Diary of Arthur Seaforth Blackburn, April 1942 - November 1944, Part 13 of 26

Second World War, 1939–45
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26 27 Annae Dyg Easte Sundy, attended clued when special Angac prayer way read. Meals have een good in lowr f Easter. Arle cous at misdey with quite a bit of porle in it, duclcoap at dinner, a bread neue nearly & it per yan& as at to paw paw eacl suall quantitoy ags rle & fol no cme in. First prosocal was to cope to tbore toho lad ontered them but then seus Percival Dl & wanwryed met togetter, deided t t ltwaseou supply agier be came down to our fidaythe room letty to obtain the view of the Anstralidy as to metted of distribation rius were expessed I axfressed the opinion that tey should be divided port ayle turned on te instant & said sluit tepr g to Day! I have no ider oflle reason ofte ctbynt but am getting ver bed up with his distatial manster (I b afraid we will have a flare-up soon. A you wirates late e was etreme rude to proed Ten Teals WsA who is 67 pearso ag H reald is about the rudest wan I have nepr wet! T. perpactly friendly today just as if nolling woleattirer had lespened! Veny good wige last miae ou up twice at mednigae & fie octode. Air faid alarm (whether practice or not I dont lenes) exeded at wednigt & all ligats wvent out. Tea. Ade cane today but in iicking it we were infermed be we camt keep any wore tio do in futhes all ta empty tws must be returned. Lize bere in this camp is very manotanous _ in at 0620/- roll gile 0700 Greatefast 0720 diner 1300, supper 1720 & roll call at 2000- lights out at 2100, apare from walking around the suall area 8 Ago to th mile- tere is nothing to do age play sroge or read. I am thinking of settling dow to a regular period of about Ilwvs writing of my or we lest a rtformation of the as a mental exercise. The climate still vntinue very pleasant - chay warm mornings, claud ouill afternoous wel a loge sreage of then stile nigats? unfortunately the veavy cloyds which cike over every aptanon walee te pighty when the bree dies alvay very appreside rsturpy It is stringe to thuils that today is Casty manday I wauder if Oattanly" to being held ig so if a family have gove to it. I do so hope my Harlide are not too mereable & loualy withu me Easter being owver meals have droffed teelea bit today although still better than the were before caster Te weather geens to be sevled into Arigae suring mernings with cloudy cool estemoous with nigatfall the sreeze drops & final about is very close & apprecive midwiges by morning all souds have disapeared again. Opned in aple puding from my ped pfeetday It was absolutel delicious. Curious manle o now small a littlemended a ratler selfid this life is making us all ocgurred to day. In thi reom are we australy som addi &a Amerigaus. At first there was one t t on & we had two padded reats& all of which we had leaving the amoius sitte n boes or their beds Then a little raile ap another
25 29 from came in which to Amean took. I usuall arrange the rn imedicted at waig noll call e the ats down from talle et toda one our officers asied me to malee sure that we got the good pr as one oythen is rougle splinten & let the Americans have t latte last night more was another eartequate shod Allbough) did not knaw as d elest amgle to aand since we arrived in i gan It is containly be place for eartliquels. A Bridge tournament has been arranged which I have entered for with rrott rsual bright morning but clauds did not come over until late in the afternoon insterd of about in weals wrse tan insterdan tte rid suga cooga isue today of te usual ege 26 really malies a wonderful difference to our nealo. gep issued an ordert day that in lyt water say be used for washing clothes or besting sup bo a food. The poblem of washing dothed is becomis acute I am almost sut of weshing pap po that but water is prolubited I can't lungine lige I can got my clothes clean. A your ago tf were toed, that I would have no coap & no et water no waiting my llotte & warld gave expected a bad Outbreak ofshin but so far there seems to be he sign anything of the Dert. Am sleaving very well now & dream of hee t te famile practually nigge. It is glain whilst the dream last but oh I feet so lutter londy whep I welle up. I will never be agle to tell my e nd be uttarly & conyleted I have her & long to be with ing waid er