Diary of Arthur Seaforth Blackburn, April 1942 - November 1944, Part 4 of 26

Second World War, 1939–45
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26742 27742 287:43 29:7:43 10:742 21742 842 outside bebed were enclosure of senid of compound weulst RC radre stoge wsite& condusted a service Volleyball confetitions for cun preentedly te. of convdiced tosay. dean from Porte Colt tean f Houston? Can from tt to best tean frope Hut to re today that it is now renlited that fe will from this camp construction of minature golf sure coplated 6day. 2t is dispisult to gex wdnl formes or pisemte as he liave ho rom for fortall Hariole lenerything very quiet in any now. cofloolie has bee ordered to refore daily to Broatoftig tb t suservice ma der being feet over to Australie. Hes worle is purely editorial, no omlcestin by Basber gang terted again today a large neald of new & apiers were bas led about nap rear Tiffical caseoa man in tat & was based on as Rwe witl slood was reving aganl egs lt.a y was punched in the fase, d twle in the growd & his belinet which had fallew of was siked + finelly entry runged ppr dowbn on it with be squade t plat Kidd n it Karrine at our g toe with ao baster of s oe sweet Had a facted suffer Conflad t him about be laiding. He exlained that arks ar under ontre of outsidegivers but be will do his best to prevent the lelcking. Averions pave crie off the boring stt6 is trying to amaage o Australian to give douts ou de th pn on monday wext canse to as nosested this worning by a mair soud of all Eon causen Jai weee is to take seant Eroy that we sill pobably be paid in the near facure. Am getting alarmingly then & neale. am gonng to give up sithing to ee the thgt will a ang good1 and the came inspection today this time ty a lange pit about half of whom were, cvilians, i ment t Egrosters to cemiine of volley ball cometition won by amonns today degeated teem from Parta: thus elimizating Austs fom the finals. Instruction issue official that our Curap service on tunday ging to be rred & bradcastedt Australia doeen how we can stop it & injary case any trouble on our fart migat easily tader in refusal to farie us to hold caued service as tly are not very friendly over the holding of the service Iela Call final for cup presented by thhe was my tean wles teat won Erday by Amercian and an hady team. Elllent conset give consert party tis overing at whi a six of ever p officers & a number of Xc009 wer attended ya part of bosters (anstrabis) were tken along to a big Jap barrades to give an exlribition boat of sonerd we arried there about &1400 log& ligtn an ontertainnent by the Dutale Rand & pr indo Toye for a couple of hours our ssted fut a they sher & reseited a trewendous ovi Ate it was over the Jeps givve up 6, ooo ciprettes any too band & our party also calses, frais epeas et sbey doe told us they would bring hs back in thevening to see a pister sliew Actaget it made a wonerful break This saping we bad a past eash for dinner uniale was very well made cohed
38:62 4:8:42 5842 6342 7:8:42 8:8:42 047 1024 11:8:62 2oday 14 officers under to tol begutt & 264008 arrived in camp from Teier, tbey have been informed that all the primers from Duer are to be brought bere. Brg seale is noe a piaper butt is come here in te mountains. Thay lve oppparently been very well treates. anounsed that they will attend our sonsert Sattrday ngt bave used tis to dra esteti to our depictancies & are hopeful of gatteng soure necan easa pian out ofe hitu gol course whish has seen built by the mven or ane orces grours was opened to day o very attended. A.Ks drill started today a an alamm of 12 noon & another at 2100 Avs foler sef light in camp ead & be pat out au redalarms still continuing t mor toddy ore at midde, + ore at widnight, ainde goed has taken an