Diary of Arthur Seaforth Blackburn, April 1942 - November 1944, Part 6 of 26

Second World War, 1939–45
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210:42 31062 47042 61042 Langs scall movement seem to be bing place in the san. at about 1200 les tortay Caup C t us that 10f3880 R8 from Aust &1 off 100 02 Anoicing (all of whom were detailed by name drect by the says) were to mave olt of ryp &c $600 lwve tomorraw permanently, At 1600 levs fany autha peeted us with a lix of 10 man & ivedus that every man oh t list m ioduse a speamenofhis faccoo for eoting by Ogoo lotone nature must given way to the orders of te gap exlit at 0300 lrson 31042 d roued s up with a lis ofa purtee 2 off 7918.28 Amona) also to move but at 0600 lits permangelty, sirpon plill continue to trogregs satisfactorily stal up resulting a coul did of uncertainty - t towse tan reove my name from the let of1600 names one chice w gartilr carres in eacl ge other whish cash man las to bign, dnly al anselled i cntracta & sent him out of camp with all our weeks onter indelivered thay will give us no definite upermasion aany movement but p certin that some move is in the ifind, pave consert tought with was very good & very well attended cwing to pojested move we closed down the Sweep we were veun traise funds for entertainment Cumittle drew same at cousert. no further word of any mave but we were ifuetat Entraster would 0 st ea to care int cp pr a pew days Have claned up conten as far ao prsible have repaid cunericans to 850 gulen wfuccl s An verd they advansed me some time canging about 1000 guedew wdt o sa will have to try to cell this t troo in oLer to have money it land to stare no canteer if new camp is extablished. Drokse a tootl of my plate today & as same cannot be serged in here lave applied to go to outside dentex fad first weal witl sie own apeoe to imet tomane, 44 comatge being shee itt t vegetied made incallent weal rinenful day. Persistent reiiers that about to0 of us whose names are not on as gots st to date are to be sent to gapan, Aptnites enquired last night as to How many of t Horpital pationts culd stand a sex trip Vary beavy rain in evering; the befiest shower we have and dare, many of the rogs of the Accts leateed oadly tise of names onsluding most of Ameras mos of balance of our men) rssued conight for recimens to be sulemitted by topperrow for tating is dysentery carniers. orders ta t 1500 Autraliang will move the early bun ofthe 8d to come inlancion Hestination lise have not yoe been eusplied by tas but soe have been informed that seeness we had uabille to stard & walk will not be to be also acceted as an excuse, no baggage to be taken encg whet an astuall be canil no is fo to enclude officer beading oolly valis etc.
7:10:6 8:10:43 81042 walsing all day on rowd rollicte t ne mave our. we have not seen given o septer bint as to where we are going but to they are dividing party up into greup of 109 P 620 fe8a Colss we a railue journiy. After lipich bnd full paraole of trops verg away in fall waring ofor gapo e bl a p & suy a lange qlantity of personal poro wor such as embaidi cup et as yell as camaras, vistoloct, Taly also seyzed togu nots sut subqurcely returned thi, also see intraces were trowy out by the Jesy. Partide to nove out has bee adtered 000 hro tomorron, Held auction sap o balane Mantleen strs9 soldfort ayth me to drangment with Entructor wher he took beck gods for bala of af 1500 officers & men marched out at p400 two this maning for an unknown destination. Iute a number ofthel were sicke, had fever it sut so convying them by made Arrangeents transpert. They say ld to march off with the rest of the tror, leeven men were are too ile to be moved at all (receuding Andrew Senpion)) were ranoved today to the olitside Hoopital INx 4484 t EEdwards (a singapre) died to daypt outrie Hospital from dycentary. As Lotl chaplaing bad lar with party were lest Derey law morning, paye so dele took burial service. He was seried wll at sene place as oters, Calanboeren Couenitoy de ar now 105 Aut, angrean& es in the ceuneters tonige A recurvance of seati e to we had to send wordd to the Amp Comnentant, two mon ld to be trated in bospital, one having stited Tho Camp Commandent qually settled matler. the bting up cased Hille o all our dr t a meal of road chicker, roast ptabest Carrots a number of then returned from outsile Hospital odyforted that conditions generally are