again- and yet I have a feel amounts some reason almost to di certaint that I aul destend to se more figng beng am again with her. Rose my agt I know we will be tagether again bett it is1 weary waiting and must be so awgul for yout coday os the Emperer of Japans birthdyy, there lipes no caremany at all but we have had a little mera in fr meals. Both middry 20 roup had a cittle torte in it_ enough to we of povide quie a litof saton a good flavour the Cop. It was been anwer beautin enovercast & blowls the ou ser Vary wet all day suied about five o ce in tll apternoon. I have goe an attack of Anardet which is very painful c0 must go most of the Ggreens whese are abbut all te days si te opening be soup cousit of of the red Goss parbels nearly everyope to hard at wile maling cooliing uncersils sit of did tino, Cudding bowl i is d only pasible one + many weird + wantrgul pendi rice o cugar, vegotables curry & paw al mined together or naple are sent over to t cook bouse for coo ing, I havent tacbled anything of the sort yot as the artile are noser to be just as they are, but in a letter today drtewing attention to tho fact that my two glito lave been Idew & es out whish has been exfor wde last few days was listed temperperily oniget Hope it to & a gonuine blackout &f not gest practices. Vigilant guard to 4
ye cay uneventful day. Bright & clear all day. Attended church in morning, Officer conducte same urged us in lieu ofaser Atainly of Aale on the subject of the clllo of the day which anged resirt gron malicioes tal + thoug to a very approprate remender whicl I wilst keop, in mund & cany out as sam ape am becoming a byt warped in my to anto about com apls ceap te inrilating a As I have written before, probably Herbitate aythe glap chape just as much. meals heave Cevel again. We seie back to av were told today that me were alionogs will be supplied to us of the suply of any ort is a little mcaten other Have started the cooling traye myself made a ooking pot this morning & this agtetie peet it a pot of curried rice & beg, Have almost exhauts the Intents of my indirisual parcel. Afare from te th timo of sugars one of golden cyrp whitI il I have dufy the have put sewals so mangaine left bad a long Alle to for ten of nE1 about conditions of Eidustrial & Locial lige in Austratic during my mor walk stanade stil a little bit upet out not s0 as to seriouly inconveniene we lights filed yater evening & we were in complete darness until about 3020 lys Hada very recss night last nigat fill of cnfeised srean about home & things back in iustralia. Dysantary noculation today. Claged our first round with wotl in Bridge to comnanedt. Wow 1540 upt tinevetful day. Had be badade o very sore tirm afte the insculation. officer who was camp sd Ravenks when we left visited bere pdey & did a cour of inspection. Very bed night last night. Ieal terkibly dsrened and am sur comeng dreaful las expened At home. Taveg times in we night I wolse up to a dream that Rose was sallind me was ting me because she was in some awsul trouble, las of news from bome becomes a ast unbandle at the lilfe this, cannot dade off the feeling that Rosl is in terriole need of me e ugarcoca was ou gai to day Teue of tocon about the same oft buger was engaity more sae virited beal toy came around sla B.P. Mean & a yarn with most ofus. Reports that obeone is rother bruckwt well it t Syet guard tonigat 0020 0120 trle lgo Conylettly cared up Another beg oated of newpose came in tody out it is impossible to an from then any relicble newsegt thet cae in tnisia to be going well. Played second round of aridge out &won by 2410 points Geo age cound mne a lot, I have ead to practtiall give up reading which makes the days very bray supply of cosfee Frut ennce came into cmp foda w about 1 coppe 4a e fris exersalso suply oy livatry papes which ng overdue still b cigaratt was avery gerious sold bath ater my wall His maning. have been keeping of them owing to fute therinon but weather is getting warne o