irmntouly, over leaving blayed on course in 1s 24 hour Inceaty shes signs of flaning up again as we resui andther re et for n wo will go speaking voices to cubmit their names to brogafe Australia. A questionain was submitted to officer & on denor for them to preseven le was quite harmless. Japs mnformed uo that a longe nemter of thes men would attend Saturday slights concert they have let uo have a pians in alderto i a it better as oralestin renevertful day, the roatine gows deadly monetoring st tive willd trait stirel uneveriful day. thery hot, rwe t about 100 Japs attended i Ducor Conigar wai lasted from 8 until 11 consert party bect ona wonderul shay, the rians provided lyfe Ja making a dous differene Rore Amerien team beat our bat tean & volla ball, 4 matahes to 1. usual Sunday pervicad attendance is sleadily nareding. Am gettling v worries about lossty weighe am syp goll therne & thumer. Insteated Ry a Jap Gopnal today warned this morning for another inpotion by a stap officer at 1120 Ars. waited aboutt ready for inspection ntil 100 as then tld appectio ange of plans ovour as fromere was of agarently cl in telk arm as in ours. Far iisued a mavs summare today alleging tall ty haad infliated a emaching defeat on a prce of ours of Doloman Islands. Hay Clam t leve destroyed of eunle 28 consless & trausports, e aavr vore uneaentful day minaters gefcouse is ver pple & the man and building another 9 holes) & play asternoon from t 1600 to 1700 lero. Camp nimou es tha Co5 is definited leaving us soon & profetly pop a0 well. This aterroon the guards fourd various wlokey upon aworln things including so wsh their rettern to camp. Tey then instituted & riged sewch & had an orgy of geating pep. 14 wan inehe found tu prrension of Hereous article & sech man was beaten, in some caseg on the, le d bambor foles Thay were then lodied ip in to guard room bet eater were released. O0 wakeing party who has been an our placing party was defermed yesterday that no thing oe was to be done abill it. Eparntly the echerse hes been drozed
843 5:8:42 42 party wis were auget se Angyican hrow vesterday bringing things wt canp were deaen funished todly they swere tallen to Jap H Pr reads saved & beards sonitale it lead then cut off. They were then made to leved in wove of the Grard house from 1100 lro talfe 1706 lers llowed to stand up rtretge the legs for sing mesute every half hows. a rotug was fe fut up alongside them in Englisht Japane There men stol: This evening wos gaveasial dnver party at ja7 ag fereele as be is returning to Jafan very stilly. t made sheeply theling us i oar selv genel ed to ralet a speecl of farewe uneveriful ofan minatere Golf ternmt comend ina tacuover alloti o commnnit werte in claning out Officer common soud to ptigue compored of all latuen, one officer refusing to aloow his batwen to work for other officer & had to entervene & order that baluan do tlo job unpleasant incidan mniy st & took col Dearler mureg our slotting to shis to do to be bead to make us remove all badge of rani acerations its wge out as prevale. I got a subber of ing I recded very badly sucleds leather my thse ete but wes striett, cimite by dia wd wee reformed tory that as frm cwis Atereive A.RP would be pacture in srr e & we are a araie to caup po same ony thet te rest of te presoues from Diner are dde o arrie here withiin a fow dayeg that thy & t Colf Leggall to ofpies & vos aweaty bere well go to las new camp which our men have been mn st Col Leggall has no warrant for Courts! pperteal & to I have decided to give lie power to convene to snl discovred today that garon leid (vrla heideen te t to here in the cout: He was a ceam Had a clusk woll call to daylorder latte & everyore in camp condetend we land Cnew Staff Cnorrow Jap bave starte atarvo hir raid ftacture & towght