Diary of Arthur Seaforth Blackburn, April 1942 - November 1944, Part 2 of 26

Second World War, 1939–45
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16543 18:5:42 19.542 105.42 22542 215:42 new system of parchasing sterted today. One office was allowed & go oat in a Crack wilh a guar Olly things tor officers only, to far gay refuse to afow ent farther burchages for the menl unplease incipent to merring when the officer in change of the office mg Ameritens will verom 24 Acct. Ocow har a orte wasing until we an eulange our cooll bouse saee before me g requested that Aust. Officers pero oldento at be would racher the Aust offieers du nt was as te reason b stated tat with them? On bee to Amnioon of fiver has stores of etra foods ysay acn & dau wwant to llare it was too aust winted out that we have sare everythin so got with the Americons over suve weca hut car eater assured me it wassnly tais and earle se ques to stwe Tert had legt a naity peeting. In the Coening t 1020 er a sentus came fut our c and o ler sin a Aiys and sowe we e Eug came op spoke vey nutely rordeved to all to Dlutfliin Oas seny was be only one were bad u upto t He then welked over to four oa flas bridg fo was all ctood up at mucill ealuted He sig up their carty three them awry& then otea fore torre papy which sas attacled teay o us a was lying down alongside them asended Hexchurce paradet Cl D hoved Quarters at other and of Caup with other &8 office gapsirsed orders that everyman wast, year b eadge which tey will inve negrbered consecte cosued e for discylie of cmp. nay tranpined that L Hamilton wad taken purse for incorrgation andaydess may away for two days Very bearg rain practilll all day, gas fitters en euche for offee. Thi will ano p Cundaable help cooking positton which is acule, oer reported oe nly goo 60 on canl ap authoritie fronucg ping y ae truet aiact 2 days louge & duck it fat letd wearte te this nre & doth fr ble to povile be regair nat an sd in campe. Al oa mona hald En Atenoor aer& dact in his car to get gawopl omard nard Penoter 2n exlarge Alanond eventy had suppl of stwld duk Lestmeal we snve car are areart t crlin Wody every night by a wea she see oristnt in ry thoughts Age tihpo sapn to be but feel oy warred aal ensaried tis mrning Bu idne & to get seap propios. Iaps suce e allow us & very for the men. Hreate spone th t silling to attention in the and noom thi morningbecauseI walked out on office ont be road circling. at the eud of br wo day ay will a warning not to do it again. yneereful saw sarne andatton of tene table abeed as from Gint roll tall is to be at 0740 es gap ety mea ore not getting up at reveille. much moremet Reg canter order arrived to day Cusert of as every Just as the starte lights preed & took out to br to hepair Jar eta 2ngor from 4 a attented Good enext in rila of very limiled material intruments de anae go a ast agreet to allas te put RC. Fadro in Lenir officer conoind cme & to usieaded naas& one of our Eute loee to ptate seper large & conduct a service this start tomrow
43 26543 27:5:42 5 512 axended clurch to ge this Orderting i money held by each must a return intustend & also all sublio monies on a4 office was taken avay gonterlay ta intece ithis tie tive officers - 4 of whom are still away. Entle & cliffed on a wet store near the di a lesvy fall, riverly gashing very sige band officer taben conmenced to ay i dut for Col eadio all & to go to lathcats to prchase Aopital. Algo to day a Clarionet for the grank cancere cretetra. Bald & e neas & unged all officers 6 int a fawd all mmoney beld len so tee fore with noney could help those withoat anyas improre geveral ccall of Bood. Nandd in to foy ae in ing return Ily foat issee to camp (copy in file), wain sheytages &I shortage suga alge regtatle 167 balee actin tudaty reen tior sohe that mate would be Officer removed to stay for interrogeton rlkevetful day I have decided on Entersine ro offnautes. orallotte gator of nan in ill ofiters whore your thits are not in camp to units for duty, ordered a daily porade or all rauks from t050 1200 this porade will be by unet not as but. Have also allotted cortain arces units for snitation– not to Auts, Cage Albrest 6 