Diary of Arthur Seaforth Blackburn, April 1942 - November 1944, Part 23 of 26

Second World War, 1939–45
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  • War Diaries
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1944 12 11 14 the service, Zine lot day. I few incidents re not selecting poperly This morning singing unning tunespt was stoped by the guard. gen. gones was wasing con clothes + gently singing whilst be dif 20 agin came along + loed him any singing policatling it was prolibited a few sudila itclents orcured elsentere cips a on isa tody di tt mrning a aterwart but rain in Denning t dr upleaca ient, yben we lines my at roll call the overig it was raining Agter we had stood for a fee mnte in the rain it was announced that there would be no roll call. Then at 0030 te whole camp was voused up made to get up dress for roll call Hew well on & various paoe in trouble all over the camp. Fine has day 240030 2 sauad in our bust was turned out to wel pa els in the ourse wolse up &or eglad at 0145 the whole thet was again turned out for roll call. A simler torolade was adopted in the other buts, stl very wl rain. 84 led Cros parcels were made ave lave for distribution to day which wrthed out at parcel between C. Tley were from Cauada I contained the usual rice articles. Fiie morning but very heavy rain about 1800 ars inoculited agt rgeetry today trouble occu red tody in the Contel polo sad They were ordered to thrn out for aptie-malarial wgh (careeway gran ote o our the (to paracle in bootd or thoss. One & were to member of the equed lut a bat le & soded nt pet on his stes Hs netsonere pco e-thy medical &C0 innrodatel Strue hm in the face. I am not clear what bast, then but it appears that the P0 & spolle to the Co in Dutch & the rco allexes that be aofted a treatening attitude HP0 w was atonce struck & bicked & Enoched about & then removed to be guard wise &t had been suvsequently transpired that he sentarced to 10 doy in the cells orcent gun are very troudlesdme, Tey nesist upon a salate at every possible opportunt & most oe fail to acknowledge thp salut any way. Tonight at wel epee the shy to the west was lit up with what very te glow off be loolied libe fire. It styed a eright red inoldtion on the Londs all night _ it was stiee there at 0500 in the morning _ & I think it ijust have bee a very big fives Vey hes thunderstone in the btarbon with trad thunder + ligating leavy rai
1944 July 15 15 17 19 30 21 12 dineventful day, no rain. Ameriaps are getting letters) lunted to 25 wors, up to Jely 1944. Have a forsered finer &t is very painful. sul charc services. Close stear day but no rin. Tody an officer was to ken to the guard house for taking to an office in another best through the goindan under the ne visiting wull Tinger still crecenively) pny oday nos 192 Equeds turned out to we catle back grases scrub this afternon. I fadt m sie lanced tis norven to corld yor turn outyhad a rale callat p345 t Not cuetry day. Finger much better, we are amusingorses at pent with word sum pizzles. Another newguars on today Keculorsf another good& incliding resnt Austration letters Hot dry dy will a very close night to pla Roll all at 0030 lers Hot morring but lieavy rain in the pterra ClBenjer in camp are averslowing & very little get seenes to be mad to got then our squed was terne out & wols this morning Rll al at 2330 a We have lad te usual Hot canny mrning oxprience vvy mail A Pritel rail, reefeding a e of Antalian Ctn has been in fo some time but not delivered to be authoutted have been too busy to sort it st yoterday come american letter came in Fil authorstisfound time however to deal with this at oere ho myea eeves were delivered at leaving teo Britie ne indeliered Wagbed lodg50:6 a los of 12 licles with this maning 0000-1100 cutting beck graad etc with chunbles. Very bot inflod i the sum. After luncl we bad just started a gave of Aredge when woll call was soundd we were all lined upvrisids our buts + a rigid search was then carried out of all our pssessions, my lighter &d map of fave was taken from we, but to wap was returned later may was delivered today cinsluding a nember of Austaliin lotten Pap to 6 s ofrel 1944 the Oatet Aust being March 1944 impotinately none for me. After the nefection tody a number opke of yce were requied to band aver tas ane to te neforce autoite Sunday usual senie. Hot sutry
