Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, 1945 - Part 7 of 10

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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Tty by beben i wt A.L.F Reception Camp Cadbaume. 8.5:45 Hulls Darling Yes its that man again, only under different circumstances this time, and with no limit to the number of pages, so wt right here goes, before I start however, I done went you to get annoyed if you find a blot here and Dire; is four years unce Ove used ink yau know, will thats my chice anyhow. Its a long time since I last told you I loved yew snt it, I still do you know wulliant, and I mis yeu more naw San wlr¬ unfortnately I rum to be pluck in this place and can find a boat to take me back to yale if they dont humy and acone I guie I will just have to pinch a rowing boat and bee what O, can do. Did yea git my lcable of. Dsliee For not due had s litten from you since Iarived and One with a phate in it thanks sanling, however sook naw be went have to rend make we will be able to loak for aurulvco initiad. Since I last wrote tue had quite a lew experiences Det, my chinp is still somewhere in Gemeys you we when the Glinks seited to advance towardd us they decided to mave the chimp to three of us got our heads to getter and decided we didnt Olihe marching so we due a tunnel and when the morning came crawled in and pulled the lidon Onhauro later we made our appearnce and found the wlale camp except for the rick and a more like ourselves, gone, we waited for a few days, and then stauled back to wands a place called humberd, on oun first day we me lan advanced patral of the Drduins we fift them went to a Village they hall just passed through and demanded a bed for the night and belleve it or hat got the turt in the hause, nent day we headed back for the infantry we walked all day, and finally met thim late that night about 50 miles from humberg we stayed the hight witl Hlim and the next day got about a don¬ likksandd finally amided in hlmbirg We staind there for a nights and the new day Hy llu us to Enaland when we arrived bibe we stayed at Ale Air Pow the first night next day we went dawn to Carbourne, as soon at we arived thne dley toak us over to callive sat dawn and a chap walked in and said kines your mail not bad Bul? haw few iligplece, well to put the wllale ting in a not nut shell its not half what it cracked up Ots be, I lven into tendon to by an Ulbem for my famaus collection alls tulii it or not hur caulant git one yaw can git bne anywhire or anything elee for that matter and all there places you hear about are all much different then wihat Timagined, Sue been to quite a few of there ber Theatnes and I was Ixhecting to be rucht of thy feet but ile only way tey will do that is to out me dring, ut then sl caulde doa dese thy hallen Gox. tle drinks either. As for these ginls, wiell Im blawed if I will ever untderstand any af our chaps who many ilim and cake them out to Aulnic, I wasgaing to raydarling I Ohadnt ren one who was half as nice as my own little you, wntillen tar baulant be fain would it; because I haucht reen one hen or anyuiline elee bor tlas matter honerily tough this pace is pill of disappaintmincs, I got the wlechs deave Olondon and althaugh lts not near finished yet Im ready to return to camp the only lling m in¬ terested in it a brat heading in your direction, ( afraid yuurgaing to haul a pretty rough time on our night dalling Ill prabablys squiise the Creath aut at you in the first sew minlilesor two, but if yhu cant tolk Der a while dent womy darling as ling as I can nu¬ you and hald yau Wumns-mind, and in one of your Latent Ultter yad were Avernying aboud what colour to hear again, I told your denling any caleur you like, as long as its Gail Sdont care what you wear, Ilike you ik white Caugh Af yau must have a callur, but still yau cnnamla calour I dent like you in can you
As you can see by the date sanling to day is Victory day, I never thought Id be in bns to celibrate it myself, and naw shal! I am Iin not patlessed you can mallis coluratl withaut the one who counts can you Dat, and your Hill is far away bat well wh He mee. just before O left the Welag Dot I received three letters fror you, onle of him had a piate in it bo, you shuuld be careful llauch darling, remember the ring you wire wearing, I was utting in my wunk when I recudled your Oltter and wilin I caw that I jur dant fill off. a tap Uunle 100, If lm gray decided when I get back sont wame me dotling Haw are you going with this writing, ben yau understand it all. Do you know Da¬ Ratrince saw ust my read off that phatt of us chating we have not gat one of us together Inone of thece letters Dat yau said your almost 22 and not mamed or even engaged ten you said that being ingaved was almost as permanent as being mamied to yhe. I ree, maylie Im exiny ligh at Cart, as for me having plans, its not the but as ideas to mat plans for something fail