
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until I stood only in shire, underpants speaces. Hliter this was going an I heard anoder cpnation from be direction of the gare 7 everal of guard Setwell woh rescled out & gretured with may received too same treatment as I had had I was then sized by the wrist ad along a pence a small doorway about 842 in a very throng werden grille This who opened & I was pusted cusid a f menutes eater situdl came jast the door in the grep of seatrie & from the sourdy it mnocudeng that he was being patr iito a simley cell, she & by 128 cell I wail I found myse macsured 6 feet It bad a wooden floorg wall sar fet were ofds feoor gace wes obcupnd by a touerete Art with lating which consisted of a concrde wesbet a hole in the contre, otherwise the e on t we bare wite no ceat or bed or anyttig was a rotice in Japancse & English settly out ye nent main cneo whigh rules of l were toat talking singing whistling clauping ds pe Absolutely praidden lying down on the plaar fge when rennutted to sleen was persuon othe Calrne must be kept seeen. shore was a swall corci winder hish up in the wall & an ta Opposite to be pront Tining into the ale. The walls were entered of solid wood exsept an from whish consisted of wooden gritle w above & wish space between 9-10 sch dyrights Low day in ane corner was a small eeare peopale an armed Dntry was pasted Ammediatel outide & blll with an eletrio h about overy 510 ninte & shane this through the polole to be cofeI ws doing& bep is on me until I turned my fage aine it filt by gr. do him g allawed t w It was bitters, cold + the cold which p eat caugt before reaching maje was very overe ogain me almost unceasing wughing. Abd an bour later, a centry appeared atthe xxplit o care in my trousers. I found thae every vection on from le seen roughly laved of te that I bad to etupwerver sto u 2 noe do up the sly I aad and no seep at all the night before & not much (because of ny d to) te nighe before that & nothing to ext suied midday. I asked for a drink of vate out did not receve avy- in fact I received yo water until next morning I was ordered & sit own on the ploor of forite to the reephole, I was slea the I ept roping asla setting up but each time was awakened by a woar from the Bentry. This went an for same houp until & have droped asleel sitting up & ofe allaired to sleaon becue the nn th icking up to beay a Ougle roundedwc later was sounded every worning at pbe ex agon an bour eter a Nipon officer) & the Interpeter came to my all & aned me way refused to sign. I said I head u reused had our aad endeavoured to nake a grotel anut doing s. I was then adedI would nouther relth would doundermise & duree I assed the officer for food of arinly b ledI was otry aore withut food drenk or sla. He ten went away. Hossever as he went be evidents relented for a pew minittes later a centry came along will an enamel mug of cold water which be landed
in to me through be pephole. At about 1100 hos the 40 oe returned & old me that I negot stay the until next day. all brouge this day I was cternative wae to stand upor set down t sentries for varying periods out at mupday a cerin i along with a ball of cooleed rete if his land which he saoged in to me through a sat unpalatabl as it was I had no difine t ctug I found bee toe excrie wres, only seoded out ro th outside of the bad ages sell, once a day a the maning & by nigltall that night t suell prom oe atred was b rling very cupenant at verioa times during te rayg after bark Denowoured sleep, but was immediatly reased as te Dut to make we sate up and usually made & stard as terld a to welk (& in any ovent I had to hold m trousers up as eoon as I steod up) it was dissicule to gm by walking about i my cough was befin alarm the I could only get a fa Enputes reite at a tring from it. By the time it was getting dan ontude hs feeling desporate sleepy aee cit down parof lling asleep ser so continued making the alternativl ait down retand i about 2100 lo the sy6 of the guard appered at te saidin da I lave no recollection of doing so rthath I meat have drossed alpde recoig te r. I could bear all day thet Sitwell was going through the same enformence in his all. I sad aal all ng until aroued by the ugle call in thnn soon after the same negan officer appayed & sande me my clothes its & indicated th I would be releaed in any hour a two. Idressed & mith to aboute 2½ Ars. During this time anoth ball rice & ning or water was landed in to re. at let at about 1160 hs the officer came sec sat hspeting my call lead me out into the psiage fae I found sittell waiting. I was allowed to feet as my daes& we were conducted to the mand room. Hr we had to wait write the prmo teo prought for ns to sign. The same officer who had struck we is there & prezed a agaratle uou we iith friedliat faction. & supfere secause of my patigu & kinger I nearly painted before I was helf ay trough it reriest we were waiting for the forme oparon belongings were returned to us but ute my metse which we were told were orde a agarettes a request or whitle was greeted and with a gren. We were then taken gits a room engrase which e eet he t boune the raildeed had artited. We was repere unjao it all for inspection. A fow saps -inading my delegated power as cmdr of 41 in 0s were tale from me, and my ciferdte) ligat which had seen put out of dotionby te guard walst I was in the Cells, was at supt taken out qu returned. I supean fund that a cae of ap has aso fer talln the glas of my watel broken. We were tn teke yau gea ji sloor ofa long wooden brlsi al our guesters whis consiste ofa bong to reom in woiale (with sitwell &d) were) idere os offices amona, Dutch & Criticle The froom wa just long enough to take 14 beds ber side almas toushing, with tables & fornes down the cutre.