quit god although saveat ofour ive and i est of appos 500 were may t ou on 11-1042 issued tody, I am pot on same sistent reciur they a all being tn down to the doctory Enbared on steanes are carrct on & bing ospital suplies we find that eehs a far more than his share of Coplies with pin party H las talen all ttodermie exegtone, ready all reedless to te one all drugs. Hard tod tht ountosb ts sort of be so lave as t a so as to Engget remaral of beds from tye to cospital resual bill inspection of party moving out at 1329a much caed tis time. Procedue variesin a thee agte ispatto & whilst officers we ereou guarterogae our saggage. nothing found which we copednt oe d about 1400 orrers were inued that a pat 4, rncluding 2 Auct offers, at csbell a Atoa $15 Oke were to move out ge 1000 lrs for a cold nete It is clar from various courses that the ere told not try to to be then to Jajare Cam cm out will warm clothing, & asure us ae ret of the men were going to a lot climets. We apears tbe men wee bat iar clothing to gup is up to responce was wonderful, a ling file of warm ctting seing procured. I noped cary
11104 12:1042 13104o concondant wittee was set in givin bywarn clothing & was assured b le in that 3 Ggoing lot climats I teayon pseet overt my til wool senglet underpents & all other winter elguy wayl Iha the party Go & lorry at 1800 arp. lorallo et o5 Carateut ogoo & fart nort out at 0500 on ecmpa tolal of upon 200 Accto tal 4 auarie officer 17 Acct off is rlo in outere boyt 500 R5 Caut, at about 1500, 1000 puchre fr gads Ranleang maved into camp. They were itor otariated with the more from toctation as they has an yu to arry Obnoush toge not in avout o good condition no parter word about te pore o any ofter me of lo. an unconfertatl day He Detalmer who cane nito caup yesterday have not pised up the positing of te amp easilyo a nuumber of them have been rely beiten ip. &aco smalleings itt have seen going on all day dgal of these wesscicly &lo ve t 05 medical andlie 2 dost emongst them. Nineteen Autralians fotterned from the outside Hospital tday. Tey ngortscrectie good in circumstances pep authoritfes doing all they can to help His afternoon all officers were called into Ony Condls office & we were tole thet it had been decided to py all officers &owever out ofte pay to sum of certy two 165 Gneden per a would be tallen by the Gazan if to pay ony accouedation rood. We would a allowed to spend a thited amoust of the catance, as gaden to rank above Crig 20 for bny se ut 418 for all othery te balared wesll a returned by t Jaynare aubartee sauled for us b rate of ray under & saleme is 310 gres per worth receive 20, 62 gves to pay t hy heapit o to balance held to my gidit. The Cp Cundt rplained tat Ibeld mow I was a pease for 1 year it would be 2756 gulden He rates of ty ar as follows:- Orig) Coe 3 to guede per vantle &c 28 220, 6 At 122:50, peat 85, 2nd 4774:83, The rat to board (63) is a flat rate for al officers. Me each had to sign a receive in tryilicate for sometting but wobory is cear weat te recais wey merI anly receved to galden 2o for handed over t the rn Caand my granossone & records fo deliver to tae outside Cospital; also 125:50 Gulden for the purchase of extre food& comports for the yen in the outside Caspital Dublnan at int carp wsterday, ifee waned today that te would protly nov for the pay after tomorrow & that they must reduse thank to an adsolute minuman as they will probable lare to march all the vay to Prick- Bwill, sever then are in ungent need of deutal treatment & our dental officers all equisment sleave gone I made application to cam court to have them taken out to an outside Hospital for treatment but be stated it ned not be done 177645 et pcholls died in to outa rpital to day fron desentery & was buried in plambreren ceretiry rnes in given to be to deal in ay with Indian Contrster. Hrs atepion goct 1000 more Outclmen & 113 RA (English) parche int to camp having come from Carfeong, he