havent giy; yau cant withf a baitle wilh out souundation atines! As for you dying your alll weiding awuliant, no ine knows tat better— Man I do, due waited the part Au years for you, kaping you waiting, Oinly hope I can make up¬ for iull clarling, mayle it will make up for itself, fir me it will fior yuu Suint say aweet. has your gaing to Gead Oils like His next in Almost every letter from Wnaw Dut, dent forgit cr¬ sight, donl meet me at the boar darling, ver first Meeting is at your place, and just yuu and I I doem matter who any one else salfs Du even if they ryaut home we have icoming home party and you must come, reshember redect we dent want just five minutes with cuch ather and then have to shore such other with simiine else, we must have our nigt believe me derling I wont keep you waiting linger than I can help, it will be the fintinighs its getting close yeu Snaw, ane yeu ninvous Bat, do you reckon will be shy after to ling, fulling the way we do I dent she havewe can be, bytle way you will have to eguinall your ather vay frields natice, caues ill went to take up all your ppare time Iu got to snish our list of dates so I can get my answer, buidco you knew me a bit buttil naw dont you darling. Im greedy Oirant yuu all to myself. Well darling this would be eight pages; Im afraid it went be, I could sill them ealy enaugh, Conly it would probat y read simithing like charsing The Brakin Reterd bounds and you might no We that, I rememver last time- wrote in ink, I had to be very careful I waslit ever game to all you the trulk in close days, however you cant htap the naw my eweet your to late, cause, if you dont want me to tell you haw I feel, yaull just haid to nees. out of my way darling. I wish they would humy up and dumt me on a boat head ing for home, I dent like this place no kidding, Alre is only one tiny I wans; and I cont¬ gett it here, and standing are do good to me abut. At prenent. Im on two wecks leave in Londen and thinking of gaing back to camp any day now, so much for London That did you do with yourself to dy Dt adually I would ray yesterday hee been turdars on this denling, did yau celebrate in whicg way on iust have aquiet time. Over him thy all yat as drund as they could got all this Glagaut, and walked around fondon waning thir llaes and ringing, in Pilcadilly bircis, ty finished no one sumed to know just whot to do and everyone reemed to be standing arcund waiting for remeine elee to start something. By the way I cant pear this untel I go back but Ill be gaing back this week and ro if tle cales reemle little out you will know why Im haping to receive rememon¬ mail when I get back. I hape there's a lig one waiting yor me, youll have to be a little better than I tim darling, and it ducinl matter if wal ramble, or repeat yourill ios dont go worying about that as I have told you before I like it; is you just fill paye upir paye, heck you should be a wakeup to me by naw Dat, maybe yuu are now, I wender
Do you want to know something darling I juet dent know haw I get along withaut you, baugh I dent really do I, whats more Is hope Onever have to. Judging Uls my letters Dot do you reckon I have clanged much since you last saw me anywals if Gau cant make up your mind yau will soon be able to bee for yourself, whats bitt o Ullan truim to gues wht it. By she lway whats the idea of keeping kecrets my sweet I naw dons t you dont. know what Im talking about, I will dont know what the A sands for in D. A. Williams, what is it envelliant, is it as nice us the rest, if you innot on kuping nonits Ill jut have to do romilking about it, tur can /day at datgame you knaw Der. Well Dr¬ yenterday I weighed myselt and found but but I have fut in a ntine since I amued over here, thats not bad for a fur weeks is it, w io un to be exect. Their just playing that ring in the radio darling yau know the one called Donadhy, somi peaple call it Ron¬ mane but. I prefer the orler cause it means nmothing then, Idring it to you davling only I dontwant to lose you. Haw is everyine at home gaing Dat do they will taw you about when I will be coming home, and say, I almost firgut what about your Sor Patler is he on our side yet, if I rememuer right he wamt to him in our idia of hicking evinpe aut on our night you tell me what shaws they haven seen and when the time ameo Ill get reats and we can send thm all aff to the pictures, will hora be there too any wenwell yet it all fired up— went we, all Pluck is that I would kumy up and come, I nee nome matches bad, you will let me have a sew wint you Dut, I wont take to many seiling becavee there is no such thing as to many for me Dot. Well darling this is almont dle and for this time give my burt willes to everyone, and I willl be acing you roon to give yau all my lave Churio and look aftr younelf for me. have X mae P. S. Just to prave Im nat gueedy Ill only have one naw Im saving tlim all up for later, Mac. Soback