at the sides of the room were ladeers each officer lavys two lochers with slide doors & t opel eacher e teavee ironwill strew materenes & a straw pillow & four Clanketo eeay wee issued to us I was naly pietly as I had n a uetatel ed my dotther aff fer about a wlek, so a shave + a cold back standing naked in the wind & ladling water over mysey from a big Iaad lnch at 1000 ar concrete tub. ai bowloos hin t vegstible soup + rice, sa which were isoned individiall to uo pilrigts Afternoon Darrane my bedlolt At 17896 He again had vegotable doup & rice tat wogbre stood to our deds for roll all & ten went srage uoon I contacted may son to bed Duning to ast Calligan, Col kint Hulfa, Citten, Darlam Payer, he Onig Taylor & other Aust offiders. In the are about 400, Eglish, Anewno, Datel & Autali All ntencus ill is army officers tire Colo & uprds a a mal here also be gavs of Kong Justice of 2 N59 cenuore upon whom I calld said my respects at ts carciet vonite woment The routie of the aamy is reveitle at pbeo prade for robl-call at 0700, Breakfaet 0730, wirt parade an fine days 0900 -1130, midday meal of 1200 aro work nargde at 1220-1000. Evening meal pt 1730 Evening woll all in quater at 2000, ligets out at 2100. smoking to permitted only in quarter & oete o somig evening rall calls sue is anly one Aitalen about s00 ws away. Hhe meals are uniform, toewe Couprnicog are broune up to ourronp by ayo us in turn, sonned out & sate in our froms. ther to not mough to eac & lo and has to be divided with Dcrupuloi care. Ore leaves oper the extrines are dounptain Faling burgay t in a sl aneig in rear. After over gllg until reveille every percen golng to te Ca t e s to registyy his name with ateattig quard provided by ourselves A Jap centry i o b at be latring door to wlon we have to bow or ealiets when going in out. Outside t extrive is a large cncrete tul or Deries of tubo for wasing clothes or Oathing alongside the la is a batteroom & doice a week bot bactes pre allaed eash roon being allotted to mins. The dissyline o ere faa slapping being the the guards io very imont for a eusteated breaah be ane alpooe prtie renses. Ouying from outade to vy daiy ac cartin articles o eigars strctly wniled n e is a ve Lu Hortage of Dap. Eruit, ago as paise pe procured at any wise. 182 feet the Tebould car nelter pratiining (aut into be cells. maltly epolie to all Critie offeer savd do all snile t a states bt we in any event sould not sign untet stugh hat aier to do would reslt in a awas called out I supetedt I woped said to malty wage do you pout the ollow& 30 Brittale officers to do sevt my oon ofenion to that we to be cousdeed to sould sten atauc we are going sign 9d cnsider it more disuisied to sigh now than t feet up a uroteas potest but I will stand by your decision s certainly will not let you don erglief I must leave it to twe on trotedt It was because of this, tat I took the aetin did I leaint cubely tieoe (eneoe sittoell) signed wadoee deudler.