about 8020 pwall ligats were put out in caup) ordered) to be hee out all night, dos is to go on tr fire nights move adearsout today sunkay usaal cherce pevises, ARD papter full ewing & bcoming an damned nepiance. last mow all lights had to be pavou at w 2015 cods were not allowed on again, now camp staff did not arrive today as exfected nings line become very bering with 4RP tracts lights are out mose ofe time & ope has to ait in darins. Weather has teen very dry & lt for past fortriggt. oply one chicke Deratreed out of last Brood. it & left this afternoon but we have not got sean anything your new camp staff weather remains very dry & bot. dyo euee have no irsue of tea a ameriion & ourselves and blying same in propotion to our numberp. Insouned that through dlay in delicers of fee woe may leave & fer deys wrihout great &c f l prape binisbed torgen to has been trying to 4e eedvgt e cau calugsa oue C arrive tomgrow
20:842 742 23842 23842 3484 3584 26:842 27842 uneversful day. Am getting bad indigdtion as wele as getting damnably then now stap took over today. Had a ilster prede at 0936 hrs & naw step inpected ca of cted i all. They couldne agree on their count rep ani parade was called for 1830 les this ting the count was correst, Have wayfeged to prtially solve bread difficulty by equing beas aroue daily vted of usual issue Another load of four cowe in toda rest as we last our pesent t. 2t is to pt fo tomorrows bolling so we will have to give out day without breads new camp cmmandet had list first interviow will levis today, Beomed very aable pomised consideration to our valious regurements. Bay position is besemue, dcate Occuion from sohes was ponised on 20t of tis mont ogt nothing has yet been profesed. stal no bread jssde tloud cply has cone it cup but dajo refuse to ione same rptanel 60 Ale oy eale wene stolen from the Jap Duartornetis stere yesterday + we are all to be punisled. To try to stan ti damned potislin o stealing from the st getting no all nt trouble I bave amounced that I tuill wnt oue ore agg issue, &o as to try of got may decait charo to preveil the Refts, Esuel/ured services were held todays new caup cmmandent sent for retodat Ordered me to submit all pinulments dwarded by sue & ape officers of the camp to lm ta asprough ee c all promulgated, mush eroubled about cuild rumsuro wasel stread through coup, mt sach so that we have recptared hand, that we ar attadly Bali, oven that we have acque couraya. Brts might be Prious as it sughe tand to malg nen bxeale nt of caup premationely. Bashng Churenced again torlay. Tup saithe went bround this gtanoon + struck a number of men. In one case they threw a large stone at one man + liit lie in the stomlich, prea issue has recommenced but on a very redused scale. long interviey with new Caup Commendat today san ther is that he is going to do bis bet to got in dental cquisment necessari for maning prigi Otc CanfieldIdied ony dentures. VX in our hoipital from dyseutery & anxeincp= o r da oming ito full laying again3 ex One office (te allen) & three Oks who was in Alloy no greap & who were out of at Leavillian arreved in this camp todays were pyt stragae & noc allowed to spale & into the slls. we in them out so far as we can accertat the have seen liiding in the manataiis sntel 4 when ay were sistured I pear thet th prly afficer & a lt of 0.Ke were blled oday e mp Commandant reviewed sentase exyored on opaners & dralicilreapced same one man was abused his officer had his seitace reduced to 2 days & arother who sinsledon sarae & refersed to pt but bys Cigarette when argrex t do go bd hs sentece deduced 42d gel that it will be utterly inprosible to indentig discieine if our senturees are to be perceve of reduced in this manny& intend to gob to the commndant & protedt to him tomerrow.