ALR.NALL hres. D. Williams 37 Byrnes, St. Bexley. Sydney Australici N1215
Medserday 9 May, 1925 (2 Day) My dailing Shings, de very qies here - guas the same as any other day Sdges Knew wha its like in tann, bus sandraw Idon think therell be ao awful lot of clbrating dese. The saus Of Geanaays uncondition al sussender is wonderful- but we Rave Japan to deal with ryes e a Il be goniseally painting the t red oven there. The people of England will hve cathing to shaut about, and never les lit be said that an Ausre culdert had the shanting There still is as letter from you as yet, hus I must not be impations. Mhana and wene to Church this nearing walked to Hunstelle se that we aught attend the are she & George were manneed ior. And we bth case whoeveryead sng God Dave the King- I think we weae's alone either Ihaw it is after werch and In setting in my bedacen in the wasor sen having a yaar with Jan suppose its glaas n England naw, Shrac is as lorely as weve always heard Ave she shies quite as blue + clear as the ene outside any wondar an have you fangetten how blue an Australian skycan be ? Oh Ide, Law complacentnuss pound, after all We have been through a sev Believe mo Dappeciate puss how fortinate wx are. And suen if theye is peace + quiet all accund, there is no peace in the peass, when laaed ones are in ganger. well daneing this Gal's going to haye a busy day to menc But nee luschall aing then lund as twelve with her yes. Then to the haidressess on the des of two & frem the heare to your mater In hauag tea & staying the right. Ath sagh guess I say will spend the suesing taking about a sen of hers and believe I on ne, I went be ene his houlds eithent Tacs, she predably wan't get a wand in edqenise. And so ay saces- Iir going eutuide to gather myself some run. Take care of you fou we and wesite sec. All my Love. Sonathy
Buone Fold Now Mas D. Huwane 37 Bynex Stra BeneNaN womong TARONN
2. dl me hree, did you receive any cable Ox and haw any my letters eaingin. There are pretty awful things to have to use, hus the difference in tare is weath it I think The farily, including Petty, went to the pictuses to suigh at Capetay We tesk my two young cousers who are staying with us as presers, but Betty pruided us whch all the expertainment we neded. He feet were cald so she taok off her shees and sat on her feet to waim, them paturally we endeavoured to pteal away her shees busit was hapeless. The anticipated Aus. Her ages Thes even older than I aur! And caasy! This waskys busawfully aue I should be tucked in beside her right new bu I didns want to wait another day before Iwrate and told you about the fleaead I had settled down last night to waite to you when my gul friend, Glo, came as with her hushand ixe head me sheak of kesso have yea swce? His heen in Beuganille with the Oir Tace this pass year and juis ge dow on leave. He was anefully pleased to hear of you release hae. Yeu know its going to be so straage, for you Gaill he meeting so many people who, altho you have never me them before, will know you very well - frem ie Even yet I can believe that, in a watter of weks you will be back hove. I seunds so incredible, and so wonderfully like a dream. When the arear lnds, I wand you to be right here beride me. daaliag. Preanwhile, have agod time oven there + take geed care of yourseff. Yessuigh ay hrae. I love you Heasthy XXXx
Saturday, 12 May, 1945 Oener Eog. shuell, hese's another week almost give and, sulers there is a letter waiting as heve. Ipaie haven't heard frem you sweet. Dt seems to be aage- not having them of you. Received a PO.H. cand last oight dated January, but of cousse it disn's contain the sever I lecking fer when youll be staring for home. Sane repareated men have already leps fengland, accerding to the newspaper and- I know its wishful thinking her In been wendering if you were amongst them. Youre the only eng able to tell me that - is ut any wonder I San a letter sq badly What do yee think of bray having a baly geal has makes you are uncle all ever again haw about that 7 Ibelieve its a lavely baly- your prothes was down to see in Wednesday & toed fand all about i Papens Wednesday rught at yous place dasling hussed may a lat shis such a brigh peaser; fus bay waid wdie she canes ou of hospital with the baty. Thesn yas heme or leave fer ane day suce pid. fau Dad ned to read stenes to young Mangarer - guik have laughed, cause I kep unging manger and he was loaking; so despainingly as Suel, hading has happened since I wrote you last. Belly is, sall, Hayrors with as and peps woall anayed Oue heen a mne the ane an nedng your thear agn hame, knotheng and fistering to the wncless How bl You - are ou having a good time darling + Ave you getting as scand as I am hac - or as you have more sense? Semebsays get to have sense daaling & it lecks as if yure hominated. Bye for Low that deesn & nean Goaabuge bet Be leting you Until the day dawnd thas Reaings you back to me - heae's all my lave Heasthy