2 unevere day we are a crentined in our orn oneweek m ration (offel a from local killd t r sap) which lead been going on from doufa wante ceased t day very cold bleak wreither, my cough to no bel& beg me awalee balf as reget. Hee tede to day, lat lepuse is d aways is the usual circular oath of lst wite weitse is ledelld out s poured ave onese not sat are t on ly squade 1o 20 miss prequadyen tharfay Trdays newspafors printed in Englishs pablished in Iavon ever issued today Rusuans one well acrancing Rostow be surrounded 6 ny selting wth novin tont as in a Sunday Cunale Cnaici we sed abd warastiie ridted Accended morning roll call ontoio with offer at oyere were me bed out t gane at 0930 fo n about 1000 away to work Heavy begne arrive, who stored. ugar mondle su mnew syste of enito operation at once. No money Hltever will be landed to lls, but our say will be plased to our oapita ags it we will be allowed to buy wlat arpile & geps appois- wainly cigerette et. thy suppe a ft gargole which we are permitted to purclase. It includes ho su eq savanag 134 died today wte in harden in agtemoon. Calle, steale wea ther contaning. We yere al Photequhet today with a big Daserd sleaping our Eo no beby around or wls m nunbe is Anniversary of founding of Iep dynety muste parade han Jap dec ration wa a Amorice was read 1 pig & 18 cltters were andt o the saed T goods ara rei inadequate, I am perpolually lungry, wen inmediete, agter me eo Lavanight suveral today. Iap apfeyr to hwe reland Premation rule & allowed baty to be aonre mert grestle, wendpy offal eto) from lore bdle Onigal urouneed that this will a tenie cour daus, lir with young & other slaped t Return feet in te Lingagore o gaue money in get prsesion very bad eoad acle all day doveloping to littua fam me sed acpirin from art 1200 t B necospages 25 garg of yo s one ew of as great at s any Iplipai by Britial tery aaggee toset us ote doæ iiti ay defane y np waic I had hept to cocald anstraiin granes in fava was sied also a personal account of my negut since leaving palestine – also a torch, a france stare atahes torc batt pirof pli y sants Duri work pariod today squad leader were alled is for conference with dap office. Took opportunity to paint out that food was quite inedequate. Sinyo I fa m calladn spent all day cutting my wattrers down to fit my beastead & rest sne, weed oureus flio to tpch my pillows & give batance to minerous ther officers for same purpose. erengane bad their fenperpints talen tody lver plages finger was done as well as wase with gon , ss s wri i wetle mng in our psion was handed in tod& a placed to our credit & said on 6 502 Assied y str of plos uonw wte no 370p m name in Jaxanese. Tou must be worn at all ptines on (the neget bread
242 24 25 260 Egaretle made wailate age acl crdil, tel yow & mist an Corrowed ciferete, I deared oo 79 ag cold ocustory day, no walt wadeed all te afrt, Loll broughe in my meary baggg. Iomed with a prented pot card & and to our hames atcended churce corvice conducted to tercin for cauly sha occursed last night. very loud rumblings Ohilding ellook soverely Hot hat t bat water was acmst ced a get plot of gound for priist garden but sofar wihlder simes. o here regso, t raster aried hor ounr I was purded & slaped by eivestock farm. itrl for no apaint reason. Having nearalgea I las Jep a woollen wrosser around ny lead, a at caeint be room Dimedield reneved my cmpere stal beps Oouee. the sentry, walled etrayal ny to me reple in Desaneiey den ruck me in the face ter woul a flung not breeteing them). Hetten struith me again for ing Morte in be afteror fom 30/0 to gire drice in in Anther e of salt in the evening, trsal with swet rotatoe in it as ovening meal. Wet day, no worte in ovening aste we call entyee e around a guits a lor g of sprg bikal i bne in my car antra o as On on with sd that nobody may asses actoi t any button of his goat undone; also tato caren siter lee on our bear between reveills a as tere are not cats mough next unde p suc te bold us all casman toushing t oter, et is ingto be very uncomportade. oming. No sgke agternoon Oull cold day Ho in small nerh all day. Good rich coup at nipe qentity of fiole in it tertfine we hase had any wer y since we arrived here. He undere ofte gnerals in his room with a bution inmedictely came in a act of the Cutten of lander fo to still coadys cold Wirle in merning suade a start as aed vea aoin ore aredg geter in afternoon ta intarne our respective countrits were being very cruell, irated. thery invited to write their ngatis goots, tey cerging that internes be better trated & it wpo binted whas our Weatment would greatly inprove if ye would do so Wbody opered bod so & Cupaue ore up af Ouse no wol in aterroon. Reforted