be organyer of noreing farther both in se out cmp st raler to be acased to comp office as In o Legal officer& assistant to the adiator a meeting of the officers meoe was held & it was id tat all officers scould pol into a dec common fund all grivate monies w by them in & should also. snd in in oeas of 2 tomers dle ndesed will all jo rsalit list to comitte f all other sible lued This should ensure better standard of food all round. Have decided to buy isve on for man for week (for O Ro out of puolic Denes bild by me Apylied for pernision for Amgiiaw troop to bold remony on their fomation temertel Day 30 may 43& to visit frave of th Roas Granl muster parade of all otherers & men if camp at 1509 ars to abade numbers & porticulars, Jars9 Itll removing officers for interrogation) There are now sn away bsluding toas willie Orders to pint rebibit dign outsed each hut siving prticulars of nmates (no t urdered Sst marke of a mad from no &unit also ore of allegation that officer lve seen Enquiry wit selling article of tained from briny mers to men at a pofit. rocured two ner towals after weeks of warting. Coap porstion beco apute As Iars s till don't issed Anes in spite of rgla reguests. Am afraid I will have to ute public funds in buying enough for a general lo Eod a thet ealand of Auct offices joined in out wer we now all mes together. Daily training parade trian salos attenle t daye slarted today an a was caugatey placed in solitory confine out. C with an australion sailor (wo disrover deligated from san as narl 80. die noe leve power to punal bin sufficiently. al D Parad ofall Amoicn Andisin National 174 morning at 102m. Party then lise for ceuistaty & places a mele byour men on graves of men from this campe have died; also Jajance calumns which the have presented to uo steaths wee ten laid on groves of one americant few) ane Aust (lt walte) sone Brittal (Rant Daniels) I represented to pust arrge te coremony. upon my retirn to cmmps found an En talligarco Dffica from J 7.8 waite t i me. He istoved we here utl 1500 b
30:5:42 31:542 1643 2:642 then tck te to bes HQ.dines are Cosleed iin a cele about 6x6 fet s givlili then in see Aytenooy the deterroyation antirued at about 1620 b tey said they had sicled & took we baale to carp. Towl laid 2eggs today suny avne a pavade at 100hs, ws tean cent for or sine dep Entelligan pffi interrogited to another thos hours. nle in the evering Obtained pormision today to sent plan clothes to officer who have ben lake away to exterrogal onr fogillon over spsstacls ls becove accity. Already I have a bil of aver 400 furten to p &75 more non have apled a glasse. Have seen conelled to refuse caul at I bopit to rrg l and infou me that it was positble tide all mtte monia belg by as m be confessatd. I exlaied the we hield no yoi a to be goot ou only a friend ostaolided by bute officers for Welfar of Toop I boe awarded our money return which bed been lodged. a we lad a meal widon any rice, excellent se & a bar boiled eag followd by frui ealad Jap. Camp commandent this morning haded we g fors ali iillo as t as ofinion we hield of the Iajene fermy, ou greatment et & informed we that t 5 wen peule de allowed to broadsed peroral meorage o Austala I tok the jorms ay canfully courident be poction in view dyes fact that we can sandng letter (& Aust& thet Cas farar & know) no lest your newes hs been sout to Australie. I fiually daled the even these facts did not patify adyne breading standing onters & doing te act which would hagp enamy popagente. I chongro ined anoder whish was read to all ravdd on a wrete pade tddon vry nan pror broodcedi. I wade an enception to llio to e a limited npender o ven from the Pertly, in view of the pot that i as scan actitr no lekaled e o teas tat there are 300 senvere from a prce tere in gave, I directed to lands Lowe to plea so ofteen & men to Craalest & cend wor o feet yloe curron this savld p se stopay of payment of allotwents ete untel the sae of all griioners redeli Australia seed a maciin of repeentating of ill unet it tle ateroor & enlained fully to tem wfat won & ead a what anaunent I was trye to rae e imnorenests in the news naw entante gap condr this ming that re benon