14:10:42 15:10:42 1610 17:1042 English cousist of 13 Matieel officers dento office & ts bldnce madi eiet sly tive beew told they are to be taken fomoler to oou a cxpital. They regore that oalduce of or Australian trop who were lee at spuan Garest are still at Banleorg. An Coudt to dy odered that all doge mustte remaped from camp & so all pets lave bat to g. Another 1000 dilte troop moved in todlay, A 19112 c OADOFF died in oulospitel y from cove fire of Typles & was ourel& Celamboeren cematary. He bad been ell) in poopled about 10 doe but not unal lax negly did be condition thaw ave sign of begoning& age number of Dutth mould ig 5a bigno mover out. The nex moulg wes thet by nigh we had 4280 dutch in pany tion to Aust Amnisns & 113 CAAmati pronl awaoa his toolem& corter wood sire with oil drums over thm) are, iln 4 day about tudday lt Lone Aut trme & ted me thet Auct & Americn officers &oo none Britcale Officers in Denier Conjour shaves wnta leah to thei some, cmited to striat fer ree marey t of camp orgenization to Ircol R am ale and now offically on stregth gemp Conier Astol & Brittsh officers & fe five pusses Britesh offier below & ba of Col Are therefaire out to a general camp quarter. As a pperise prtesee on living with other Aratinlien & Amerfian offe ttime seing. He came around gupte ou guarter intyete co redsteds from 4 corop be bryugls throuh to our compend for use of seorle. I we badfue me in clange of weole tp with abeolut fowe administration rcounce over whole tetie in bere from time to tiue. About 1000 Rutsh nowed out in the earle lours o inforen more came in today but thee are mots glege nowite 1 t woow have troupre some of nedical staff & medical onterlies for eFpad at camp bospital until other orders an received cncorning them. Ax 15367 Dowe Bramle died today in outse Cospital & was beried in Pelandoeen tory euse of death decenterg. A largenenter of Dutele troop huarded Act to dtay, 6 officers of RAt medica uit inclading a dental officer more transfered to our camp Cospital to day from the group who came into camp upon 191a/42 n te emon I signed t usual oe ina Bramlay which indused snt of the efets of D 2 gold wrutle walthes. In the gevening the gx sge brought the list back to me toud a) naww gue tled out, exastly be same mege that it now sprre to 2 unellot watches & started to write the word gold in agts this line but was ondered not to do so & to sey is sexs & it was owen I lad done so te reg w ton up & taken away by the dex aglt Dined u b bnigt with aix Corned stelow cnpend
movement in out of Dutche troops contenues. no 18:10:62 e so sign of any in speting us have ostaned detil of the gep ay position Tbe deduation i weren wlich to made from our pay to 60 golly per month o pas follows Mersi 42, cll is apportuned by te 15 Miscollares 3. Butent to appracte com in the maker as an mry of the officers ard weefull that of clothing. aur reading b Didles Hstoy of Ca muyll enjoying same, Longe number of Ortck tooop noved in Flay Ot 19:10 oue with to rule that there are now ower 6000 Dutce troop in camp. AV h waltly aproada tt sone over general quester of wedin suplia at out did nor tee we a very dcuraging maly sele o cortain drugs appear to be sliartt the geat of the RAE natua personnel, as well as about 10 Dutce redi pomnel noved out today approstly 1or various other cants in & about Ratavie Hove Laded wen for tile gary good cne tde 5 of brolight En & Capite. Crant beds are painly pade with eaking & are unligginie.Nx 57645 et day diee at ausside hospital from Aqrenter) canloses cenate was busled in 20:104 unvereful day. Te posten of reqing the camp rembl clea of ca bfiene, i acate with this movement of trop. Tuee in flere to one day only are not valy ausious to will hard aver cuti at fal dp of lots of gear which up to now the wer have seen we an ne allawed Busiig around wilh bay is sixe to burn this gear& to pubbic cart to b can and make I trip a day which gno erough. The proolem is becaunzacuty I t watend f me to sre t more carts & all visit pen pant carto no moveniont by toop day 31:104 00 atre moved out torlay min pen in civilion clothes moved in from Duitengar all cante i of iupeatent bres bt sutee. A number of new retere you ownide Hospital Report that treatment nessing officer was sent for today to g & there intobbieved by a cevllign wh stated maction wil t that he was there in officers, Jap. Authrittes were going to sad tha Dum of 42 gild as month on oficers peep sired Giildance as to te liffes or food o quartities to which we wee dccussoned & had a list of foodstupp et witl am, ic t beld a meating your officer & Teleg to werat a lix Houg ratior erale to suthrities as a guide for to wek you nine men who came in yosterday from Cuitagery 22:10 red out today. no other maney a otig t guffi an osoldie died ly in ti hospital & was buried in Claiboured cameting Drs as outsde Cospital told Cl ar tc the were 40 cases of typpoed in te lppital paid from Glodoc & Priot Cortractr reorted today that war condused mill & no more cigarattes are available, will being finly pipihed & Agarotte merch bard to get. Position ove will is Prious as it is requied to dyatr co in bospital. I inmediatel interveded to sone &acked for agrangements to be made for freol milk to be brought in which I would by