227 Enspection of wipor sinesblarkety pellow food b slreets its Enday & chortages noted w. Weulst at t everyone head to either make a will & give a write statement that as lead als ay wade a will roda they were all returned together with a flugger sect of p out don to a again on the ig As I have leg a will in adclaie leguing everthing to Rore, I did no attenpt to make, andh will sil ver defressed about e&e family & cannot lake of seeling that Something dreadful leas tappened again feel very depoed. R bags one elquent in l is that I feel damnably lonely here apprt from the Cuslies of beug so long away from Rose & the ramily, I miss my good friend & Searle very tesle indeed. Harl i noboy here wen 3 pl can ever male an intinate friend the at was, I have never been able to ha es prands casel and the other australing luneenseyt done aspal to e at all. Tha sem to send mast fthe time(ix mos) in colsponing togetler i narood we had an ise of contie eloen each + they were very acigtae wda, see committee cntrolling cros es to cut dowe the csus of bully bey 24 have ten getting three 12t tws pet week, and twoil Mrtns per woude. We are now to pt 18 lt of bully for week & 1 tio of MV. I tul it is a big mistabe as I am just beginning to fish up of bit of my strength again. I hope they will reverse tha don sc &c ill meel er Ttee as often as we like lat engs adother om today. Alanded ch b morning & Chinate lare s0 far shows trom being very wonderul, Hhe days generally are brime a warm &out with a gol Hege nearly Ivery dy. After darke the wind dgore nlarly every night then commense again before dawn Te odr fom midnight onwards are always col so farshar nevernd le thethi on t duiving the night, marle are still very poor indead the coupseldm conteining anting at all meae vegetables tonight was an mayti as they aroutat in some daks which gave touat coup a lutte more body. However 10 amorget 120 is not very natal! my eyegare safe worning me very much indeed s d find te disficule & read much. There is not much lest to do end or a suppe of notebootes to po an hoping when I well start writing my recollction tthe grien convission of ctral cimblar incidents po as to mnd occupied been my sure morning sut in ateram blaw up will he orgay lo in clouds Heneay roten ptencted Plack-out started again tonight, ss fat as we know it is only waltec to a dawnes nuisance as it is very notonass in the dayle or semi-dark as leavily shaded lants are all all m evening, Heard of an enlicted man if he had to pipe & ilt English fusling tobads which he was willing to dispose of o negotiation but hunieds ended then abe w starling for sameand says be can at to from the Americans. Vend died otown at digad it became mugggs oppreasie. Aparence th to as all weter as wasling a real sbrlage ofa t was turned off met during forty manin
11t 5 tcaske wrtion is now ver wae only tae about 28 left after various eoprowe impleasent weather - sening but very muggt. In 9 couded aver again. Vaterelortage Took M t a f as when I wene to have my bell efter mysner pound tho may terned ofd valo continue at a ad low standerd apart from the led Gross isope, the po n egttwt ser regil oge most onton topo Ivery seldo oniout top of other vigstibles with a very few carpots ett no sucat sotasses van for a prtrpe, We would naudtell be starving if it warne for the sed er supplies promise of ter now w wll nalse a bit ofa disperence but the stand generally is nothing like sufficient to paint yeged dey strogll Have had a Clldace which I am sure is due to lyettreing from asI badly need new glasses. Anoth bread insue today-quitea big one much ot was beavy + soggy like the last lot out of tis assolut was sigal. one wonders sow troop oder nornial conditions would re-act to an ipsue read suce as this I seel thee would be near rest, and yet to us it is an abite acqury, thi practice ended last negar, wato is we we turned toff again tory for a long tu esr as Vigilant guard for me tonight 320- 420, Plack out pactice was resumed coneline cluring be nigar & it was utterly black when t wentt oat on rigilent guard. M eyes are getting startily can hardly see to white you wose and alone read, I put and application ip or seaal medical testing of my eyes teuply of new glasses col Derlam enarsed it that I was in ungt my seveei egatd need of same owing hope it is only a pssing toing& will year uy wi d fo nrmal condition! 