NX11067 Sgt Keshan M.W. 
A.I.F. Reception Camp 

Hullo Darling 
Yes its that man again, only under different circumstances this time, and 
with no limit to the number of pages, so sit tight here goes, before I start however, I 
dont want you to get annoyed if you find a blot here and there, it's four years since Ive 
used ink you know, well that's my excuse anyhow. Its a long time since I last told you 
I loved you isnt it, I still do you know sweetheart, and I miss you more now than ever, 
unfortunately I seem to be stuck in this place and cant find a boat to take me back to 
you if they dont hurry and get one I guess I will just have to pinch a rowing boat and 
see what I can do. Did you get my cable ok. Believe it or not Ive had 3 letters from 
you since I arrived and one with a photo in it, thanks darling, however soon now 
we wont have to send snaps we will be able to look for ourselves instead. Since I 
last wrote Ive had quite a few experiences Dot, my camp is still somewhere in Germany 
you see when the Yanks started to advance towards us they decided to move the camp 
so three of us got our heads together and decided we didnt like marching so we dug 
a tunnel and when the morning came crawled in and pulled the lid on 24 hours 
later we made our appearance and found the whole camp except for the sick and a 
more like ourselves, gone, we waited for a few days, and then started back towards a 
place called humberg, on our first day we me an advanced patrol of the 3rd Army 
we left them went to a Village they had just passed through and demanded a bed 
for the night, and believe it or not got the best in the house, next day we headed back 
for the infantry we walked all day, and finally met them late that night about 50 
miles from humberg we stayed the night with them and the next day got about a dozen 
lifts and finally arrived in humberg we stayed there for 2 nights and the next day 
they flew us to England when we arrived here we stayed at the Air Port the first 
night, next day we went down to Eastbourne, as soon as we arrived there they took 
us over to eat, we sat down and a chap walked in and said here's your mail not bad 
huh? Now for this place, well to put the whole thing in a not nut shell its not half what its 
cracked up to be, I went into London to buy an Album for my famous collection and believe 
it or not just couldnt get one, you cant get one anywhere or anything else for that matter 
and all these places you hear about are all much different than what I imagined, Ive 
been to quite a few of there best Theatres and I was expecting to be swept of my feet but 
the only way they will do that is to get me drunk, but then they couldnt do that cause 
they havent got the drinks either. As for their girls, well Im blowed if I will ever 
understand any of our chaps who marry them and take them out to Aussie, I was going 
to say darling I hadnt seen one who was half as nice as my own little you, but then 
that wouldnt be fair would it; because I havent seen one here or anywhere else for that 
matter, honestly though this place is full of disappointments, I got two weeks leave to London 
and although its not near finished yet Im ready to return to camp the only thing I'm interested 
in is a boat heading in your direction, Im afraid your going to have a pretty 
rough time on our night darling Ill probably squeeze the breath out of you in the first few 
minutes or two, but if you cant talk for a while dont worry darling as long as I can see 
you and hold you I wont mind, and in one of your latest letters you were worrying about 
what colour to wear again, I told you darling any colour you like, as long as its you I dont 
care what you wear, I like you in white though if you must have a colour, but still you 
cant name a colour I dont like you in can you.