a 2110:42 241042 3510:42 161042 27:1042 21:10:4 He said he would have to get prmane fr this but anticipated us troutle r whale let me know tomorrow In the meantine I snnel througout ryp to appea at all per give in all tino of condensed w aeld them Commended lessons in Outch Aday unevertful day. b sone sent me down a present of nine cigars today. small iope & pie tobuces (Cyster) 2oys par man sne today to disoune corlong rocqnod cont ewt bo wat further irovirion would have & be gade of to bases of the camn remaining it asoue aor ta voring to be eatisfactory & d him that two more leitolous with same capacity as pesent oner would have to be te to make the prition really satisflory e npte dipt occured in can Tare of yeort tc came today a E hn ot that naw conared (a Dutcluan) weet bave got the wiection on tawe nor b np nouertholess have ordered a close er an general bygeene, mey nedical & you have been coming bade frent outside vossital eatal& we now only have po tere sabe seen eldeping badly again lately a large number of Dutclidan moved dt ear this sorning in pouring rain. b the gternorn a number came in & included dingiges tom were appor. 100 Americays being t Aitta & w americen antillery. They laave ben in Pop p at coumbage wit about 20:30 pacts my tree) I lhe rese mainly Engliche, they report awnaase Gorereatnent on the to rone consideable tie jast Tay bad a two day rl tip coming here. to sone is ned incoe this morning that we should le a plian ntellioe hre setingout day hasing events recbmie it to be, Iorlay is I diterells aad dinner with bi sutday Americans from Dounya rept that they wa not given facilities for Ebuying there butt othrwiie ndion were muh the same On te occe duch de were pried to visit Orayi fruit at. I appracked to sope7 reugted farnissish to a special buying of Doap ot from unten contragte for the Awdricntroop agreea indly cmmunicated wtt contaile ae got in tarticle imediatel condensed wille is cunpocurable & eo at my requast toutract drought in quaraty of powdered mille which and over to be s as a rever eply sall quantity of drugs at were delivered to bespital a ay Dep. at 100 lisd to sne sact for meordered & a perade of every reson in his fast of the meting trancee troop) at 13301 p a roll ad te sar done & very man was raou for dery haavy rain this afternoon toe whole paece bing absolutely apash with wate an hick or th deep. Another case of typesed in too hospital (a Dutclwen from outs savid case aspa to be reaoveig te seve men trom outside bospital returned to the Cunt to day Annian who marced t op o 15 692 tody reconed notice to be ready to movey Order

2.10.42 Large scale movements seem to be taking place in the 
camp. At about 1200 hrs today Camp commandant informed  
us that 1 off & 88 O.R.S from Aust. & 1 off 100 O.R.S from  
Americans ( all of whom were detailed by name  
direct by the Japs) were to move out of camp at 0600 hrs tomorrow permanently, At 1600 hrs camp authorities 
presented us with a list of 1600 names & ordered us 
that every man the on that list must produce 
a specimen of his faeces for testing by 0800 hrs tomorrow 
nature must give way to the orders of the Jap. Authorities 
at 0300 hrs on 3.10.42, Japs roused us up with a list 
of a further 2 off & 91 O.RS (American) also to move 
out at 0600 hrs permanently, Simpson still continues 
to progress satisfactorily. 
3.10.42.  A general upheaval today resulting in a complete 
day of uncertainty. Late tonight they removed 
my name from the list of 1600 names but issued 
special "particular" cards for each of the others   
which each man had to sign. They also 
cancelled the contractor & sent him out of 
camp with all our weeks order undelivered. 
They will give us no definite information 
as to any movement but it appears pretty 
certain that some move is in the wind. Usual 
concert tonight with was very good & very 
well attended . owing to projected move 
we closed down the sweep we were running 
to raise funds for entertainment committee & 
drew same at concert. 
