Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, 1945 - Part 5 of 10

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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VRIEESOEEANPENENPOST 37 Syrnes Street PRISONER OF WRR POST BCTLEY. NS.H. 412 XX11067 Yo MOrRRNR Sgt Matcolm W KESHRM. Retation Friner of Mar 3768/1 8. 806) Qana April, 1940 STALAC 383. CERHIANY My Rasling You hapashing for sraps, so n cending ane mere - its ner good, bud it is a phatt Isuppese. The reast of the film was as good& blew it all The enes Inin, of cousse Seal a cerple of Daadus which were quite gred. Mayle I backe the camera. Wull my trae, and how are youg Gsh Iantainly wish I could get same neus of you since . These lase two week have sumed like tuo whale years, so lang have they seen. The papers have been ful of names of paisenes of was who have been releans, hut no segr of yours. Bully though et is, eash day I call your mther to enquile for acues. Isay selly, cause I know immeliately I hear of your allease it will be from your Reacher. The pasmerse to phane oe aighs away. The time has drawn so near, and aow that it is se near I find it almost inpersible to believe you well really befoe, who knows perhaf to measew. To day was ny Sunday to sssk, and all day it sened as if I were listening for the iphere toreng for news of your release. Raven's. In getting yettery &f. H decant henny up dering, youre going to have a receurus wrch for a gril- friend. Enedyae is arkeng me paens of you - gach and I he happy when I hav eame fr ayself Of conse I am weray ing abbet you has dear It help it ty as Daray You shald
tell we nak to be silly, to step masying, hent its nes as spple as all that Grill haow that, too Ptaage to be waiting this in such a dtaai hipe, when there uns the slighters daubs that you will he reading this - in England perhaps- definitely noten a paisan capp. &er my part thre is little news to allate, mny thoughts have been as taken up with you. Wondering if quke well, whas yause thinking aloans - expenally where you are. I all a muddee daring flad is hand to think straight ho mall surc the sue dated Chaistinas Day. Seagive me for waiting such a dull dreasy letter. Recker Dneed a his of teasing frem you, + may be seme of these metches you pramised we. fally hias, Ilans sem to pus sse wad dowen After anather(/ On it be Ii getting neanous? I monder whold outdo the other out of you sands I hall pactably hath be seased suff. I cay hinagive you accoring here in the daytire. Derhas an atter Stpen only feaure you walking in here as aight neaver pacues why Really Iran care whether its day or saight bus, please les me know when youre canidg. Reventer, I have to ansarge to have the hand empty Pounds goad deems Is. Cmpty hause and all Dss always lacks veay disappraving, he what he cansiders is his most fatherly meave, but he alyong ands up laughing Ias darling, I hate to admis it, bud this is the first letter Dne wer waitten you that Ine been glad when the end was in sighs. Yauce have to blaae this wasting Macs. hear letter will he boughter I pacause you since. Hake good case of gounel my dear, went you nd heres to di Allay Leae to masiow. hia it cane sede, vey seen Genathy
FBGEFANSENENPEST 18 p 1012 819B 323 173 HX 1106/. Dat. Malcelar W. Keshan, 3.306 Austaalian Paissner of War $68 12 Stalag PS. 28 REDIREGTED TO 15 Shepheand Ro peas Ashfiels AAuG DATES/1Y4S mrn womm 8
Cly o mn COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA - POSTMASTER- SENERALS DEPARTMAA. 10.42. the sate stand cater the date of record of Funds mey be Cuictty, Sotety and TELEGRAM lodgment also, Wlem or Economically Transterred by Tis Telegrem has been received iubject to the Post rter date to o MONEY ORDER TELEERAM. and Tolegraph Act and Regulations. The time received the time of todsmot at this office is shown at the end of the message. T. CSI-IIYR TeNtMon No. MMa ORe AOIE Beam...POS6... Great Britain 27 28th 10. PWM Miss D Williams 37 Byrnes St Bexley New in detail Repatriated to England All well and safe writing my address is AIF Reception Group Eastbourne Sussex Nalcolm Kesham 9 AOamph
