Diary of Arthur Seaforth Blackburn, April 1942 - November 1944, Part 1 of 26

Second World War, 1939–45
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  • War Diaries
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Hhis disny was darted on 30 andl 62 I amivel, at Balavie in ovring of 13 April f 2. having travelled by train from helas. The journe togh all day & on reading Ratavie wreswore mayaleed to the Decyle camp of the duted about t mlo from the station & there placed in qarters nex day be camp was coted out. It porsists of solialy built barracles with big shad trees all about the Area. Sanitary arrangements are very primitive o there to no enercise fround. Go the campe are about 2600 POrp ad up as follows 2000 Australians 200 Enlis, 200 Angicans, 100 Indians, & 8100 Dutch. soon after our crrivel a lange jafty or en surviors from HMAS Poth HUSH Houston were brangatin together wish sext Krnedy + Lts Hayne + Redward There were all in a pittful state oppreatras through lack of food, band treatment) ets I had had everything they posessed taken from them. As Lenior officer in the camp, I at once assumed command of all allied troops in the camp at the orders of the Japs. I appointed C. parle M.S/a) as am Conmendant. Loon ofter my Iriival I waited you the Japanage Cmpt cmmandant & requested a number of arepities, medicines for sick, mosquit meto o clothing, boots, establishment of cantain, pay, liberty to send letters & to receive books etc. I was informed that of Jar authorities did not recognize the geneva convention & we had no rights to any of these things but they would be
& 28297 XI Mon P Bn Banderg Eos to yP Hore WF2 4914 MGln 213 Be pdeing ts to 15 B. L. Wsert Pcnell A4 3 or Bn. Meoing Pan No 16 it 26 r8 PaRY SR nos and 276 2/3/p Br Sapset Pass 104 Lavery No 2a KNUOSEN.HFM ar Garset Pe po 7 23. Frdre 5979 2100K17 he anp 105 6en Can Cuset fare to C B ORAOCR ET Ch p/2 Mg A Barseft Pass. 409 WarHICD N.C. 24126 BMG Br H Nothfeld Gerset Bn 4010
considered. It very soon lecame appent that he food question was going to be very unsatisfactory. Up to this dato (34 grie bs) the food issud consists of ricg for aver meal, with a vegetable soup to go with sqme A slice of bread (white) for meal per man is iguual about every fourth day. The mpet issue is s emall that it can only be used to strengthen the soun. Occasionall due gots one or two small pieces of meat in oes sopp. up to date tre has bee one ising of Sigarettes (18 per man). Te men off the Prth + Houston have no rayors, tootlbriakes) Doop ar other toildt Article & our requset to purcliase Ofene for them has been porsponed _ with a froming to attend to same later. Requests for moe preat lave been refused. A certain amount of natton every brought int aam with us. Certain of Cse vations oatmed, mille, friit te) have been banded over to the canp Hospital which las been establided. The balance will enable an issue once a week for 18 weks of 2 squiages per man, yor a slightly less period a weelly cosue of t dried potites to be made. A few days ag a number of sad Brittoh & Dutch officers arrived in camn bt they are isolated in one coner of the caup & not bllawed to have anything to do with the general affairs of came. Hhe lest of Angs for treatirent of malarie: V.O. is very sprious but so par our regets for more naye been refused.