1944 July 23 14 26 day. We were sach issued w a been today igilant guard ton new onder ontory tht no light are be ce on oul s oce Ligng ou& nobody is to get ye bed unl that hous. s elas the fetter Cac of sencerity in the orders iisued by the comp authorities ic malaria & thes allead dve to malaran by 2030 hrt whole place is alive will mosquitse & to is te custom for nearly everylede to gev under the mostante not of evening wle call now tbey co however we must stay was be better with mosenitse until 2130. 30 much for te aleged deir to poex us from meldre erfudy se pkin the soup toget Dicks 26th Distadin. I think it is the attet of all there years for young wer lt Dich and thund of other w is mat complete tragedy of this war, b if 4 all over within 10 months, i wis dean not Dich will be 27 gyre n begin & pish up the deed of be lie again resume his preparation for his deired path in lige, &o is not quite a bed p o because he has completed his impasd course & is asteall walling or lys prosge abe army but it is all dead lost fas as le t gaining a voluatle training in luman character + bfa feel however at time in an abolite from rage over these wasted years of Oil. su all te brilliant pomise watel be slewed, it is a wce bt se year gt ast should be sargu besou mians annot find any other polution to our disferences& earels then war sid Domes & a few sied tonight a drawe his seald in srep onr sqied was turned out to wat ti atron outi ga but aou you cit sentet rain dany& were brouht in wet drough lest nigective were tred on f roll call as 0100 en close warm day but a heave fundnton came up about 1700 & at 1900 ball ligets in the camp fused. We sat in Dartener waiting for the roll call bugle
1944 35 July 28 any to sound but nothing happened until 3120 when the lights out bugle went ad we all went to sed in the dark. We were not turned out all night so had o we aall for 24 bours The Caply of pucct fael is getting very bad Individed lot water bas to be storyd above a week ago & it to now geting deppoult oven to get enougle to do the ordiary Coleng. However te Erp authorities will give he ponice of when any nve will be brought in Ht morning, & in the afternon in he tol out to orn. We laad only been oft above he however whon heavy rain pll & we all get wet to the Ilainss The Blages are in an rinbelevive state. They hapt all been overflowing - botle liqued rplid for well over a fortnight but in spite of frequent requets the nifprese authrities will we walee any eport to get thes cleares the stendh in the rerip is Emible & be wlete condition is shocking becond words. 20 is quite necredible that bey cn call sll tenselve avilyed whilet they submit to these constitions. ale requets by i to have thm cleared are greated with Repsive langeter. only a hincle is seving is from a bad epidence. I am fetting another, tozl under my Sunday Nisual servere 1a le in te soup tonight cas day no rain ft all. Roll call at 0015 last night. Another day with no rain. All equads have been wrlsing all morning all agternoo clean up the cap palling lp grast wih par san etc fclearing out drains Ge Cleaghans birthday toddy Naking all werning cleaning up aroun the cimp Terribly lot. he rain all day but a very ligat shower in the early cnterdy ineverful days. Very littlerin Roll call on 3/8/44 at 2345 Have deretoyed a very heavy colp. guard on tortay last night at 205 that guard wont through one orlle buts sound two Amerioen Cls who had goe outs theirbeds as to get under their mozenuts nets as the inosqteswee auar bad. te wee votle sent to celle in the guard legseon ta four day. &te other for tws! more ant walarial treatment Here is an sall no firewood if the pac at perent the ltchen step are t lape eush f ging to cook the hecls b t bospital andt at erougl bot wate its or dyary nle Dse out peteen wye, bake aer habe al e oue a day ar
11944 0207 Very heary rain late in te a tarook which well gtlgon hle con urdaysual church vices ay r in the late afternoon & evening Rolt call at en ese te aweries we went in the sells os getting under the mergt nete was reterred toty. He reprts the acthougle be is over 50 yearsor ageo course in ae sane ingayse indite aste res of, ad i te whole ane between semtle lie out is, 003to ree when pitel eating a real & and get this feople try to ceaim that they are civelied wish this mrning from 800 to 1104 Vay bot o Sisc Squeds were curued out, tay the Atquon be renaining your equod wor land but on 1300 15t00g allowed to have a best on their beds aster tat, holl cale last night at, 2300 prs. One but ws turne, out twree ast 2300 lins 7 again at Oscolers two fhuts when turned one at 0509 less were leapt on parade for yoar hlf an hoar sove being dismssed Vegilant guard 2130 -2400 len nerks this