Mnday right 30 Apil, 1945. Hulls any daaling hal dees and say in a meners such as this ? I have putteaflies in any stamach, lave in my peass and yew wsads that make sence in my mend. Well hrac. its really coning at last! Young aloey have, at least you awin Englander thats the fuss phage of the trep here. Hee there was a crtain give who alonr jumped to the ceiling as week tto day yes me of suce, Runnce canyore o asked Ao you have any news of Trac. has tthinking for a manon& thay she had I told her ho Well hald tight; she gad cause I have a case here. Gelly cnuel, even ther, the wards inculsirs sink fir I coaldor's believe i! Then she read me your cable & did Iryell I had all the guils resuning for they guissed what was happening You know- (frave y noticed anyd lack of panagaphs - I'll have to revenber all cace again went Ir feel was only yesterday that your Muther rang me to tell me that your chup had been liberated! Savens that made me coesated that I cauldn's settle down to wade to you. My mend was a complete blank he discused a great leagehs even the iphore hew long i weed take for next of hen to be ndtifiedly never drean ing you one maneors that the near day would being that so. long awailed cable fom you I have it before me new and already I know it by heart Farling whats i like to be in England to your non pors once more. I can handly way to receive your letter telling in all about it soees
AOHPIOH SSAIH tot hoven orongte J ers woouds AATSES MONS
d Des you seaime my cable which Isers in my lunch hau to day? I net, enquise anound hraw, for when hunr phaaee ae to day I misundersteed what the said and instead of sputting A.J.S. Kexptia Gpeup, I pur R.A.S Reception Gpanp. Shaed have had mere sease & realised, lif Iguess I was for too saed, a lukly to have giltenet that with doe consedtly As I am wenting the seces breadcass io coning ever the ais and it is sleios that leas is very near. What a steped, fatile lars of life- wealders you think they would give cep The mans has heen releaned of Hilleass sunsaed death - also Musseline. Tepay that there shauld be no cerce of sacisfaction in that. Ou lites not taks acm that What Ii like to know is hew lang do you think it will he ere guise on your way bound for Austaalia. I figdred it waned he within Hmnchs, and late f pape say less than that wohn do you reshe darling Ye hav haw any you really? Ane you well tanl Sherestly new! Besune and eas up all your negs sow pa ar peenty of wighs. Ges plenty of seup & rest panty of every thing that makes for getting wlaascting, for you deserte at least that And suces - wauld you please do me a favour Mrite and tell me that you have not gor a franlien Perseas me new! I eas wans to show i to lots ofay sean friends who have feen tearing me for years, saying that you had a fraulew when You were in Glaarany. They reshoned I woalder be game enough to ask you if you had a
SSN M tow may c sae AGHDENDOSS
3 fraulen, as Irepeed, want I fust! has wel he ir my past letter to hrac. All hrow Fow how haw manderful it all tt is You should have neand Tay when I planed this meaning. She was heares sish, as it happened. Your Machel and Mray were liash shopping, and the calle didn get to yau heme before H 30per this afternea Mene seawed at 10.10 this moaning by of the Captain's saw we flying upstains to tell Mangane the rews & said. will you lack as that gine!"Ah daili In ss very tappy" tie have to write to Garge next & let hea in or the manderful reas. His a Manstan s present gock will he he pleased! ere ipectly taky, aser we hrae? I think so. Belly was been to rips, to s if she could come and say with us awhile. Shes has sene tacable at hous apparently, and really lesks veay sich. What could we say. Ofceurse she an come there and indeed, I believe it will do her good Her aundee dos pish or her I knew, and its paetty difficult for Bett. Ial darling, alseady you are in the paution of lister to my tacubles, whether you mend on not. Spenking fait myself, Ive a fainly beasad shoulder + a very sympathetto can, to go sight ahead if you traute any toeusles my has. Opit tell me you have stone! Couedon believe ill! he move efer to night my danling. In on the reage o e e t a pencaten leore he of yourself sailing and waite me ofter I know yeu will haw Geodough - Ged Bless you Sweetheans All y Done f Darechy P3 did Itell gell- Iso love yo