send to broade that it was again Aut Arny olars this sueting When I returued (from me bath I was standin in me office wit as td afor ne wean a gapera t ahy out at me in a loud angry tore through the wirdow, for the gueralouse. He cpolc bi Jepanse & I couldat wde stand and made cignals to bin excordingly, (a fae minutes previously to Rotugare had come to te guarde house & pound our Mioner, the guord all sitting at atally Grote mnoten & bad (hos be sayd io) o rerananded the quard) He thrayen Seuzed his reple & bagand & ruly out towands thy gares I deside al beter Hc appared ed angr in the open where there woued be withon get to what accured. I therefore ed fuonto ae randat the sentoy t me thre & puunediate struck me with his fill force on the gair. He they sand bold of my arm, led me offer to tho decentonroom. He en were we fiot us to since & led me down to be kilchen; thrpugh too be mew who see lined up waiting to get that
&642 o642 6662 neel & made me get te rise for the five prpsoners. He the led we fack to the odtention wowd stade me preanally feed the prisings eo, hand th tha food. When this was done be sent me back y querters. I iimetiatel put on some clothes & biad sast finished doing & wheen another pentry cue &gat me & again took se aoress to the defertion roove and ordered me to got tee or the mensen retention Apte some considerable discussion I was allowed in iis ristance to dolaie an orderly to got paine. ftle meentane Capt Mury had, mandged to st word to sg to latyer cam 2d to te Guk, & be had loft so his quarters. At about 1900 lr received orters to pocled to mp H9 I fet sof the feet the Circumtance before st Katlegured l enylcted potest. He arourgd m that the world conduct on enqury & parish to entry concerel of e found him guilty ol r5a) also actended & ldged a potest against the accident I today received an apology for pterdayd sucidet an interation that the centry concernes) led been penished regulation governing the condition of dstantion in the camp detention noom have been perblished. These prrovise for wen in detention not to be allowed out for exercise or for propers ofel a bucket will be provided for the letter purfore We have requested that mey be allowed out to t latries & also for 1 pr p day for parcise thi has been repused. Tonight an Amprican ope ailed to satute the Japane guard t oucde the officers compound. He was taken over to the guable House refrinanded. He then wps allowed to prceed but the conpoind a few meputy sater a tep gentry go came ito the Comn after t at his name. He go0 te name & was w away when ad ome incidt ogaind as be suddenly turned back & slapped hee in the face severall times. was sut 41 a dapr & offier-lare of Broadonts as to refuzal bos all ronks to kmadcare to auseralle i which Iongue ageent Te prition ) was ordered: to breadiar iny refused stating it was against the order of ie I was thuestond with sode punislmet but tnt think they will do anything of the sort He sholl anged for sape neare atiospere of the camp has stting to now absolutely true, dispiell. Topee at about 8.20 a sudden prde was odered bl the guard. I was getting placing bridge with Col Darle only lowe o sailed a & dad bild nowad of the parde ily beaing te Ougle call, & thought it did not arply to officer & who elow in falling in the officers on the farade. Ehen by guard angred & us we were still not falling in. Thge was very nearly a beating yp beat the natur passed of wich a reprendend. The seutis gener are much more officious now than d issned with an ar er readify add con des & we are all now canyelle so weart enall red tob with our Pow no. or it for Jasape rgliay pis This Evening to k Bout prme at 2005 lo & aed by larda to peruade e to tradcas to auct was vey since i his off89 ueed every posible arguiment sath to tool house to super. The anxicons stayed a fexr e chew this evening which was very well dont nost enterlaoing nga tiier returned today from tragatin Afty 11 daye sbelos you abroce rind aburch orade astie aonane