1842 2842 842 160 942 one of the men brought in yesterday bad dysesting Bday he was much worse with a Cemppratire severe pain. cmp commandait rejuied to allow yo to remove him to Cospital I aplied to see him personal but be refused to see me. I have feet inp strong potest but so far without avaul. I aave also fet by a strong potest against the reduction of centuce te ythe camp commandent. inh leat pernitted removel of Dts Baade from Cnp Crme sai cells to hospital. His astanioon e learler mself & iocced preale order te seat pr very time a Jappoldies salilting ot in firtie s along te mancame pad ere officer two aut as be passes the end of it will be called rep t attention. all games will cease& pee ronto will caluts. foi will recesssate the pastingo of each but &0 entt ntries at the give werning of approach. today he been a day of Curtont getting ly solutti. Even &c gap glares ane seaiving ooverse signs of Coredom with bee syscon! I wrote eman gut today on the suggest pay as we have prastically run out of monay, 3d8 seen able to regain any weigher and potter to this now that my bore age ts dect Ih a ban seat ta long & when I lie inbed as night neval couset cons entersl uneventful day vsial caupd afice, still eeping teril dug Itis over gnouth sinc we aas any vain ap commandent prd t o da cmp around in the Ccatin of the quarter in are to take over pation of he senis oficn por 920 to 20 Dutch officers are to mave one nt our comfound. This will require chifting o number of mew out of their quarter in order to make soam for them & geronell wel be pety aspiret rnentful day. Weether & still keepin very doy se has beed no rain for t weeks. Ip ou tody refud t emecofficer pyli cuti visit & rachcanp. nsted be had t suplg li o equrements which the gess said they would prone through gtry to gee supplied. 20 Dutrle officers out of Leni offices Compound a in our part of the camp day. Pley are guartres in to gynnasum wen& there lave been moved iit an old shed with He men from Gliner. third annuesary of the war. minor depting as ccuretoday officer ar encling a cguete wolling arowe to bedot lins pmate to hreel downg b jace was smached. Jap camp commandent informed us today thet credis at lithers would no langer be permitted olbet all percases by us must be paid toin cash This mis a vy serious problem. Wt have little money lege& to Japaneo suye of religine drugs et is very dijposdet in standard of guarle to our own be present bealth of troop to good bent me must try to be prepred for t poiie gan epidence and in that event a lot of nlorey might be required. An obtaining refoth estimate from Hospital Stay on tasble requirements I will been take us whole position with Col Darle Received a frinte potice t that a myorgen Laito lias taken over tmorand oall P.0.Wo in Jin. Iw a three office in the

26.7.42 Outside barbed wire enclosure of Senior Officers 
compound whilst R.C. padre stood inside & 
conducted a service.
27.7.42. Volleyball competitions for cup presented by Lt. K 
commenced today. Team from "Perth" beat team from 
"Houston." & team from Hut 6 beat team from Hut 4. 
Heard today that it is now unlikely that Lt. K will go 
from this camp. 
28.7.42. Construction of minature golf course completed 
today. It is difficult to get many forms of amusement 
as we have no room for football or cricket. 
Everything very quiet in camp now. Lt Rodie has 
been ordered to report daily to Broadcasting H.Q 
to supervise matter being put over to Australia. His 
work is purely editorial, no broadcasting being required. 
29.7.42. Basher gang started again today. A large number of
men & officers were bashed about for no apparent
reason. Typical cases:- a man in Hut 8 was kicked on
the shins until blood was running down his legs.
Lt. Blakeway was punched in the face, kicked twice
in the groin & his helmet which had fallen off
was kicked & finally sentry jumped up & down
on it until he squashed it flat. This evening
Lt. K. arrived at our quarters with two bottles of whiskey
& some sweets. Had a hectic supper. Complained to him
about the kicking. He explained that guards are under
control of outside officers but he will do his
best to prevent the kicking. Americans have "cried
off" the boxing. Lt. K. is trying to arrange for 
Australians to give outside bouts outside the camp
on Monday next. 
30.7.42. Camp was inspected this morning by a Major-General 
who is to take charge of all Prison camps in Java.
Learnt today that we will probably be paid in the 
near future. Am getting alarmingly thin & weak. 
Am going to give up smoking to see if that will do 
any good.
31.7.42. Another camp inspection today, this time by a large
party about half of whom were civilians, press 
men, photographers etc. Semifinals of "volley ball
competition won by Americans today who 
defeated team from "Perth", thus eliminating Austs.
from the finals. Instruction issued by Broadcasting
Officials that our church service on Sunday is 
going to be recorded & broadcasted to Australia 
I don't see how we can stop it, & in any case 
any trouble on our part might easily result 
in refusal to permit us to hold church services, 
as they are not very friendly over the holding 
of the services. 
1.8.42. Volley Ball final for cup presented by Lt. K. was 
won today by American Army team who beat
American Navy team. Excellent concert given by
concert party this evening at which six or seven Jap.
officers & a number of NCO's & men attended. 