Prisoner of War Post 
Sgt Malcolm W Kesham 
Australian Prisoner of War 3768 (F.S.306) 
STALAG 383, 

Miss D. Williams 
37 Byrnes Street 
Bexley  NSW Australia 

22nd April, 1945 
My darling, 
You keep asking for snaps, so I’m sending one more - it’s not good, 
but it is a photo I suppose.  The rest of the film was no good blow it  
all. The ones I’m in, of course. Took a couple of Daddie, which were quite 
good.  Maybe I broke the camera.  Well my Mac, and how are you going?   
Gosh, I certainly wish I could get some news of you sweet.  These  
last two weeks have seemed like two whole years, so long have 
they been.  The papers have been full of names of prisoners of war 
who have been released, but no sign of yours.  Silly though it is,  
each day I call your mother to enquire for news.  I say silly, cause  
I know immediately I hear of your release - it will be from your  
Mother. She promised to phone me right away.  The time has  
drawn so near, and now that it is so near, I find it almost  
impossible to believe you will really be free, - who knows, -perhaps  
tomorrow. To-day was my Sunday to work, and all day it  
seemed as if I were listening for the phone to ring - for news  
of your release.  Heavens, I’m getting jittery.  If it doesn’t 
hurry up darling, you’re going to have a nervous wreck for a girl- 
friend.  Everyone is asking me for news of you - gosh, will I  
be happy when I have some for myself.  Of course I am worrying  
about you Mac dear - I can’t help it, try as I may.  You would  


tell me not to be silly, to stop worrying, but its not as simple  
as all that. You'll know that, too. Strange to be writing this in such 
a strain Mac? - when there isn't the slightest doubt that you will   
be reading this - in England perhaps - definitely not in a prison 
camp. For my part, there is little news to adate; my thoughts 
have been so taken up with you. Wondering if you're well, what 
youre' thinking about - especially where you are.  Im' all a muddle 
darling - find it hard to think straight. No mail since the  
one dated Christmas Day. Forgive me for writing such a dull 
dreary letter.  Reckon I need a hit of teasing from you, & 
maybe some of those matches you promised me. Golly Mac, 
I can't seem to put one word down after another. Can it be I'm 
getting nervous? I wonder who'll outdo the other out of you 
and I. We'll probably both be scared stiff. I can't imagine 
you arriving here in the daytime. Somehow or other I can 
only picture you walking in here at night - heaven knows why. 
Really I don't care whether its day or night - but please sweet, 
let me know when you're coming. Remember, I have to arrange 
to have the house empty. Sounds good doesn't it? Empty 
house and all. Daddie always looks very disapproving, in 
what he considers, is his most fatherly manner, but he always 
ends up laughing. Mac darling, I hate to admit it, but this is 
the first letter I've ever written you that Ive' been glad when 
the end was in sight. You'll have to blame this waiting Mac. 
Next letter will be brighter I promise you sweet. Take good 
care of yourself my dear; won't you? And here's to our 
tomorrow. May it come soon, very soon. All my love


3 Opened by Censor 
NX11067, Sgt. Malcolm W. Kesham, 
Australian Prisoner of War 3768[[?]] (F.S.306) 
Stalag 3 REDIRECTED TO       PS. 28 
Germ 15 Shepheard Rd. 
Ashfield N.[[?]] 
INITIALS [[?]] DATE 8/1[[?]]45


37 Byrnes Street, 
3 Opened by Censor


Funds may be Quickly, Safety and Economically Transferred by MONEY ORDER TELEGRAM. 
This Telegram has been received subject to the Post and Telegraph Act and Regulations. The time received at this office is shown at the end of the message. 
The date stamp indicates the date of reception and lodgment also, unless an earlier date is shown after the time of lodgment. 
Sch. C.3873-7/1942. 
Office of Origin.     No. of Words.     Time of Lodgment.     No. 
10.  Beam...P086...Great Britain     27     28th 
PWM Miss D Williams 
37 Byrnes St   Bexley   Nsw 
All well and safe writing in detail Repatriated to England 
my address is AIF Reception Group Eastbourne Sussex 
Malcolm Kesham 
9 40amhh