8:6:42 9:6:42 10:642 11-642 126.43 17:6:42 14:6:43 15:642 16:642 17:5:42 Definite confination that ouy name are being breatler to Custrilia. General inspection of the wesle faa e Amp staff today. General condition very good. i very confae can and up the At this oeral candition of laup was encellent, Ashtaned t Gat in Croadcasting our nenes to Arstratie, it thas been te baied by staten that we did nor sigat ou eyost &o be done by the Dutal & Endeweins! Othersie no p of interst today. yesterday the Camp Commandent banded me a prpr which Every mean in camp was ordered to elgn., Loday a tae & traulation of te form wlich was in reparee) and found that it was an opch to be signed by every man swear thengsa to his conduct. Oone ofthen is 3 atu ond Expane Army & not to resest it I will clain tomorrow that we cannot sign this euless w are anded lort where contrane to my bath of Allgau to His trajesty to King ncfouls ale laying very regularly et fresent &d Ggt an org a& egs yor day 70 Smith was puot in solitary cost e code t requsing to anner guptigis. I obland for a right to be jed from toe officer wese but could obtain nothing wore. Hat a magnificat pineo a bigonelette & a crimbed porte cuclee) will cove cneru day confine DCMentened on Pl noore one realiced parishent to 7 days in peaw of sek dition in debetion roon lop pais & p atrite escil call on me late in ane with a winee wghed beditled yeley sved one ofte said wooden one we comed wve 8 roate today also de touels for use in hitshens. Again etscored igent peed o ntee as that purchased by me is almost fiised, d that netter tha nor coppel is on gapn& foro but rup commandent tos taking up with Iepapre to rew of adongoe lat in da recoived day iate of te boyht 6 volla balls for use of n sunday timal charch parades Dull Claudy day without any san all day. sent my lode to an reans C illental a murise lecture the to efring, lation Bue is still a long way be extrterrs cebatae being brwbe td Eugar boy eagy 1r Vegee 1185). a neat & todo years ten awday fo nittrrogation, still us signs of tle return of the offices taken awry Meoroual. One officer then to Broadcastey station of Gld to brayd cart, kerure named of Ang to So. Informed PC. Ws are be orodeat vea tois Hlended im refersed to urly dall 10/6/42 signed by veryone Creat an 10117 ac wen tobe tu c sayn caron toy for the e t Reteton Jordeatio rearo ared &s t Intellions ste n e e becoming very seno a Crtys Arftroun we were informed that af dinge Gritisl & Australian ne is all wareliable pronle exagerating aute t news whilst denin t cosse & Idanse news is alioys adwentel tove, w mest not lister in argure to any radis negt Dap also ordered to bend in all gad macks & tin Haty, yea osition has becove very acute as no tea will be issad by the gaps, Today being annverery of me dcoun units concerned had an impenies tlmanyer u the roll of killed & miring was cilled fouls are ing 20 well that todayd bed a 3 egg on ditte for breakfast

16-5-42. New system of purchasing started today. One officer was 
allowed to go out in a truck with a guard & buy things  
for officers only. So far Japs refuse to allow any  
further purchases for the men. Unpleasant incident  
in the morning when the officer in charge of the officer's mess  
of the Americans with whom 24 Aust. officers have been 
messing until we can enlarge our cook-house paraded 
before me & requested that Aust. officers mess elsewhere 
as he "would rather the Aust. officers did not mess  
with them." On being asked the reason he stated that 
the American officers had stores of extra foods of their 
own & didn't want to share it with the Aust. I 
pointed out that we have shared everything we have  
got with the Americans ever since we came into camp. 
Col. Searle later assured me it was only this one  
objectionable officer (Lt. Stivers   ) but the it  
has left a nasty feeling. In the evening at 1020 hrs  
a sentry came into our compound & I, Col. Searle, Wing Comdr 
Davis & Comdr Lowe were sitting talking. He came up &  
Spoke very rudely & ordered us all to salute him (I as  
Senior was the only one who had saluted up to then). 
He then walked over to four officers playing bridge,  
fu  who all stood up at once & saluted. He picked up  
their cards, threw them away & then bayoneted a 
fox-terrier puppy which has attached itself to us 
& was lying down alongside them. 
