Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, 1945 - Part 3 of 10

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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CEXANCENENRSI TFF WRE POSI 548 1945 NSTd (N.S.WAUSE AX 110671 E Dao. Malcelor W. Resham Austaalian Prissner of War 3768 F.S. 306, Stalag 383, 15 Shepherd Rrd. fy Ashheld N.SN Australis 29-5-45-84
Kriegsgelangenenlager Datum: 22rd Jpar 1940. Dear Pot, I have three letters here to anawer, and I cant reclaw Inguing to do it, can you Dat 26th hav, 2rd 17th Dec are the dates one hada plete with it, sheree nat enough apant say what Id like to about that, however that ring you were wearing had me wamid fere while I dent remember you wearing one before, I wish you wauldnt de Balyuung lady, I cant periibly answer the questiong you ark Lut, nn Iltell youall about it laterat, it went be long naw of that In certain Aefer myself Im is be pirk and just waiting for that day, as in the of Clusio fer new tra wd lak after yau
T. Knessselangenenpost Postkarte Mir An Gebuhrentreil Absender: Vor- und Luname: Malcolm William Kerham Getangenennummer: 2768/P.S 306) Easer Beraichouns: Stalag 383 Deatschland (Allemagne) LU Der AvIOr. Williams Bymnes street Emplanssort. Bexley Strake: Sydney Ead AUSTRALIA Landesteil (Proving usw.)
MISS D. HiKAnS KRIEESCEEANOENENPOST 37 Eyrnes Street. 415 1742 SCALT NSH PlSONCR Of WAR POUT. MreaLA XX11067 Sgt Matcotm W. KCenar 23th Jauchy 1978 Rostrataon Prisoner of Mar 3768, & 3. 306. STALRG 383. GFRNANY Kully darling. fetting avearly start on your letter to day This Sunday I decisded to have an early day, apars from catching up on same dessespendeace, doing a little mere to may's baly set and streightening up my dother Idident get up until nean Mennuce braugh me on my treakfaat and then wene ever to uised my couser, in the car. Their daughter cealed up again and slept night through usl twebe thee wate of my caly fue day this weeks, but that sleep in was certainly sasy to take Aeseaco Ilets get in wich segre neves I had tea as youur place on Andvendey hight dailing uveggone is very uee. Your haster was pesing and packing her clackes for her heliday The left yesterday with Glarid for Leandna. I gave her very stoclt orders to relad + nos to go pacing arcund up there - 1 yes. I heas her anaund same as I do you Belue me, she reeds it May is neay well we had her lealug trensuan out losking iever. You may laugh, had its qute a three losking as claches for a little haly who havn' yet anrived. Man sa Tay- sle was away on heledays and your And came in juit as Iwas leaving; his been warking back YYoung hagues was in her anal forer cmnts, shis d seed hase Justas the
qpant stage - full of what her teadher said as scharle a segular litle lady. Keveryone is anxiously aweading your seturn, especially your trother Aoe. Ohis expecting a bable from You any day Its alows time it came Ibeginning to laak for gave news, of yeul teo, daaling. Mayhe another month even teo, well see out of thee And ah bay - will I go mad. due told hum that if she sees ne assiwing have laden with ne dresses and shees, then shes to take a fanr yreld on me- cause I just wan's be respenible ofor my adiend well daaling - there hash's been anythey may exating thappening this week. Exceps as wark and seetter may be dosing down, so it seem a Ill he leaking for a new Job. As e I haven't anything in mind think Ire wass and we how things teon out. I wase to have a longheliday before I take any new position Htaven had one since Jaduaay 1944 Ne haven had a letter from tery ame the ment pach re ary day now. This mayning I picked a tray lunch of sd farhieded flewens + I have then there hende yout photsguph. Uee they are paetty throe. Generall do have a nsbe sislts at something ses beside you- its nol that Iwar to make a susy of you Dexeetheant, but you know he gials are. Should do, for puice known mne, afore, for years. Hew many years darling. Cuor them yp. Meanwhile - we go on as we day- haping and paaying that this year will s the end of this waa. In giving yyarl three wenhs to be heare, altho! betueen you and me if its lengr dee forgure you and wair. Take case of gunes ny deasess and Ill he seeing you. All the bet fom ald al have Are you lestering I lan you mas Allry Lo Decety
ESGEFANGENENPOST. 1CRO W POS1. SYONE 5 1C8 1 11 1345 1106/ INSWAAST Jg Baccalan W. Reaham 5 istralian Prissner of War 2768, &3. 306. Matag 383, 15 SHLFIIERD RO leassig A34F144 N.S. W. 8 45-
MISS D. WIAUANS. KRIEESCE FANCENENPOST 37 Bymes Staet, PRISONER OF WAR POST OCXLET NSN. H2 MJn AUSTRALIR. NX11067. Sgt. Watestor H. KSHAY Ts tatian Prisener of Mar 1768 (23. 306) 1al April, 1945 STAIAE 383. CCRMANY Hulls has dailing. Easter Cursay - it sens incaedible, the way the manhs pars. This time il pist hasit seemed like Easter, perhapts because I had to woaks all thasugh, even today, Just my luch to have to wesk- stall this time i deesn's matter mish. Respecially when I received such a beaud Caster presens. Four letters & a card haves that They were dated 24 her, 4, 18 a 25 Der, & the card 19 her. Oh har they were good to get I hadly rased chaning up, for its teen an auful with Smary ginls fraished up an wark last Menday (they kept mear) + it was Kenka sad to see them leave- specally the old anes whem weve weaked wish for ago. Bus what mase me fee pretty awful was bed nenes of a cauper flmese. No you remember I told you I had same relatton's fiving do Crayson? This causin is from that family. When his siste pease the nees she cellapsed and was pur in hospital. Basling- there is so such sadness accund. How wonderful it will he when this ghactly was is ever. However- lets not talk about war. I want to answer your letters. You ark me do Iever be swake at night wulodering has yeary often Inere of there becky people who fall asleep as sear my head toucher the hillow But Imender, neveathelers. And I too, I ave my dreams. Ty there. den'd go saying is it all a hepeless jumble
when you refer to your letters. Theys not a bet jumbly - instead they are veay very popusus to me, blieve we. Mas. In saglad and thepe to know that things are boighter wisth you. Reyre Raighter for almost the whale would now. I like to think I hope shas you might evenr be released when you receive this letter- in a couple of moths time. Ou the strengch of thas hope, I hought myself a slaik sud Sunay to pech or a slack wil, I know, but it was so petty o sson, Ile fue like daesing in paetly clashes- really get a hich out of it cause magke youll like what Dwear hee On sending you a little snap I had taken in Marter Plare a ceuper of week 20. If yu lash dose enaugh, yeyll see some while hair Irelanging to my glal friend. We divided the phote she ren her phals or to her hashand Has a his of cold weather the paet wak, his no chilblains yet daulin. Heping I messeus on thear this menter altogether De yu teao nu, your weh Imagiac saying hav about of Dact & lask at you Fraid In ast going to getary sening dase for ay good while when you came here, an Dr. His nather fundy hroet - the way you menay as, alant your letters, being apreed you will be hondy me - I wish you cauld understand hew I feel twhen I read little parts in you letters - too many to mention dll of them; hud they take hald of my heard and fust nakese lase you all the more. As fer your old watches frd Que laar crnof them all hrav. faule wher he able to catel up on them so matter haw many you callegt. Re's the end of this letter swetheand, so Ile have to leneen the other letters next week, Fennaw, on this Easter Sunday, may Yea Pless you hae dear shung: you have safely and wa. All my hove daaling - enethy