Monday night 30 April, 1045

Hullo my darling, 
What does on say in a moment such as this? I have 
butterflies in my stomach, love in my heart and 
few words that make sense in my mind. Well Mac, 
its really coming at last! You're almost home - at 
least you are in England & that's the first phase of  
the trip home. Gee - there was a certain girl who 
almost jumped to the ceiling at work to-day - yes, 
me of course. Mummie rang me & asked "Do you have 
any news of Mac?" Not thinking for a moment that 
she had I told her 'No'. "Well hold tight," she said 
'cause I have a cable here." Golly sweet, even then, 
the words wouldn't sink in - I couldn't believe 
it! Then she read me your cable & did I yell! 
I had all the girls running in for they guessed what 
was happening. You know - (have you noticed my 
lack of paragraphs - I'll have to remember all over 
again won't I?) it was only yesterday that your 
mother rang me to tell me that your camp has 
been liberated! Heavens that made me so excited 
that I couldn't settle down to write to you. My 
mind was a complete blank. We discussed at 
great lengths over the 'phone how long it would 
take for next of-kin to be notified, never dreaming  
for one moment that the next day would bring 
that so-long-awaited cable from you. 
I have it before me now and already I know it 
by heart. Darling - what's it like to be in England 
& your own boss once more? I can hardly wait 
to receive your letter telling me all about it sweet. 


First Fold Here 
To open cut at top 
NX11067, Sgt. Malcolm W. KESHAM, 
Sender's name and address:- 
Miss D. Williams, 
37 Byrnes Street, 
Bexley. N.S.W. 
If anything is enclosed letter will be sent by ordinary mail 
Second Fold Here


Did you receive my cable which I sent in my lunch -  
hour to-day? If not, enquire around Mac, for when 
Mum 'phoned me to-day I misunderstood what she 
said and instead of putting "A.I.F. Reception Group" 
I put "R.A.F Reception Group." Should have had 
more sense & realised; but I guess I was far too 
excited, and lucky to have got even that much down 
As I am writing, the news broadcast is coming over the air, 
and it is obvious that Peace is very near. What a stupid, 
futile loss of life - wouldn't you think they would give 
up? The news has been released of Hitler's rumoured 
death - also Mussolini. Funny that there should be 
no sense of satisfaction in that. - But let's not talk about 
What Id' like to know is - how long do you think it will 
be ere you're on your way - bound for Australia? 
I figured it would be within 4 months, and lots of 
people say less than that. What do you reckon 
Gee Mac - how are you really? Are you well - truly 
& honestly now!? Be sure and eat up all your vegs. 
now & put on plenty of weight. Get plenty of sleep 
& rest - plenty of every thing that makes for getting 
well. And have fun my darling, for you deserve 
at least that. 
And sweet - would you please do me a favour? 
Write and tell me that you have not got a fraulein! 
Don't eat me now! I just want to show it to lots 
of my smart friends who have been teasing me 
for years, saying that you had a fraulein when 
you were in Germany. They reckoned I wouldn't 
be game enough to ask you if you had


Repeat of Page 7


fraulein; so I replied, "Won't I just! That will be in 
my first letter to Mac." 
Oh Mac - Mac - Mac - how wonderful it all if is. 
You should have heard Fay when I 'phoned this 
morning; She was home sick, as it happened. Your 
Mother and May were both shopping; and the cable 
didn't get to your home before 4.30pm this 
afternoon. Mine arrived at 10.10 this morning. 
One of the Captains saw me flying upstairs to tell 
Margaret the news & said "Will you look at that 
girl!" Oh darlin', I'm so very happy! 
Will have to write to George next & let him in on 
the wonderful news. He's at Monatai at present - gosh 
will he be pleased! 
Were' pretty lucky, aren't we Mac? I think so. 
Betty was over to-night, to see if she could come and 
stay with us awhile. She's had some trouble at home 
apparently, and really looks very sick. What could 
we say? Of course she can come here and indeed, I 
believe it will do her good. Her Auntie does pick on 
her I know, and its pretty difficult for Bett. 
See darling, already you are in the position of listener 
to my troubles, whether you mind or not. Speaking 
for myself, I've a fairly broad shoulder & a very 
sympathetic ear, so go right ahead if you have 
any troubles my Mac. Don't tell me you have 
none! Couldn't believe it! 
No more for to-night my darling. Im' on the verge 
of a collapse after to-day's excitement. Take good care 
of yourself darling and write me often. I know 
you will Mac. Goodnight - God Bless You 
sweetheart. All my Love - Dorothy. 
P.S. Did I tell you? - I do love you. Dot.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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