morning 0000 -1100 very lett no rain today but a very beany conttquale sholld at 2035 lers the Ajuarican Col wtho was sent to ds cells for 4 days came out today. He reports that for the whole time be has ten made to stand encept between lights put & reveille & for weals- not even allowed lean against the wall in his sll which had the risual opou bone ey de flo of it He is an avsolute wreak. Duvling the last week or so every pssitle little amxyance that con be thaught up is tracticed upon us, sartries are constrently patrolling te huts E9 at $2315 last right ap G0 with boots up an stemped through the whole length your but wating evengong up con intellest illustration of bopet provided by the rerent arrangement ve payt for our food it he amounts dedfected a fined amount per officer - 35 gen ie per month tn the case of a Brigs. This same amount is siell desrcted prot te pn of eagh of uo althugh we are now getten he bandnas & far ls rice than five were a year ago, Squad went out to wale tody 0000 1100. I ele in to selp Brig. Fott (Assoute) will soe aso which th authoitic required finaling le morning. In the afternoon overyone was turned out p general policing from 1430-1500 as an niopection is due in a few days. Hot clear day unal about 1720 when rain ptarted out was nor very much

July 9 
Contd. the service. Fine hot day. A few incidents re 
not saluting properly 
10 This morning singing, humming tunes etc was 
stopped by the guard. Gen. Jones was washing some 
clothes & gently singing whilst he did so. a guard 
came along & told him any singing whistling etc  
was prohibited. a few similar incidents occurred 
elsewhere. cigs & cigars on issue today. Fine hot 
morning & afternoon but rain in the evening. 
11 Fine hot day. Various unpleasant incidents. When 
we lined up at roll call this evening it was 
raining. After we had stood for a few minutes 
in the rain it was announced that there would 
be no roll call. Then at 0030 the whole 
camp was roused up & made to get up & 
dress for roll call. 
12 Heat well on & various people in trouble all 
over the camp. Fine hot day. At 0030 no 2 
squad in our hut but was turned out for roll call 
& of course woke up everyone else in the 
squad & at 0145 the whole hut was again 
turned out for roll call. A similar procedure 
was adopted in the other huts. Still very little 
13. 84 Red Cross parcels were made available for 
distribution today which worked out at 1 
parcel between 6. They were from Canada 
& contained the usual nice articles. Fine 
morning but very heavy rain about 1600 hrs. 
Inoculated agst dysentry today. 
14. Trouble occurred today in the Dutch Col's squad. 
They were ordered to turn out for anti-malarial  
work (clearing away grass etc around the camp) 
& were told to parade in boots or shoes. One 
member of the squad had a bad foot & so did 
not put on his shoes. The Nipponese N.C.O in 
charge - the medical N.C.O - immediately struck 
him in the face. I am not clear what happened 
then but it appears that the P.O.W. spoke to 
the NCO in Dutch & the N.CO alleges that he 
adopted a threatening attitude. The P.O.W was 
at once struck & kicked & knocked about 
& then removed to the guard house. It 
subsequently transpired that he had been 
sentenced to 10 days in the cells. Present guard 
are very troublesome. They insist upon a 
salute at every possible opportunity & most 
of them fail to acknowledge the salute 
in any way. Tonight at roll call the 
sky to the west was lit up with what 
looked like a very the glow of a very big 
fire. It stayed a bright red reflection 
on the clouds all night - it was still there  
at 0500 in the morning - & I think it must 
have been a very big fire. Very heavy 
thunderstorm in the afternoon with tremendous 
thunder & lightning & heavy rain. 


July 15. Uneventful day no rain. Americans are 
getting letters, limited to 25 words, up to 
Feby 1944. Have a poisoned finger & it 
is very painful. 
16 Usual church services. Close steamy day 
but no rain. Today an officer was 
taken to the guard house for talking 
to an officer in another hut through 
the window under the "no visiting" 
rule. Finger still excessively painful 
17. Hot day. Nos 1 & 2 squads turned out to work cutting 
back grass & scrub this afternoon. I had my 
finger lanced this morning so could not 
turn out. We had a roll call at 2345 tonight 
18. Hot sultry day. Finger much better. We 
are amusing ourselves at present with 
"word sum" puzzles. Another new guard 
on today. Rumors of another good mail 
including recent Australian letters. 