3 Opened by Censor 
21 MCH 
VX 11067 
Sgt Malcolm W Kesham, 
Australian Prisoner of War 3768 F.S. 306, 
Stalag 383, 
15 Shepherd Road 
Ashfield  N.S.W.   
Australia 29-5=4S-E4


37 Byrnes Street, 
1 [[?]] DE 45 
3 Opened by Censor


Datum:  23rd Mar 1945 
Dear Dot, I have three letters here to answer, and I cant see how Im going to do it, can 
you Dot? 26th Nov, 3rd 17th Dec, are the dates, one had a photo with it there's not enough space to 
say what I'd like to about that, however that ring you were wearing had me worried for a while. 
I dont remember you wearing one before.  I wish you wouldn't do that young lady.  I cant 
possibly answer the questions you ask Dot, so I'll tell you all about it later ok, it wont be long 
now, of that I am certain.  As for myself I'm in the pink and just waiting for that day, so in the 
 mean time best wishes to all and look after yourself.  Cheerio for now, Mac


par avion 
An  Miss D Williams 
37 Byrnes Street 
Empfangsort:  Bexley 
Straße:  Sydney 
Landesteil (Provinz usw.) 
Vor- und Zuname: 
Malcolm William Kersham 
Gefangenennummer:  3768 (F.S. 306) 
Lager-Bezeichnung:  Stalag 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne)


37 Byrnes Street,

Sgt. Malcolm W KESHAM 
Australian Prisoner of War 3768, F.S. 306,                                                   
25th March 1945

Hello darling   
Getting an early start on your letter to-day.  This Sunday I decided 
to have an easy day, apart from catching up on some correspondence, 
doing a little more to May's baby set and straightening up my clothes. 
I didn't get up until noon.  Mummie brought me in my breakfast 
and then went over to visit my cousin, in the car. Their daughter curled 
up again and slept right through until twelve.  Sheer waste of 
only free day this week, but that sleep-in was certainly easy to take. 
However - lets get on with some news.  I had tea at your place on 
Wednesday night, darling.  Everyone is very well.  Your mother was pressing  
and packing her clothes for her holiday.  She left yesterday with Gloria 
for Kiandra.  I gave her very strict orders to relax and not to go  
racing around up there - yes,  I boss her around same as I do you. 
Believe me, she needs it!  May is very well - we had her baby's  
trousseau out looking it over:  you may laugh, but it's quite a  
thrill looking at clothes for a little baby who hasn't yet arrived. 
Didn't see Fay - she was away on holidays - and your Dad came in  
just as I was leaving;  he'd been working back.  Young Margaret was 
in her usual form - crumbs, she's a sweet kiddie.  Just at the 