by feel dup will continue for 3 more days trade a pair ofd for a cke of wasking soap, Dap sbater ate Thorth ase conferece as aliove, gap officer reterned from Dunp HA9 wait to Gegant a Hole to guard Lipimediat ileer of affain we bt streta praee ber u for various reaions. I was twer regidl namine sertrie to see if I had any butor undove ba after ovening meal I saw four man severaly slaped antries for various redsons. seat o well on many officers severtly sinacked anoched about last nigat instiding 43 M.DA) Tais moning Gon Hall Britche) was very ached aboute and ar witlesed a lootes as though it to not out straight when be stand to attention forthis he was arnt at His dy is very enflained & going black Dten (vrite) ago hit widh a tixle sulti nicted recaped many others totalling potel 50 60 have seen staped purched wrt this morning Fine went day at about 1400 hrs I was standing in my rook & t sentries came along Kisoske wer called &8 ston Cattention & as they came to door & bowell in manner ordered one triwas

until I stood only in shirt, underpants & socks. Whilst
this was going an I heard another commotion from
the direction of the square & several of the guard
rushed out & returned with Major-Gen Sitwell who
received the same treatment as I had had. I was
then seized by the wrists & led along a passage to a
small doorway about 3' x 2' in a very strong wooden
grille. This was opened & I was pushed inside. A
few minutes later Sitwell came past the door in
the grip of sentries & from the sounds it was evident
that he was being put into a similar cell. The
cell I which I found myself measured 12 feet by
6 feet. It had a wooden floor & walls. Three feet
square of the floor space was occupied by a concrete 
latrine which consisted of a concrete slab with 
a hole in the centre. otherwise the cell was absolutely 
bare with no seat or bed or anything. On the wall 
was a notice in Japanese & English setting out the 
rules of imprisonment, the main ones of which 
were that talking, singing, whistling dancing etc were 
Absolutely forbidden, lying down on the floor except 
when permitted to sleep was forbidden & the latrine 
must be kept clean. There was a small screened 
window high up in the wall & an electric light 
opposite to the front shining into the cell. The 
walls were entirely of solid wood except the front 
which consisted of a wooden grille with about 
1 ½ inch space between 9-10 inch uprights. Low down 
in one corner was a small square peephole. An 
armed sentry was posted immediately outside the cell 
with an electric torch & about every 5-10 minutes 
he shone this through the peephole to see what I was 
doing & kept it on me until I turned my face  
towards him & allowed him to shine it into my eyes. 
It was bitterly cold & the cold which I had 
caught before reaching maji was very severe causing 
me almost unceasing coughing. About an hour 
later, a sentry appeared at the peephole & threw in 
my trousers. I found that every button on them 
had been roughly hacked off so that I had to 
hold them up whenever I stood up & could  
not do up the fly. I had had no sleep at all 
the night before & not much (because of my cold 
etc) the night before that & nothing to eat since 
midday. I asked for a drink of water but did 
not receive any - in fact I received no water 
until next morning. I was ordered to sit 
down on the floor opposite to the peephole. I was 
so sleepy that I kept dropping asleep sitting up 
but each time was awakened by a roar from 
the sentry. This went on for some hours until I  
must have dropped asleep sitting up & been allowed  to 
sleep on because the next thing I remember is 
waking up to hear a bugle sounded - which I learnt 
later was sounded every morning at 0630 hrs. 
About an hour later a Nippon Officer & the 
Interpreter came to my cell & asked me why I 
had refused to sign. I said I had not refused 
but had endeavoured to make a protest against 
doing so. I was then asked if I would now sign 
& I replied that I would so so under protest & 
duress. I asked the officer for food & drink. He 
replied that I was to stay there without food, 
drink or sleep.  He then went away.  However before 
he went he evidently relented for a few 
minutes later a sentry came along with an  
enamel mug of cold water which he handed


in to me though the peephole. At about 1100 hrs the 
same officer returned & told me that I must stay there 
until next day. All through this day I was 
alternatively made to stand up or sit down by the 
sentries for varying periods but at midday a 
sentry came along with a "ball"of cooked rice in his 
hand which he passed in to me through the peephole. 
Unpalatable as it was I had no difficulty in eating it! 