17-5-42. Attended H.C & Church parade. Col. Searle moved to  
quarters at the other end of camp with other U.S. officers  
Japs issued orders that everyman must wear a 
badge which they will issue numbered 
conseque  consecitively. Also issued long written orders  
for discipline of camp. Now transpires that 
Lt. Hamilton was taken purely for interrogation  
purposes. Capt. Handayside has also been taken  
away for two days. 
18-5-42. Very heavy rain practically all day. Gas fitters arrived  
& are fitting up separate kitchens for officers. This will  
considerably help cooking position which is acute. Expert  
reported that my gramophone can't be repaired here in camp. 
Camp authorities produced ping-pong table for use of officers  
for 2 days. Bought a duck in the evening for 3 gulden which  
a working party had obtained. 
19-5-42. At conference this morning, Japs told us they intend  
to provide boot repair material & cloth for repairs  
up 15-30% of total in camp. Also enquired as to amt. 
of moneys held. In afternoon was taken out by  
Commandant in his car to get gramophone repaired.  
Managed to exchange broken one for another. In  
evening had supper of stewed duck. Best meal  
since arrival in this camp. Have dreamt of darling  
Wody every night for a week & she seems to be  
constantly in my thoughts. Hope nothing has happened  
to her but feel very worried. 
20-5-42. Vegetable seeds arrived this morning. Buying party  
managed to get 3 eggs per officer. Japs still refuse to  
allow us to buy for the men. 
21-5-42. Had to spend ¼ hr sitting to attention in the Guard room  
this morning because I walked out of the Commandants  
office onto the road smoking. At the end of the 1/4 hr was sent  
away with a warning not to do it again. Uneventful  
day otherwise. 
22-5-42. Alteration of time table ordered as from tomorrow. 
First roll call is to be at 0740 as Japs say men are  
not getting up at Reveille. Much movement 
23-5-42. Big canteen order arrived today. Concert in the evening. 
Just as it started lights fused & took over 1/2 hr to  
repair. Jap. staff & 2 majors from H.Q. attended. Good  
concert in view of very limited material, instruments etc  
available. Japs have at last agreed to allow the Dutch 
R .C. Padre in Senior officers compound come out to us & conduct  
mass & one of our Protestant Padres to go into Senior compound  
& conduct a service. This starts tomorrow.


24-5-42 Attended Church Parade at 1000 hrs. Order issued that we
must give a return showing the money held by each  
individual & also public monies on 1 June '42. A Flying  
Officer was taken away yesterday for interrogation. This makes 
five officers - 4 of whom are still away. In the evening  
I slipped on a wet stone near the drinking tap & had 
a heavy fall, severely gashing my right hand. New  
officers kitchen commenced today. Big improvement in food.
25-5-42. Lt Col Eadie allowed to go to Rathcamps to purchase for
hospital. Also to buy a Clarionet for the camp  
concert orchestra. In evening meeting held at officers  
mess. I urged all officers to put into a common  
fund all money held by them so that those with  
money could help those without any money & so  
improve general scale of food. Handed in to Japs  
this morning return showing serious deficiencies in
food issue to camp (copy in file), main shortages 53%  
shortage sugar, 63 % shortage vegetables, 16 % shortage  
salt. Urged immediate remedy of position. Informed  
that matter would be looked into. Another RAAF  
officer removed today for interrogation.
26-5-42. Uneventful day. I have decided on extreme re-organization 
of men in camp & officers duties. Have allotted  
all officers whose main units are not in camp to  
units for duty & ordered a daily parade of all ranks  
from 10.50 - 1200. This parade will be by units  
not by huts. Have also allotted certain areas to  
units for sanitation - not to huts. Capt Albrecht to
be Organizer of Working parties both in & out of  
camp. Lt. Lalor to be attached to camp office as  
Legal Officer & assistant to the Adjutant. In evening  
a meeting of the officers mess was held & it was  
decided that all officers should pool into a  
common fund all private monies held by them
in excess of 2 gulden & should also hand in to  
the mess all condensed milk & all jam & submit  
a list to committee of all other edibles held.