2oday return was/e setting out particulars of one genvant o betman I hous Beraelf& mte, si slowing bte Harry Frusted sir Oray his laire, e skepter Lo chaestes, noeit sir wark young he fon wainwright, waor Gous charp a king On. sa ON.E1. Gav Spito WDn DBorta ngoen Var Rees (redied). Te report is that they prs to tyan maved out ofteus cmp - reauor has it Did a deal today of about a lb evar for a hipe geonly remains naw to goe sowe ets to put went a thoroughty, disappointing day Another isque of Had ros pv was dialso three tp of bull beg & two of NYV However te nepor authriti for some reason refused to inlock ths tore 950 we couldnt get anything. They bad one tin of you in staek & so we iiled that apt the fle that descended on the camp ad be feet very eastly! Played l nRees cumen after a lard match fincshes 1170 ups dry day water was turned off nearly all day. coudlnt have a bath scaulent then clean toth at night. hs water on, again this mening. They medut even fill te vailor for morning to. stell no fign of the ties oelt ste r & tal today lave been absolutely dreadful &ce wat I lave had saice being tale aes No stergll o baty in the soup; jest a very latle green tog of negetle

25th Anzac Day & Easter Sunday. Attended church this morning 
when Special Anzac prayer was read. Meals have 
been good in honor of Easter.  Pork soup at lu 
midday with quite a bit of pork in it, duck soup at 
dinner, a bread issue nearly 1/2 lb per man & ab about 
1/4 paw-paw each. Small quantity of cigs (Sterles) & rolo 
cigars came in. First proposal was to issue to those 
who had ordered them but then Gens. Percival, Ter Poorten 
and Wainwright met together & decided that they be 
issued pro rata to squads. Our lot was issued to our 
supply officer & he came down to our end of the 
room later to obtain the view of the Australians 
as to method of distribution. Various views were 
expressed & I expressed the opinion that they should be 
divided pro rata. Taylor turned on me instantly 
& said "shut up & go to sleep". I have no idea of the 
reason of the outburst but am getting very 
fed up with his dictatorial manner. I am afraid 
we will have a flare-up soon. A few minutes 
later he was awfres extremely rude to poor old 
Gen. Seals (U.S.A) who is 67 years of age. He really 
is about the rudest man I have ever met! 
26 T. perfectly friendly today just as if nothing whatever 
had happened! Very good night but last night only up 
twice at midnight & five o'clock. Air raid alarm 
(whether practice or not I don't know) sounded at 
midnight & all lights went out. Tea order came in 
today but in issuing it we were informed that we 
cannot keep any more tins so in future all tins 
empty tins must be returned. Life here in this 
camp is very monotonous - up at 0630 - roll call 
0700 - breakfast 0730, dinner 1200, supper 1730 & 
roll call at 2000 - lights out at 2100. Apart from 
the walking around the small area - 8 times round 
to its mile - there is nothing to do except play Bridge 
or read. I am thinking of settling down to a 
regular period of about 2 hrs writing of my experiences 
since I left Aust. (for the information of the family) 
as a mental exercise. The climate still continues 
very pleasant - clear warm mornings, cloudy 
dull afternoons with a cool breeze & then still 
nights. Unfortunately the heavy clouds which 
come over every afternoon make the nights when 
the breeze dies away very oppressive & stuffy. 
It is strange to think that today is Easter Monday. 
I wonder if "Oakbank" is being held & if so if the 
family have gone to it. I do hope my 
darlings are not too miserable & lonely without 
27 Easter being over meals have dropped back a bit 
today although still better than they were before 
Easter. The weather seems to be settled into bright 
sunny mornings with cloudy cool afternoons. Then 
with nightfall the breeze drops & until about 
midnight it is very close & oppressive. By morning 
all clouds have disappeared again. Opened my 
apple pudding from my Red Cross parcel toady. 
It was absolutely delicious. Curious example of 
how small & little minded - or rather selfish - this 
life is making us all occurred today. In this 
room are we Australians & Torrance (Canadian) & three 
Americans. At first there was one form to sit on 
& we had two padded seats, leaving all of which 
we had leaving the Americans sitting on boxes 
or their beds. Then a little while ago another


April 27 contd form came in which the Americans took. I usually 
arrange the room immediately after morning roll- 
call, lift the seats down from tables etc. Today 
one of our officers asked me to make sure that we 
got the good form as one of them is rough & 
splintery & let the Americans have the latter! 