442 14 44 10:442 1562 Today a sow Japnex ay conrandene) Aggittue took over contrne of te camp. Lt muditanc fony adjutine) purcleased for the officers 10 (guldey of frait which be landed over to us. H still informs us that it is infossible to perchase fruit for y the men. a D.C.M cnvined by me set to try two now on discylenary charges the Japgnec amdrities eave mate ns repersible y diseglive & informed. uo Alge we will de saffer unlass, indentai in the ortenon by gays) knowke bad nale out the nails in the shutler which o I can now look our Anga Esqrs All working porthes excent one fire coued uc p Jan it was day o rew ll adre One noking arl nntaned one mass Cofper 160f5 Swat on oe iles- olt t ugh ortayout old boot Arne marded last, late i n new Poull ass aet all officess worning teo Aat dly s rea 4 soffiver lights ou at p15 lp l on man ertei felique again. Commandent monuied caulted of some eystenof eng ad foye of officers in near future, Obtenie gu Kiskell from man non in pevate aure al charcup map ent fatigue again obtdinet two fr &onthe cep Aaise, Cetle isme 14 per deps cantern t ope tomer ton of sat huts 0 a Dos bn als tom had not save givee in patifue again obtannd to me the was gen een partforat olidar for buiihday of Cusanor meeting ofall officer me wave tade disforte of propored pdy to or ex non Circhag of Japanre Eyanor all noted po cp &8 for ad gound provided tere trected as holiday & all working prte and nb as or andter day roor bt of p Corp &xvog e to for Gantlen broven down. Comuion trewin given to Cold husell to go out tuerrow & to euy, fir wood hes rewout, I gay will not loye inge. Nho ta excost oo mealo, this gtonoon says closed he shatter (of hour whilst a lugh general went pet sop et wiæ duly ilegu eucers sa Lom mr iere cop Cat soner to powrcact afternoon to con contractor, 40 able to sy bygorder y same obta & from Japso can may to terred Office Brrow. Naleig Partie as Tsuel Mof I Deret to Carp office to goart I oothr prurt o Contrepte informel gaps to bery ta bet would 02 or two tate they decded t let ne g te ken st at Been s w ent one t b& a fan back ta by shrie shop few Hrdans areade a cant ac t et wek on amabe buglea tn ante soraye bed& ye of shed is bed a e ioigtin eate ogned of a tbe se srate cand Longw D lessoner ast sd ch H tells me 2y aax pe dum wn me & dont d very &t be 5009y rat, 60 foar resit so etrn W) an soolatae Hope these are nesy 2 troop few bee agped 00 ao Ptores a watt Esbey frov going ing contre again toda, to endedoy to he Rut 8 to shes ueof cople recaulon: unsurcersal owe it writting to searos eayte contral. Rougt a famophone
55:42 102 2042 8:5:42 9:5:42 542 42 43 bet on leaving show egus or dered ty guard to retrn ta visson bad not been obtaid tagead m in camp b could not sarsuall lien, lat i gten up wased bet 2oe in Wsit dag gu l a last drugs. Interrance came ne medicines ste. This was grenter & was pial o Pirseured overing dnagss equis 1564 te walker o/474n died last nige aas te atane. as a result our samerews allohed eent vi Deevd t about 1020 & 1lo Gorle i rinandout & informeed tt all tritte, Dettra tr one sapuge to be cent out of thi cam voul Asceatid toop way Irewe cone net Arstration 1 On sa on about ridday & recoved a lete from oa A.V.H Mhastly conglaining to Atongter glectto attend to reguienents of the y Corptel ceasd to rideavns to replied tht we had nuve es condition in the voopital & cast I refured & evaye his aullrit to give me orders, at ait 2100 bos to .D.M. & nary died e iy recue pere on yuedas w 24 Es bet to prevent fayther deatlik rold we wes on as to what oned be sore n a in eonio sed has it ao t scto He apsloyiel for his lett & caid on t th o the general pretton. Had lang dusisi ane fere wakeng or t tht friends supa s open oopogiue bei anded. hi p to tull of weevres. sower raml e t caut le sald to neace anded to algxt bn i beat (in hiry issu in llee of rle eprrobed colved problan yr on t make it exterle Prd to go out & buy pospital equsnege remoeents made for shopping wty et 145 an andent l arrival at cau Na ant onek to sign naw & lye cann & so make had to be prespoved went out wal & & Runcell at 1020 ber to Ralticampo t ie ca ured ial als anopore me records. Returned at 1300en ra o an under tia Biceil a Bursl m Estrating con tet i reud tate t uneatable oiving to ans sunell resigned ownig to we is tld desprten wal Britte ee ban a is peace. ate thet wo Duble naties troop l mand renevereful day. tosue of good rise pda ay attended Churtel prade Ja isue to re pronalportiula to be filled ie by every Qustratirn Officer Eo greetiors were as to onjanati & ciment of eacle unit. Arder profabit ils from s, very this tion epersuealot Encllre ets top Inot a curboard a table &a chair Hafenep taken will some fap sentres oal prtie form. Quectioned t H Ee tanded bey to parted of aeueta gegu D Tussels tey on so see s wer aver withou aut even ac on Rint Pank of Gnan sionOlee officen were lised in in 274 niget a Martin o70 t of rult lale ardell lest sland of all huld li it but Ate Depinit orders its are on 14/5/42 call Americzs & appa 350 Au t cdin ica bng cnteeull a mor o t is a ne quarters por same o ong baya violn t ca aplies for pemi doiver out on Cue comandents Coreston& Aras cart one of a coddiess has 6 are sen Leter have borgat then Fr 20 guaten roda Dute wen hen o Captain &n radeo Till Min in a ye bet to t calutiong Arder a wa tor & montglay fet if the t

This diary was started on 24 April 42. 