As you can see by the date darling to-day is Victory day, I never thought I'd be in Eng 
to celebrate it myself, and now that i am I'm not satisfied you can't really celebrate 
without the one who counts can you Dot, and your still so far away that well what's 
the use. Just before I left the Stalag Dot I received three letters from you, one of them had 
a photo in it too, you should be careful though darling, remember the ring you were 
wearing, I was sitting on my bunk when I received your letter and I saw that I just 
about fell off, a top bunk too, If I'm grey headed when I get back don't blame me darling 
How are you going with this writing, can you understand it ok. Do you know Dot 
that since you cut my head off that photo of us skating we have not got one of us together 
In one of these letters Dot you said your almost 22 and not married or even engaged 
then you said that being engaged was almost as permanent as being married to you, I 
see, maybe I'm seeing light at last, as for me having plans, it's not the best of ideas to make 
plans for something you haven't got; you cant build a Castle without foundation 
stones. As for you saying your still waiting sweetheart, no one knows that better than I 
do, I've wasted the past five years for you, keeping you waiting, I only hope I can make up 
for it all darling, maybe it will make up for itself, for me it will, for you I can't say sweet: Now 
your going to read bits like this next in almost every letter from i now Dot, don't forget our 
night, don't meet me at the boat darling, our first meeting is at your place and just you and I 
it doesn't matter what anyone else says Dot, even if they say cut home we have a coming 
home party and you must come, remember sweet we don't want just five minutes with 
each other and then have to share each other with someone else, we must have our night 
believe me darling I won't keep you waiting longer than I can help, it will be the first night 
it's getting close you know, are you nervous Dot, do you reckon will be shy after so 
long, feeling the way we do I don't see how we can be, by the way you will have to give all 
your other boy friends notice, cause I'll want to take up all your spare time, I've got to 
finish our list of dates so I can get my answer, besides you know me a bit better now 
don't you darling. I'm greedy I want you all to myself. Well darling this should be eight 
pages, I'm afraid it won't be. I could fill them easy enough, only it would probably, 
read something like that song "The Broken Record" sounds and you might not 
like that, I remember last time I wrote in ink, I had to be very careful I wasn't even 
game to tell you the truth in those days, however you cant stop me now my sweet 
your to late, 'cause, if you don't want me to tell you how I feel, you'll just have to 
keep out of my way darling. I wish they would hurry up and dump me on a boat heading 
for home, I don't like this place no kidding, there is only one thing I want, and I can't 
get it here and standins are no good to me sweet. At present I'm on two weeks leave 
in London and thinking of going back to camp any day now, so much for London 
What did you do with yourself to-day Dot actually I should say yesterday I've been two days 
on this darling, did you celebrate in a big way or just have a quiet time. Over here they 
all got as drunk as they could, got all their flags out, and walked around London waving 
their flags and singing, in Piccadilly Circus they finished no one seemed to know just what 
to do and everyone seemed to be standing around waiting for someone else to start 
something. By the way I cant post this until I go back but I'll be going back this week 
end so if the dates seem a little out you will know why, I'm hoping to receive somemore 
mail when I get back, I hope there's a big one waiting for me. you'll have to be a little 
better than I am darling, and it doesn't matter if you ramble, or repeat yourself, so 
don't go worrying about that, as I have told you before I like it, so you just fill page after 
page, heck you should be a wakeup to me by now Dot, maybe you are now, I wonder


Do you want to know something darling, I just don't know how I get along without 
you, though I don't really do I, whats more I hope I never have to. Judging by my letters 
Dot do you reckon I have changed much since you last saw me, anyway if you cant 
make up your mind you will soon be able to see for yourself, thats better than trying 
to guess isn't it. By the way whats the idea of keeping secrets my sweet? now dont say 
you don't know what I'm talking about, I still dont know what the "A" stands for in 
D. A. Williams, what is it sweetheart, is it as nice as the rest, if you insist on keeping secrets 
I'll just have to do something about it, two can play at that game you know Dot. Well Dot 
yesterday I weighed myself and found out that I have put on a stone since I arrived 
over here, thats not bad for a few weeks is it; 10 st 8 lbs to be exact. Their just playing that 
song on the radio darling, you know the one called "Dorothy" some people call it "Rose 
Marie" but I prefer the other cause it means something then, Id sing it to you darling 
only I dont want to lose you. How is everyone at home going Dot do they still tease you 
about when I will be coming home, and say I almost forgot what about your fa Father is he 
on our side yet, if I remember right he wasn't to keen on our idea of kicking everyone 
out on our night you tell me what shows they havent seen and when the time arrives 
Ill get seats and we can send them all off to the pictures, will Norma be there too, any 
way well get it all fixed up wont we, all I wish is that'd would hurry up, and come, I need some 
matches bad, you will let me have a few wont you Dot, I wont take to many darling because 
there is no such thing as to many for me Dot. Well darling this is almost the end 
for this time give my best wishes to everyone, and I will be seeing you soon 
to give you all my love Cheerio and look after yourself for me 
Mac x 
P.S Just to prove Im not greedy Ill only have one now Im saving them all up for later . Mac 



Miss D Williams 
37 Byrnes St. 