There was another earthquake shock last night 
although I did not know as I slept through it. It 
is the second since we arrived in this camp. 
It is certainly the place for earthquakes, A Bridge 
tournament has been arranged which I have  
entered for with Trott. 
28 Usual bright morning but clouds did not come 
over until late in the afternoon instead of about 
midday. Meals worse than yesterday. Another 
sugar & cocoa issue today of the usual size. It 
really makes a wonderful difference to our meals, 
Japs issued an order today that no hot water may 
be used for washing clothes or heating soup bowls 
or food. The problem of washing clothes is becoming 
acute. I am almost out of washing soap & now 
that hot water is prohibited I can't imagine how 
I can get my clothes clean. A year ago if I 
were told that I had no soap & no 
hot water for washing my clothes I would  
have expected a bad outbreak of skin disease 
but so far there seems to be no sign of 
anything of the sort. Am sleeping very well 
now & dream of Rose & the family practically 
every night. It is glorious whilst the dream lasts 
but oh I feel so utterly lonely when I wake 
up. I will never be able to tell my beloved how 
utterly & completely I love her & long to be with 
her again - and yet I have a feeling (which 
amounts for some reason almost to a certainty) 
that I am destined to see more fighting before I 
am again with her. Rose my dearest I know 
we will be together again but it is terribly 
weary waiting and must be so awful for  
29 Today is the Emperor of Japan's birthday. There has  
been no ceremony at all but we have had a 
little extra in for meals, Both midday & evening 
soup had a little pork in it - enough to give it 
a good flavour & to provide quite a bit of fat on 
the top. It has been another beautiful morning 
but became very overcast and blowy in the afternoon.  
30th Very wet all day until about five o'clock in the 
afternoon. I have got an attack of diarroeha 
which is very painful & so must go without 
most of the "greens" which are about all 
the soup consists of these days. Since the opening 
of the Red Cross parcels nearly everyone is hard 
at work making cooking utensils out of the 
tins. Pudding bowl idea is the only feasible 
one & many weird & wonderful puddings - 
rice, cocoa, sugar, vegetables, curry & meat all 
mixed together for example - are sent over to the 
cook-house for cooking. I haven't tackled 
anything of the sort yet as the articles are 
nicer to me just as they are. Put in a 
letter today drawing attention to the fact that 
my two sheets have been stolen & asking for 
more. Black-out which has been enforced for  
last few days was lifted temporarily tonight. 
Hope it is of a genuine "blackout" & not just 
practices. Ben Vigilant guard 3:30-4:30


May 1st Uneventful day. Bright & clear all day.  
May 2nd Attended church in morning. Officer conducting 
same urged us in lieu of a sermon to think a little 
on the subject of the collect of the day which 
urged restraint from malicious talk & thoughts. 
A very appropriate reminder which I must 
keep in mind & carry out as I am afraid I 
am becoming a bit "warped" in my thoughts 
about some of the chaps & the irritating things they do! 
As I have written before, probably I irritate some 
of the other chaps just as much. Meals have 
slipped back to a very bad level again. We 
were told today that no more Alsi Bono cigs. 
will be supplied to us & the supply of any 
other sort is a little uncertain. 
3rd Have started the cooking craze myself. Made a 
cooking pot this morning & this afternoon put in a 
pot of curried rice & beef. Have almost exhausted 
the contents of my individual parcel. Apart from the 
two tins of sugar & one of golden syrup which I 
have put away for emergency, I have only the 
margarine left. Had a long talk to Gov. Gen 
of N.E.I. about conditions of industrial & social 
life in Australia during my morning walk. 