This should ensure better standard of food  
all round. Have decided to buy & issue one  
egg per man per week (for O.Rs) out of public  
monies held by me.
27-5-42. Applied for permission for American troops to hold  
a ceremony on their formation Memorial Day  
30 May 42 & to visit grave of Lt Ross. Granted.
Muster parade of all officers & men in camp at  
1500 hrs to check numbers & particulars. Japs are  
still removing officers for interrogation. There are
now six away including Lt Col Williams.
28-5-42. Orders to paint & exhibit sign outside each hut  
showing particulars of inmates (nos. etc) Ordered  
Crt. Martial of a man from No. 2 unit. Also Crt of  
Inquiry into allegations that officers have been  
selling articles obtained from officers mess to men  
at a profit. Procured two new towels after  
weeks of waiting. Soap position becoming acute 
as Japs still don't issue any in spite of repeated  
requests. Am afraid I will have to use some of  
public funds in buying enough for a general issue.
29-5-42. Balance of Aust. officers joined in our mess today so that  
we now all mess together. Daily training parade  
started today. An American sailor attempted to escape  
& was caught & placed in solitary confinement. Dealt  
with an Australian sailor (Weetman) under powers  
delegated from Japs as Naval S.O. did not have power  
to punish him sufficiently.
30-5-42. American National Memorial Day Parade of all Americans in
morning at 10 a.m. Party then left for cemetery & placed crosses  
made by our men on graves of men from this camp who  
have died; Also Japanese columns which they have  
presented to us. Wreaths were then laid on graves of  
one American (Lt Ross) one Aust. (Pte Walker) & one  
British (Bomb. Daniels). I represented the Aust. Army in  
the ceremony. Upon my return to camp I found an  
Intelligence Officer from Jap H.Q waiting to interrogate  
me. As He questioned me here until 1300 hrs &


30-5-42 then took me to his HQ. I was there locked in a cell  
about 6 X 6 feet. I was given lunch in the cell &  
then in the afternoon the interrogation continued.  
At about 1630 hrs they said they had finished
& took me back to camp. Fowls laid 2 eggs today.
31-5-42. Sunday. Attended church parade at 1000hrs. Was  
then sent for for some Jap. Intelligence officer &  
interrogated for another two hours. Concert in the  
evening. Obtained permission today to send clean  
clothes to officers who have been taken away for  
interrogation. Position over spectacles has become  
acute. Already I have a bill of over 400 gulden to meet  
& 75 more men have applied for glasses. Have  
been compelled to refuse some as I haven't the money. 
1-6-42. At this evening's conference Camp Comdt. informed me that 
it was possible that all the public monies held by us would  
be confiscated. I explained that we held no money belonging  
to the Govt but only a fund established by contributions of  
Officers for Welfare of Troops. I therefore amended our  
money return which had been lodged. This evening  
we had a meal without any rice, excellent salad & a hard  
boiled egg, followed by fruit salad. 
2-6-42. Jap. Camp Commandant this morning handed me 
45 questionaire forms asking very various questions  
as to the opinion we held of the Japanese Army, our  
treatment etc & informed me that 45 men would be  
allowed to broadcast personal messages to Australia.  
I took the forms away & carefully considered the position  
in view of the fact that we can send no letters to  
Aust & that (so far as I know) no list of our names  
had been sent to Australia. I finally decided that  
even these facts did not justify anyone in breaking  
Standing Orders & doing an act which would  
help enemy propaganda. I therefore issued an order  
which was read to all ranks on a muster parade  
forbidding any man from broadcasting. I made  
an exception to this to the a limited number of  
men from the "Perth". In view of the fact that  
so far as I can ascertain no knowledge of the  
fact that there are over 300 survivors from the Perth here 
 in Java, I directed Lt Comdr. Lowe to select some  
officers & men to broadcast & send word of the  
fact of these survivors. This should prevent the  
stoppage of payment of allotments etc until the names  
of all prisoners reach Australia. 