Wednesday 9 May 1945 
(V. E. Day) 

My Darling - 
Things are very quiet here - just the same as any other day. 
I don't know what its like in town, but somehow I don't 
think there'll be an awful lot of celebrating done. The news 
of Germanys' unconditional surrender is wonderful - but we 
have Japan to deal with yet. 
Gee sweet, Ill bet you're really painting the town red 
over there! The people of England will have something to shout 
about, and never let it be said that an Aussie couldn't lead 
the shouting. There still is no letter from you as yet, but 
I must not be impatient. 
Norma and I went to Church this morning walked to 
Hurstville so that we might attend the one she & George were 
married in. And we both cried when everyone sang 'God 
Save the King' - I think we weren't alone either. Now 
it is after lunch and I'm sitting in my bedroom in the warm 
sun having a yarn with you. I suppose it's glorious in 
England now, Mac - is it as lovely as we've always heard? 
Are the skies quite as blue & clear as the one outside my window 
or have you forgotten how blue an Australian sky can 
be? Oh Mac, how complacent I must sound, after all 
you have been through & seen. Believe me I appreciate 
just how fortunate we are. And even if there is peace & 
quiet all around, there is no peace in the heart, when 
loved ones are in danger. 
Well darling; this gal's going to have to a busy day to-morrow. 
But nice, work all morning, then lunch at twelve with 
Mr Yeo. then to the hairdressers on the dot of two & from 
there home to your Mother. I'm having tea & staying 
the night. At a rough guess I'd say we'll spend the evening 
talking about a son of hers - and believe it or not, I 
won't be one bit bored either. 'Fact, she probably won't 
get a word in edgewise. And so my sweet - I'm going 
outside to gather myself some sun. Take care of you 
for me - and write soon. All my Love, Dorothy.


Sender's name and address: 
Miss D. Williams 
37 Byrnes Street 

Sgt. Malcolm W. Keshan, 
A.I.F Reception Group 
Eastbourne, Sussex 


Tell me Mac, did you receive my cable O.K? And how 
are my letters coming in? These are pretty awful 
things to have to use, but the difference in time is 
worth it I think. 
The family, including Betty, went to the pictures to-night 
at Carlton. We took my two young cousins who are 
staying with us at present, but Betty provided 
us with all the entertainment we needed. Her 
feet were cold so she took off her shoes and sat on 
her feet to warm them. Naturally we endeavoured 
to steal away her shoes but it was hopeless. She 
anticipated us. Her age? She's even older than I 
am! And crazy! She's wacky but awfully nice. 
I should be tucked in beside her right now, but 
I didn't want to wait another day before I wrote 
and told you about the flowers. 
I had settled down last night to write to you 
when my girl-friend, Gloria, came in with her 
husband. You've heard me speak of Bresso, haven't 
you sweet? He's been in Bouganville with the 
Air Force this past year and just got down 
on leave. He was awfully pleased to hear of your 
release Mac. You know, it's going to be so strange 
for you. You'll be meeting so many people who, 
altho' you have never met them before, will know 
you very well - from me. 
Even yet I can't believe that, in a matter of 
weeks you will be back home. It sounds so 
incredible, and so wonderfully like a dream. When 
the dream ends, I want you to be right here 
beside me, darling. Meanwhile, have a good time 
over there and take good care of yourself. Goodnight 
my Mac. I love you. Dorothy xxxx 


NX11067, Sgt. Malcolm W Keshan 
A.I.F Reception Group 

Senders name and address; 
Miss D. Williams 
37 Byrnes Street 



Saturday, 12th May, 1945 
Dearest Mac, 
Well, here's another week almost gone and, unless 
there is a letter waiting at home, I still haven't heard 
from you sweet. It seems to be an age - not having 
news of you. 
Received a P.O.W. card last night dated January, but of 
course it didn't contain the news I'm looking for - when 
you'll be starting for home. Some repatriated men 
have already left England, according to the newspapers 
and - I know its wishful thinking - but I've been 
wondering if you were amongst them. You're the 
only one able to tell me that - is it any wonder I 
want a letter so badly? 
What do you think of May - having a baby girl? 
That makes you an uncle all over again - "how 
about that"? I believe it's a lovely baby - your mother 
was down to see on Wednesday & told me all about it. 
I spent Wednesday night at your place darling. Missed 
May a lot - she's such a bright person; but boy, wait 
until she comes out of hospital with the baby! Norm was 
home on leave for one day, nice kid. Your Dad had 
to read stories to young Margaret - you'd have laughed, 
'cause I kept urging Marg on and he was looking so 
despairingly at me. 
Nothing has happened since I wrote you last. Betty is 
still staying with us and keeps us all amused. I've been 
a good kid and done nothing worse than staying 
home, knitting and listening to the wireless. How about 
you - are you having a good time darling? Are 
you getting as scared as I am Mac - or do you have 
more sense? Somebody's got to have sense darling & 
it looks as if you're nominated. 
Bye for now - that doesn't mean Goodbye but 
"Be seeing you." until the day dawns that brings you 
back to me - here's all my love - Dorothy 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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