I found that the latrine was only cleaned out, from 
the outside of the back of the cell, once a day early in 
the morning & by nightfall that night the smell from 
my latrine was becoming very unpleasant. At various 
times during the day & after dark I endeavoured to 
sleep but was immediately roared at by the sentry 
to make me wake up - and usually made to stand 
up. It was bitterly cold & as there was very little room 
to walk (& in any event I had to hold my trousers 
up as soon as I stood up) it was difficult to get warm 
by walking about. By evening my cough was beginning  
to alarm me & I could only get a few minutes respite 
at a time from it. By the time it was getting dark 
outside I was feeling desperately sleepy & daren't sit 
down for fear of falling asleep. However the sentries 
continued making me alternatively sit down & stand up 
about 2100 hrs the Sgt of the guard appeared at the 
peephole & said "Sleep" indicated that I could lie down 
I have no recollection of doing so & think I must 
have dropped asleep before reaching the floor. I could 
hear all day that Sitwell was going through the 
same experiences in his cell. I slept solidly all night 
until aroused by the bugle call in the morning. 
Soon after, the same Nippon officer appeared & handed 
me my clothes etc and indicated that I would be
released in any hour or two. I dressed and waited for 
about 2½ hours. During this time another ball of  
rice & mug of water was handed in to me. At last 
at about 1100 hrs the officer came back & after  
inspecting my cell lead me out into the passage where 
I found Sitwell waiting. I was then allowed to put on 
my shoes and we were conducted to the guard room. Here 
we had to wait until the forms were brought for  
us to sign. The same officer who had struck me was 
there & pressed a cigarette upon me in the friendliest 
fashion. I suppose because of my fatigue & hunger 
I nearly fainted before I was half way through it. 
Whilst we were waiting for the forms our personal 
belongings were returned to us but not my matches 
(which we were told were forbidden) or my 
cigarettes a request for which was greeted only 
with a grin. We were then taken into a room 
& found that the luggage which we had left at 
the railhead had arrived. We were ordered to 
unpack it all for inspection. A few papers - including 
my delegated powers a Comdr. of AIF in JAVA - 
were taken from me, and my cigarette lighter 
which had been put out of action by the 
guard whilst I was in the cells, was at first 
taken but subsequently returned. I subsequently 
found that a cake of soap had also been taken & 
the glass of my watch broken. We were then taken 
upstairs to the first-floor of a long wooden building 
& taken to our quarters which consisted of a long 
room in which (with Sitwell & I) there were 28 
officers, Americans, Dutch & British. The room was 
just long enough to take 14 beds per side almost 
touching, with tables & forms down the centre. 


at the sides of the room were lockers - each officer 
having two lockers with slide doors & two open 
lockers. The bedsteads are iron with straw 
mattresses & a straw pillow & four blankets each were 
issued to us. I was utterly filthy as I had not had  
my clothes off for about a week , so I immediately had 
a shave & a cold bath - standing naked in the 
wind & ladling water over myself from a big 
concrete tub. I then had lunch at 1200 hrs 
of vegetable soup & rice served in bowls of china 
which were issued individually to us. During the 
afternoon I arranged my bed & clothes etc. At 1730 hrs 
we again had vegetable soup & rice & at 2000 hrs 
stood to our beds for roll-call & then went straight 
to bed. During the afternoon I contacted Major-Gen 
Calligan, Col Kent Hughes, Pigden, Derham, Thyer, Walker, 
Brig Taylor & other Aust. officers. In the camp are 
about 400, English, Americans, Dutch & Australian. All 
army officers are Cols or upwards. Gen Percival is 
here also the Govs of Hong-Kong, Malay, etc & the Chief  
Justices of F. M. S & Singapore upon whom I called & 
paid my respects at the earliest possible moment. 
The routine of the camp is reveille at 0630, parade 
for roll-call at 0700, breakfast 0730, work parade 
on fine days 0900 - 1130, midday meal at 1200 hrs 
work parade at 1230 - 1600. Evening meal at 1730. 
Evening roll call in quaters at 2000, lights out at 2100. 