4.10.42  no further word of any move but we were 
informed that, contractors would not be 
permitted to come into camp for a few days. 
Have cleaned up canteen as far as possible & 
have repaid Americans the 850 gulden which 
they advanced me some time ago. Am now 
carrying about 1000 gulden worth of stock & 
will have to try to sell this to troops in order 
to have money in hand to start new canteen 
if new camp is established.  Broke a tooth off 
my plate today & as same cannot be fixed 
in here have applied to go to outside dentist. 
Had first meal with our own grown tomatoes 
in it tonight, 44 tomatoes being fried into the 
vegetables, made excellent meal. 
5.10.42 Uneventful day. Persistent rumors that about 100 
of us whose names are not on the "lists" etc.                 
to date are to be sent to Japan. Authorities 
enquired last night as to how many of the 
Hospital patients could stand a sea trip. 
Very heavy rain in evening; the heaviest 
shower we have had here. many of the  
roofs of the huts leaked badly. List of 
names (including most of Americans & most 
of balance of our men) issued tonight for  
"specimens" to be submitted by tomorrow for       
testing re dysentery carriers. 
6.10.42. Orders today that 1500 Australians will move in the 
early hours of the 8th to some unknown destination. 
Lists have not yet been supplied by Japs but we 
have been informed that sickness unless certified  
to be absolute inability to stand & walk will not be 
accepted as an excuse. no baggage to be taken 
except what can actually be carried which is going  
to include officers bedding rolls, valises etc.          


7.10.42. Working all day on nominal rolls etc of men to 
move out. We have not been given the slightest 
hint as to where we are going but as they are    
dividing party up into groups of 1 off & 62 O Rs, it 
looks like a railway journey. After lunch had 
full parade of troops going away in full 
marching order. Japs then held a kit inspection 
& seized a large quantity of personal possessions,      
such as embroidery, cups etc as well as   
cameras, pistols etc. They also seized mosquito   
nets but subsequently returned these, also all 
matresses were thrown out by the Japs. Parade 
to move out has been order for 0800 
hrs tomorrow. Held auction sale of 
balance of canteen stocks & sold out everything. 
Came to arrangement with contractor whereby 
he took back goods for balance of apc. 
8.10.42. 1500 officers & men marched out at 0400 hrs 
this morning for an unknown destination. Quite a 
number of them were sick, had fever etc but no 
arrangements were made for conveying them by 
transport. They just had to march off with the 
rest of the troops. Eleven men were are too ill to be 
moved at all (including Andrew Simpson) were 
removed today to the outside Hospital. NX 4434 
Pte E. Edwards (ex Singapore) died today at outside 
Hospital from dysentry. As both chaplains had left 
with party who left early this morning, Capt Gooding 
took burial service. He was buried with at same 
place as others, Pelamboeren Cemetery. There are now 
103 Aust, American & English graves in the cemetery. Tonight 
a recurrence of  beating up occurred & became so bad 
that we had to send word to the Camp Commandant. Two 
men had to be treated in hospital, one having stitches inserted. 
The Camp Commandant quickly settled matters down & 
the beating up ceased. Killed off all our chickens today 
& had a meal of roast chicken, roast potatoes & carrots.          
9.10.42. A number of men returned from outside Hospital 
today & reported that conditions generally are 
quite good although several of our men are very 
ill. List of approx 500 more men to move 
out on 11.10.42 issued today. I am not on  
same. Persistent rumours that they are all 
being taken down to the docks & embarked on 
steamers are current. On checking over 
Hospital supplies we find that Col Eadie has 
taken far more than his share of supplies 
with first party. He has taken all hypodermics 
except one, nearly all needles & 20 in some 
cases all drugs. Heard today that outside Hospital 
is short of beds so have asked to see Camp Comdt 
so as to suggest removal of beds from here  
to hospital. 