Stomach still a little bit upset but not so as to 
seriously inconvenience me. Lights failed yesterday 
evening & we were in complete darkness until 
about 2030 hrs. Had a very restless night 
last night full of confused dreams about home 
& things back in Australia 
4th Dysentery inoculation today. Played our first round with 
Trott in Bridge tournament. Won 1540 up. Uneventful 
day. Had a headache & very sore arm after the 
inoculation. Officer who was Camp Comdt. at 
Karenko when we left visited here today & did 
a tour of inspection. 
5th Very bad night last night. Feel terribly depressed 
and am sure something dreadful has happened 
at home. Three times in the night I woke up to 
a dream that Rose was calling me & wanting me 
because she was in some awful trouble. This 
lack of news from home becomes almost unbearable 
at times like this. Cannot shake off the 
feeling Rose is in terrible need of me. 
Red Cross sugar and cocoa was issued again 
today. Issue of cocoa about the same but sugar 
was slightly more.  
6th B.P. from Karenko visited here today & came around & had 
a yarn with most of us. Reports that everyone is 
well at Karenko . Had another brush with T. Vigilant 
guard tonight 0030 - 0130. Stomach trouble has 
completely cleared up. Another big batch of newspapers 
came in today but it is impossible to learn from them 
any reliable news except that things in Tunisia seem 
to be going well. Played second round of bridge 
tournament & won by 2410 points. Eyes are troubling 
me a lot & I have had to practically give up 
reading which makes the days very, very long. 
7th Supply of coffee & Fruit essences came into camp today 
& we each received about 1 lb coffee & big bottle of 
fruit essence - also supply of lavatory paper which 
was long overdue. Still no cigarettes. Had a very 
glorious cold bath after my walk this morning. 
Have been keeping off them owing to extreme 
thinness but weather is getting warmer to now.


May 7th (contd) Inspection of Nippon issues - blankets, pillows, food bowls, 
sheets, etc today & shortages noted again. Whilst at Karerko 
everyone had to either make a will & give a written 
statement that he had already made a will. Today 
they were all returned together with a bigger 
sheet of paper & we were ordered to copy them out 
again on the big sheet, as I have left a will 
in Adelaide leaving everything to Rose, I did not  
attempt to make another will. Still feel very 
depressed about Rose & the family & cannot shake off 
feeling that something dreadful has happened. 
8th Again feel very depressed. Perhaps one element in it 
is that I feel damnably lonely here - apart from 
the loneliness of being so long away from Rose & the 
family. I miss my good friend Col Searle very 
much indeed. There is nobody here whom I feel I 
can ever make an intimate friend like Searle 
was. I have never been able to make friends easily 
and the other Australians here - except  xxxx Trott 
don't appeal to me at all. They seem to spend most 
of their time (i.e. M&T) in whispering together  
in corners. Today we had an issue of "cookies", eleven 
each & they were very acceptable indeed. The 
committee controlling the Red Cross issue has decided 
to cut down the issue of bully beef. We have been 
getting three 12 lb. tins per week, xxx and two 1 lb 
M&V tins per month. We are now to get 18 lbs 
of "bully" per week & 1 tin of M&V. I think it is a big 
mistake as I am just beginning to pick up a 
bit of strength again. I hope they will reverse 
their decision soon. We are all much enjoying a 
cup of coffee as often as we like. Lost bridge tournament 
game today by 560. 
9th Another glorious day today. Attended church this 
morning. The climate here so far shows promise of  
being very wonderful. The day's generally are bright 
& warm (but with a cool breeze nearly every day. 
After dark the wind drops nearly every night & 
then commences again before dawn. The hours from 
midnight onwards are always cool so far & I have 
never had less than 1 thick blanket on some time 
during the night. Meals are still very poor 
indeed the soup seldom containing anything at 
all except vegetables. Tonight was an exception 
as they brought in some ducks which gave tonight's 
soup a little more body. However 10 small ducks 
amongst 120 is not very much! My eyes are still 
worrying me very much indeed & I find it difficult 
to read much. There is not much left to do and I 
am hoping for a supply of notebooks to come in 
when I will start writing my recollections of the Syrian 
Commission of Control & similar incidents so as to 
keep my mind occupied. 