I arrived at Batavia in evening of 13 April 42
having travelled by train from Leles. The journey
took all day & on reaching Batavia weve were
marched to the "Bicycle Camp" of the Dutch about
¾ mile from the Station & there placed in quarters.
Next day the camp was sorted out. It consists of
solidly built barracks with big shady trees
all about the area. Sanitary arrangements are
very primitive & there is no exercise ground.
In the camp are about 2600 P.O.W.s made
up as follows 2000 Australians, 200 English,
200 Americans, 100 Indians, & 0 100 Dutch.
Soon after our arrival a large party of
officers & men, survivors from HMAS Perth & U.SN.
Houston were brought in together with Capt
Kennedy & Lts Hayne & Redward from sts
They were all in a pitiful state of weakness
through lack of food, hard treatment
etc & had had everything they possessed
taken from them. As Senior officer in the
camp, I at once assumed command of
all allied troops in the camp at the
orders of the Japs. I appointed Col. Searle
(U.S.A) as our Camp Commandant. Soon after
my arrival I waited upon the Japanese
Camp Commandant & requested a number of
amenities, medicines for sick, mosquito nets,
of clothing, boots, establishment of canteen,
pay, liberty to send letters & to receive
books etc. I was informed that the Japanese
authorities did not recognize the Geneva
Convention & we had no rights to any
of these things but they would be 


VX 28897 MAYMAN. K.H. 
2/2 Pn Bn. 
Bandeong Pass No 14. K H Mayman 
2/3 M.G. Bn. 
Bandeong Pass No 15 G A Kettlewell 
2/2 Pn Bn. 
Bandeong Pass No 16 G H Michell 
VX18976 BARRY S R. No 2 Camp 
2/2 Pn Bn 
Garoet Pass No . S R Barry 
WX9251 KNUDSEN. H.S.N.  No 2 Camp 
2/2 Pn Bn 
Garoet Pass No 7. H S. Knudsen 
VX25879 ZIPORKIN. M. No 1 Camp. 
105 Gen 2pt Coy. 
Garoet Pass No 8 M Ziporkin 
QX5752. DRAPER ET  E T Draper 
2/3 MG Bn. 
Garoet Pass. No 9 
2/3 M.G. Bn 
Garoet Pass No 10  H Northfield 


considered. It very soon became apparent
that the food question was going to be
very unsatisfactory. Up to this date (24 April
42) the food issued consists of rice for every
meal, with a vegetable soup to go with same.
A slice of bread (white) per meal per man
is issued about every fourth day. The meat
issue is so small that it can only be used
to strengthen the soup. Occasionally one gets
one or two small pieces of meat in ones soup.
Up to date there has been one issue of
cigarettes (18 per man). The men off the Perth &
Houston have no razors, toothbrushes, soap or
other toilet articles & our request to purchase same
for them has been postponed - with a promise to
attend to same later. Requests for more meat have
been refused. A certain amount of rations
were brought into camp with us. Certain of
these rations, oatmeal, milk, fruit (tinned) etc
have been handed over to the Camp Hospital
which has been established. The balance will
enable an issue once a week for 12 weeks of
2 sausages per man, & for a slightly less period
a weekly issue of tinned dried potatoes to be
made. A few days ago a number of senior
British & Dutch officers arrived in camp but
they are isolated in one corner of the camp &
not allowed to have anything to do with
the general affairs of same. The lack of drugs
for treatment of malaria & V.D. is very serious but
so far our requests for more have been


24.4.42.  Today a new Japanese Camp Commandant & Adjutant
took over control of the camp. Lt Muritani (former
Adjutant) purchased for the officers 10 gulden of
fruit which he handed over to us. He still
informs us that it is impossible to purchase fruit for
the men. A D.C.M convened by me sat today
to try two men on disciplinary charges. The Japanese
authorities have made us responsible for discipline
& informed us that we will all suffer unless it is
maintained. Late in the afternoon the Japs knocked
out the nails in the shutters which they had nailed 
over my window. I can now look out onto the street. 