10.10.42. Usual list inspection of party moving out at 1330 hrs 
nothing much seized this time. Procedure varied in 
that after inspection & whilst officers were at evening 
meal, Japs raided our quarters & re-examined our 
baggage. Nothing found which we shouldn't have 
had.  About 1400 orders were issued that a party 
of 84, including 2 Aust officers, capt Campbell &Sub/G Towles 
& 15 ORs were to move out at 1800 hrs "for a cold  
climate". It is clear from various sources that they are 
to be taken to Japan. Camp Comdt told us to try to fit 
them out with warm clothing & assured us that rest 
of the men were going to a hot climate. We appealed 
to the men who had warm clothing to give it up & 
the response was wonderful, a huge pile of 
warm clothing being procured. I asked Camp


Commandant whether I was safe in giving up my warm 
clothing & was assured by him that I was going to a  
hot climate. I therefore passed over to my thick woollen 
singlet & underpants & all other winter clothing which I had 
the party left for lorry at 1800 hrs. 
11.10.42. Reveille at 0415 Parade at 0500 & party moved out at 0530. 
Total of approx 300 Austs & Americans now left in camp or 
in outside Hospital, 4 Americ officers, 17 Aust Officers ([[3 in ?]]) 
& about 150 O.RS (Aust), at about 1500, 1000 Dutchmen from 
Bandeang moved into camp. They were utterly exhausted 
with the move from the station as they had an immense 
amount of luggage to carry & obviously were not in 
good condition no further word about the move 
of any of the rest of us. 
12.10.42. An uncomfortable day. The Dutchmen who came into  
camp yesterday have not picked up the routine of the 
camp easily & have a number of them have been 
severely beaten up. Face smackings etc have been 
going on all day. Several of them were sick & so 
we got 4 or 5 medical orderlies & 2 more doctors from  
amongst them. Nineteen Australians returned from 
the outside Hospital today. They report treatment 
good in circumstances & Jap authorities doing all 
they can to help. This afternoon all officers were 
called into camp Comdts office & we were told that 
it had been decided to all pay officers. However 
out of the pay the sum of sixty two (62) gulden per 
month would be taken by the Japanese to pay for 
our accommodation & food. We would only be 
allowed to spend a limited amount of the balance, 
30 gulden for ranks above Brig. 20 for Brig, col & Lt Col 
& 10 for all others & the balance would be retained 
by the Japanese authorities & banked for us. My rate 
of pay under the scheme is 310 gulden per month, of which 
I receive 20, 62 goes to pay for my "keep" etc & the balance 
is held to my credit. The Camp Comdt. explained that 
if I was a prisoner for 1 year, the amount held to my credit 
would be 2736 gulden. The rates of pay are 
as follows :- Brig & Col 310 Gulden per month, Lt Col 220, 
major 166, Capt 122.50, Lieut 85, 2nd Lt 74.83.  The 
rate for board (62) is a flat for all officers. 
We each had to sign a receipt in triplicate for  
something but nobody is clear what the receipt was 
for.  However I only received 20 gulden.  Today I 
handed over to the camp Commdant Comdt. g   
my gramophone & records for delivery to the 
outside hospital; also 125.50 gulden for the 
purchase of extra food & comforts for the men 
in the outside hospital. 
13.10.42. Dutchmen at present who came into camp yesterday, were  warned 
today that they would probably move on the day 
after tomorrow & that they must reduce their baggage 
to an absolute minimum as they will probably, have 
to march all the way to Prish - 12 miles. several of 
them are in urgent need of dental treatment 
& our dental officers & all equipment have gone. 
I made application to Camp Comdt to have them 
taken out to an outside Hospital for treatment. 
but he stated it could not be done. WX7645 
Pte J.W. Nicholls died in the outside Hospital 
today from dysentery & was buried in Pelamboeren 
cemetery.  Permission given to us to deal in limited 
way with Indian Contractor.  This afternoon about  
1000 more Dutchmen & 113 RAF (English) marched into 
the camp having come from Bandeong.  The


13.10.42 (cont) English consisted of 13 Medical officers, 1 dental 
officer & the balance medical orderlies etc. They 
have been told they are to be taken somewhere 
to open a Hospital.  They report that balance of our 
Australian troops who were left at Bandeong & 
Gareot are still at Bandeong. Camp Comdt 
today ordered that all dogs must be removed. 
from camp & so all pets have had to go! 
14.10.42. Another 1000 Dutch troops moved in today. QX 
19112 Capt D.A.M. DUFF died in our hospital  
today from some form of Typhus & was buried in 
Pelamboeren Cemetery.  He had been ill in hospital 
here for about 10 days but not until last night 
did his condition show any sign of becoming serious. 