2.8.42. Today a party of boxers (Australians) were taken along 
to a big Jap. barracks to give an exhibition bout 
of boxing. We arrived there about 4 1400 hrs & listened
to an entertainment by the Dutch Band & an Indonesian 
Troupe for a couple of hours. Our chaps then put on
their show & received a tremendous ovation. After 
it was over the Japs gave us 6,000 cigarettes amongst 
the band & our party also cakes, fruit sweets etc. 
They then told us they would bring us back 
in the evening to see a picture show. Altogether 
it made a wonderful break. This evening we 
had a pasty each for dinner which was very well 
made & cooked


3.8.42. Today 14 officers under Lt Col Leggett & 26 NCOS .
arrived in camp from Timor. They have been 
informed that all the prisoners from Timor are to 
be brought here. Brig. Veale is not a prisoner but is
somewhere in the mountains. They have apparently
been very well treated.
4.8.42. Japs announced that they will attend our concert on 
Saturday night. We have used this to draw attention
to our deficiencies & are hopeful of getting some
necessities, such as a piano, out of it. Miniature Golf
course which has been built by the men from 
one of the groups was opened today & very largely
attended. A.R.P drill started today with an 
alarm of 12 noon & another at 2100 hrs when every
light in the camp had to be put out.
5.8.42. Air raid alarms still continuing; two more
today one at midday & one at midnight. Miniature
golf has taken on tremendously, over 1000 having
played on course in 1st 24 hours. Broadcasting
shows signs of flaring up again as we received
another request for men who with good speaking
voices to submit their names to broadcast to
Australia. A questionaire was submitted to
officers & men from Timor for them to answer. It
was quite harmless.
6.8.42. Japs informed us that a large number of their men
would attend Saturday nights concert. They have
let us have a piano in order to make it better for
the orchestra. Uneventful day. The routine grows
deadly monotonous at times. 
7.8.42. Entirely uneventful day. Very hot. Lt K. arrived tonight with beer, fruit etc
8.8.42. About 100 Japs attended the concert tonight which
lasted from 8 until 11. Concert party put on a
wonderful show, the piano provided by the Japs
making a tremendous difference.
9.8.42. Best American team beat our best team at volley- 
ball, 4 matches to 1. Usual Sunday services.
attendance is steadily increasing. Am getting very
worried about loss of weight. Am still getting
thinner & thinner. Inspected by a Jap. General today.
10.8.42. Warned this morning for another inspection by
a staff officer at 1130 hrs. Waited about ready for
inspection until 1230 hrs & then told inspection
was "off".  Apparently change of plans occur as frequently
in Jap. Army as in ours. Japs issued a news
summary today alleging that they have inflicted
a smashing defeat on a force of ours at Soloman
Islands. They claim to have destroyed or sunk 
28 warships & transports. We are not very worried!
11.8.42. Uneventful day. Minature golf course is very popular
& the men are building another 9 holes. I play every
afternoon from 4 1600 to 1700 hrs. Camp rumour is that
Lt. S is definitely leaving us soon & probably Lt. K. as
well. This afternoon the guards found various
things including some whiskey upon a working party
upon their return to camp. They then instituted a
rigid search & had an orgy of beating up. 14 men
were found in possession of various articles & each
man was beaten, in some cases on the head with
bamboo poles. They were then locked up in the
guard room but later were released. O.C
working party who has been on our playing ground
party was informed yesterday that nothing more
was to be done about it. Apparently the scheme
has been dropped. 


12.8.42. Americans from working party who were caught
yesterday bringing things into camp were again
punished today. They were taken to Jap H.Q. There
had their heads shaved & beards moustaches etc
cut off. They were then made to kneel in front
of the guard house from 1100 hrs until 1700 hrs
being allowed to stand up & stretch their legs for a
few minutes every half hour. A notice was
put up alongside them in English & Japanese
"These men stole". This evening Lt. S. gave a small
dinner party at Jap H.Q as a farewell as he
is returning to Japan very shortly. He made a
speech thanking us for our behaviour generally
& I had to make a speech of farewell.