19 Hot dry day with a very close night to follow 
Roll call at 0030 hrs. 
20 Hot morning but heavy rain in the afternoon. 
all "Banjos" in camp are overflowing & very 
little effort seems to be made to get them 
cleared. Our squad was turned out to work 
this morning. Roll call at 2330 hrs. 
21. Hot sunny morning. We have had the usual 
experience over mail. A British mail, including a 
lot of Australian letters, has been in for some 
time but not delivered as the authorities have 
been too busy to sort it etc. Yesterday some 
American letters came in. The authorities found 
time however to deal with this at once & the 
letters were delivered at 1130 hrs today, still  
leaving the British mail undelivered. 
50.6 22 Weighed today - 50.6 a loss of 1.2 kilos. Work 
this morning 0800 - 1100 cutting back grass 
etc with 'chumbles'. Very hot indeed in 
the sun. After lunch we had just 
started a game of bridge when "roll 
call "was sounded. We were all 
lined up inside our huts & a rigid 
search was then carried out of all 
our possessions. My lighter & a map 
of Java was taken from me, but 
the map was returned later. British 
mail was delivered today (including a  
number of Australian letters) up to 6th April 
1944 - the latest Aust. being March 1944. 
unfortunately none for me. After the 
inspection today a number of the officers 
were required to hand over their diaries 
to the nipponese authorities. 
23 Sunday. Usual services. Hot sultry 


July 23rd day. We were each issued with a bun 
contd. today. Vigilant guard tonight 0200 - 0400 
24 New order out today that no lights are 
allowed to be turned out until 2130 hrs - 
"lights out" & nobody is to get into bed 
until that hour. This shows the utter lack 
of sincerity in the orders issued by the camp 
authorities re malaria & their alleged 
desire to check malaria. By 2030 hrs the 
whole place is alive with mosquitoes & it 
is the custom for nearly everybody to get 
under their mosquito nets the moment  
they come off evening roll call. Now 
however we must stay up & be bitten 
with mosquitoes until 2130. So much 
for the alleged desire to protect us 
from malaria! 
25 Uneventful day. Hot & close. Pork in the 
soup tonight 
26. Dick's 26th birthday. I think it is the utter waste 
of all these years for young men like Dick - 
and thousands of others - which is the most 
complete tragedy of this war. Even if it is 
all over within 12 months, it will mean 
that Dick will be 27 before he can begin 
to pick up the threads of his life again & 
resume his preparation for his desired 
path in life. It is not quite so bad for Bob 
because he has completed his university 
course & is actually working at his life profession 
in the army but it is all dead loss to Dick 
except in so far as he is gaining a valuable 
training in human character & affairs. I 
feel however at times in an absolute frenzy of 
rage over these wasted years of Dick's. 
With all the brilliant promise which he 
showed, it is damnable that five years 
at least should be sacrificed because we 
humans cannot find any other solution 
to our differences & quarrels than war. 
Sid Downer & a few friends came in tonight 
& drank to his health in "syrup". 
Our squad was turned out to work this 
afternoon cutting grass but about four 
o'clock it started to rain heavily & we 
were brought in wet through. 
Last night we were turned out for roll 
call at 0300 hrs. 
27 Close warm day but a heavy thunderstorm 
came up about 1700 & at 1900 hrs all 
lights in the camp fused. We sat in 
darkness waiting for the roll call bugle 


July 27 to sound but nothing happened until 2130 
(contd.) when the lights out bugle went so we 
all went to bed in the dark. We were 
 not turned out all night so had no roll  
call for 24 hours. The supply of firewood & 
fuel is getting very bad. Individual hot 
water had to be stopped about a week ago 
& it is now getting difficult even to get 
enough to do ordinary cooking. However 
the camp authorities will give no promise 
of when any more will be brought in. 