15.10.42. Very large number of Dutch moved in early today 
& a big no. moved out.  The nett result was that 
by night we had 4280 men Dutch in camp in 
addition to Aust, Americans & 113 RAAF medical 
personnel.  Feeding was a big problem & cookers &  
wood fire with oil drums over them are going 
24 hrs a day.  About midday Lt Sone sent for me 
& told me that Aust & American officers & the nine 
British officers in senior compound could write a 
letter each to their homes, limited to strictly 
personal matters. 
16.10.42. Re-arrangements of camp organization today. I & Col 
Searle and now officially on strength of "A camp" - the 
senior Dutch & British officers & five  five Dutch & 1 
British officer below the rank of Col are transferred 
out to our general camp quarters. As a special 
concession camp comdt. has permitted Searle & I to go 
on living with other Australian & American officers 
for the time being. He came around & inspected our  
quarters & immediately, ordered that two iron 
bedsteads from A camp be brought through to our  
compound for use of Searle & I. He has put me in  
charge of whole camp with absolute power of 
administration & control over whole of the troops 
in here from time to time. About 1000 Dutch  
moved out in the early hours of the morning & no 
more came in today but there are reports of large 
movements for tomorrow. Have transferred some 
of medical staff & medical orderlies from RAF personnel  
into camp hospital until other orders are received 
concerning them. 
17.10.42. QX15367 Driver Bramley died today in 
outside hospital & was buried in Pelamboeren 
cemetery. cause of death dysentery. A large number  
of Dutch troops marched out today. 6 officers of  
RAF medical unit including a dental officer 
were transferred to our camp hospital today 
from the group who came into camp upon 13/10/42.  
In the afternoon I signed the usual acknowledgement 
of the effects of Driver Bramley which included 
2 gold wristlet watches.  In the after evening the Jap. 
Sgt brought the list back to me with a new one  
typed out exactly the same except that it now 
referred to "2 wristlet watches" I started to write 
the word "gold" in after this line but was 
ordered not to do so & to sign it just as it 
was.  When I had done so the original was 
torn up & taken away by the Jap. Sgt. Dined 
tonight with Air Commod. Statow & Group Capt Bishop 
in A compound.


18.10.42. Movement in & out Dutch troops continues. No 
sign of any move affecting us. Have obtained details 
of the Jap. pay position. The deduction for messing etc, 
which is made from our pay is 60 gulden per month. This 
is apportioned by the Japs, as follows messing 42, clothing 
15, miscellaneous 3. I intend to approach the Camp Comdt 
on the matter as aim many of the officers are woefully short 
of clothing.  Am reading Prof Fishers "History of Europe" &  
thoroughly enjoying same. 
19.10.42. Large numbers of Dutch troops moved in today but none 
out with the result that there are now over 4000 
Dutch troops in camp. A.V.M Waltly approached Lt 
Sone over general question of medical supplies etc. but 
did not receive a very encouraging reply. Supplies 
of certain drugs appear to be short! The rest of the 
RAF medical personnel, as well as about 12 Dutch 
medical personnel moved out today, apparently for 
various other camps in & about Batavia. Have decided 
to offer 1/2 gulden per stretcher, for any good camp stretchers 
 brought in to hospital. Present beds are mainly 
made with sacking & are unhygienic.  NX51665 Pte. S 
Joy died at outside hospital from dysentery & 
was buried in Pelamboeren cemetery. 
20.10.42. Uneventful day. The problem of keeping the camp 
reasonably clean & of camp hygiene is very acute 
with movement of troops. men in here for one 
day only are not very anxious to work hard over 
camp cleanliness. This is also the final dumping ground 
of lots of gear which up to now the men have been 
carrying around with them. We are not allowed 
to light fires to burn this gear & the rubbish carts 
can only make 2 trips a day which is not 
enough.  The problem is becoming acute & I today asked 
Lt Sone for more carts or alternatively for more 
visits from present carts. No movement of troops 
21.10.42. 1000 Dutchmen moved out today & nine men 
in civilian clothes moved in from Buitengang, all  
undergoing sentences of imprisonment imposed by the 
 Dutch Japs. A number of men returned from outside  
Hospital. Report that treatment generally is good.                         