10Fine morning but in afternoon blew up with heavy 
angry looking clouds. However nothing eventuated. 
Black-out started again tonight. So far as we 
know it is only practice & so is a damned 
nuisance as it is very monotonous in the dark - 
or semi-dark as heavily shaded lamps are allowed - 
all nig  evening. Heard of an enlisted man in 
camp who had a pipe and 1/4 lb English smoking 
tobacco which he was willing to dispose of. Opened 
negotiations but hurriedly ended them as he wants 
£20 sterling for same - and says he can get it 
from the Americans. Wind died down at night &  
we  it became muggy & oppressive. Apparently there is 
a real shortage of water as all water in washing 
taps was turned off except during early morning


May 10th (contd) & evening. Cigarette position is now very acute as I 
only have about 20 left after various borrowings & gifts. 
11thUnpleasant weather - sunny but very muggy. In afternoon 
clouded over again. Water shortage took new form today 
as when I went to have my bath after my morning walk 
I found the water turned off. Meals continue at a shockingly 
low standard apart from the Red Cross issue. The soup 
is nothing but vegetable water - with very few vegetables 
most onion tops - (very seldom onions themselves) & green 
tops of the other vegetables with a very few carrots etc. No 
sweet potatoes now for a fortnight. We would 
undoubtedly be starving if it wasn't for the Red Cross 
supplies. Promise of bread tomorrow which will 
make a bit of a difference but the standard 
generally is nothing like sufficient to maintain 
our strength. Have had a headache for 2 or 3 days 
which I am sure is due to eyestrain form reading 
as I badly need new glasses. 
12th Another bread issue today - quite a big one, much of it 
was heavy & soggy like the last lot but it tasted  
absolutely wonderful. One wonders how troops under 
normal conditions would re-act to an issue of 
bread such as this. I feel there would be nearly a 
riot - and yet to us it is an absolute luxury. Blackout 
practice ended last night, Water is evidently pre very 
scarce as it was turned off again today for a long time. 
Vigilant guard for me tonight 3.30 - 4.30. 
13th  Blackout practice was resumed sometime during 
the night & it was utterly black when I went out  
on vigilant guard. My eyes are getting steadily 
worse and I can hardly see to write now - let 
alone read. I put an application in today for special 
medical testing of my eyes & supply of new glasses & 
Col. Devham endorsed it that I was in urgent 
need of same owing to my severe my short sightedness. I 
hope it is only a passing thing & will clear up with 
normal conditions ! Today return was called for 
for  setting out particulars of one servant & batman 
for each of the following, Lt- Gen's Percival & Heath, Sir 
Harry Trusted, Sir Percy McElwaine, Sir Shenton Thomas, 
Sir Mark Young, Major Gen McRae(retired) medical, Lt Gen 
Wainwright, Major-Gen's Sharp & King (M.S.A). Gov. Gen 
of N.E.I. Gov. Spits, Lt Gen Ter Poorten, Major Gen Van 
Rees (medical). The report is that they are to be 
moved out of this camp - rumor has it to Japan. 
Did a deal today of about a lb. of sugar for a 
pipe. It only remains now to get some tobacco to 
put in it. 
14th A thoroughly disappointing day. Another issue of Red 
Cross parcels was due - also three tins of "bully" 
beef & two of M&V. However the Nippon authorities 
for some reason refused to unlock the store & so 
we couldn't get anything. They had one tin 
of M&V in stock & so we issued that but the gloom  
that descended on the camp could be felt very 
easily ! Played Cpl Van Rees in the tournament & 
after a hard match finished 1170 up. Hot, dry 
day & water was turned off nearly all day. Couldn't 
have a bath & couldn't even clean teeth at night. 
15th No water on, again this morning. They couldn't even 
fill the boiler for morning tea. Still no sign of the 
authorities opening the Red Cross store room & meals 
today have been absolutely dreadful. The worst 
I have had since being taken prisoner. No strength 
or body in the soup, just a very little green tops of 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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