Smoking is permitted only in quarters & between morning & 
evening roll calls. There is only one kitchen about 
200 yds away. The meals are uniform, vegetable 
soup & rice are brought up to our rooms by two of 
us in turn, served out & eaten in our own room. There 
is not enough to eat & the food has to be divided 
up with scrupulous care. One leaves every meal 
feeling hungry. The latrines are downstairs & at 
thein a separate building in rear. After evening roll 
call & until reveille every person going to the latrines 
has to register his name with a latrine guard 
provided by ourselves. A Jap. sentry is on duty at 
the latrine door to whom we have to bow or 
salute when going in & out. Outside the latrine is 
a large concrete  tub or series of tubs for washing 
clothes or bathing. Alongside the cookhouse is a 
bathroom & twice a week a week hot bathes are allowed. 
each room being allotted 20 mins. The discipline of 
the guards is very severe face slapping being the 
punishment for any suspected breach & these are almost 
daily occurrences. Buying from outside is very 
strictly limited to certain stock articles (cigarettes, 
cigars, tea, pencils, note-books etc) & there is a very 
grave shortage of soap. Fruit, eggs etc cannot be 
procured at any price. 
N.B I feel that I should record matters preliminary to my being 
put into the cells. Maltby spoke to all British officers & 
stated that we should do all possible to avoid signing & 
in any event should not sign anything until satisfied that 
failure to do so would result in serious punishment. 
When Searle was called out I suspected that I would 
follow & so said to Maltby 'What do you want the 
British officers to do Sir?'. My own opinion is that we 
should sign at once. 'We are going to be compelled to 
sign & I consider it more dignified to sign now than 
to put up a useless protest but I will stand by 
your decision & certainly will not let you down' 
He replied "I must leave it to you, but we must make a 
protest" It was because of this that I took the action 
which I did. I learnt subsequently that Maltby & all others 
(except Sitwell) signed without demur!


Febry 4th Uneventful day we are "quarantined" in our own quarters for 
one week. Meat ration (offal etc from local killing yards in our 
soup) which had been going on from about a month 
ceased today. 
5th Very cold bleak weather. My cough is no better & keeps me  
awake half the night. Hot bath today. Bath house is about 
200 yards away & is the usual circular bath of hot water 
which is ladelled out & poured over oneself. Hot baths 
are taken by squads 15-20 mins per squad on Thursdays 
& Sundays 
6th Newspapers printed in English & published in Japan were  
issued today. Russians doing very well advancing towards 
Rostov & have surrounded 6th Army. Salt issue. 1 months supply 
7th  Sunday. church service in morning but as we in quarantine  
we could not attend. 
8th Quarantine ended. 
9th Attended morning roll call outside with others at 0700 hrs 
At 0930 fell in & were marched out to garden about 1000 
yds away to work. Heavy baggage arrived & was stored. 
Sugar issue - 1 months supply. New system of payt accounted 
to come into operation at once. No money whatever will 
be handed to us, but our pay will be placed to our credit & 
agst it we will be allowed to buy what articles the Japs 
approve - mainly cigarettes etc. They supply a list of articles 
which we are permitted to purchase. It includes no 
10th  Sgt Kavanagh (U.S.A) died today. Worked in garden in 
afternoon. Cold, bleak weather continuing. We were all 
photographed today with a big placard showing our P.O.W 
No hung around our necks. My number is 370. 
11th  Anniversary of founding of Jap dynasty . Muster parade 
in morning when Jap declaration of  war against England & 
America was read. 1 pig & 18 chickens were added to the 
evening soup & extra rice was issued. The food generally seems 
inadequate. I am perpetually hungry, even immediately after 
a meal. 
12th  Sgt Kavanagh's funeral today. Japs appear to have relaxed 
cremation rule & allowed body to be buried by ourselves. 
13th  Meat (gristle, windpipe, offal etc) from local killing yards 
in soup tonight. Announced that this will continue of 3 
days. Sir Mark Young & others slapped by sentry this evening. 
Return put in of Singapore & Java money in our possession. 
14th  Very bad head-ache all day, developing to intense pain 
at night. Obtained aspirin from AVM Maltby & got to sleep 
attended church service 
15th  Headache gone. More newspapers 25th Jan - 5 Feby, issued. 
News of Russia's great success agst 6th Army & that Tripoli occupied 
by British 
16th  Heavy baggage issued to us after close inspection by Japanese. 
My map which I had kept to locate australian graves in  
Java was seized also a personal account of my movements 
since leaving Palestine - also a torch, a primus stove, a
pair of pliars, all matches, torch batteries & my boots. During 
work period today squad leaders were called in for 
conference with Jap officer. Took opportunity to point out 
that food was quite inadequate. Singapore & Java money 
called in. 