25.4.42. Anzac Day. All working parties except one were cancelled 
as Japs explained it was day of remembrance for Jap dead 
in all wars. One working party maintained was one to 
sort out maps - 4 officers 16 O R S. I went on same marched 
1½ miles - did ¼hr work sorting out old books (Agricultural 
reports) & marched back. Late in afternoon new Camp Comdt. 
took over & addressed all officers warning us that discipline  
X would be stricter. 
Tonight he ordered officers lights out at 2215hrs.
26.4.42. On map sorting fatigue again. Commandant 
promised Canteen or some system of buying, also 
payt of officers in near future, obtained "Story of 
San Michele" from map-room in private house, also  
china cup. 
27-4-42. ↓ Map sorting fatigue again. Obtained two more books 
& another cup from house. Cigarette issue (19 per man) by  
Japs. Canteen to open tomorrow. In evening Japs stopped  
concert in one of men's huts at 2100 hrs because "permission 
had not been given". 
28.4.42. Map sorting fatigue again. Obtained 6 more books. Canteen 
which was to open tomorrow has been postponed as today 
& tomorrow are holidays for birthday of Emperor of Japan on 29th. 
Meeting of all officers tonight which I addressed on subject 
of disposal of proposed pay to officers - but none to men. 
29-4-42. Birthday of Japanese Emperor. All ranks paraded at 
camp H.Q. in morning & band concert provided. Rest of day 
treated as holiday & all working parties cancelled. Canteen  
put off for another day. Food position very bad as  
practically no meat or vegetable in soup. SX 11596 Sgt 
C.L. Caldicott died today from Diptheria 
30-4-42. Arrangements for Canteen broken down. Permission 
given for Lt Col Russell to go out tomorrow & to buy. Fire 
wood has run out & Japs will not issue more. No tea 
except at meals. This afternoon Japs closed my shutters 
for 1 hour "whilst a high general went past". 
1-5-42*} Shopping party met with only slight success as not allowed 
to go to shopping centre. Taken to Chinese shop. Later in 
afternoon Lt Ross allowed to go out & contact Chinese 
contractor. He able to supply big order if permit obtained 
from Japs. Camp Commandant says we may go to permit 
office tomorrow. Working parties as usual, troops moving. 
2.5.42. I reported to Camp office to go out & obtain permit to Contractor. 
Informed Japs too busy today but would fix in a day 
or two. Later they decided to let me & Lt Ross go. Left camp 
at 1300 hrs. Went right through town to a warehouse & after 
long argument by Ross (in Malay) with a Jap. we were sent 
back to a big Chinese shop. Made a farb few purchases & placed 
a large order for Canteen which he promised to deliver next 
week. On arrival back at camp found at 1700 hrs found that 
another contractor had delivered a lot of goods for Canteen.
Had half a bottle of beer for lunch in Chinese shop. Yesterday 
Japs informed us that no more vegetables could be issued owing 
to shortage of supplies. I put in an emphatic protest in writing 
Late this evening they came to light with another veg. issue. 
Obtained a pipe & a little tobacco in Caton Chinese shop. 
3.5.42. Sunday. Church parade in morning, Canteen opened. Another 
contractor came along with limited supplies. Had 1st Dutch 
lesson (1 hr). In afternoon Gen. Sch. came along to my room 
& we had a long talk. He tells me Japs convinced I had at 
least 1 full division with me & do not believe 1 Bde could 
resist so strongly. Alleged to be 500 Jap. dead. 60-80 of our men 
(POWs) at Sookabami Hope these are missing Coy. Bought 
600 lbs of fresh potatoes for troops. Japs have agreed to party 
going out twice a week to buy fruit & vegetables. 
4-5.42. Went out to shopping centre again today to endeavour to finalise 
supplies re canteen. Unsuccessful owing to absence of permission 
in writing for Head of Supply Control. Bought a Gramophone


but on leaving shop was ordered by guard to return same as 
"permission had not been obtained". Already several gramophones 
in camp but could not persuade him. Late in afternoon report 
received that 2 men in hospital dangerously ill for lack of 
drugs. Interviewed Camp Commandant & demanded permission to 
go out & buy medicines etc. This was granted &  Lt Col Russell 
procured necessary drugs and equipment. 