Held a meeting of representatives of all Unit in the  
afternoon & explained fully to them what monies  
I held & what arrangements I was trying to make  
re improvements in the men's messing. 
3-6-42. Informed Jap Comdr this morning that very few men  
desired to broadcast & that it was against Aust.  
Army orders. This evening at 1755 hrs. When I returned from my  
bath I was standing in my office with a towel around  
me when a Japanese Sentry sang out at me in a  
loud angry tone through the window, from the  
guardhouse. He spoke in Japanese & I could not understand 
And made signals to him accordingly, (A few  
minutes previously, Lt Katugari had come to the guard  
house & found our prisoners & the guard all sitting at  
a table together smoking & had (from the sound of it) very  
severely reprimanded the guard). He thereupon seized  
his rifle & bayonet & rush out towards my quarters.  
He appeared so angry that I decided I had better  
get out in the open where there would be witnesses  
to what occurred. I therefore moved out onto  
the verandah. The Sentry met me there & immediately  
struck me with his full force on the jaw. He  
then seized hold of my arm & led me over to the  
detention room. He then made me pick up two  
dixies & led me down to the kitchen, through 500-600  
men who were lined up waiting to get their


ne meal & made me get the rice for the five prisoners. He then  
led me back to the detention room & made me  
personally feed the prisoners i.e, hand them their  
food. When this was done he sent me back to  
my quarters. I immediately put on some clothes & had 
just finished doing so when another sentry came  
& got me & again took me across to the detention room  
and ordered me to get tea for the men in detention.  
After some considerable discussion I was allowed in  
this instance to detail an orderly to get some. In the  
meantime Capt Henry had managed to get word to  
Lt Katuguri that asking him to come to the camp, as he  
had left for his quarters. At about 1900 hrs I  
received orders to proceed to Camp H.Q. I did so & there  
put the circumstances before Lt Katuguri & lodged  
an emphatic protest. He assured me that he would  
conduct an enquiry & punish the Sentry concerned if  
he found him guilty. Col. Searle (U.S.A) also attended  
& lodged a protest against the incident. 
4-6-42. I today received an apology for yesterdays incident &  
an intimation that the Sentry concerned had been  
punished. Regulations governing the conditions of  
detention in the Camp detention room have been  
published. These provide for men in detention not  
to be allowed out for exercise or for purposes of nature.  
A bucket will be provided for the latter purpose.  
We have requested that men be allowed out to  
the latrines & also for 1 hr. per day for exercise. This  
has been refused. Tonight an American Officer  
failed to salute the Japanese Guard House outside  
the Officers' compound. He was taken over to the  
Guard House & reprimanded. He then was allowed  
to proceed into the compound. A few minutes later,  
a Jap. Sentry (Jo) came into the compound after him  
to get his name. He got the name & was moving  
away when evidently some incident occurred as  
he suddenly turned back & slapped him in the  
face several times. 
5-6-42. Was sent for by a Japanese Official - head of Broadcasting,  
as to refusal of all ranks to Broadcast to Australia.  
After a long argument in which I endeavoured to explain  
the position I was "ordered" to broadcast myself.  
I refused stating it was against the orders of my King.  
I was threatened with severe punishment but do not  
think they will do anything of the sort. The whole  
atmosphere of the camp has changed for some reason  
& everything is now absolutely tense & difficult. Tonight  
at about 8.30 a sudden parade was ordered by  
the guard. I was sitting playing bridge with Col Searle  
Comdr Lowe & Capt Parker. As I had no word of the  
parade, simply hearing the bugle call, I thought it  
did not apply to officers & was slow in falling in  
the officers on the parade. When the guard arrived  
to check us we were still not falling in. There  
was very nearly a "beating up" but the matter  
passed off with a reprimand. The Sentries generally  
are much more officious now than before. I was  
issued with an arm band to wear reading "Chief  
Commander" we are all now compelled to wear a  
small red tab with our P.O.W No. on it in Japanese  
& English. My P.O.W No. is 1. 