Messing officer was sent for today to Jap H. Q 
& there interviewed by a civilian who stated 
that he was there in connection with feeding of 
officers, Jap. authorities were going to spend the 
sum of 42 gulden per month on officers keep 
& food & desired guidance as to the types of food 
& quantities to which we were accustomed. 
He had a list of food-stuffs etc with him. We 
suggested held a meeting of our officers & 
decided to submit a list of our ration scale 
to authorities as a guide for them to work upon. 
22.10.42. Nine men who came in yesterday from Buitengang 
moved out today. No other movement of troops. 
Pte Griffin (an American soldier) died today in outside 
hospital & was buried in Pelamboeren cemetery. 
Drs. at outside hospital told Col Searle that there 
were 40 cases of typhoid in the hospital mainly 
from Glodock & Prisk. Contractor reported today 
that no more condensed milk & no more 
cigarettes are available, milk being finally finished 
& cigarettes merely hard to get. Position over milk  
is serious as it is required for dysentery cases 
in hospital.  I immediately interviewed Lt Sone 
& asked for arrangements to be made for fresh 
milk to be brought in which I would buy


22.10.42. (cont) He said he would have to get permission of   
H.Q for this but anticipated no trouble & would 
let me know tomorrow. In the meantime I 
appealed to all personnel throughout camp to 
give in all tins of condensed milk held by 
them.  Commenced lessons in Dutch today. 
23.10.42. Uneventful day. Lt Sone sent me down a         
present of nine cigars today. Small issue of 
pipe tobacco (Capstan) 2ozs per man. Lt Sone 
sent for me today to discuss cooking accommodation 
of the camp. I of He wished to know what 
 further provision would have to be made on 
 its basis of the camp remaining at about 4000 
for cooking to be satisfactory. I told him that 
two more kitchens with same capacity as 
present ones would have to be b installed 
to make the position really satisfactory.  Case 
of suspected diphtheria occurred in camp today. 
With milk supplies started today am purchasing 10 litres per day. 
24.10.42 Case of typhoid in came today. medical officers 
report that man concerned (a Dutchman) must 
have got the infection outside not here in  
camp, nevertheless have ordered a close check  
by medical staff on general hygiene. More 
men have been coming back from outside 
hospital lately & we now only have 28 there . 
Have been sleeping badly again lately. 
25.10.42. A large number of Dutchmen moved out early 
this morning in pouring rain. In the afternoon 
a number came in & included amongst them 
were approx, 100 Americans being E Battery of the 
American artillery.  They have been in a P.O.W 
camp at Sourabaya with about 00 20 - 30 Austs, (none 
of my force) & the rest were mainly English. They report 
good treatment on the whole but no tea or coffee 
for some considerable time past.  They had a two 
day rail trip coming here.  Lt Sone issued instructions 
this morning that we should keep a diary on 
"Intelligence report" setting out each days happenings 
& events & submit it to him. Today is Gen Sitwell's 
birthday & I had dinner with him. 
26.10.42. Americans from Sourabaya report that they were 
not given facilities for buying there but otherwise 
conditions were much the same. On two occasions 
Dutch ladies were permitted to visit their camp & 
bring in fruit etc. I approached Lt Sone & requested 
permission for a special buying of soap etc from 
canteen contractor for these American troops. He 
agreed & kindly communicated with contractor by 
phone & got in the articles immediately. Condensed 
milk is unprocurable & so at my request contractor 
brought in quantity of powdered milk which I 
passed over to the hospital as a reserve supply. Small  
quantity of drugs etc were delivered to hospital 
today by Japs. 
27.10.42. At 1300 hrs Lt Sone sent for me & ordered me to 
call a parade of every person in his part of the 
camp (i.e. excepting transit troops) at 1330 for a roll 
call.  This was done & every man was accounted 
for. Very heavy rain this afternoon the whole 
place being absolutely awash with water an 
inch or two deep. Another case of typhoid in 
the hospital (a Dutchman from outside) 
28.10.42. Typhoid case appears to be recovering. Six or seven 
men from outside hospital returned to this camp 
today.  Americans who marched in a of on 25.10.42 
today received notice to be ready to move, Order

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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