13.8.42. Uneventful day. Minature Golf tournament
commenced. Storm in a teacup over allotment
of Community work in cleaning out Officers
Common Room to fatigue composed of all
batmen, one officer refusing to allow his
batman to work for other officers. I had to
intervene & order that batman do the job.
Unpleasant incident!
14.8.42. This morning Lt. K. took Col Searle & myself our shopping. To
do so he had to make us remove all badges of rank
decorations etc & go out as privates. I got a number of
things I needed very badly such as leather for repairing
my shoes etc but was strictly limited by shortage of money.
We were informed today that as from tomorrow 15th4
until 19th extensive A.R.P would be practiced in BATAVIA
& we had to organise the camp for same. Heard today
that the rest of the prisoners from Timor are due to arrive
here within a few days & that they & Lt Col Leggatt &
the officers & NCOs already here will go to the new
camp which our men have been rep preparing.
Lt Col Leggatt has no warrant for Courts. martial & so
I have decided to give him power to convene Crts-martial.
15.8.42. Discovered today that Gordon Reid (Harold Reid's son)
is here in the camp. He was a seaman on the Perth.
Had a check roll call today (ordered by the Japs)
of everyone in camp. Understand we are handed over
to new Staff tomorrow. Japs have started extensive
air raid practice & tonight about 2030 hrs all
lights were put out in camp & ordered to be
kept out all night. This is to go on for five
nights. Move chicks out today.
16.8.42 Sunday. Usual church services. A.R.P practice in
full swing & becoming an damned nuisance.
Last night all lights had to be put out at about
2015 hrs & were not allowed on again. New
camp staff did not arrive today as expected.
17.8.42. Evenings have become very boring with ARP.
practice. Lights are out most of the time & one
has to sit in darkness. Weather has been
very dry & hot for past fortnight. Only one
chicken hatched out of last brood.
18.8.42. Lt. K. left this afternoon but we have not yet
seen anything of our new camp staff.  Weather
remains very dry & hot. Japs still make no
issue of tea so Americans & ourselves are buying
same in proportion to our numbers.
19.8.42. Informed that through delay in delivery of flour we
may have & few days without bread. A.R.P practice 
finished tonight. It has been trying to be in
darkness each night. New Camp Commandant
due to arrive tomorrow. 


20.8.42. Uneventful day. Am getting bad indigestion as well
as getting damnably thin.
21.8.42. New staff took over today. Had a muster parade
at 0930 hrs & new staff inspected camp & counted 
us all. They couldn't agree on their count & so
another parade was called for 1820 hrs. This
time the count was correct. Have managed to
partially solve bread difficulty by issuing half
amount daily instead of usual issue.
22.8.42. Another load of flour came in today, just as we
used the last of our present lot. It is too late for
tomorrow's baking so we will have to have one
day without bread. New Camp Commandant had
his first interview with Davis today. Seemed
very affable & promised consideration to our
various requirements. Pay position is becoming acute.
Decision from Tokio was promised on 20th of this
month but nothing has yet been finalised.
23.8.42. Still no bread issue. Flour supply has come into camp
but Japs refuse to issue same. Unfortunately 60 cases
of salt were stolen from the Jap Quartermaster's store
yesterday & we are all to be punished. To try to stop
this damned foolishness of stealing from their store &
getting us all into trouble I have announced that I
will cut out one egg issue, so as to try & get more
decent chaps to prevent the thefts. Usual church
services were held today.
24.8.42. New camp commandant sent for me today &  Ordered
me to submit all punishments awarded by me or any
officers of the camp to him, for approval, before same
are promulgated. Much troubled about wild
rumours which spread through camp, just such as
that we have recaptured Timor; that we are attacking
Bali; even that we have attacked Sourabaya. Position
might be serious as it might tend to make men break
out of camp prematurely.