6-6-42. This evening Lt K. sent for me at 2045 hrs & tried his hardest to 
persuade me to broadcast to Aust. He was very sincere in  
his efforts & used every possible argument. Later he took me  
to his house to supper. The Americans staged a Nigger Minstrel 
show this evening which was very well done & most entertaining. 
7-6-42. Major Kinman returned today from interrogation after 11 days 
absence. Usual church parades were held. Informed  
that our names are being broadcasted to Australia.


8-6-42. Definite Confirmation that our names are being broadcast 
 to Australia. General inspection of the whole camp by  
Camp Staff today. General conditions very good. 
9-6-42. At this morning's conference Camp Comdt informed me that 
general condition of camp was excellent. Ascertained today  
that in broadcasting our names to Australia, it has been prefaced 
by statement that we did not fight, but left the fighting  
to be done by the Dutch & Indonesians! Otherwise no matter  
of interest today. 
[10-6-42. Yesterday the Camp Commandant handed me a form  
which every man in camp was ordered to sign. Today  
I obtained a translation of the form (which was in  
Japanese) and found that it was an oath to be  
signed by every man swearing certain things, As  
to his conduct. One of them is "To absolutely obey the  
Japanese Army & not to resist it". I will explain  
tomorrow that we cannot sign this unless the words  
are added "except where contrary to my Oath of  
Allegiance to His Majesty the King." My fowls are  
laying very regularly at present & I get an average  
of 2 eggs per day. 
11-6-42. P/O Smith was put in Solitary confinement today  
for refusing to answer questions. I obtained for him the  
right to be fed from the officers mess but could  
obtain nothing more. Had a magnificent dinner (of  
a big omlette & a crumbed pork cutlet) with Lt. K.  
12-6-42. Uneventful day. Confirmed O.C.M sentence on Pte.  
Moore but reduced punishment to 7 days in view of  
severity of conditions in detention room. Lt K. paid a  
social call on me late in evening. Jap. Authorities have  
issued me with a wireless matress bedstead instead  
of the hard wooden one which I previously had. 
13-6-42. Limited issue of soap today - also hand towels  
for use in kitchens. Again stressed urgent need of issue  
of tea as that purchased by me is almost finished. Beyond  
that neither tea nor coffee is on Japanese scale for P.O.W  
but Camp Commandant is taking up with Japanese authorities  
the urgent need of adding it to the issue. Later in day  
received 1 days issue of tea. Bought 6 volley-balls for  
use of men. 
14-6-42. Sunday. Usual Church parades. Dull cloudy day  
without any sun all day. Lent my gramophone to  
Americans to illustrate a musical lecture & they broke  
the Spring. Ration issue is still a long way below  
entitlements chief shortage being (for week ending today)  
sugar 660, salt 167, Vegetables 6169). 
15-6-42. A "Meatless" day today. 3 more officers taken away  
for interrogation. Still no signs of the return of  
the officers taken away previously. One officer  
taken to Broadcasting station & told to broadcast.  
Refused to do so. Informed that names of American  
P.O.Ws. are being broadcast via Tokio. Handed in  
form referred to under date 10/6/12 signed by everyone  
except abo 1 off & about 2 men who refuse to sign. 
16-6-42. No conference today for the 3rd day in succession. Two  
men in detention (for disciplinary reasons) released today  
before expiration of their sentences owing to severity of  
their conditions. Still no tea issue regularly. Position  
becoming very serious. 
17-6-42. At today's conference we were informed that as American, 
British & Australian news is all unreliable & grossly  
exagerrating anti-Jap news whilst denying their own  
losses & Japanese news is always absolutely true, we  
must not listen in anymore to any radio except Jap.  
Also ordered to hand in all gas masks & Tin Hats. Tea  
position has become very acute, as no tea will be issued  
by the Japs. Today being anniversay of Merdjaoun  
Units, concerned had an impressive ceremony in which  
the roll of killed & missing was called. Fowls are  
laying so well that today I had a 3 egg omelette for  

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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