5.5.42. WX15614 Pte Walker 2/4 MG Bn died last night & was buried today 
in cemetery at Batavia. As a result of our service strong 
representations re same we were allowed to purchase more 
medicines. At about 1030 w I & C Col Searle were sent for by 
Camp Commandant & informed that all British, Dutch & Indian  
troops were to be sent out of this camp & only Australian & 
American troops would remain, some more Australian & Americans 
being brought in. About midday I received a letter from  
A.V.M Maltby complaining in strong terms about our 
"neglect" to attend to requirements of the camp hospital. 
I replied that we had never ceased to endeavour to  
better conditions in the hospital & that I refused to accept 
his authority to give me orders. At about 2100 hrs 
Lt Ross (R.R) U.S. Navy died in hospital. 
6.5.42 Long interview with Camp Commandment when I demanded immediate 
supply - and if necessary purchases - of medical supplies & hospital 
equipment to prevent further deaths. Told we would be informed 
this afternoon as to what could be done. No such information 
was supplied. Had interview with A.V M. Maltby as to my our  
letters. He apologised for his letter & said only trying to help 
the general position. Had long discussion & parted good 
friends. Information received from working party that Priok harbor 
now open. Troops & guns being landed. Rice issued today 
full of weevils. Showed sample to Camp Commandant &  he 
promised to replace. Attended funeral of Lt Ross. 
7-5-42. Wheat (in husks) issued in lieu of rice. So far nobody 
solved problem of how to make it eatable. Permission 
given to go out & buy hospital equipment etc & 
arrangements made for shopping part at 1545. On 
arrival at Camp H.Q. found Commandant had forgotten 
to sign pass & left camp & so matter had to be postponed. 
8.5.42. Went out with Lt Col Russell at 1030 hrs to Rathcamps to buy 
medicines & equipment for camp hospital. Also procured 
gramophone & some records. Returned at 1300 hrs. Warning 
order that British & Dutch will move out of this camp next 
Thursday & Americans & Australians come in instead. Food at 
breakfast uneatable owing to cooking in rancid botte butter. 
Mess meeting in evening. Russell resigned owing to projected 
departure with British. Commander Lowe (Aust Navy) appointed 
in his place. Reported that two Dutch native troops have 
9-5-42. Uneventful day. Issue of good rice today. 
10.5.42. Sunday. Attended Church parade. Japs issued to me a form 
of personal particulars to be filled in by every Australian 
Officer. Two questions were as to organization & equipment 
of each unit. Orders prohabit us from supplying this 
information. Japs issued a lot of furniture etc for Officers. 
I got a cupboard, a table & a chair. Had snap taken  
with some Jap sentries. 
11-5-42. Handed in personal parties forms. Questioned by H.Q. Intelligence 
officers as to why no parties or organization or equipment. Explained 
that that was orders of my King. Russell & Ross went out shopping 
without me or any other Aust. officer. Gave lecture to officers 
on right flank of Syrian campaign. All British, Indian & Dutch 
officers were lined up in evening & told off for their move to new camp 
12.5.42. During the night Q.M's store was broken into by smashing off lock 
& 170 tins of milk belonging to Hospital was stolen. Ordered an 
immediate search of all huts, kits etc. but with no result. 
Definite orders issued for British, Indian & Dutch troops to 
move out of camp on 14/5/42 & all Americans & approx. 
350 Austs to come in. 
13-5-42. Long conference in morning with Japs over incoming troops & 
quarters for same as total is over 300 increase. In afternoon 
applied for permission to go out & buy a violin for camp orchestra 
Permission granted & I was driven out in Camp Commandants 
car! One of British English Soldiers has 6 hens & a cock. 
One hen sitting at present. Have bought them for 20 gulden. 
14-5-2. Today all British, Indian & Dutch troops marched out as 
arranged. 431 Americans & 350 Australians marched in. Men 
still missing are those at Gareat, Bandeong & Sockabain. In 
evening Jap. 2 I/C paid me a visit in the evening for a few minutes. 
My gramophone was broken last night but a man is trying to  
mend it. 
15.5.42. Long conference with men Japs about saluting. Orders are that this 
must be strictly enforced in future. This afternoon Lt Mitchell 
(AA) was taken off by Japs & interrogated & then put in the  
guard room for the night.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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