July 28. Hot morning & in the afternoon we were taken 
out to work. We had only been out about 
1/2 hr. however when heavy rain fell & we 
all got wet to the skins. The "Banjos" are 
in an unbelievable state. They have all 
been overflowing - both liquid & solid - 
for well over a fortnight but in spite of 
frequent requests the nipponese authorities 
will not make any effort to get them cleared 
The stench in the camp is terrible & the whole 
condition is shocking beyond words. It is 
quite incredible that they can call themsel
themselves "civilized"whilst they submit to 
these conditions. All requests by us to have 
them cleared are greeted with derisive 
laughter. only a miracle is saving us 
from a bad epidemic. I am getting 
another boil under my arm-pit. 
29. Uneventful day 
30 Sunday. Usual services. a little pork in the 
soup tonight. Clear day no rain at all. 
301 Roll call at 0015 last night. Another day 
with no rain. All squads have been 
working all morning & all afternoon cleaning 
up the camp - pulling up grass with our hands 
etc & clearing out drains. Gen. Callaghan's 
birthday today. 
Aug 31 1st Working all morning cleaning up around the 
camp. Terribly hot. No rain all day but a  
very light shower in the early evening. 
Aug 2 {Entirely uneventful days. Very little rain 
"3 { Roll call on 3/8/44 at 2345. 
"4. Have developed a very heavy cold. New 
guard on today. Last night at 2115 the guard 
went through one of the huts & found two 
American Cols. who had got onto their beds so 
as to get under their mosquito nets as the 
mosquitoes were particularly bad. They were 
both sent to cells in the guard house - one 
for four days & the other for two! More 
anti-malarial treatment! 
5 There is no mo still no firewood in the place 
& at present the kitchen staff are just keeping 
enough fire going to cook the meals. Even the 
hospital cannot get enough hot water for 
its ordinary meds & out-patients who have 
orders for hot-water have no chance at 
all except once a day - if they are lucky. 


Aug 5 Very heavy rain late in the afternoon which 
contd. continued until well afes after lights out. Roll 
call at 13 0030. 
Aug 6 Sunday. Usual church services. Heavy rain in 
the late afternoon & evening. Roll call at 
0200 2300. One of the Americans who were put 
in the cells for getting under their mosquito 
net was released today. He reports that 
although he is over 50 years of age & of 
course in the same low physical condition 
as the rest of us, he was made to stand 
up the whole time between Reveille & lights 
out ie, 0600 - 2130 except when actually 
eating a meal - and yet these people 
try to claim that they are civilized! 
7. Work this morning from 0800 to 1100.  Very hot. 
In a Six Squads were turned out in the afternoon 
the remaining four Squads were turned out 
from 1300 - 1500 & then allowed to have a  
rest on their beds after that. Roll call last 
night at 2300 hrs. one but was turned out twice 
at 2300 hrs & again at 0500 hrs. Two huts when 
turned out at 0500 hrs were kept on parade for 
approx half an hour before being dismissed. 
Vigilant guard 2130 - 2400hrs. 
8 Work this morning 0800 - 1100. Very hot. No rain 
today but a very heavy earthquake shook 
at 0 2035 hrs. The American Col who was 
sent to the cells for 4 days came out today. 
He reports that for the whole time he has been 
made to stand except between lights out & 
reveille & for meals - not even allowed to 
lean against the wall in his cell which 
had the usual open "banjo" in the floor of it. 
He is an absolute wreck. During the last 
week or so every possible little annoyance 
that can be thought up is practised upon 
us. Sentries are constantly patrolling the 
huts E.g at 22 2315 last night an NCO 
with boots up on stamped through the  
whole length of our hut waking everyone 
up. An excellent illustration of honesty is - 
provided by the present arrangement re payt 
for our food etc. The amount deducted is 
a fined amount for officer - 35 yen in the 
per month in the case of offiser Brigs. This 
same amount is still deducted from the pay 
of each of us although we are now getting 
no bananas & far less rice than we were 
a year ago 
9. Squad went out to work today 0800 - 1100. I stayed 
in to help Brig. Trott (Accountant) with some [[?afes?]] 
which the authorities required finishing this 
morning. In the afternoon everyone was turned 
out for general policing from 1430 - 1630 as 
an inspection is due in a few days. Hot clear 
day until about 1730 when rain started 
but was not very much.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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