February 17th  Spent all day cutting my mattress down to fit my 
bedstead & restitching same. Used surplus flock to repack 
my pillows & gave balance to numerous other officers 
for same purpose. 
18th  Everyone had their fingerprints taken today. Every 
finger was done as well as whole hand. Played 
bridge in the morning with Gen Percival, Simmons & AVM 
19th  All Jap money in our possession was handed in today & 
placed to our credit. I paid in 26 yen 50 sen. Issued with 
strip of cloth upon which is written my POW No 370 & my 
name in Japanese. This must be worn at all times on the 
right breast.


Feby 20th  Cigarettes made available agst cash credits. Until now I have 
had to exist on borrowed cigarettes. I secured 400 & 9 cigars. Very 
cold blustery day. No work. Washed all the dirty clothes I 
brought in my heavy baggage. Issued with a printed post -  
card to send to our homes. 
21 Attended Church Service conducted by Percival. Earthquake shock 
occurred last night. Very loud rumbling & building shook 
severely. Hot bath today but water was almost cold. Am 
trying to get plot of ground for private garden but so far 
without success. 10 more pigs & 15 rabbits arrived for our 
livestock farm. This evening I was punched & slapped by 
Jap. Sentry for no apparent reason. Having neuralgia I had 
a woolen wrapper around my head. A sentry came into 
the room & I immediately removed my wrapper & stood up & bowed. 
The sentry walked straight up to me & spoke in Japanese & then 
struck me in the face sending my glasses flying (but fortunately 
not breaking them). He then struck me again 3 or 4 times. 
22  Fire drill in the morning. Work in the afternoon from 1300 - 1600 hrs 
Another issue of salt in the evening. Extra rice sweetened &  
with sweet potatoes in it at evening meal. 
23  Wet day.  No work. In evening after roll call sentries 
came around & quite a lot of officers were slapped & kicked 
for trivial & in many cases unknown offences.  Order 
issued that nobody may appear outside his room with 
any button of his coat undone; also that we are not to 
sit or lie on our beds between reveille & evening roll call. 
As there are not seats enough except unbacked forms which 
just tol hold us all each man touching the other, it is 
going to be very uncomfortable. 
24  Dull cold day. Worked in morning. No work in afternoon 
25  Work all day. Good rich soup at night with small 
quantity of fish in it. First time we have had any fish 
since we arrived here. This evening a sentry saw one 
of the Generals in his room with a button undone. He 
immediately came in & cut off the button & handed it to 
the General. 
26th  Still cloudy & cold. Work in the morning. Made a start at 
sewing the garden. Sewed bean seeds in one area. Squad 
Chiefs Gens & Governors called together in afternoon & told that internees in 
our respective countries were being very cruelly treated. 
They were then invited to write their respective Govts 
urging that internees be better treated & it was hinted that  
our treatment would greatly improve if we would do 
so. Nobody offered to do so & conference broke up at 
once. No work in afternoon. Reported that fish soup 
will continue for 3 more days. Traded a pair of stockings 
for a cake of washing soap. Soap shortage is very acute. 
Shortly after conference as above, Jap officer returned from 
Camp H.Q & went to Guard & spoke to guard. Immediately 
strictness prevailed. Large number of officers were beaten 
up for various reasons. I was twice rigidly examined 
by sentries to see if I had any buttons undone. Just 
after evening meal I saw four men severely slapped 
by sentries for various reasons. 
27th  "Heat" is well on. Many officers severely smacked 
& knocked about last night including Lt-Gen Wainwright 
(U.S.A). This morning Gen Heath (British) was very s XXXX 
knocked about. He has one arm withered at birth & it 
looks as though it is snot out straight when he 
stands to attention. For this he was apparently hit. 
His eye is very inflamed & going black. Staton (British) 
was hit with a rifle butt, kicked & slapped. Many 
others totalling probably 50 - 60 have been slapped & 
punched. Work this morning. Fine warm day. At 
about 1400 hrs I was standing in my room & two 
sentries came along. "Kigoski" was called & I stood 
to attention & as they came to door I bowed in the 
manner ordered. One of the sentries walked straight

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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