quaint stage - full of what her teacher said at school - a regular little lady. 
Everyone is anxiously awaiting your return, especially your mother Mac. 
She's expecting a cable from you any day.  It's about time it came - 
I beginning to look for good news of you too, darling.  Maybe another month 
even two, will see you out of there.  And oh boy - will I go mad.  I've  
told Mum that if she sees me arriving home laden with new dresses 
and shoes, then she's to take a firm hold on me - 'cause I just won't  
be responsible for my actions.  Well darling - there hasn't been anything 
very exciting happening this week.  Except at work - our section 
may be closing down, so it seems I'll be looking for a new job.  As yet 
I haven't anything in mind - think I'll wait and see how things turn 
out.  I want to have a long holiday before I take any new position. 
Haven't had one since January 1944.  We haven't had a letter from 
George since he went back - expecting one any day now.  This 
morning I picked a tiny bunch of old fashioned flowers & I have  
them here beside your photograph.  Gee they are pretty Mac.  Generally 
do have a rose or violets or something sweet beside you - it's not  
that I want to make a sissy of you sweetheart, but you know how  
girls are.  Should do, for you've known me, alone, for years. 
How many years darling?  Count them up.  Meanwhile - we go on 
as we are - hoping and praying that this year will see the end 
of this war.  I'm giving you three months to be home, altho', 
between you and me, if it's longer I'll forgive you - and wait. 
Take care of yourself my dearest and - I'll be seeing you.  All the 
best from all at home.  Are you listening? - I love you Mac. 
All my love - Dorothy


3 Opened by Censor 

11 AM
26 MCH

Sgt. Malcolm W Kesham, 
Australian Prisoner of War 3768, F.S. 306,                                                
Stalag 383, 


Miss D Williams, 
37 Byrnes Street 


37 Byrnes Street,

Sgt. Malcolm W KESHAM 
Australian Prisoner of War 3768. (F.S. 306)                                                    
1st April 1945
Hello Mac darling, 
Easter Sunday - it seems incredible, the way the months pass. This  
time it just hasn't seemed like Easter, perhaps because I had to work  
all through, even to-day. Just my luck to have to work - still this  
time it doesn't matter much. Especially when I received such a beaut  
Easter present. Four letters & a card - how's that?! They were dated  
24 Nov., 4, 18 & 25 Dec, & the card 19 Nov. Oh Mac they were good to get!  
I badly needed cheering up, for its been an awful week. So many  
girls finished up at work last Monday (they kept me on) & it was  
kinda sad to see them leave - especially the old ones whom we've  
worked with for ages. But what made me feel pretty awful was bad  
news of a cousin of mine. Do you remember I told you I had some  
relations living at Croydon? This cousin is from that family. When his  
sister heard the news she collapsed and was put in hospital. Darling -  
there is so much sadness around. How wonderful it will be when this  
ghastly war is over. However - let's not talk about war. I want to  
answer your letters. You ask me do I ever lie awake at night wondering.  
Not very often. I'm one of those lucky people who fall asleep as soon as  
my head touches the pillow. But I wonder, nevertheless. And I too,  
have my dreams. Hey there - don't go saying "is it all a hopeless jumble"  


when you refer to your letters. They're not a bit jumbly - instead they  
are very very precious to me, believe me. Mac, I'm so glad and thankful  
to know that things are brighter with you. They're brighter for almost  
the whole world now. I like to think & hope that you might even be  
released when you receive this letter in a couple of months time. On  
the strength of that hope, I bought myself a slack suit. Funny to pick on  
a slack suit, I know, but it was so pretty & soon, I'll feel like dressing  
in pretty clothes - really get a kick out of it 'cause maybe you'll like  
what I wear. Mac - I'm sending you a little snap I had taken in  
Martin Place a couple of weeks ago. If you look close enough, you'll  
see some white hair belonging to my girlfriend. We divided the photo  
& she sent her photo on to her husband. Had a bit of cold weather the  
past week, but no chilblains yet darlin'. Hoping I miss out on them  
this winter altogether. So you're teasing me now, you wretch! Imagine  
saying "how about if I sit & look at you". 'Fraid I'm not going to get any  
sewing done for a good while when you come home, am I? It's rather  
funny Mac - the way you worry so, about your letters, being "afraid"  
you will be boring me - I wish you could understand how I feel  
when I read little parts in your letters - too many to mention all of  
them; but they take hold of my heart and just make me love you  
all the more. As for your old matches - 'fraid I've lost count of them 
all Mac. You'll never be able to catch up on them no matter how  
many you collect. Here's the end of this letter sweetheart, so I'll have  
to answer the other letters next week.  For now, on this Easter  
Sunday, may God Bless you Mac dear & bring you home  
safely - and soon.  All my Love darling - Dorothy

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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