25.8.42. "Bashing" commenced again today. Two sentries 
went around this afternoon & struck a number
of men. In one case they threw a large stone
at one man & hit him in the stomach. Bread
issue has recommenced but on a very reduced
26.8.42. Long interview with new Camp Commandant today.
Main item is that he is going to do his best to get in
dental equipment necessary for making artificial
dentures. VX       Pte Banfield died today
in our hospital from dysentery & anaemia.
Fowls are now coming into 'full laying' again - 3
eggs per day the last three days
27.8.42. One officer (Lt Allen) & three O.Rs who were in A Coy
No 2 group & who were cut off at Leuwillian
arrived in this camp today & were put straight
into cells. We were not allowed to speak to
them but so far as we can ascertain, they
have been hiding in the mountains until 2/8/42
when they were captured. It I fear that the other
officers & a lot of the 0.Rs were killed.
Today the Camp Commandant reviewed sentences
imposed on offenders & drastically reduced same.
One man who abused his officer had his sentence
reduced to 2 days & another who smoked on parade
& refused to put out his Cigarette when ordered
to do so had his sentence reduced to 2 days. I
feel that it will be utterly impossible to maintain
discipline if our sentences are to be reviewed &
reduced in this manner & intend to ask to see
the Commandant & protest to him tomorrow. 


28.8.42. One of the men brought in yesterday had dysentery.
Today he was much worse with a temperature & in
severe pain. Camp Commandant refused to allow us to
remove him to hospital. I applied to see him personally
but be refused to see me. I have put in a strong
protest but so far without avail. I have also put
in a strong protest against the reduction of sentences
by the Camp Commandant. Late in the afternoon
Camp Commandant permitted removal of Pte Baade from
cells to hospital. This afternoon Camp Commandant
sent for Col Searle & myself & issued fresh orders re
saluting etc. In future every time a Jap soldier or
officer walks along the main camp road every
hut as he passes the end of it will be called
up to attention, all games will cease & all ranks 
will salute. This will necessitate the posting of
sentries at the end of each hut & compound to
give warning of approach.
29.8.42. Today has been a day of constant getting up &
saluting. Even the Jap guards are showing obvious
signs of boredom with the system! I wrote a memo
to Camp Commandant today on the subject of pay as
we have practically run out of money. I do not 
seem able to regain any weight & am getting so
thin now that my bones ache if I sit on a hard
seat for long & when I lie in bed at night. 
usual concert tonight 
30.8.42. Entirely uneventful day. Usual church services.
Still keeping terribly dry. It is over a month
since we had any rain.
31.8.42. Jap commandant informed us today of  proposed change
around in the location of the quarters in the camp. Japs
are to take over portion of the seniors officers compound
& 20 to 30 Dutch officers are to move out into our
compound. This will require shifting of a number
of men out of their quarters in order to make
room for them & generally will be pretty difficult.
1-9-42. Uneventful day. Weather is still keeping very dry.
There has been no rain for 5 weeks. Jap Commandant
today refused to letter Medical Officer pay his customary
visit to Rathcamps. Instead he had to supply a list of
requirements which the Japs said they would phone
through & try to get supplied.
2.9.42. 20 Dutch officers out of senior officers compound
moved in to our part of the camp today. They are
Quartered in the Gymnasium & the men formerly
there have been moved into an old shed with
the men from Timor.
3.9.42. Third anniversary of the war. Minor beatings up
occurred today. One officer (Capt Weirning)was caught
smoking a cigarette walking around the back of the
huts & made to kneel down & his face
was smacked.
4.9.42. Jap camp commandant informed us today that credit
at Rathcamp would no longer be permitted & that
all purchases by us must be paid for in cash.
This raises a very serious problem. We have
little money left & the Japanese supply of medicines
drugs etc is very different in standard of quality
to our own. At present health of troops is good
but we must try to be prepared for the possibility
of an epidemic and in that event a lot of
money might be required. Am obtaining reports &
estimates from Hospital Staff on possible
requirements & will then take up whole position
with Col. Searle. Received a printed notice today
that a Major Gen Saito has taken over command
of all P.0.Ws in Java. Two or three officers in the

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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